Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 11: Interlude – Sisters

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[A/N: I had this ready and it doesn't really need any changes so, going away gift? Thanks for the support.]

(POV - Enri)

It was a day like any other, I woke up early in the morning along with the rest of the village intending to work until sundown. That’s how life has been every day for all of us since we were born. 

Our village was small and isolated, we had no light source for the night like in the cities so we can only work until the end of the day. I made my way to the well to take a few buckets of water with me, I pondered on the idea of having bigger buckets for a moment but decided against it. 

I already have a hard time carrying my two moderate-sized buckets, don’t even want to imagine how it would be like to carry something heavier. I filled both of them to the brim and lifted them, my arms a thin and look frail but in reality, they are powerful, working hard on the field and heaving these buckets back and forth every day has given them strength unexpected if a young lady such as my self.

I begin to walk back to the village, suddenly I feel chills crawl up my back as a shriek reaches my ears. I try to ignore it and pass it off as an animal nearby, but that image was destroyed when I heard a few more screams. I dropped the buckets on the floor and ran as fast as possible towards our home, only to see my father and mother being attacked as they give Nemu a chance to escape.

My father orders me to run as he desperately clings to the soldiers beside him in an attempt to slow them down as much as possible. I watch as a sword goes right through his back, blood drips out onto the floor as he looks at us in despair before coughing out a final breath and slumping lifelessly. 

I grabbed my sister and ran into the tree line, I didn’t look back. I could hear their steps as they rapidly approached me while laughing at our torment. Unfortunately, it seemed as though all odds were against us, not only were they faster but the terrain was rough and we tripped and fell. 

They started talking but I ignored their words as I hugged my sister to protect her at all costs, if I hold them back enough she might escape. I feel a distinct pain in my back as a blade slices deep into it. How horrible, what did we do to deserve this? I can hear him approaching me to deal the final blow. 

I watch his shadow as he stops right behind me and raises his sword. I close my eyes to find some comfort in this horrible situation, but for some reason, I felt nothing for the next 1-2 minutes. I look up to see a black portal, I was stunned by what happened and I have no doubts that the knights felt the same. 

We gazed at the portal as something deeply unsettling came out, a lich, something I’ve only heard about in fairy tales and rumors. A sense of dread roots itself deep within my heart. He begins casting spells on the knights as they scream in fear and try to escape, he calls them weak in a condescending tone before turning his gaze to us. 

We shiver as those empty sockets with a small red gleam scrutinize us with total indifference. He lifted his arm to reach for something but was distracted by another portal just like the one he came from. 

Out of the portal steps a woman in armor holding an ax in one hand and the other a small fragile-looking hand, we were terrified at first but when the second figure stepped out we forgot about everything that was happening as the sound of the woman and the lich grew muffled. I have never seen someone so beautiful and cute...

She had a small figure delicate figure, if I had to guess she would be a year or two younger than me. Her long white hair reached her ankles and glowed with different colors of the rainbow, her face was perfect for her figure as her soft red eyes contrasted with her pale white skin and hair. And her cheeks... They had the perfect amount of fat to be cute but also beautiful, perfectly squishable while keeping close to her face giving her a sense of elegance. 

She wore a white dress with pink petals decorating the ends of her sleeves and the end of the dress, it stopped just above her knee exposing her delicate milky white legs with smooth and pure skin. 

Everything about her just screamed soft and cute, leaving me in a daze as I stared at her. She looks our way as I felt myself calm down for some reason, she looked indecisive for a few minutes before giving us a sweet smile that lit up the world around her. 

She approached us and patted us with her small hands, waves of pleasure passed through our bodies as I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My tense shoulders slumped down as I felt Nemu stop trembling, she raised a hand above us and cast a spell as purple light coated our bodies, warmth envelops my wound as I feel it close up painlessly. 

We both noticed she healed us and looked at her in awe, magic was not common in these parts, so witnessing this is like a miracle from the gods. She giggled at our reactions, a sound so pleasing it made me feel elated as it tickled my ears. She stood up and spoke to the other two she accompanied, I heard her say she “wants us” to the pair of unsettling beings.

