Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 20: Chapter 16: Back to Nazarick

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> The next day

> Nazarick, The Grand Library

The Grand Library was as peaceful and quiet as it usually is, the only sounds that could be heard were the dusters brushing against the shelves and the serene humming of Liliana's servants.

Suddenly, a patch of healthy green grass began to morph into a shape of a door laying flat on the ground before solidifying and gaining a shiny golden doorknob, it twisted 45º clockwise and a satisfying click resounded through the room.

This didn't go unnoticed by the servants, who immediately halted their chores and lined up neatly in wait.

When the door finally opened...

"Oops, it's facing the wrong way…" Liliana chuckles before the door closes and disappears.

It then reappears perpendicular to the ground and opens again. This time, revealing Cleria with a slight smile on her face and a blushing Liliana but before anyone could absorb the adorable look on her face, she ran and dove face-first into a bean bag nearby, sinking into it while releasing a relieved sigh. Clearia walks in calmly with the two humans floating beside her.

"Mistress, as much as I want you to enjoy a nice break. You have a pet to train and this… bag of skin? to interrogate." She comments as she walks in and gives her subordinates a nod.

"Nooo~! I wanh u wea, I worwed wo ar a lah fuh day! I feeh ar sow fom aw a wakin an I'm rewy stre-ed fom wha hawened… ( I want to read, I worked so hard the last few days! My feet are sore from all the walking and I'm really stressed from what happened…)" She whines with her face still buried in the comfort of the bean bag.

"Please do not abandon your responsibilities, especially when you brought them yourself." Cleria ruthlessly replies without a second beat.

( POV - Liliana )

'It seems it has come to this once more…' I think to myself as I get up from the haven I had just established.

I turn around and gaze into her red eyes intensely.

"I entrust this matter to you, my dear secretary!" I encourage her with a thumbs up.

"My Lady… I am elated that you trust me with something so important…" She replies with a hand over her bountiful chest, looking touched.

'It worked!'

"But, I must decline. You have to get used to taking responsibility for your actions. What would Lord Ainz think of you if he found out you were evading work?" She continued with a concerned mother tone.

'Hmph! Impudent secretary, how dare she question my methods! It seems I must unleash my wrath...' I contemplate with closed eyes.

' [Super Tier: Pout of Frustration] '

I look away from her while filling my cheeks just enough for them to look extra squishy but not bloated. I then added moist eyes to maximize the damage. All the servants in the room stagger away as Cleria trembles, desperately trying to hold her ground. Some tears build up at the corners of my eyes as my body language changes to that of a vulnerable puppy who's just been kicked.

'I can't do it!' Cleria thinks to herself as her resolve cracks and grips her violently pounding chest.

She looks at me one more time and sighs in exasperation.

"I shall do it to my full capabilities, mistress." She comments while teleporting away somewhere, along with the two resin-encased humans, leaving a small paper note on the ground.

"Yay!" I celebrate as I allow myself to sink into the embrace of this thing once more.

But before I could enjoy my much-needed rest the paper suddenly rushed to my position and landed on my lap.

[ There will be a meeting with Lord Ainz and Lady Albedo in 5 minutes, I have left an appropriate outfit with Carmilla. Lady Albedo emphasized that only the mistress can go. So no pushing the meeting into one of the servant's hands. ]

I was about to whine about having more work but I felt a predatory gaze analyze every inch of my body with chilling intensity. Feeling slightly threatened I look up from the note warily, only to see Carmilla towering above me with her beautiful icy blue eyes locked into my light red eyes.

Carmilla is the vampire who works directly below Cleria along with her three equally attractive sisters.

She has a slim body that moves with the utmost elegance, her red lips contrast beautifully with her pale skin, her cold blue eyes are filled with desire for dominance, and her long straight white hair is never out of place. She is usually wearing a black and crimson red ombre dress, sporting golden shoulder plates and matching blood red heels.

"Carmilla, although I don't mind being admired. Your gaze is making me feel a little vulnerable…" I comment while hugging my knees in an attempt to reduce the intense stare.

She looked completely unbothered, in fact slightly excited by my request. But bowed gracefully in apologies.

"Apologies Lady Liliana but it has been far too long since I was in your... enchanting~ presence," Carmilla remarked in her smooth voice accompanied by a british accent.

"I see" I commented, feeling some heat in my cheeks as some memories flash through my mind.

"Please stand in front of me, it would be inconvenient to change your clothes in that position." She added as she went back to her previous posture.

I nodded and teleported in front of her, standing face to chest as I wait for her to begin.

She removed my clothes slowly and gently while taking every chance to "inspect" my body with her incredibly dexterous hands. A rare smile slowly made its way to her face, a smile that would make both men and women sway. Occasionally, one of her sharp nails would graze sensitive areas of my body, making me shudder as shocks ran across my now sensitive skin. By the time my clothes were off I didn't know whether to feel excited or disappointed.

"Is there something wrong my lady?" She asked with some barely considered elation in her voice.

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"No… Keep going." I replied with a blush.

