Overlord: A Miracle

Chapter 8: Chapter 7: Smile

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Corinne had a smile on her face as she watched Orianna blabber the poor mushroom man into a shrivelled state, by now he had loosened his bow tie and collapsed onto a high chair in exhaustion. It was an interaction she had designed with her hubby for the laughs, which brought her thoughts to her fading link. She felt like a rope was occasionally tugging her away gently with a sense of inevitability latched onto every strand. And she understood why, she was not this goddess protector of the library, her place was in her original realm alongside the rest of her family. Corinne missed her family back on earth... They should be back from their trip abroad eventually and she would most likely be awake by then.

She focused back on the borderless oval mirror displaying her innocent daughter barraging her poor step-brother with information he would likely never fully process. Not that Clavu had low intelligence and she was confident he didn't, she had peeked at his stats before. Orianna was just bad at explaining her passions and ended up constantly changing topics in her excitement. Heck, she was currently doing just that.

{ "...an you believe she did that? The worst part is that Lord Momonga popped in right at my most shameful disposition, Oh! Have you seen his awesome robe? Just look under his feet! you can even see shadows crawling out from underneath as if his supreme evilness can't even be contained within his physical form..." }

Corinne giggled at the completely inaccurate opinion.

{ "...But I prefer my books to have more artistic covers, not that I'm ungrateful or unhappy! Just a little sad that the authors didn't bother putting in more effort. Some of the books in the [ Atheneum ] are just as interesting on the outside as they are on the inside and I'm not even exaggerating. There was this one time Sera, one of my librarians- The one with red hair and green eyes! Looked into one of my most prized collections, [ Sylvanas, Will not serve. ], it was a book that "served" the readers with a paradoxical story where the character would repeatedly be described as "not serving" only to "serve" anyway. Got the joke? Anyway! It seemed like the author had the objective of confusing us, the readers, with a story that made no sense no matter how many pages you read..." }

Corinne decided it was time to rescue poor Clavu, she pulled on her little lecturer's framework faintly as if asking her to come home, which she accepted immediately.

{ " Bye! " }

And just like that she was back in the [ Atheneum ] alongside all her servants. Her smile was similar to that of an adult playing a nostalgic game from their childhood, the only difference being the lack of maturity in her eyes. This brought some confusion to Corinne, she was sure her character page had described her as having a mature and calming vibe. Right now she was emitting an energetic aura, one that enticed those around her into her flow with a bouncy feeling of cuteness. She pondered about it briefly and came to the conclusion that it was her own presence that brought out these infantile behaviours. 

'Cute, so cute I want to shower her with kisses on those lovely cheeks!'

She smiled in motherly affection.

"Orianna, I have some bad news. My link to this realm is fading away and I've got about thirty minutes before I disconnect. But-"

"WHY!?" She immediately wailed with a stomp that cracked the ground beneath her glowing feet ever so slightly, her eyes lighting up with a neon-electric green as yellowish sparks crackled fiercely. 

The outburst shocked the cosmic mother, her eyes widened with a gasp and a flinch. She then furrowed her brows with an admonishing look on her face.

"You can't leave!" She yelled in anger, as her body began generating a powerful gust of wind.

An awkward silence descended, and the scolding stare cut right through the howling winds. She slowly cooled down and her expression lost its fierceness with the realization of what she'd done. Replaced with shame and sorrow as she began crying involuntarily, trying to stifle her expressions. Eventually, she gave up, covering her face with her hands and sobbing quietly instead.

"Orianna Bloodfallen.

Wiping her tears constantly in an attempt to hide them, she finally looked up.

"...sor-ry" She mumbled with a hiccup, not meeting her mother's eyes.

To put things into perspective, Orianna had amplified her voice severalfold in her anger. Her servants, despite being powerful in their own ways, winced at the volume while some were even bleeding clay-like fluids from their ears. Corinne understood her outburst was within reason but decided to give her a chiding either way.

"You should never come to your own conclusion so hastily, especially when there was a but on the way. It's rude and leads to making mistakes, even in the worst of situations you should not act hot-headed..." She added with a harsh tone of voice, failing miserably as the harshness turned soft by the end of the sentence.

Corinne sighed, she didn't want her departure to be giving her child a final scolding. Observing the clearly remorseful vampire, she felt her heart ache. Flicking her hand, she lifted the sobbing Orianna off the ground as gently as possible. Squeaking in shock, she looked up with those enchanting pink eyes, red around the edges from crying. 

