Overlord: The Supreme

Chapter 1: Prologue.

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    I was standing in front of one of the heads of the R&D department. Of course this man was a mad scientist, others would not work underground when they could work officially. People like him were interested either only in money or in the data itself, and they were not afraid to get their hands dirty.

The old man smiled a toothless smile at me as I drank my coffee.

"So I'm assuming that my organization didn't just kidnap so many people for your department?" - I felt some anxiety that my hope might be cut short after his answer.

-That's right, that's right... - The old man nodded, handing me a flash drive and a briefcase. "There are the ampoules you asked for.

-So it will cause a chemical reaction throughout the body, which will be akin to a mental state - repentance?

-Yes! We spent almost five years on this, we double-checked all the results, so everything will be fine. By the way, drugs have not yet been invented? – Politely asked the scientist.

-No… – I grumbled, picking up the suitcase and leaving.

The old man suddenly bowed to my waist, and muttered.

-Boss, you are a real madman who is desperate and clutching at straws, but I want to believe that you will succeed!

    I thoughtfully opened one of the religious treatises that was downloaded to my phone, after checking some of the data, I nodded to myself.

- If God is very selfish, then I will have problems. If he's merciful, I hope the ploy works. And if there is none, just as there is no afterlife, then I will still die, so…

Having closed the treatise, I opened the light novel "Yes, I am a spider, so what?". The local main character was a very strong-willed and strong person who fought for her existence. I liked this piece because it helped to relax.

   It's been two months since I received the drug, and I even tried it (of course I wouldn't trust underground scientists so easily). All this time, I have continued to rule my criminal empire, and have already chosen my successor.

While I was reading the Eternal Will light novel, the bell suddenly rang, and one of my subordinates informed the sad voices.

- Boss, we found it. You... You must come with us.

- Oh, that's how it is. I was forced to smile sadly and get into the car. For a crime boss, letting his subordinates lead him to no one knows where was the height of stupidity. But they all owed me a lot. In addition, I was already going to leave their life, so they are unlikely to set me up, and instead, out of gratitude, they will fulfill the last stupid will of a forty-year-old unmarried man, whose deadly disease devours him day by day.

Soon I was brought to the mall, where I was told to go up to the right floor. There was a children's tour, so the likelihood that this was not a sudden business meeting greatly increased.

Suddenly, the bell rang again, and my successor spoke.

"Master, I…" She swallowed. - Are you sure? Scientists can also...

-Don `t cry. I said lazily. - Just report, and if this is what I think, then know that I believe in you and wish you good luck.

-Thank you, mentor. And yes, there's a terrorist here who's targeting kids on a school field trip. If you see them, you should also see a man in a leather jacket.

My heart skipped a beat. Although everything went according to one of the scenarios I had thought out, I could not help but feel the horror of my idea, and impatience at the thought of getting rid of the ever-aching and growing pain with time.

- Yes, I ... - I began to give an answer, but my mobile phone was out of order. It was completely destroyed due to the fact that I built a special system into it in advance, and gave the destruction button to the selected student. Now I could not call the police, or save the children in other alternative ways.

- "Excellent!" My lips twisted into a self-deprecating smile. Yet the instinct of self-preservation was very strong.

Everything was thought up in advance so that I was forced to sacrifice myself. And also, so that on the other side they would not tell me that I had another choice, and I just committed suicide in this way, and at the same time murder. Although in fact there they can get to the bottom of my motives, and half-hints that I gave to subordinates, but I hope that I can get out.

As a result, I saw how a man in a leather jacket takes it off, and everyone sees that he is covered with explosives, he was going to say something there, or he can press the button, but I heroically injected myself with the serum, and rushing at him, forced the guy fly out the window with me.

While we were flying, a chemical reaction began in my body. I remembered all my sins and crimes, and felt remorse. When we broke up, I didn't die right away. I suffered. And he felt agony, but continued to repent of everything, even that he had planned such a development of events, and then ...




-Welcome, O Pure Soul... - I was met by an angel girl. She was very cute, and had white wings on her back.

   The girl sat at the workplace like a clerk. She even had a monitor. And I myself turned into a simple luminous white ball that hovered over a chair placed near her workplace.

I experienced true delight and happiness. There was an afterlife after all! I risked not in vain! I... I just don't have words to express the storm of mostly positive emotions that was seething in me.

- I'm sorry, oh righteous man, but your life was cut short. However, you saved those children. You didn't just sacrifice yourself. The universe and…" she froze, staring at me.

And black smoke began to come from my white ball. And it's not at all because I briefly thought about inappropriate and very perverted things!

-Your thoughts are very evil. She looked at her monitor in bewilderment, and Lady Angel's eyelid twitched. "YOU… You broke the system!" You found a loophole, you shouldn't be here!

