Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 18: Chapter 14: Vestments

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(POV - Liliana)

(Dream room)

After establishing our brilliant plan we felt a tug at my “body”, signaling the end of our little get-together. 

“Our lovely chat has come to an end,” My mature version commented reluctantly while giving me a tighter hug.

I enjoyed the feeling of those big milkers against my back for a bit before giving my own caring squeeze to the cheerful ball of sweetness in my arms, prompting an adorable giggle that could cleanse even the most dread-filled hearts.

“You have to come back!” The child in my arms exclaimed, pecking my cheek.

“I’ll most definitely find my way back in here eventually, until then… I’m going to miss you three.” I replied with a smile while patting her soft hair.

I then left the comfort of “my” lap and placed the little me in my previous place.

I looked at the colder version of myself, her face just as expressionless as the first time I met her, I walked up to her and gave her a big hug. She stiffened up in surprise, as giggles of amusement came from the bed.

“I wish you talked a little more…” I told her with a warm smile, gazing into her dead eyes and caressing her cheek.

‘I wonder what changes I’ll feel after waking up’ My thoughts echoed through the room one last time before I disappeared.

I came back to reality, but I couldn’t see anything. At first, I thought I was still unconscious but then my senses came back to me.

‘Soft’ Was all I could think.

My head was enveloped in a very satisfying softness, so satisfying I wanted to go right back to sleep in the midst of it. Below my head were the juiciest thighs in Nazarick, above my head were two mounds I easily recognized as Cleria’s through the sweet scent of Heliotrope. Of course, the only reason I know this is because it was in my bio, otherwise I’d be freaked out. Anyway, I took a second or two to enjoy my current position, taking some much-needed sniffs before tapping where I estimated to be my devoted secretary’s shoulder. Granting me freedom from her comforting embrace. 

“Mistress, are you feeling better?” She asked with a voice filled with heartwarming concern.

I sat up and looked at her beautiful face over my shoulder, her eyes roaming every inch of my body in search of any signs of pain. I smiled fondly at her and stood up, patting the dirt off my clothes. 

“Yes, I ran into some minor problems. Nothing for you to worry your pretty head about though.” I replied as I approached her and stroked her hair lovingly.

‘Such adorable concern… I’ll reward her properly when we get back.’ I thought to myself as my smile slowly diminished.

“How long have I been out?” I asked seriously, killing the cute atmosphere.

“ 2 hours 43 minutes and 12 seconds “ She replied as she stood up.

“I see, where is Shaltear at the moment?” I continued

“I do not know, I received a message about her chasing down some witnesses about 9 minutes ago. I had asked her to give more accurate information but she ignored my request, I believe she entered a [ Blood Frenzy ]” She replied, making me frown.

‘I would think she would act more cautiously after what happened to me, but it seems she still acted arrogantly. No… maybe she was just angered and wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. Considering how much the supreme beings emphasized her relationship with me I am surprised she didn’t just kill everything she could find.’ I thought to myself.

I pushed my stupid thoughts to the back of my mind, there’s no point in thinking about it now. If she followed the exact same situation as before, I should be able to catch up to them before they run away like the insignificant rats they are. And I need one of them, preferably a female? I’ll take the cutest one of the group, and it should be easy to get my hands on their world item with spatial magic.

“Cleria, my equipment,” I demanded.

She opened up her inventory and withdrew 6 simple white boxes of different sizes with no visible way of opening them. I lined them up in mid-air around me. I then bit my finger and smeared some blood on the cubical box in front of me first. Red cracks formed around the box and it shattered, leaving only a crown with three golden jewels and a white frame.

“ [ All Appraisal Magic Item ] “ I cast on the crown as a red aura enveloped it briefly.

Luxanna’s Spatial Crown 

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 1/6 )

Creator: Spatial Queen Luxanna

History: Forged by ###, using ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance. Later obtained by Ulbert Alain Odle the very first time the queen was slain. (+)

Legendary Class

Passive - Increases area of perception and reaction speed. ( +Evade probability )

Active - Can activate two alternate forms [ Cosmic Crown - Void Crown ]

( Evade - Small chance of not taking damage from physical attacks )

Cosmic - [ Queens Guard ] - 7 miniature stars will form around the user. They can be sacrificed to insta-cast spacial spells of cosmic nature, or sacrificed to form a shield around the user to block any magic attack below 9th Tier. After being sacrificed, the star will only return after 7 days.

