Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 7: Chapter 5: Inner Turmoil & Illusions

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>The Great Tomb of Nazarick, 2nd floor,  Adipocere Chamber

Sound of pleasure and joy can be heard all around as many of Shaltear's concubines play amongst themselves. At the center of it all is Shaltear herself with a bored look on her face, ignoring the erotic atmosphere around her and treating her brides like annoying insects. Occasionally one or two would get slapped into a wall mercilessly without a second glance.

"It's not the same…" Shaltear complains in an annoyed voice.

"You can't even compare to what I've just savored" She scoffs at the two vampires who tried to approach her.

She stands up and paces back and forth while stressfully biting her sharp thumbnail. But her mood quickly changes when she hears light footsteps coming her way, being the obsessive sister she is, she has already memorized the sound Liliana makes when her feet touch the ground. Hearing the exact pace and soft taps she's worked so hard to memorize coming towards her, she pulls out a mirror and checks her body for any signs of blood. Some would ask why she wouldn't just command one of her servants, and the simple answer is that this situation is of utmost importance and she doesn't trust them enough to not fuck it up.

'No blood, deep breaths, remember Lord Peroronchino's guide. It worked this evening, and it will work again now' Shaltear thinks to herself while sitting on a clean white bed crossing her legs.

(POV - Liliana)

'I'm so stupid! How could I forget about scrolls? Stupid Liliana. Bad girl! You have all the knowledge of a library in your smooth brain and you still forgot about something so simple' Liliana thinks with frustration as she makes her way to Shaltear's chamber.

I enter the room as the sound and scent of sex got louder and stronger. I looked around and see many of her concubines playing with each other, I ignored the erotic atmosphere the best I could and turned my head to the person at the center of it all. There was my beautiful sister, she sat on a clean white bed wearing a black transparent gown with her milky white legs crossed elegantly while she gazed at me with a big smile and glowing predatory eyes.

"Shaltie, there's been a change of plans…" Liliana says quietly with some disappointment.

"What do you mean?" Shaltear asks as her smile falters slightly.

"Well, I have to put up the illusions around the tomb tonight so we'll have to wait until another time. So instead of doing the ritual today, we should do it tomorrow," Liliana clarifies with a hopeful look.

"Fine, It's too soon to have fun with you anyway. Instead, when I ask you to do something, regardless of how much you dislike it you will do it." Shaltear replies with a wider smile.

"What?! No! You can only decide what we do for a day. You're scheming something weird…" Liliana says with narrowed eyes.

"Ok…" Shaltear replies with disappointment.

'Hehehe! I showed her who's boss this time!' Liliana thinks with a smile while nodding to herself as she teleported up to the first floor.

What I didn't see was Shaltear grinning ear to ear with a dangerous glint in her eyes and a flushed face, promising a very interesting day that has yet to come as she laughed like a maniac.

>Surface walls

A petite vampire girl with ankle-length platinum hair pops into existence, she looks up at the beautiful night sky. Stars glittering brightly together with perfect clarity reminding her of the 6th floor and one of her favorite supreme beings. Her red eyes become slightly moist as they reflect the stars. The wind picks up slightly and blows her rainbow-tinted hair back while caressing her soft skin as thinks back on her memories of him, a small tear makes its way down from one of her light red eyes. A beautiful yet sad image that no one was around to see as she felt like letting out all the emotions she bottled up for so long.

"I hope you're okay…" She says as she sits on the ground and holds her knees.

Her chest begins to fill up with a turmoil of emotions as she feels something stuck in her throat.

"I miss you so much…" She cries quietly.

>Above the clouds

(POV - Albedo)

I finished cleaning up my chambers as one of my servants notified me that Lord Momonga had disguised himself and made his way to the surface. I thought about how our Lord cares  about us so much that he purposefully disguises himself to not bother us, my maiden heart fluttered as I thought of his advance on me earlier today. I would've done it right then and there had he not stopped me, such control over his desires… Our Lord is the greatest man to ever walk this realm.

'I should accompany him, there is nothing more important than serving my future husband after all!' Albedo thinks to herself with passion.

I make my way to the surface and fly up to locate him. I look around and spot something else entirely, something that brought pain to my heart. It hurt more than when I was hit by people who invaded the tomb and it was worse than when I tasted Liliana's cooking. A feeling I haven't felt in so long I thought I lost it.

Liliana, my sweet hardworking, and cheerful child is curled up weeping alone. I look to the other side of the walls to see my Lord with Mare and Demiurge as they are completely unaware of the situation.

'Unacceptable.' Albedo thinks to herself as she descends in a burst of black feathers.

(POV - Liliana)

I let out all my emotions in an attempt to gain my usual composure back, but it just feels worse and worse. I felt disappointed and sad, out of 3 people I considered essential in my life only one of them hasn't abandoned me. And if that wasn't enough my soul and my in-game character are fusing while creating a jumble of emotions I can't read properly. Part of me wants to cry my sorrows out while the other part wants me to keep my cool, both of them are fighting against one another in an attempt to gain dominion over the other. My mind feels like it's breaking and degrading slightly as every second passes. I feel something touch the top of my head and grab onto it, I bring it in front of my eyes. A small black feather, I look up to see Albedo looking down at me.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she slowly approaches me.

