Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 10: Chapter 8: Ritual & Cleria

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[ A/N : It's the same as before until the end of the meeting. ]

I returned to the shack alone and walked up to my favorite humans.

"It's time to leave now," I tell the siblings as they look at me.

"Where are we going?" Enri asks holding a sleepy Nemu.

"We're going to the most beautiful place in the entire world" I beam with happiness as I hold out my hand.

She smiles and takes my hand, I teleport us into the library as e plop onto the sofa. They look around in wonder until their gaze lands on the ceiling and their jaw drops. Nemu is no longer sleeping, her eyes are shining with childish wonder just like mine every time I see it. Enri just stares in admiration.

"It's beautiful" she mutters under her breath.

My servants are behind us as they look at the two girls in disgust but restrain themselves, they know that if I didn't obliterate every molecule of their existence they are guests. We just admire the view for about 15 minutes without a word. I then remember that I have to meet up with Shaltie. I look at them and shake them a little, they both turn their gaze my way with absent expressions. I chuckle at their dazed states.

"I'm going to turn you into my family now. You will become vampires and live with me for eternity." I say with a sweet smile.

"Prepare the ritual room, as fast as possible, I want to see my sister~" I command cheerfully as they rush to the middle of the room and order all the furniture neatly away from the center of the room.

A white marble platform slowly materializes on the ground, nine black marble pillars form around the center in a circle, and in the middle of those pillars black lines slowly form creating a five-pointed star with 3 sigils in the center. One sigil symbolizes the Heteromorphic, another signifies the undead, and the last one signifies vampires.

"Move into the center and kneel while facing each other" I command as a book dripping with blood slowly floats into my hands and opens up flipping through its own pages and landing on the one I wanted.

They comply, although a bit intimidated, they kneel as flames light up at the top of each pillar. I concentrate on the book as a dark red aura surrounds me and the book lights up emitting a crimson light. I bite my thumb and drip some blood on the markings, the moment the drop lands on the markings they light up and begin to produce more blood until the entire circle is drawn in my blood. The sigils are wrapped in intense blue light and begin rotating around the siblings as they look around with fear. I give them a small reassuring smile, calming them down instantly.

" [ I beg the Contrivers to witness and comply to my selfish requests] " I chant as my voice echoes through the library.

A red crack opens above the platform and opens up to reveal a massive eye, within the eyes lies the infinite possibilities of creation. It looks around the room, then to the two girls for while, then to me. It looks deep into my mind and glints in fascination.

"We are listening child of Ainz Ooal Gown" a multitude of voices respond.

"I wish to change the race of these two humans and make them my Vampire Servants" I reply politely with a bow.

"Very well, you have our permission, I see you have gathered more than enough souls to convert these two infants," they reply.

"Indeed, but I would like it if you left one of the souls behind. I have some… personal matters with it." I plead

"We can see your intent child. Worry not because one soul will not make much difference. It has been a long time since we've been called upon. It is a pleasant surprise." they reply as all souls leave the orb except one.

" [ Enri and Nemu Emmot, do you wish to become creatures of darkness and throw away the restrictions of humanity to serve me for eternity? ] " my voice echoes again as both my gaze and the gaze of the Contrivers land on the siblings.

"" Yes "" They reply in sync as they shiver at the gaze of the eye.

The blood starts overflowing from the circle and begins to cover them in individual cocoons the eye begins to shine and creates a transparent crimson curtain around the pair of cocoons. The eye gives me one last look and disappears into thin air as the crack slowly closes itself up and the room returns to its normal state.

"Clean this place up and place the cocoons on my bed. Also, bring me my military outfit, I'm feeling a little strict today. And I need to look presentable when I visit Shaltie" I command as they split into two groups and begin their tasks.

Two vampires approach me and remove my white dress as they begin to dress me up in my military outfit at record speed, instead of a hat they tied up my hair in a ponytail. I look at myself in a mirror I created. A tight-fitting white and red general outfit with several medals pinned on my blazer, my hair is tied up neatly leaving my face completely uncovered by the usual strands. The servants dressing me up are blushing furiously while cooing quietly at my new appearance.