She smiled pleasantly with half-closed eyes while bringing out a neatly folded set of clothes.

> 3 minutes later

"You look dashing my lady." She compliments while looking me up and down.

"Thank you," I reply as a full-body mirror materializes in front of me, which she holds in my direction.

I was now wearing a dark outfit with a black/purple/blue color scheme, and a bunch of black leather studded harnesses decorating the clothes. It concealed just enough to make me both cute and have a hint of sexiness. Unfortunately, I couldn't even tell the names of these types of clothes because there was way too much going on, so I stopped trying to identify every piece of clothing I was wearing.

[ A/N: It was impossible to properly describe this with my current skills. ]

"My lady, as much as I want you to bask in your greatness, you have a meeting to attend." Carmilla reminded me with pride in her voice.

I looked up at her with reluctance.

"I don't wanna~" I whine in hopes she could give some solution to my predicament.

"I believe Cleria told me Lady Albedo had prepared a gift for you in case the meeting went well." She appealed with a sparkle of amusement in her eyes.

'Lady Liliana's cuteness is a very lethal weapon…' Carmilla thought to herself while barely preventing herself from cooing at her Lady's reaction.

"Really?!" I exclaim, losing all the reluctance I once had.

"Yes." She replied

At this point, I didn't care if they were just dangling a carrot for me. If they really had a present for me it would be an amazing present! Just thinking about the books Lord Ainz found when he was outside had me drooling in anticipation.

"See you later Carmilla!" I replied before teleporting to the throne room with the ring.

( POV - Ainz )

> Throne Room, 1 minute earlier.

My time outside of Nazarick was pretty fun, adventuring was just as fun as I expected it to be. It was like playing a new expansion right after it came out, the joy of discovering new NPCs and areas filled with questlines to entertain me again is something I'll never get bored of.

Unfortunately, around a week into my journey, I was contacted by Albedo and asked to return to Nazarick to receive important information.

So here I am now in the throne room waiting for Liliana to arrive, I got a rough understanding of the situation. Apparently, Shaltear had been brainwashed, which should be impossible without a world item, that fact was enough to leave me on edge.

I was hoping that it would not be the case, I'm becoming increasingly aware of my carelessness and it isn't a pleasant feeling. I was both unsettled and relieved by my emotional limiter because I was one-hundred percent sure that without it I would be feeling extremely anxious.

Suddenly, Liliana pops into existence right in front of me, wearing an adorable lolita outfit. It gave me a barely repressed urge to pat her over the head and a feeling of anticipation of her reaction when I give her the books I picked up for her came up at the back of my mind. Looking into those soothing red eyes of hers filled with expectation, I couldn't help but chuckle despite the circumstances.

I think I even heard Naberal and Albedo "aww!" under their breath.

"Liliana, it is great to see you again. I hope you can bring me clarification to the whole situation." I inquired, speaking in a way that has become strangely natural to me.

"No worries my Lord, I will explain it with all my effort!" she replied passionately with flames burning in her eyes.

I suppressed the urge to laugh with everything I had, it looked too cute!

'Calm yourself, Suzuki! You are the benevolent ruler of Nazarick…' I shouted in my thoughts.

She took a deep breath and then murmured something under her breath, I felt something in her head. A fluid-like substance connected itself to her eyes, which began to shine bright red for a few seconds before projecting what seemed to be an illusion of a translucent light red monitor about 2 meters in height and 4 meters in length. I looked beyond the monitor to see her standing stiffly with her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration.

Confused by her actions, I turned to face Albedo to see her reaction but to my surprise, she had done the same and was now gazing at me with the same amount of confusion. We made eye-socket contact for a few seconds before turning back to the monitor with curiosity plaguing our minds. But what shocked me was that the monitor suddenly began to play out a video.

I saw, from what I assumed was Liliana's point of view, her walk up to the door as Shaltear stepped aside with a look of pure joy on her face, Solution was also in the small room rippling strangely with a creepy smile growing wider by the second, another woman in a suit was also in the room looking at her with a smile rivaling Solution's as she rubbed her thighs together, and Sebas is just observing the situation calmly.

'I've started to regret the way we designed some of our NPCs…' was the first thought on my mind

I was trying to figure out which spell Liliana is using for a few seconds but shrugged it off pretty quickly. Whatever it is, it's not from Yggdrasil. I wonder how she learned it...

I was pretty weirded out already, but what I didn't expect was the horrors I would watch Liliana commit the moment she opened that door. And boy was I in for a surprise… I had severely underestimated our delightful little librarian.

[ A/N : After some investigation, I realized I kind of screwed up the timeline e.g. Carne village happened two days early. But no worries because I'm keeping track of it very carefully now. So if you find some inconsistencies just ignore them, of course, I'm keeping track of it while thinking of the changes Liliana made. ]

Screenshot_20220509-063542_Brave.jpg -> Carmilla - Looks like the one from castlevania but does not have the same goals.

Screenshot_20220508-213501_Discord.jpg -> Outfit - I couldn't describe without butchering the appeal : (

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