"Listen to me, I'll definitely be back in the future. I can feel it. So behave yourself while I'm gone." She reasoned, her honeyed words soothing the spoilt young woman.

Orianna's face brightened up from night to day as she bobbed her head up and down affirmatively. Though she didn't say anything, she felt awkward because of her early outburst.

"Though we still need to have chat about a few guidelines I have in mind for your safety..." Corinne continued with a strict tone of voice.

The young vampire was confused, yet she decided to take these words as gospel just like any other time.

"First of all, we have a number of books on certain dangerous subjects, subjects you will most definitely attempt to wield with your libriomancy. Never summon any [ Elder Gods ] or even anything related to them. Absolutely forbidden!" 


"... Sweety, you should be aware that nothing good comes from summoning weird shit from the void. I'll tell you this much, even Yggdrasil itself tries its hardest to hide from them. If you attempted to summon some-thing then I have no doubt you'd be smitten before they managed so much as a step into this realm." 

Orianna gaped with a wary look in her eyes.


"Yes, yes it is," Corinne replied with a grim face. "If you ever decide to venture out of the tomb you have to be accompanied by either your sister or the [ Librio-Guards ].-" The giant blue lady then condenses cosmic energy into a translucent necklace, glistening with stardust, and dropped it into Orianna's hands. "-Wear that wherever you go, I'll be able to contact you from here as long as you're in the same realm."

The daughter of monsters held it close to her chest, she looked like a poor man who had just found his shortcut to wealth.

"Always keep a cool head, think things through slowly instead of making your own conclusions without any investigation." Having those empyrean eyes narrow at her, made Orianna blush in embarrassment. "You should remember your thought process is much faster than most if not all residents of the tomb. Your carefully developed thoughts take as long as their immediate assumptions. Patience is key in your case."


"This includes not immediately believing anyone's words, especially not Albedo and Demiurge. Think for yourself on everything and form your own opinions through research and knowledge you have acquired through your own experience. You are no-ones footsoldier, you are your own person."

Orianna gained a confused face at the statement.

"But aren't we all supposed to protect the Tomb and the Supreme Beings at all costs?"

Furrowing her brows at the stupid claim was the first thing she did. But then her expression turned delighted.

"Who told you that?" She asked in a mellow voice.

"Oh, it was Demiurge. While you were talking to Lord Momonga he had a small chat with me Aura and Mare." The young vampire chirped proudly as if she had discovered her purpose in life, expecting to be showered in compliments.

"Demiurge huh?" Corinne gritted out as an overbearing presence flickered into existence, accompanied by a scorching heat.

Her skin turned a light shade of crimson, and her gentle yellow eyes turned into an electric neon-blue. The halo above her head was now a thorny black crown and her dress gained a more spiky and hostile aesthetic.

"Does Demiurge want to be flayed alive?" A raspy combination of multiple voices boomed throughout the [ Atheneum ].

The sheer abundance of bloodlust turned tangible. Crimson liquid rained down relentlessly, somehow everything remained unaffected physically, yet they knew that if it were targeted at them it would be a death sentence. Orianna's servants trembled in fear as she looked on in shock and a hint of fear herself.

"Who the fuck is he to tell my daughter what her purpose is..." She mumbled, as her energy began leaking from under the door to the [ Atheneum ] and into the [ Royal Suite ].

"Stop, please..." The young vampire mumbled in a scared tone of voice as she hid behind a blood shield, bringing the rampage to an abrupt stop.


The scary atmosphere had vanished as if it was never there to begin with. Corinne had already returned to her base form and the only evidence of her anger was the annoyed scowl on her face and the petite young lady peeking her head of platinum hair from the side of a massive crimson shield. Two pretty pink eyes warily gazed up into the sky.

She dispelled her shield with a smile on her face.

"Don't listen to that dumbass and his cheesy ass lines of servitude. No real parent would want their child as a slave for all eternity..." The mother scoffed. "And if he ever serves you another line even slightly similar you will ignore him. Ask Momonga if he agrees, I'm sure he will rebuke it after struggling for a few seconds."

Corinne looked at the fearful maids and the happy Orianna. Sighing in annoyance she decided to change the subject.

You are reading story Overlord: A Miracle at novel35.com

"Anyway, back to the guidelines. There are some special occasions we have to discuss..."