'I think I won't be taken seriously with this one, but I don't mind. I feel awesome!' I think to myself while doing some stoic poses like Sebas.

Seeing that I look like a badass I open a portal to Shaltear's chambers and walk through it in a confident strut as my boots hit the ground with a satisfactory noise. Only to hear all the Vampire Brides squeal as they see me, it made me a little surprised as they usually just do their own things. Anyway, I walk in to see my sister waiting for me with a bright smile.

She looks me up and down and basically teleports in front of me, lifting and hugging me tightly.

"You look so cute!" she exclaims while jumping around with me in her arms.

"Sister, this is no time for games. I have come here to begin our mission of kidnapping humans and having fun." I say with a shadowed eye, making my best impression of Sebas.

She stops and looks at me apologetically.

"I have to leave for a mission…" she replies.

"Then I shall accompany you on this risky mission. A general must look after his soldiers after all" I say with my hands behind my back.

She giggles and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Fine, let's ask Lord Momonga when we gather in the throne room. I hear he has a very important announcement for us." She replies with a cheeky smile.

We chat for a few minutes before teleporting to the throne room together, other guardians and a few of the more important servants also enter the throne room as we all kneel before him.

"First of all, I apologize for acting without notifying you of my plans. Albedo will tell what happened… However, there is one thing I must say immediately." He says as he destroys the flag with his symbol.

"I have changed my name. From now on I will go by Ains Ooal Gown. You shall call me Ainz. If anyone has any objections you may stand and voice them now!" he announces charismatically.

"We have heard your precious name. We devote absolute loyalty to our venerable leader!" Albedo responds passionately from the front of our formation.

"Hail Ains Ooal Gown!" She continues


"" We will give our lives for the Supreme One "" Shaltear and I call out.

"" To the most powerful King "" Aura and Mare continue

"Everyone in this world shall know your greatness, " Demiurge says

"The one who rules over all, our king" Cocytus breathes out

"Glory to the overlord, the Ruler of Death!" Albedo finishes grandly

"This is an absolute order!" Ains exclaims while slamming his staff down.

"Make Ains Ooal Gown an eternal legend!" he finishes with passion.

"HHUOOOO!" We cheer in a multitude of voices.

After everyone leaves only me, Shaltear, Albedo, and Lord Ains remain.

"Is there something you need? Shaltear, Liliana." He asks

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"I wish to accompany my sister on her mission," I reply with a salute.

He glows green as Albedo and Shaltear chuckle. He looks me in the eyes as I give him a Sebas gaze.

"Very well, you may accompany Shaltear on her mission." He replies.

"I also have information from the soul of that arrogant insect. Unfortunately, his soul had been damaged by the way he died, losing most of his memories. But I managed to find out that…" and so I spoke for a very long time and in detail about his position, the spells from Yggdrasil, and the item he left behind.

"Interesting… both of you may leave," he says as he waves us off.

We leave and make our way to meet up with Sebas. We're feeling a little daring so we hold hands as our feet tap the floor. Instead of teleporting straight to the entrance, we decided it was better to take our time to enjoy our walk.

There was no need for words, we actually have a very similar thought process if you exclude her more… eccentric… habits. So we walk through the corridors in peaceful silence. Each of us thinks about what kind of fun we can have on our mission as we occasionally pass some interesting-looking people.

'I think my weapon and armor have arrived…' I think to myself.

"Shaltie, let's stop by the library to get my stuff," I say

She turns her face to me with curiosity.

"I've never seen you use any of your weapons or armor… What do they do?" She asks

"No idea, I haven't even seen them yet but Cleria should know," I reply as I think of my awesome secretary.

"Haven't seen her since we arrived, she wasn't in the library either," Shaltear replies thoughtfully.

"Hehehe, I asked her to bring me any books scattered around the tomb," I responded as I giggled greedily.

"Anyway, let's go!" I exclaim as open a portal to my domain.

We walk through the portal and the first thing I see is her backside, an amazing view if I say so myself. Her shiny platinum hair reaches her upper back as it glitters with the surrounding lights.