"So remorse helped, but not for long," I thought.

-Hey! All my sins have been washed away, so don't act so vicious and evil. What is this racism towards white balloons emitting dark gas? And what does evil thoughts mean, I just imagined that it would be in the final of our hypothetical date. Here that only monks who have taken a vow of celibacy get here? - I clarified, in the tone of a righteous man, but so that it was clear that I was mocking. Perhaps it was not very rational, but sitting in front of absolute beauty, and "not pulling" or "not poking" it, it would be a crime once again!

-Okay, thoughts are not punishable, only actions are important. - The girl massaged her temples and said. - Officially, you have no sins, and you are a righteous man. Since you saved people, sacrificed yourself for the sake of others, then according to article number 3 and paragraph 7, you are awarded the number of desires in the amount of those saved. Also, since these were children, then according to article number 77, paragraph 9, amendment 8, your desires may be a little excessive, and I should treat you with understanding, but even your desires cannot cross certain boundaries. While she was talking, she was typing something on the monitor. "Yes, and, perhaps, I should thank you for pointing out the malfunction in the system, we ...

- I wish, firstly, that my desires be fulfilled as they are, I understand , and secondly, that my desires and attitudes towards me remain unchanged , even if amendments are made, or something else happens, right down to timeline tampering, and other things I can't even imagine! - I said quickly.

-Tch! She clicked her tongue, and I could only mentally stick my tongue out at her.

-Hey! You are such a pure being, you should be ashamed that you tried to trick me like that! A shame! I will complain to your boss!

In fact, I felt chills, as she really already planned something against me. If I hadn't rushed, I might have already been sitting in some much less friendly department!

-Why did such an evil soul take that he has the right to do so? - The beauty asked arrogantly.

- Firstly, I still have desires, and secondly ... - I narrowed my eyes. "Are you trying to say that I was wrong?

Of course, we were alone in inter-space, but I was sure that the function to call the boss was present.

-N… No… You're not mistaken. - she squeezed out of herself, and turned away in embarrassment.

Hehe… She is most likely something like a light creature, and therefore her lies are so-so. (And it can not but rejoice!)

This lady angel is cute, but she's obviously mean. What's wrong with light creatures. Although she may not be an angel, in the end I only bought a lottery ticket with my death, because I did not know how this world really works. And I still don't know, but if there are wings and she's cute, I'll call her an angel.

- Okay, I won't complain. Although because of you, I had to spend two wishes. Can you give me two more?

-NO! And yet, although it seems to you that you saved many people, in fact, only five people would have died from that bomb, and the rest would have been injured. So your number of desires is five, and two you have spent.

I looked at her like she was a complete idiot. No, she knows what I worked for! Someone who, but I know how many people would die. Yes, and in the shopping center, during the rush hour of its work. Yes, and children, with their not yet developed bodies!

-Miss angel scoffs! After all, you should treat me as a righteous man, which means you should not lie.

She blushed and turned away from me.

-Are you in love? I couldn't help but smile, but then I added anyway. - Well, to save face, I will not continue, and I will sacrifice myself and my interests. Five lives is five lives!

In religion and books, self-sacrifice was considered something very good, so I suppose I will be rewarded according to merit, and even if not, then five wishes will be enough for me! (Maybe!)

As for calling the authorities, that's a good threat, but a bad idea. After all, someone who stands higher can take not my side, but her side, and who knows what he will do to me?! At least I can communicate with this lady approximately on an equal footing.

- I had a pretty soul that saved so many lives, and because of your desire, which I could not cancel, this feeling not only remained, but also increases, because in your understanding, if someone likes you, you will like more and more. She bit her lip. "Usually we could distort your desires, but the first one makes it impossible!" And no, I did not fall in love, a creature like me does not experience such feelings, but I feel sympathy for you.

Although she said a lot of things, this beauty bypassed the topic of lies. I must be careful. After all, even if she has positive feelings for me, this will not prevent her from trying to deceive me. Our dialogue is a game where my life and destiny are played out, and words are weapons!

-I thought a lot about how to make such a wish if I have Jin, because my fate will depend on this. And so give me time to think about the remaining desires.

     In time, it probably took about a couple of days. I have already assumed a human appearance with her permission, and even received paper with a pen. He also drank tea. Lady Angel didn't seem to mind fulfilling some of my desires just like that, as long as I quickly chose. It was a good tactic, in a word game, to annoy the enemy and make him want to get rid of you.

-Good! I want to get the ability in the form of reincarnation in other worlds, or as I called it the Reincarnation System .

She looked at the monitor, and her initially joyful face became haggard, after which she began to read, as I understand it.