Void - [ Worthless ] - Deny any magic attack once a month. ]

‘This is insanely broken…’ I thought to myself, allowing the crown to float idly in front of me as I moved on to the next box and repeated the same process with the other five boxes of similar appearance.

Luxanna’s Spatial Necklace 

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 2/6 ) 

History: Forged by ###, using ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance. Later obtained by Nishikienrai in a painful grind. (+)

Legendary Class. 

Passive - Any space-related spells are 75% stronger. 

Active - Can activate two forms. [ Cosmic Necklace - Void Necklace ]

Cosmic - [ Stellar Mark ] - Leave a total of 20 marks in different locations and teleport to them at any time. Marks can not be replaced, marks will wear off after 24 hours. After wearing off or being used, the mark will be unusable for 2 days.

Void - [ Children of the Abyss ] - Open a rift, out of which a swarm of [ Voidborn ] will exit and attack your enemies. Voidborn cannot be commanded, they will be mindless beasts who only know they must kill the enemy. ]

Luxanna’s Spatial Bracelets

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 3/6 ) 

History: Forged by ###, using ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance. Later obtained by Dildo Baggins in a painful grind. (+)

Legendary Class. 

Passive - Reduces all mana-costs by 50% by borrowing power from the Void or the Stars depending on the form the user chooses. 

Active - [ Cosmic Bracelet - Void Bracelet ]

Cosmic - [ Astral Mark ] - Mark Four allies around you, the astral mark will heal 5% percent of their health every minute. When an ally is marked you can feel them wherever they are. Marks wear off after 3 hours and will have a cooldown of 72.5 hours.

Void - [ Void Grip ] - Mark two enemies in your field of vision and force them to remain in their place for 1 minute. During this minute they can still cast spells and attack but they will not be able to leave their current position. Cooldown of 72.5 hours. ]

Luxanna’s Spatial Dress 

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 4/6 ) 

History: Forged by ###, using ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance. Later obtained by Ulbert Alain Odle in a painful grind. (+)

Legendary Class. 

Passive - Matter will make way for you, movement speed increased by 100%, and can faze through non-magical objects without enchantments or buffs.

Active - [ Cosmic Dress - Void Dress ]

Cosmic - [ Cosmic Surge ] - The dress stores cosmic energy within its fabric, and when the caster activates this ability it will release all the energy in a sphere around the caster, knocking back all enemies 50-500 meters depending on magic resistance. the cooldown on this ability or the time required to gather the energy once more is 15 days.

Void - [ Corporeal Rift ] - Dress will store void energy within its fabric and when this ability has activated the area around the body of the user will be separated from the real world via void matter. Any object that approaches must get through the incredibly dense energy. The caster will not be able to see or feel anything except their body and it will only last about 10 minutes. The cooldown for this ability or the time required to gather the energy is a month. ]

[  Luxanna’s Spatial Scepter

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 5/6 ) 

History: Forged by ###, using ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance. Later obtained by Peroronchino in a painful grind. (+)

Legendary Class.

Passive - Amplify any spacial spell by 130% as well as increase its cost by 70%.

Active - [ Cosmic Scepter - Void Scepter ]

Cosmic - [ Stellar Perception ] - When this ability is activated, the user will be able to predict the area of effect of any spell with a longer cast time for the next 3 hours. 5-day cooldown.

Void - [ Void Perception ] - When this ability is activated the user will be able to predict the trajectory of any physical attack for 1 minute. 5-day cooldown. ]

Luxanna’s Thigh High Spatial Socks 

Set: Spatial Queen’s Equilibrium ( 6/6 ) 

History: Forged by ###, using ### and ###, to keep Luxanna’s Cosmic and Void natures in balance and show her their love. Later obtained by Warrior Takemikazuchi in a very lucky situation. (+)

~> A divine set of regalia for a divine set of thighs. <~ - ###

Divine Class.

Passive - Invulnerability to movement debuffs and 100% increase in movement speed.

Active - [ Thigh High Cosmic Socks - Thigh High Void Socks ]

Cosmic - Dash 50 meters forward, leaving a trail of stars that explode in contact with an enemy. 10 Charges - 10-hour cooldown.

Void - Dash 50 meters forward, leaving a rift out of which [ Voidborn ] will crawl out to assist you. 10 charges - 10-hour cooldown ]

[ Spacial Queen’s Equilibrium

Ability to utilize both void and cosmic forms without risking [ Corruption ] ]

( Corruption - Void whispers sweet temptations into your ears while the Cosmos appease your sense of justice. In-game effects:

[ Void Corruption ] - 65% decreased damage with cosmic nature spells and Karma decreases more by the second.

