Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: A Request

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Sebas walked a total of six steps and abruptly paused, without the slightest change in expression he fought a battle within his mind. He wanted Orianna to give her opinion on the recent developments. Considering she's a [ Sage ], her [ Clairvoyance ] and [ Mystical Insight ] would have given her an instinctual understanding of the current situation. Furthermore, after reading an entire library of books she had successfully memorized a sizeable amount of knowledge on most fields of magic.

He could already imagine her elegant clarification, and he was certain not a single individual would dare space out.

Maybe Shaltear. He wouldn't be surprised if she was blinded by lust.

Then again, there isn't a single resident in the tomb who doesn't know her predicament.

He decided it unnecessary to inquire if Lord Momonga would like to add Orianna to the gathering, he must've already considered such an option and ruled it out for a reason. He turned around and gazed at the [ Elder Lich ], who had just summoned a [ Primal Fire Elemental ], the intense heat making his majestic robe flutter briefly as it formed from a ball of flames. LAying his eye on the starstruck elven siblings caused the edges of his lips to quirk up the slightest amount. 

Turning around, he walked off to complete his duties.

"Do you want to fight it?" He heard as he left the [ Amphitheatre ].



Orianna gasped for air dramatically as she lay on the soft grass, her head placed gently atop Lucrezia's pair of voluminous thighs her eyes fixed on the sky above. A reward for both, exerting her strength so intensely upon concluding her evolution brought her energy levels to the lowest she's felt. She wanted to be in her mother's embrace, but it wasn't quite possible yet.

So they decided to reward the brave servant who stepped up first. She would also get her much-desired warmth and affection. 

Two birds, one stone.

Seeing the blissful look on both faces, Corinne couldn't help the smile on her face. The situation was even more hilarious when the other nine identical siblings of varying colours looked at them with a smile, failing to conceal the envious gaze they directed at their sister. Who smiled victoriously as her hands massaged her mistress' head.

"You seem to be enjoying yourselves a little too much," Corinne commented with a teasing smile.

Which turned into a chuckle as a hint of blush flourished on everyone involved. She then placed her hand over her mouth with a face of mock stupefaction. 

"Could it be my little flower bud has bloomed into an adult upon my short departure?!" 

"No!" Orianna squeaked, despite being aware of her mother's intentions. 

"Oh dear, it seems to be too late! She has been sullied to the point of no return. Who could it have been?! What villain would dare to do such a thing?" She whimpered dramatically in a fading voice, her hands covering her face as if she were mourning.


Orianna pouted and decided to change positions, placing her face where the back of her head once was. A bad decision she would come to regret.

First, Lucrezia stiffened up as a cold breath swept through and tickled her thighs. Embarrassing her even further, a bright red hue climbed up her neck and left her steaming at the head. Her eyes were unfocused and dazed as she dreamed of a future where she was taken in as a concubine.

Second, the gaze of fervent jealousy doubled in intensity.

Third, Corinne smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Oh my... she's even changing positions. To do such things under the eyes of your own mother." She added with a deadpan voice, her face displaying she was holding in a fit of giggles.

You'd think she'd ignore it, but no, she lifted her face from her resting place. Eliciting a gasp from all who laid eyes upon her frustrated visage. A formidable pout had been formed, one the likes they had never experienced. A pair of chubby cheeks blessed with an intense blush, her tender lower lip was upturned, her eyes graced with a sheen of tears and, to top it all off, a furrow in her brows that did her no favours. 

"" Awwwww "" They all exclaimed after their brief shock.


A sound was heard from the side, Orianna had looked in its direction just in time to see the ruler of Nazarick and the sibling guardians drop their jaws simultaneously. Like dominos, the young librarian and her subordinates followed suit. An awkward atmosphere descended as no one dared to break the silence.

Momonga was about to take the lead, when someone else beat him to it.


Contagious ethereal laughter resounded throughout the book-filled walls of [ The Atheneum ] as Corinne finally burst out laughing at the perfect timing and entrance of the "Majestic Overlord Momonga-sama". Her azure tears solidified as they hit the floor.

Soon, they were all giggling to themselves in their own discrete ways.

Even Momonga turned away in an attempt to cool down with trembling shoulders. He had just finished playing with his spells, and entered [ The Atheneum ] in the mood to strategize his survival, he was most definitely not ready to see Orianna's lethal pout. Then he got carried away by the warm atmosphere and couldn't stop his chuckles. Orianna completely forgot her embarrassment as she laughed hard, harder than ever before.

For those few moments, it was truly a sight to see, one would forget that each and every one of the beings in here could and would massacre an army without so much as blinking an eye.

'How nice...' Corinne thought to herself as she wiped her face out of habit.




"Strange... I really did assume this was a dream." The cosmic mother commented, idly fidgeting with a strand of hair.

After calming down, Momonga recounted his events vaguely. In a way that the now-living NPCs wouldn't catch the full extent of the situation from their perspective. She decided to play on the same field for his sake, despite trusting Orianna with just about any information she was sure he had a reason for not wanting to give them even the slightest hint of their origins.

"I ascended into the higher realm, and the farewells took their toll on me. Which piled on top of my exhausted soul, I assume I collapsed right after reaching my domain... My best guess, instinctually, is that Blue-Planet somehow made this avatar connected to me in more ways than he cared to admit." She continued.