The armored woman looked at us and back to her before asking what she wanted us for as if we were trash, it made my heart ache slightly. She came here and smiled reassuringly as she picked up Nemu and gave her a few squeezes while cooing at her. 

She called us cute as she played with my sister's cheeks and she also said she would turn us into vampires, the armored woman reluctantly agrees as she skips towards me with a happy face, with my giggling sister still in her arms.

I look at her long beautiful flowing hair as it practically glitters in different colors making her look even more adorable as nature seems to bloom around her little adorable figure. I get an uncontrollable urge to pet her. Seeing the combination of my sister joyfully enjoying the embrace gives me a mixture of a very small amount of jealousy and a huge amount of desire, 

I am barely controlling myself because despite her cute figure there's also a sense of authority from her that makes my skin prickle muffling down any thoughts of disobeying her. She looks into my eyes and gives me a knowing look, she knows what I want.

“I will let you pat me, but the price for healing you and letting you pat me will be becoming my librarians,” she claims with a wink.

Her childish yet soothing voice thrums my heart like never before.

‘So cute…’ My thoughts echo in my mind.

I nod while looking at her light red eyes. She walks towards me as her feet softly step on the green grass, how elegant… My eyes land on her hair and her eyes look into mine. I rest my hand on her head and caress it very carefully as some strands fill the gaps between my fingers.

The sensation of her hair on my hand sends ripples through my palms, she seems to enjoy it and leans into my hand as I carefully kneed her hair with my fingers, this is a treasure that must not be ruined… I lose myself as I focus my entire being on pleasing both her and myself. 

She flinches slightly and breaks off from the pats much to my disappointment. 

‘Have I displeased her?’ I think as my heart stings. 

She looks at me with a smile.

“Unfortunately, I have some business to attend to… We’ll carry on where we left off later cutie,” she comments as she opens a different portal from the others.

My mind stops working little from the way she called me, she thinks I’m cute? I thought she was saying that to convince her superiors. I’ve never felt so happy… We walk through the portal and I find myself back at the village.

 She tells us to relax and speaks to what I assume is her king. We find a comfortable place to sit down, a wooden chair with just the right height and size for me to have Nemu on my lap. We wait patiently for her return.

Once she finishes her talk she smiles happily and makes her way to us, she looks at us for a minute or two before nodding to herself and picking up Nemu and sitting on my lap while patting her softly as she melted into the embrace of our soon-to-be master.

She tilts her head back slightly, understanding her hint I started patting her with all my effort, every single fiber of my being working to make her feel the most amount of warmth and comfort possible as she gains a look of bliss. 

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I can’t help but feel some amount of pride in my chest as the bundle of supreme cuteness enjoys my patting. There is no request I would refuse from her, my life is in her hands, I will do anything to keep her happy.

“Liliana, it's almost time,” he comments

She huffs in frustration, Liliana lifts a sleepy Nemu off her lap very carefully and floats in the air while placing her back on my lap as I embraced my little sister lovingly. They teleport away as the head warrior appears in front of us out of thin air, usually, I’d be awed and surprised, but after meeting Lady Liliana there is nothing left to see in this world that will give me a sense of awe. 

I gaze at him as he chuckles slightly and passes out from blood loss. And so we waited, even when I was requested to leave my seat I refused, I will not leave this place until she comes back.

> An hour later.

The sun is beginning to set as we wait patiently in our chair, the chief tried telling us to leave so that he can treat Gareth and bandage his wounds. I gave him a piercing glare that shut him up very quickly, no one will persuade me to leave this place. Not even the king himself. 

A few moments later a portal opens up in front of us as I immediately stand up with Nemu in my arms as she stirs awake with the sudden movement. The familiar pleasing figure of the most beautiful being I’ve seen steps out of the portal with a satisfied and proud smile.

“It’s time to leave now.” She announces cheerfully as I look at her.

“Where are we going?” I ask holding our sleepy Nemu.