[ Cosmic Corruption ] - 65% decreased damage with void nature spells and karma increases more by the second. )

[ A/N: I fucked up in the spells by not adding what they do in-game, but I won’t add it now because it really doesn’t matter anymore, I will add what items did in the game because of how analysis works. And she will never use analysis on books, she likes to read the books. ]

I was slightly confused because of the recurring blurs of information when it came to the identity of the creator of my new items, but I ignored it. Instead, I was curious about the plus signs beside the history part. So I mentally clicked the plus sign of the last item I analyzed…

>The Golden Days of Yggdrasil, Spacial Queen’s Planetarium, Top Floor.

( 3rd Person )

Thirty-seven imposing figures stood upon the intricate massive doors of the planetarium, leading the small army were 9 heteromorphs clad in their best gear. Each holds weapons that any NPC in Nazarick worship like sacred treasures.

“Everyone! After all these months of grinding this boss, we’ll finally obtain [ Luxanna’s Thigh High Spatial Socks ]. We will finally be able to complete one of our dearest npc’s last gear!” Momonga claims with more frustration than confidence.

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“You’ve said that every raid for the last week… But we have to get this item to truly make our Liliana whole.” Flatfoot mumbled in protest.

“Indeed, justice for our flat librarian!” Peroronchino added through the chuckles of the surrounding members.

“I’m pretty sure everyone knows their job here. We’ve killed Luxanna more times than I can count.” Wish III added twirling his staff in contemplation.

‘What am I doing with my life…’ he thinks to himself as he repeats the same procedure for the n-th time.

“Get ready everyone!” Momonga exclaims as he places two spherical items in the two holes in the doorway.

As soon as the blue star-like orb and the black-hole-like orb enter their compartments the gears on the door click and turn as many mechanical bars unlock with satisfying clatters. Usually, one would find this door animation awe-inspiring and get hyped up for the boss fight ahead. But to the players who have seen this occur over a hundred times, it has become nothing but an annoying part of the process.

Within the room is a single iron pathway that leads up to an elegant throne, on both sides of the pathway are bodies of water, on the right side the water is blue and on the left the water is purple. If one were to look beyond the throne they would realize this room is an open platform and behind it is a star-filled sky. Not nearly as impressive as the one in Liliana’s library. 

'Pathetic...' Blue-Planet thought to himself in contempt.

Upon the throne sat a woman whose appearance screamed nobility. The way she crossed her legs elegantly with her back straight and her hands resting on her lap as she stared down the intruders, despite her eyes not being visible past her white antler-like crown, would give any newcomer the chills. Her purple and white dress hugged her body tightly, emphasizing her curvy figure more than needed. Her slender arm moved up slightly to support her head, there wasn’t a single blemish on her beautiful face. Unfortunately, one would never be able to see the entire work of art because the crown covered the top half of her already charming face.

“Hmph. It seems even after we have isolated ourselves to the quietest corners I could find, there are still beings foolish enough to target us… You even killed all my dear subjects on your way here.” Her melodic voice entered their ears.

The best way to describe this voice would be… ethereal. Her voice was made to sound enchanting but distant. But her tone is dominating and filled with contempt, this obviously gave rise to some interesting fans in the Yggdrasil community. 

“God, I’ve heard this voice line so many times and I still love it!” A voice rang from the back of the group, receiving many nods in return.

“Silence. I shall feed your corpses to the creatures of the void…” She claimed confidently as she stood from her noble seat.

Her slender arm stuck out as if waiting for something to enter her grasp, and one of the stars suddenly shot towards her at blinding speeds. Leaving only a trail to identify what occurred…

In her hands was now a simple-looking white staff with two blue crystals floating at the center of two intertwined branches on both ends. She then slowly levitated a few meters off the ground and twirled it once, making many miniature planets, stars, and black holes appear in the room and rotate around the center at varying speeds while creating speed and accuracy debuffs.

[ 1rst Phase, Base Luxanna ]

The figures, who were speaking amongst themselves quickly entered into a state of focus and silence as they got into a formation. 

At the back where mages, some casting supporting enhancements and others casting destructive spells form the safety of the backline. 

The enhanced tanks stood tall at the front taking the brunt of a volley of star-like orbs with many unique abilities and items. 

The assassins rushed into different positions at the edge of the platform, patiently waiting for something. 