While the mother-daughter pair were having their talks, the guardians had already gathered in the VIP area of the [ Amphitheatre ]. They were standing in a semicircle opposite Momonga, who was shadowed by Sebas. An imposing aura was slowly permeating the surroundings as Momonga had subconsciously been gradually upping the intensity of [ Aura of Despair ] from I > II > III. Currently wisps of dark flame we burning around his majestic cloak.

The expressions of the guardians varied.

Lust, respect, awe, fear. 

"I'm sure you are somewhat aware that something is different, either by my own behaviour or your own senses and investigations." He spoke, with the tone you would expect of a wise lord of undeath. "But first Sebas will describe what he learnt from his brief scouting of the surroundings."

Sebas stepped up immediately, every gaze focused completely on the old butler. He reported the details of his investigation just like when he had done twenty minutes ago.

"Now. You should be aware of our Architect by now, although she had never officially joined us... It was more than clear she had become equal to myself and the others. I even have the confidence to say that there is a piece of her in the very walls of the [ Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick ] and for that, she has earned my full credibility and trust. She was also the only other being to remain with us till the very end. If you ever visit the [ Atheneum ], pay her the utmost respect." He continued, with no small amount of genuine gratefulness in his tone.

"She is the most accomplished spatial mage among us and had come to her own conclusions, which I matched with the details of our brief scouting of the outside area. According to her knowledge, we've been integrated into another realm by either the will of the world or a powerful primordial being. The motivations of whoever was behind this are currently unknown, I'll be leaving that for when we succeed at a larger-scale investigation of the world and its powers."

Two blazing red dots scanned his audience patiently to clear up any doubts. But none were brought up, good. So he began distributing commands.

"With that said, Albedo and Demiurge. You are to fortify our defences and improve our information chain."

"" By your will. "" They responded.

"Mare, work with Orianna on concealing the tomb in the most efficient and effective way." 

"By your will" He nervously stuttered out.

"Further duties and instructions will come later with a more detailed description." He said, in reality, he planned to give Albedo and Demiurge a vague direction and have them manage until he forms a proper plan. 

He isn't quite confident in administrating in this situation as he used to be in Yggdrasil.

"Now, it is essential for a ruler to know the opinions of his subjects... So, starting from Sebas and Demiurge, ending at Albedo. What do you think of me?" 

"The head of all supreme beings and a merciful leader who stayed with us until the end." - Sebas 

"A man who makes wise decisions and acts upon them efficiently. A man who truly fits the word inscrutable" - Demiurge

"A merciful leader who excels at foresight." - Aura

"A very kind person." - Mare

"A crystalization of beauty, and the most beautiful man in this world!" - Shaltear

"The strongest of all of us here… A being truly worthy of ruling over the [ Great Tomb of Nazarick ]." - Cocytus

"The highest-ranking of all supreme beings and our ultimate master. As well as the man I love!" - Albedo

'What. Why do they think so highly of me?!' 

"I- see... Continue working faithfully in my name!" He spoke out with a grand gesture, before vanishing into his personal room.

After a few seconds, the awe-inspiring atmosphere had calmed down, Sebas left before anyone noticed and Shaltear approached Mare in a blink of an eye. Albedo was the first to speak out.

"Words cannot describe his greatness..." She fervently muttered, holding her cheeks to hide the rosy blush on her lust-inducing face.

"Mare, when are you going to visit the [ Atheneum ]?" Shaltear asked with a polite smile, Aura looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"Umm, now?" He replied with uncertainty.

"Yay! Then take me with you." She responded with the same polite smile.

"Don't you have something else to do? Like your job?" Aura jabbed from afar.

"I have to visit my dear sister, I'm sure you could understand that much... Brat." She snapped, with a crumpled smile.

"Flat-chested leech."

"Treehugging short-stack."

Mare sighed, at this rate, it would take her a while to reach the [ Atheneum ].





Currently, there was only the young vampire and her mother in the massive cylindrical library, they had just finished discussing any vague situations that may cause Orianna trouble. And just on time too. The stellar glow in Corinne's eyes became noticeably dimmer and her eyelids heavier. She looked like she was about to fall asleep. When in reality she was about to wake up.

"Well, it clearly time for me to go. I don't know when I'll be back but I'll leave you on a happier note than before." She chuckled. 

Her child looked slightly more at peace with her departure this time 'round. At least they weren't both bawling their eyes out.

"Just remember, when I come back. Even if you broke the rules and committed the worst of atrocities... I will still love just as much as I do now..." Corinne declared with one last smile as she returned to her resting position, eyes peacefully closed until the day she would appear once more.

Orianna smiled back with a pink tint added to her place cheeks.

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