I make my best poker face and gaze into her bright yellow eyes.

"Yes," Liliana says with her usual cheery voice, but her face still shows evident sadness.

Albedo approaches me and gives me a motherly hug.

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"It's ok for you to cry, no one will blame you, we all feel the same way." She says with sorrow and longing.

I melted into her soft embrace, hearing her words I nod. It's not just me, all of us have been abandoned by our parents. A sad reality no one on the other side thinks about, to them life just kept flowing normally but for us…

"We may have been abandoned by many we loved, but we still have our Lord" Albedo reassures.

"So cry all you want. I'll be here for you until you feel better." She finishes as she sits on the edge of the wall with Liliana on her lap.

Hearing her made the inner turmoil settle down, as she caressed my hair carefully and affectionately. Each second that went by I started feeling myself regain control of my mental state as the soul and body started to merge properly as they found common ground.

>15 minutes of patting later

I felt much better but I didn't leave her lap. I currently had a monopoly over the best pats and hugs. There is no way I'm leaving this woman's lap.

"I think that's enough love for today," Albedo says as she stopped patting Liliana.

"Nope!" Liliana replies as she pressed her back on Albedo's soft body and kicked her feet like a child.

"This feels soooo gooood" Liliana comment as she closes her eyes comfortably.

"Fufufu~ You look very cute right now" Albedo comments while looking at Liliana's blissful expression.

I think deeply about what to say, I want to give her some kind of gift for comforting me. I open my eyes and look up at her yellow orbs as she gazes back with motherly affection.

"Do you want me to make it possible for Lord Momonga to have sexual intercourse with you and only you?" Liliana asks with a serious yet childish voice.

"W- What?" Albedo asks with a flushed face as she looks at Liliana wide-eyed.

"Do you want me to make it possible for Lord Momonga to have sexual intercourse with you and only you?" Liliana asks with more emphasis.

"Do you want to give birth to his child? I have extensive knowledge of rituals and I wouldn't call it a stretch to link him to you and only you." Liliana clarifies with a caring smile.

'I won't let you become comic relief.' Liliana thinks to herself while Albedo processes the

the information she received.

Soon enough she was writhing around while holding her cheeks with a very wide smile.

"Of course I do!" She said with a little too much excitement.

"I'll start working on finding a way then…" Liliana says in a cute thoughtful pose as her lips begin to form a small pout.

Albedo embraced me even tighter as my face sunk into her melons and jumped around victoriously while spouting come insane rambling of love to the world as I kept my thinking pose and thought process, somehow completely ignoring the giant bonkers blocking my mouth and nose.

"Work hard on those Illusions, leave that thought for another day Lily" Albedo comments before lifting off in the direction of Momonga.

I gazed at her for a while before moving back to the task at hand. I look at an opening of the tomb.

'I got just the right thing for this' Liliana thinks to herself with a small smile.

"[ 5th Tier Magic: Cognitive Veil ]" Liliana casts as red magic circles rotate around her arm and the area she envisioned.

( Cognitive Veil - Anything under the veil will lose its interest, anyone that looks in its direction will unconsciously ignore it unless they already know what is beyond the veil. If someone focuses on the veil for too long they will very slowly start to lose their sanity. Cognitive Veil can sustain itself from the mana in the air when covering small areas.)

After about 5 seconds a translucent veil covered the area. I skipped over to the next few entrances and covered them all in their own veil. Finally, I had to cover the top of the tomb to match the dirt covering the walls, when I met Lord Momonga I requested that they leave the top of the tomb to me. How could they cover such a beautiful view?

I opened my arms wide as I floated above the tomb with the palms of my hands facing the ground.

"[ 7th Tier Magic: Obelisk of Solid Concealment ]" Liliana echoes from above the tomb under the eyes of Momonga and the 3 Floor Guardians present.

(  Obelisk of Solid Concealment - Forms an obelisk of the casters magic that will then project a dome around a specific area of at most 100 meters diameter. The range can be extended by crafting [Resonance Crystal]s and lining the desired circumference with them. From the inside, the dome is transparent and liquid but from the outside, it will take an appearance desired of the caster that can be altered at all times with a snap of a finger, it will also copy the sense of touch the caster associates with the appearance. The obelisk is self-sufficient, unlike most large-scale illusions. )

Red magic circles surround her as they rotate exponentially faster, red aura pours out of her body and through the circles as they process it and begin to gather it below her. It begins to take shape and slowly condenses and crystallizes. Three minutes later a Blood Red crystal obelisk with blue glyphs can be seen rotating below her as a transparent glass dome takes shape covering everything above the walls and connecting itself to some crystals lining the walls.

I look around as I scrutinize my hard work for a while, checking every crystal and every inch of the mirror-like dome. As soon as I'm sure that I've done a good job I give an appreciative nod and float down to speak with my spectators.

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