Overlord: Heart of Nazarick

Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Resting & Minor Mistake

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I slowly float down and lay on the ground.

"Albedoooo, my head hurts and I don't wanna waaaalk." I whine childishly.

"Lily, act mature in the presence of Lord Momonga." Albedo rejects with a calm smile.

"Pleeeaaaase, look at poor little me all mentally exhausted. Pwease pick me up…" I plead with puppy eyes.

Albedo staggered slightly but managed to keep her cool and shook her head firmly, while the others watched from the side in amusement and confusion.

'Maximum Effort! [Super Tier Magic: Teary Puppy Eyes]!' I exclaim in my thought while blasting albedo with teary eyes, and because of the stars, they became extra shiny.

'Ugh! Lethal damage!' Albedo staggers elegantly while holding her chest.

See her stagger I know I have dealt lethal damage and only need to drive it in further.

"I need our dear leader to carry my frail body! Please Albedo help me!" I call out while blasting Albedo with puppy eyes so powerful they could bring down a continent.

She puffs her chest proudly at my request and picks me up faster than the eye can see while nurturing me like a child who scraped their knee for the first time.

"Worry not Lily I shall take care of you as the leader of the guardians. My pride won't allow me to leave my poor child in such a grave situation." She says while rubbing her cheek on mine.

I can't help but let out little giggles when she acts like this.

"Let's go have a break, To the library!" I exclaim with excitement.

And so Albedo carried me off into the newly formed portal without a second thought.

(POV - Momonga)

I watch them leave together as Liliana whines the whole way about how we worked her to the bone.

'What the hell did I just witness?' I question myself while gazing blankly at where they disappeared.

"Will Liliana be okay?" Mare asks in a worried tone.

"Yes, she's completely fine. What you witnessed just now was a level of Leadership only she can perform…" Demiurge calmly answers while fixing his glasses.

"What do you mean?" Mare asked.

"Simply put, Liliana's cuteness among creatures of darkness is as powerful as a super tier hypnotic spell." He replies before leaving to do whatever Demiurge does in his free time.

'I never thought her background would have such an effect on others…' I think to myself before teleporting away with Mare.

(POV - Liliana)

Albedo steps out of the new portal as she sits on the soft couch with me on her lap.

"Do you want to read anything Albedo?" I ask

"I need information on how to seduce Lord Momonga, he's being too patient. But I need it to be subtle, little things that'll slowly make him ravage me one day. Something that will allow me to accumulate his tension until he can't stop himself from holding me down and giving me his seed." She says as she grows increasingly flustered.

I nod to myself and snap my finger as three books descend. The first one on the left has a black leather cover with white mechanical letters, the second has a collage of various beautiful women of all types with cursive white letters and the third has a portrait picture of Shaltear with some light pink cursive letters.

" [ P's Fantasies ], [ Every man's dream ], [ How to tease your big sister ]" I tell her the titles.

"As you know Lord Peroronchino is an expert in such matters, here are three books he wrote himself, [ P's Fantasies ] sums up a lot of different guides of seduction, so I would suggest reading all the pages from 35 to 56, this is where he describes on how to make yourself vulnerable for your partner to exploit. [ Every man's dream ] was also written by Lord Peroroncino but this time he had the assistance of multiple males, the book is written under the name of the [ Men of Culture] this book while giving many different ways of attracting different types of partners. You should only read chapter 31, it's only one chapter but I assure you it's very detailed. The last one… was by Lord Peroroncino again, but his one you have to read very quickly and return it to me. He wrote it for me, it details how to appeal to a more sadomasochist partner with several fetishes, every part of this is meant to seduce Shaltear so it may not work on Lord Momonga, but there are still some useful parts. My suggestion is to read from page 78 to page 152, it details a more toned down teasing that leaves your partner "Salivating" at your image, and opens possibilities for them to forcefully approach you." I clarify as the books float in front of her.

"And whatever you do, never, and I mean ever! Let Shaltie see the last book. If she does I will most definitely stop talking to you for about 100 years." I warn with a dangerous glint in my eyes.

She nods affirmatively and picks up the books, she starts reading the first one immediately with a concentrated face while making a lot of "oh"s and "ah"s. I send a mental message to my servants to bring me divine blood and a cup of tea for Albedo. They arrive a minute later and place the cups in front of us as I make them float and stabilize at a place we won't have to bend over to reach. I snap my finger again as another book descends, the cover is an illusion of the stars, and the title reads [ Celestial Starchart ]. This book was willed into existence when an infant cosmic being decided it looked fun to write a book.

'Zoe… I wonder if I can make contact with her, from my knowledge she's from another realm, yet she holds enough power to bring the book here. I wonder if I could visit Runeterra as well. Maybe the book holds a connection to her. A thought for another time.' I muse to myself over the possibilities of world travel.

