Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 9: Chapter 8: We’re Going To Build A Wall

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Orianna sat at the edge of her miniature island, her exposed legs elegantly swinging in turns. The lukewarm breeze caressed her face pleasantly and gave life to her luscious locks of hair, surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere. In her hands was a book. The title was imprinted mechanically in big white letters atop what seemed to be a cloudy crimson tide of thunder and faintly noticeable beasts of non-sensical biology. Despite finding it to be aesthetically lacklustre, she couldn't deny it... It lets the reader know what they're getting into.

[ Lords of the Immaterium ]

'An entirely different chaos to the one I'm aware of. I wonder what else Lord Momonga holds in his possession...' 

She had briefly flipped through the introductory phase of the book. She was now aware of the Lords of Chaos and just getting into their deeds.

One has piqued her interest. Three have left her slightly curious. One has disgusted her.

Tzeentch, God of Sorcery / Change.

She had her reasons for her lack of intrigue in the others. 

Especially the yucky one, unless she wanted to start a massive plague. 

She then did something stupid.

[ Archive: Extraction ] - Orianna -> Lords of Immaterium (Book)

A shuddering breath escaped her pink lips, slightly exposing two white fangs. She dropped the book in her now trembling arms, a consequence of having nearly a third of her mana drained in a single spell. The poor fragment of knowledge closed and floated into a space within the many shelves alongside its similar-themed brothers.

What was once a brief experiment to distract her from the earlier departure had become much more puzzling.

Shocked by the amount of mana she had temporarily lost, Orianna stared into the distance absentmindedly. Her mind raced through countless possibilities and outcomes simultaneously in curiosity... 

'It should be safe. This seems to be a scarcely believed version of chaos so I'll be fine as long as I dispel whatever it is before the repercussions. Plus, I chose one of the weaker and easiest to predict of the bunch. ' She shrugged, ending one of her lines of thought before it had a chance to begin.

Replacing it with predictions of the result of casting the spell, according to the information she has obtained so far.

In the future, she would both thank and regret her decision. 



Meanwhile, Mare and Aura settled on how they would meet up again. Shaltear stood a few steps to the side staring at something in her hands with an absent expression, a slight blush colouring her cheeks. So indecisive that every twitch in her expression showcased hesitation and confusion.

Many would inquire. Is this truly the sadistic Bloody Valkyrie, the vanguard of the tomb?

What happened to Shaltear, whose regular disposition is that of an arrogant and provocative courtesan? Where is the dominant noble vampire who conveys even the most obscene thoughts without losing her charm? Where is the brutal woman who punishes her subordinates for not doing their absolute best?

She looks like a young apprentice knight who has fallen in love with a noble lady out of his reach.

However, it is already a well-known fact that when you place Orianna on board... Everything just crumbles...

At the very first glance, the haughty noble vampire is replaced by a blushing mess of a maiden. Not out of heat and lust, but bashfulness and joy. All thanks to our lord and saviour Peroronchino, a man with boundless capabilities once he finds his determination. You see, Corinne had caught him when he implemented a more interesting description of Shaltear's one-sided desires, so he discreetly melted it into sweeter words spread throughout his creation's flavour text.

Undetectable. No matter how many times she looked, all she would find were memories they shared.

So once Shaltear had fully fused with her nature, every accumulated word had its impact on her disposition towards her sister. Resulting in feelings she herself doesn't quite understand. Essentially, it's an obsession that will bloom over time with her experiences.

It'll be sweet despite the incestuous nature of her feelings. At least until she experiences her first few waves of jealousy. 

'Should I tell her? That's fine, right? Urgh! I don't know if she's okay with it... '

 "I'm ready." 

Flinching at the sudden appearance of the cross-dressing elf, she nodded her head. Looking back at the reflective black card in her hand, she couldn't help but smile as the feeling of nostalgia welled in her chest. She poured her mana into her library card, an item so scant only four had the honour of receiving. A blood-red magic circle appeared beneath them with a flash as it pulled them into the library with a satisfying pop.