I scan her body up and down, her business suit tightly wrapped around her hourglass figure, the most eye-catching part is her legs though.

'Them leeeegs, there's no better legs in the entire tomb, starting at those super-duper-ultra-tasty set of thunder thighs packed with muscle yet still squishy enough to sleep on.'

'Those smooth and perfectly proportioned calves that are still slightly defined promising a lovely experience.'

'To add a little seductiveness to it she covers them in those stockings that glisten while looking more appetizing than fresh divine blood…' I think as I stare at her holy set of walkers.

Sensing our presence she turns around, her strict appearance that makes your mind beg for her to step on you hiding the shy submissiveness she loves so much.

Her red eyes land on us as she looks me up-and-down seriously through her glasses, huffing in frustration she gives a piercing gaze to the other servants as they shudder and sweat nervously. She turns back to me a fixes her glasses elegantly.

"Greetings Lady Shaltear, Mistress… It seems your cuteness has been sabotaged…" She comments while glaring at the servants behind her.

"Your gear is in my inventory, but before we can get to that, we must remove that outfit and change you into something that brings out your full potential." She continues.

"I have all the outfits here so you need not worry, a wide variety of ideas that will bring out your boundless looks has been gathered by myself and the few trusted individuals in this room. I apologize for allowing them to skewer your supreme appearance." She says with a bow.

Shaltear gives her a nod of approval. She had realized that my appearance wasn't quite where it should be, minor details only a truly obsessed individual would notice.

I am very confused, I didn't see it as bad, it felt normal!

"I don't understand, do I look bad in this?" I ask with a little regret, if my appearance was not up to standards in our Lord's presence then this is a big problem.

"Mistress, it is impossible for you to look bad in anything. Even if you were wearing the corpses of humans I would not be able to resist you." She replied with a sincere voice.

"Then what's the problem?" I ask

"The problem is that our stupid subordinates need to learn how to bring out your true potential, how could they make such grave mistakes on an outfit that could look so perfect on you." She replies with some aggression.

"For example, this medal is tilted ever so slightly to the left, this bow is not perfectly symmetrical, your gloves are nowhere to be seen, the boots have not been polished to perfection, this sleeve is slightly below the other, this button has a speck of dust, your blazer has a very small but visible crease just above the chest, your trousers have been tucked into the boots sloppily making the bloat very slightly." She ruthlessly shoots down.

"All these are just the more obvious mistakes, and I won't even start on how they ruined your beautiful hair with their dumb style." She says with the occasional cold glare at each of the vampires as they droop their heads down with every word.

"I noticed it myself but I didn't want to comment on it…" Shaltear mumbled

"I see…" I say with a little sadness in my voice

'Stupid Liliana, how can you not notice such obvious mistakes yourself!' I criticize in my mind.

"Don't blame yourself, mistress, all the blame falls on these useless airheads and I'll make sure they learn their lesson," she comments gently.

"Now it's time to dress you up properly is it not? I can't have my mistress leave the tomb looking like this." She says as she pulls various outfits from her inventory and makes them float.

"Lady Shaltear it would be very helpful if you aided me, another point of view would greatly improve the outfits." Cleria requests respectfully.

"Of course! How could I not take such an opportunity!" she beams with stars in her eyes.

"What about me?" I ask

"Mistress, you just stand there and be yourself. The very meaning of perfection," she replies very seriously.

"Okay…" I say sadly.

'I feel so useless' I think to myself

"You are not useless mistress, your mere presence is an inspiration to us all," she says with finality as if reading my mind.

Shaltear who was excitedly checking out the various outfits moved at blinding speeds and pecked me in the cheek before moving back to the clothes with a giggle.

"Well, I am very awe-inspiring aren't I…" I say feeling happy and embarrassed.

Giving me a nod of satisfaction, Cleria went back to browsing for the perfect clothes with an aura of seriousness. The other servants were watching every move Cleria made while taking notes with some tears in their pooling in their eyes.


iu.png -> Cleria - White hair pale skin.

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