"But that still doesn't clarify how Nazarick and everyone in it were dragged here." He added with a neutral tone of voice, yet the annoyance was palpable.

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She huffed, flicking her hand, teleporting everyone out of the library in an instant.

"It's fiiine, not like there's anything you like up there either. Except a few of the other forty-one." She replied with an enchanting smile.

He sighed in relief and sat on a massive bean bag behind him, his head held in his arms. Would an Overlord display this unsightly behaviour among his loyal followers?

Nope. Thank God Corinne has an authority over [ The Atheneum ] very similar to Orianna's. The reason Momonga even managed to get in without Orianna knowing in the first place was that Corinne had permitted it. And she could very well take it away with a snap of her fingers. Now they could freely converse about the more sensitive topics at ease.

"About those instinctual feelings." He spoke from his seated position.

"Not sure, my best guess is that it's similar to your passive emotion regulation. It gives me a basic understanding of most things, and when a question surges in my thoughts it will also answer itself. But I enter a trance until I work it out." She postulated. "Whenever I ask myself how I got here and what's going on... I will infinitely loop those questions for however long until something else catches my attention."

They both sighed in annoyance.

"Well, at least I'm not alone anymore..." He stated with a relaxed tone of voice.

To which Corinne rose a brow and made face.

"When were you ever alone?" She asked in doubt.

He looked at her speechlessly, his gaze practically screaming "Are you stupid?".

"Don't give me that face, you have an entire massive tomb at your beck and call. Dumbass." She chuckled as she shook her head. "You also have an entire guilds variety of fetish wives and husbands at your disposal? Albedo was a hottie wasn't she? I bet the first thing you did was touch her boobs!" 

He gave her a brief terrified look before it flickered away as if it never existed. She noticed the flinch and narrowed her eyes. Then a smirk made itself visible on her beautiful face.

"You crazy bastard... You actually touched her bountiful melons! How did it feel to milk those udders cowboy?" She asked, wiggling her brows suggestively.

"I-I did no such thing." He denied, but they both knew it was too late.

"It's fine, just keep your mitts off the children. And be careful when taking in multiple women or men." She asserted with a wave of her hand.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm guessing you never actually read her lore, I don't wanna ruin the surprise though." She giggled with a fox-like smile.


"Tabula was always very fond of dedicated female leads."

"...Stop, please." He interrupted with a pleading voice of shame before she could continue.

She smiled gently at him and remained silent for a while. They both did.

"I won't be able to leave the [ Atheneum ]. And I've thought about this a while, my connection will eventually be severed. I hypothesize it will be when I wake up IRL in an hour or maybe less." She mumbled with a wry smile. "So... Please take care of her, in a way a father would his daughter. Protect her for me."

Momonga looked up at his friend, the anxiousness in her eyes could no longer be hidden. He had noticed her spacing out constantly over the course of their one-on-one. 

"You didn't even have to ask, I would've done so either way." He reassured her, to which she smiled genuinely for the first time since they were alone.

"Thanks buddy." She chirped, a twinkle in her eyes.



Clavu, a myconid and sous-chef, quietly worked his bar with a grace undeserving of the glass cup in his hand. Demiurge had sat down for his usual quiet drink amidst his occasional villainous noble chuckles. He couldn't deny that the man had a certain elegance, and he certainly knew his stuff when it came to acting his part.

Thinking back to the time when Neuronist somehow ended up on one of these seats, Clavu shivered at the thought of the bloated corpse swaying her hips and flirting playfully with the guests. It was something unsightly to watch the utter lack of politeness and self-awareness constantly got on his nerves.

And the trigger of that dreadful experience was sitting right in front of him with a small smile on her lips, to her right were Aura and Mare chatting away about her new wings and aura. She definitely felt more attuned to nature, as a mushroom-man he would know. But even as Aura spoke endlessly there was no response, her eyes were focused on three books she had placed on the balcony as soon as she arrived. 

Her pupils had somehow morphed into hearts as she stared and drooled all over the shiny marble he had just polished. Usually, he'd start serving some of the vilest concoctions he could make, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He always had a soft spot for the girl. And ever since the first day she chanced upon his bar. Orianna Bloodfallen had somehow snaked her way not only behind the counter but also into his nonexistent heart.

If one looked around the dimly lit bar, the wall on his right had a spare uniform, a female version matching his own. Every once in a while he'd glance at it with an unseen smile on his mushroom face. There was also a secret compartment beneath the balcony, containing non-alcoholic drinks similar in appearance to those he served to adults. Why do this if most residents are immune to such a weak poison? Architect White herself had once visited this very bar with his creator and she had decided it unsafe in a different way. 

He shook his head, he was often told not to try to comprehend the supreme beings by demiurge as even he himself in all his intellect failed to understand their way of thinking.

"Clavu... Look at the awesome books Lord Momonga gifted to me!" She smiled brightly, pushing the books into his face.

By the time she had snapped out of her dazed state, Aura and Mare had left with Sebas and now it was just the two of them. So she turned to her brotherly mushroom-man to prattle on about the new additions to her collection.

[ Lords of the Immaterium ]

[ Conjunction of the Spheres ]

[ Three Fingers ]

He placed a glass of unicorn blood in front of her, preparing himself for the unloading of information he was about to receive. He sighed, hopefully, this time she'll have finished her rant by tomorrow morning...

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