“We’re going to the most beautiful place in the entire world,” she says as her eyes glitter in happiness, stunning me for a second.

I give her my best smile as I hold her small delicate hand, I ingrained the sensation of her smooth skin in my memory, after all, it's not every day you get to touch Lady Liliana. I blink my eyes and the next thing I see made my heart stop.

A massive library, books were already a rarity to us, yet here is a giant library with countless books. I look around the room, the floor is made of healthy green grass that puts the fields in the village to shame, the couches and tables have designs I’ve never seen in my life as my body sinks into the soft pillows I am sitting on, I look at the diverse shelves filled with all kinds of book that visibly emitted power. 

I look around the room I could only imagine existing in stories and dreams, but the real shock was when my gaze landed on the very top of the room. My jaw drops to the floor, a blue liquid in the shape of an orb in the middle as many animals I’ve never seen dance around it with boundless elegance and grace.

And beyond it… The most incredible night-sky I will probably ever lay my eyes on, various indescribable reactions of things I don’t even know the name of occurring right before my eyes. Nemu is no longer sleeping, she's trembling in excitement on my lap, her eyes are shining with childish wonder. I can’t help but admire the incredible view before me, I dare say it rivals the first time I saw Lady Liliana

“It’s beautiful” I unconsciously whisper.

I feel an uncomfortable gaze on the back of my head, but something so irrelevant couldn’t possibly make me take my eyes off this incredible view. I feel a hand gently tug at my arm, I look at my master as my mind is filled with many thoughts. She chuckles much to our delight.

“I’m going to turn you into my family now. You will become vampires and live with me for eternity.” She explains with a pleasing smile.

“Prepare the ritual room, as fast as possible, I want to see my sister~” She commands cheerfully as multiple graceful women rush to the middle of the room and remove all the furniture and neatly line them up at the edges of the room. 

A white marble platform slowly materializes on the ground, nine black marble pillars form around the center in a circle, and in the middle of those pillars black lines slowly form creating a five-pointed star with 3 symbols I’ve never seen before at the very center.

“Move into the center and kneel while facing each other” She commands as a book dripping with blood slowly floats into her hands and opens up flipping through its pages.

It stops as she skims her eyes through it and nods in satisfaction. We kneel at the center of the platform, although I felt a hint of fear, I trust my lady with all my heart. We kneel as flames light up at the top of each pillar, strangely they emitted no heat. 

Soon I was blinded by a crimson light. The symbols light up like stars and begin rotating around us. I felt my heart beat faster, making me feel very vulnerable, something very unsettling... 

I look towards her as she gives us a reassuring smile, all my insecurities fade away as the same wave of calmness I felt the first time washes through my body.

“ [ I beg the Contrivers to witness and comply to my selfish requests] ” She chants as my voice echoes through the library.

A red crack opens above us and opens up to reveal a massive eye. It looks around the room, then to us for while, then to Liliana. When I felt its piercing gaze I felt the urge to wrap myself into a small ball and hide in a corner but the presence of our master helped me remain calm.

“We are listening child of Ainz Ooal Gown” a multitude of voices respond.

“I wish to change the race of these two humans and make them my Vampire Servants” she replies politely with a bow.

“Very well, you have our permission, I see you have gathered more than enough souls to convert these two infants,” they reply.

“Indeed, but I would like it if you left one of the souls behind. I have some… personal matters with it,” she says in a pleading voice.

“We can see your intent child. Worry not because one soul will not make much difference. It has been a long time since we have been called upon. It is a pleasant surprise.” they reply as some mist leaves a multicolored orb.

“ [ Emmot and Nemu Emmot, do you wish to become creatures of darkness and throw away the restrictions of humanity? ] “ my voice echoes again as both my gaze and the gaze of the Contrivers land on the siblings.

“” Yes “” We reply in sync as I shiver at the gaze of the eye.

I hear the sounds similar to a stream of water as something warm wraps around me, I let myself be consumed by whatever is embracing me as I feel something clicking in the depths of my soul, before losing consciousness with a smile on my face.

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