The ranged DPS players sent constant attacks to the body of the queen as their projectiles either missed her last second or bounced off a pale spherical shield. 

And at the very center of the formation were a few undead, casting protective spells or buffs once in a while. This continued for a few minutes as many bright flashes and lasers flew around.

Until the shield cracked. At that moment all the mages finished casting their most powerful spells and a mass of flashy multicolored explosions descended upon the lone queen, bringing her health down to ¼ of its original value.

At that moment, she began teleporting around the room non-stop while firing some longer casting spells. Unfortunately for her, the assassins were waiting for her at every spot she appeared, after 8 teleportations her shield broke the second time. And at her ninth teleportation, two jagged blood red blades stabbed her right in the back. Decreasing her remaining health to zero.

Cracks formed around her body as her previous white holy-like appearance fragmented and collapsed into a newly formed dark-purple orb that slowly reformed into her previous shape, but this time she looked stronger. Her staff also changed into a different design, instead of white it was black and the crystals turned into black orbs that distorted the air around them. Usually, there would be a voice line just before she died but for the last week or two, they managed to find an exploit that guaranteed a critical strike that brought her health to zero every time. Perks of repeating the same boss non-stop for more than a month.

[ 2nd Phase, Void Luxanna ] 

( 2nd Phase has a 50/50 probability of being either Void Luxanna or Cosmic Luxanna )

“Fufufu~” A sensual voice resounded as she finally took shape.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve taken this form… Be proud of yourselves for having the honor of getting devoured by me.” she proudly announced as rifts opened all around the platform.

Abominations of all appearances and sizes left the portals and rushed at the group of warriors. The undead at the center started to prepare their attacks as the mages and tanks focused on defending. Meanwhile, Luxanna teleported directly above the center of the platform and started casting a flashy spell, the area around her started to form a multicolored cloud that began to rotate rapidly as it got sucked into a concentrated ball of unstable energy that got bigger by the second.

“ [Coalescence] “ A supporting mage cast from behind the undead as a circle formed below them.

“” [ Maximize Magic: Dark Tide ] “” The undead cast in union

As soon as they finished casting this spell a massive tsunami of black ominous water covered the swarm of void creatures, killing all of them instantly. But from the corpses of the creatures rose many different undead soldiers, each belonging to one of the casters. 

“” [ Corpse Barricade ] “” They continued as all the undead turned into sludge and covered them in a dome of black flesh.

“ [ Eb’Cathylons Wrath ] “ Luxanna casts in a demonic voice as the unstable energy above her vanishes and a massive rift lined with teeth opens in its place, covering the entire platform.

From the rift, a blinding red laser descends onto the platform, accompanied by a roar that trembles the boss area violently. The undead wall takes the full brunt of the attack and loses its impressive health bar in seconds, dispersing. 

The beam then falls on a barrier and breaks it. But that wasn't the end as the beam continued burning through another 3 barriers until it hit the players, who were all coated by some kind of defensive buff. Yet most still lost a lot of health, forcing them to resort to potions and healing abilities to stay alive under the impact of the attack.

As soon as the attack stopped they all collectively fired their spells and attacks at Luxanna in an attempt to deal as much damage as possible. They managed to take ¼ of her health this time. 

Unfortunately, they had to repeat this situation 5 more times, each with a different spell with the same power as the previous. And the audio/visual effects were most definitely not any less terrifying either. 

When they finally manage to bring that health back to zero, something that would strike fear into any gamer happened. 

“AAARGH!” She shrieked in pain as her voice flickered between distorted and angelic.

A massive crack formed right through the middle of her body splitting it into two. The staff floated above her head and also broke into two pieces, one piece turned pitch black and crumpled into a ball, while the other overflowed with blue energy and burst into a short one-handed sword with a blue orb just above the hilt, her crown shattered into pieces, giving way to one blue and one black beam of light emitting from each eye.

The glows slowly covered a side of her body and she split into two pieces. One was as bright as the blue stars she was firing earlier, and the other was black with the air distorting around it.

Every mage charged up their strongest spells while focusing on the bright side. 

The tanks split into two groups, one group formed around the mages, and the other approached the black part of the body as if trying to draw its attention while a couple of healers stood a moderate distance from them. 

The necromancers all grouped up with the healers while casting multiple spells in preparation.

The broken pieces slowly formed into two women, one was the personification of the horrors of the abyss as the black ball rapped in steel which used to be a piece of the staff orbited around her in wait.