What awaited them at their destination was a bronze-skinned beauty with straight olive hair and bright red eyes. However, unlike the usual flower-patterned summer dress, she wore a sleeveless maid outfit cut just above the knees.

"Welcome Lady Shaltear... Lord Mare." She said, bowing respectfully.

However, before she could continue. Orianna blinked into existence a few steps in front of her.

"Looks like my naughty little sister finally showed up~" She purred.

Before Shaltear could even react, she was wrapped up in a tender embrace. Jumbling her thoughts and crashing any plans she had come up with for her first interaction as her she lost herself in those ethereal pink eyes. 

"But I'm older than you..." She mumbled in her dazed state.

"Yup, you're also the smaller and cuddlier one." Was the response.


It was true.

She was smaller and, in Orianna's point of view, cuddlier than her younger sibling. Though she doubts anyone else would think of her as cuddly.

The two pink orbs flickered to their right, landing on Mare who was comfortably watching from a distance. A cheeky grin emerged on her face. Poor Mare failed to react as he was teleported and pulled into the embrace mercilessly, eliciting a pitiful shriek of distress. With both her guests in her arms, Orianna chuckled and teleported them up to her personal island. Leaving her servant with an envied look in her eyes.

'I wish the mistress would embrace me the same way...' Pamela thought, sighing as she fixed her uniform before floating wherever she was needed.



Ylva watched her mistress converse with two of the most influential beings in the tomb. 

She felt strange wearing a maid uniform, it made her look like a good doggy instead of the usual dominant wolf. 

Her grey hair had been tied neatly into a ponytail, leaving only two bangs on either side of her head and her collar had been placed around her neck. 

The moment her sharp silver eyes landed on it, she began questioning why only her outfit included such a degrading piece of clothing. Did Lord Whitebrim wish her to feel this shame? She refused to accept it, but when her mistress gave her those puppy eyes...

"Ylva, could you fetch me a map of the tomb's surface?" Orianna interrupted her thoughts, without looking back from her current conversation.

She took off without a second thought.

Her canines were slightly exposed when her lips subconsciously quirked into a smile. She was happy to finally receive some attention herself.



When Ylva placed the map on top of the circular tea table, it adjusted into a rectangle to fit the map. Lucrezia handed her a light pink crystal stick about the size of her forearm.

"How long do we have?" Orianna asked as she nibbled on her crystal pen.

"I don't know. Lord Momonga only asked us to finish as soon as possible..." Mare responded.

Orianna thought about it for a few seconds.

"Two days should be enough." She mumbled. "Sera, bring me the third book to the right on that shelf where you're dusting."

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Two seconds later, a ruby-haired maid handed her a book.

[ Obelisk Formations ]

She slid it over to Mare.

"Read from pages one-hundred-and-five to one-hundred-and-six."

He flipped to the designated page and skimmed through in a minute or two. When he finished the book he looked at her with some confusion.

"I know what you're thinking... (B-but Orianna! How can we even draw such a big circle that won't wear off?!)" She mimicked theatrically.

Mare blushed at the perfect imitation of his voice.

Shaltear started laughing.

"Well, here is the solution partner!" She smirked victoriously, and her hand dove into what seemed to be shattered glass in midair.

When it came back out, she held a blue mana crystal in her hand.

"I'll change the properties of a bunch of mana crystals into a nigh unbreakable sticky string."

She demonstrated this by moulding the crystal into a viscous blue liquid.

"I'll make some obelisks and you'll have to integrate them into six equidistant points along a temporary circular wall you'll raise, encompassing the tomb."

The clear blue goo compressed into a woolly textured rope.

"Then the [ Arachnids ] join us, they'll probably take a day to weave it into place."

The string started gaining an intense luminescent glow as it rapidly compressed into a flashy piano wire.

"Then I'll [ Firm ] them into place until I almost run out of mana, by the time I'm done with that. We can be sure it won't budge or break, I could explain how that will work in greater detail but it would take a while."

It stopped thinning, the final result would likely be invisible to the human eye if it weren't for the blinding glow.