'I don't even want to do that yet. I have much to do in this world.' I conclude

I read the book that popped into my library a few days ago without my permission with great interest. The sentences are written by a child, yet the topic is so complex. She was born with innate knowledge on how to do this, it's honestly incredible how a being can be born so powerful. Unfortunately, she gets off topic halfway through the book, she begins rambling about a space doggy which I'm guessing is not a dog at all which is later confirmed when she says he's a dragon who creates stars on a whim. Then she whines about some sparkly girl for the rest of the book, and this part is just… wow. Childish insults as far as the eye can see, some were even in languages that were probably lost in time. I really want to meet Zoe, she seems like a fun person.

I close the book and think about what to do next, my sister is busy with her patrols and asking stupid questions to everyone on her floors, Albedo is doing her thing, maybe I should test out my more destructive magic. Arcane magic is very fun to play with when it involves destruction.

I pull out a scroll and contact Lord Momonga.

"Hello?" I ask mentally

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"Liliana, why have you called me?" he asks in an authoritative voice.

"I wanted to test out my offensive spells and I wanted you to bear witness to my capabilities my lord" I respond.

He stays silent for a few seconds.

"Fine, I would also like to try out some of my own spells," he replies

"Go to the 6th floor, I'll be there in a minute he says as he cuts off the mental link.

I leave Albedo's lap ad make teleport away, leaving a note on the table in front of her telling her I left to test out some spells. I leave the portal and find myself in the middle of the arena. I wait for about a minute and a half and Lord Momonga comes through the gate without his staff.

"Hello Liliana," He greets

"Greeting Lord Momonga," I say with a bow.

"Let's begin then, I would like you to show me your strength," he replies

"Yes! Watch my shiny attacks my lord" I beam with excitement.

"Cast a spell of each Tier" he adds.

I nod and move ahead of him a bit and point my finger at a reinforced dummy with a 1 above its head.

"[ 1st Tier Magic: Acano Pulse ]" I say as a red magic circle forms at the tip of my finger.

(Arcano Pulse - Builds up mana from at the tip of a finger and releases it)

My mana accumulates into a ball and then burst out as a thick beam of pure mana in a straight line, the laser hits the mannequin and burns right through it with ease. I stop and wait as the dummy self-repairs as a 2 appears above its head. I point my palm at it.

"[ 2nd Tier Magic: Mana Burst]" I say as a larger circle with two layers appears in front of my hand.

(Mana Burst - Place a trace of mana within your enemy and detonate it at any time and pace)

(A/N: Pace means how long it takes to blow up, she can make people swell and stretch very slowly until they burst hehehe)

A small spark flies into the dummy and I mentally command it to burst, the dummy swells and burst like a balloon. I put my hands at my sides in a symmetrical fashion as it fices itself again with a 3 above its head.

"[ 3rd Tier Magic: Rite of Arcane ]" I say as a three-layered circle appears over my chest, blue mana from the atmosphere gets absorbed into my body and turns red.

(Rite of Arcane - Continuously absorb mana from the atmosphere and fire multiple explosive clusters made from it)

I fire 6 giant balls of pure energy into the air as they land and explode the dummy leaving a small crater behind. Both the dummy and the terrain repair themselves.

"[ 4th Tier Magic: Plasma Fission ]" I cast as a circle with 4 layers that slide up and down on both my arms appear.

(Plasma Fission - Fire two rotating orbs of void energy that separate at the end of their path and fire in opposite directions perpendicular to the initial trajectory.)

I put my hands in front of me and fire to purple clusters of void energy that disturb the air around them as they rotate around each other and melt right through the dummy splitting the moment they reach their maximum range.

"[ 6th Tier magic: Thermogenic Beam ]" A circle appears on my chest and sucks in all my mana before blasting all of it in one very powerful laser.

(Thermogenic Beam - Turn all your remaining mana into a beam of pure energy)

I wobble my way to Lord Momonga as the beam keeps burning through the highly reinforced arena as the ground shakes violently.

"Liliana, is there a reason why you skipped a tier and used a spell that drains all your mana?" He inquires

"I forgot?" I say with a little embarrassed smile.

"I see, you look very tired so I will leave this for another day, go rest for now," he said while patting my head lightly.

I leaned into the pats as they felt very fatherly.

"Also take this, I should've given it to you earlier," he says as he hands me a ring with a red jewel.

"Thank you!" I say as I light up with excitement and give him the sweetest smile I can muster.

He glows green as I teleport into the library without another word. Albedo is still reading the books. But this time I think she's re-reading them just to make sure she got everything memorized word for word. I ask one of my servants to place me on my blue planet, she picks me up and pulls me very close to her chest while sniffing my hair, I ignore it. Can't be bothered to deal with this right now...

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