And the other was the personification of the cosmos, holding her sword in her right hand as the sharp energy on it flowed rampantly.

[ Final Phase, Ruptured Luxanna ]

“” To think you would push me to this stage… “” Two voices rang out menacingly, one barely recognizable through its distorted nature and one angelic and uncongenial.

Immediately, the blue woman dashed towards the mages as they were casting their spells as her blade was raised in the air and amplified its size. 

A wall of shields and slimes immediately appeared before her as her sword descended upon it. A bright neon blue slash appeared on 7 of the armored figures as their health went down by 50% despite all their defensive equipment and buffs. The slash the dematerialized into many small bright particles that sunk into their bodies. Causing them to start losing health in very small percentages, ignoring their defenses completely.

“Fuck this penetration bullshit.” One of the armored insects grumbled as he received healing from one of the supports that stayed behind.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the platform, the tanks were getting bashed and tossed around by many black orbs as occasionally one bigger orb forced them into a cramped situation. If the mages were among them, there is no doubt they would have already died.

A grueling battle ensued as assassins and warriors tried their best to catch up to the blue blur teleporting around and chopping down on the tanks mercilessly as they tried to defend their mages, who were bombarding both figures with everything they had. 

The undead lords tried their best to hold off the massive hordes of void creatures coming from the rifts that were constantly opening around the platform. 

And the smaller group of tanks kept the Black Luxanna entertained with constant healing from the supporters hiding behind the undead armies.

Finally, they managed to whittle down the blue Luxanna’s health to zero and she collapsed, dematerializing into blue particles, leaving behind her sword as it flickered weakly. 

A nearby warrior in red immediately grabbed the handle and tossed it towards the black ball floating idly above the remaining boss’ hand while warning everyone to get away from the boss. Receiving shouts of protest and irritation from everyone else.

“Dude! There’s like a 27% chance of that working! WE NEED TO IMPALE HER!” A mage shouted indignantly from the formation.

“Too late… And it's a risk I’m willing to take!” He responded and clapped his armored hands together while dropping his weapon to express his bravery… or to pray...

The moment the dwindling blue blade collided with the black orb they caused a violent reaction and created visible cracks in the air around them. Which increased in size by about a meter before exploding and dragging everyone towards the newly created vacuum.

“YES! I TOLD YOU! HAHAHA!” he exclaimed while laughing his head off.

Black Luxanna, who was in the center of the blast, started to lose health extremely quickly with no signs of stopping as her body began to shrink and compress into the orb of chaos. 

The raid group used all their movement abilities in rapid succession to not get dragged into the area as if they knew that the moment even an inch of their body touched the area of effect, they would immediately die.

“Urgh…” the distorted voice rang out one last time as she was completely swallowed, the turbulence stopped completely as if it never happened. But no one cheered, they held their breath.

[ Congratulations! You have defeated the Spacial Queen Luxanna! ]

A tense silence filled with hope and expectation fell upon the boss "room" as they gazed at their rewards.

“I GOT IT!” Takemikazuchi shouted with a voice of joy and relief, prompting a thunderous cheer to resound through the now queenless throne room.

>Back to the current situation.

Liliana opened her eyes in surprise as she gazed deeply at the pair of beautiful thigh-high socks. A somber smile made its way to her lips.

“Thank you…” She mumbled as the items sunk into her body and warm white light enveloped it, briefly turning night to day in the forest.




Screenshot_20220424-210209_Discord.jpg The Crown -> Golden Jewels / White Frame

Screenshot_20220424-173930_Instagram.jpg The Necklace -> The chain is white and the thing remains the same.

Screenshot_20220424-210809_Discord.jpg The Bracelets -> Just white

Screenshot_20220424-210223_Discord.jpg The dress -> Ignore the things on her arms.

Screenshot_20220424-210152_Discord.jpg The Scepter/Staff 

Screenshot_20220424-210352_Discord.jpg The Thigh High Socks -> Use this but change the purple to white. 

[ A/N : I will explain in detail what it looks like in the next chapter. This is just to keep the info dump short. ]

Screenshot_20220424-211358_Discord.jpg Throne Room 

Screenshot_20220424-210239_Discord.jpg 1rst phase

Screenshot_20220424-210253_Discord.jpg 2nd phase

Screenshot_20220424-210303_Discord.jpg Final phase - Void Rupture Luxanna

Screenshot_20220424-210313_Discord.jpg Final phase - Cosmic Rupture Luxanna


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