"All you have to do next is crumble the outer wall and make the pillars as dense as possible."

A black film materialized, blanketing the string and smothering the blinding light.

"And, voilà camouflaging barrier capable of tanking a maximized [ Meteor Shower ] with an unbreakable self-sustaining circle," She concluded as the black string separated itself from her fingers, rolled itself into a ball and landed right in the middle of the map. "What do you think?" 

Mare picked up the string and messed around for a while, an absent look in his eyes as he thought hard about possible faults in the plan.

"While I don't doubt the [ Arachnids ] would be honoured to help... They aren't undead like us, they need rest." Shaltear intervened.

"Right, that won't be a problem Shaltie. I've already planned the most efficient work/break rotation, splitting them into groups. Morning-midday-night groups. They'll probably have fun weaving a different material for once." She responded.

"There are also a few naughty spiders with overdue books, call them free workers if you'd like..." Orianna added, the ruthless look in her eyes sending shivers down their spine.

"Will it still work if it's lifted off the ground?" Mare finally asked.

"Of course!" She said, immediately switching back to her usual personality.

'What stupid question...' He thought to himself, regretting it the next instant.

"Well... I guess we'll submit it to Lord Momonga for approval." He stuttered.

Lucrezia placed a small stack of papers on the table. 

"Now, for the boring part... The budget."

"Do you mind submitting it? I really really hate this." She pleaded.

"I would, but I don't know the resources we need." He responded with an apologetic expression.

"I can fix that." She instantly replied.

She places her hand on his forehead horizontally, much to his surprise. But he trusted her enough not to move.

[ Impart ] - Orianna -> Mare

As the information entered his mind at a steady pace, Mare came to the realisation that what she had told them was a very rough sketch of the actual plan. Right now, he had everything from the food their workers would eat to how it will look during every stage of construction and after it was done. He felt like he was reading a lego manual... Not to mention the several plans that would allow them to shift their initial design into something completely different.

He immediately nodded with a smile, picked up the empty reports and left. He would disappear into his room until he finished filling them out. After all, in three hours he will begin to forget this information.

Lucrezia and Ylva had excused themselves without a second thought. Leaving the sisters alone before they knew it.

"Is this ok?" Shaltear asked, her concerned expression conveying her thoughts.

"Oh Shaltie, even my dear sister lost faith in my genius? How cruel~" Orianna playfully despaired, placing the back of her hand on her forehead in dismay.

"This is serious..." She blushed, shifting in her chair.

Orianna raised a brow, she had been observing her sister for a while. And she noticed some sort of discomfort in her behaviour.

"Is everything ok?" She inquired, a look of concern in her eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Shaltear chuckled.

"You're acting strange today, it's like you're trying to hide something?" She responded with a half-sure tone, narrowing her eyes at the end of her sentence.

Her heart raced under the observant glare of her sister.

"I was just thinking," Shaltear excused, her mind in a panic. Looking like a frightened rabbit.

"Just thinking..." Orianna chuckled, she was now somehow sitting right next to her prey.

"Could this be... Love?" She whispered right in her ear, shocking the poor girl into collapsing right then and there.

Now holding her fainted sister, Orianna tilted her head in confusion.

'She can sleep?'



An hour or two after Orianna used [ Impart ] on Mare, the filled-in stacks of papers landed on a pristine desk. Momonga was sitting behind it with a pen on his right bony hand while his left prevented his skull from smashing into the work of art beneath. Looking over his broad shoulders, was the stunning Albedo adorned in her signature dress. Her expression spoke of true bliss and enthusiasm. The head of the floor guardians was delighted when the light of her existence had asked her for assistance in his duties. Though, she was expecting something else entirely... This was good enough.

For now~

"My lord, I believe these are the very last reports in need of your approval. It arrived just a few minutes ago, Mare himself delivered it and  he seemed very excited." She assured, curious about the plan herself.

This snapped him out of his boredom-induced catatonic state. Two blazing red dots regained their vigor as they flickered to life. 

'Finally, some good fucking paperwork


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