-That is, you will be reborn in any of the worlds that you read about or saw anime, movies, TV shows, etc. At the same time, a special Reincarnation System will help you choose anyone for soul transmigration, and even allow you to choose any time period , while maintaining your memories . And also when you move into a certain character, you inherit his memory (if desired), but their memory will not affect your personality. But you will get their abilities ...

You are reading story Overlord: The Supreme at novel35.com

-Right! I nodded happily. – If I choose to reincarnate the body of Zhao Bud from the light novel Dimensional Farm in Another World, then I will get this very spatial farm as his power. AND…

"She will stay with you even if you are transported to another world…" Lady Angel turned pale. "In addition, you will be able to choose a form from any world that you have visited, and at any time use the power from any world.

-Yeah! Just imagine how powerful I will be by leveling up in the Naruto world and moving to the My Hero Academia world. In addition, based on my understanding, I will be able to return to those worlds that I left.

-You will break the balance of these universes, and besides, we will have to create them ... And in general, what is wrong with your greed?!! She's just over the top!!! Why don't you ask for reincarnation in the right world! Everyone does it!

The beauty clearly divorced more than one hit, so that they spent a desire that could give them anything they wanted, to get into just one world.

To something like that, I could only show her a cheeky smirk that said I could see right through her.

-Yeah, and stay locked in the chosen world?! After all, even becoming the strongest being, I could just get bored and die of boredom. No, there should always be new stories and worlds. – I chuckled.

I simply could not understand those people from fan fiction who chose only one world they loved. If you can ask for anything, you need to ask for the maximum. Of course, if I asked to become the supreme god or her boss, then maybe I would have been punished or I would have repeated the fate of Jafar from the cartoon about Aladdin, so I keep myself within certain limits.

Looking at the girl's face, I laughed and continued to speak.

- I won't need any cheats, because I can get them by living in the bodies of the main characters, and when I gain enough power, then ... - I fell silent, because I did not know what I would do next. A person who gains strength for the sake of strength is a flawed person. But in truth, I was just dying of illness, and now I would like to have both eternal life and perfect health with all sorts of nice goodies. So why don't I set a goal - collecting goodies? I will travel and collect different kinds of powers and beautiful girls. Of course, many would say that I think like a rotten and vile person, but so what?

-Your desire is excessive, and rejected. - Lady Angel turned away from me, and I noticed a malicious smirk on her lips.

Even if you treat a person with sympathy (by coercion of desire), this does not mean that you cannot try to deceive him, or prevent him from getting what he wants.

It seems that my strategy, with self-sacrifice and the giving of most of the desires, was not successful. So the altar style won't work with her. Then what about negotiator style? She seems ready to make contact.

- You said that I only saved five children, and for the sake of my respect for you, I did not focus on this. Perhaps I should change my position. Or maybe you could make an exception and give me what I want?

She frowned. The beauty apparently herself understood that it was not worth raising that question. So I tried to find a way out. I decided to help her.

- How about this - I forget about those desires that you decided to hide from me, and you let me get the Reincarnation System.

"Even if I want to…" she began. And from the look on her face, I realized that she really couldn't. After all, what would all these higher powers do if I received many types of power from different worlds, and surpassed their abilities and the universe system?

How about adding restrictions to them. I decided to approach the issue from a different angle. I really didn't want to be the fool who takes only one dish from the buffet, I want to be the one who takes the whole table!

-Hmm... I can introduce some restrictions to make the wish come true. For example, you can visit the worlds once every hundred years. And you can't possess some overly imbalanced characters. 

 Of course, I can't stop you from becoming very strong in the process, but...

Can't I become Saitama from One Punch Man? I guessed what she was afraid of. Baldhead, it seems, by design has an almost infinite amount of power. If I get his power, then I can really destroy everything.

-Exactly. The strength of such a character is excessive! So that…

-I understand. In that world, I will simply choose the Steel Knight - Beaufoy. I've always wanted a robot army. So okay, let's fulfill my desire as I understand it, and with the restrictions that we have stipulated.

The angel nodded, and I felt a new strength. At the same time, I felt excited! I was no longer a man without any power and rights behind me, now I can even run away from here whenever I want. However, of course I continued.

-I also want a Trading System !

She scanned the monitor again.

-Based on your understanding, you don't want to be controlled by the system, but you want a store like many other people have, in which there will be all the items of those worlds that you have visited at least once.

-Yeah! Aha!!! I nodded quickly.

-NO! You have to give something. Ordinary hitters complete system missions, and get points for which they buy items. - She sighed and thought suggested restrictions. - If you don't want to work and do missions, what about money? You will enter the local currency into the system. In one world, gold coins, in another, paper banknotes. Everything will be translated at the rate proposed by the system.

Lady Angel seems to like my idea of ​​limitations. But why not...

-Deal. I shrugged. With my Reincarnation System, money won't be a problem.

-Last wish?

-Hey! I still care that I spent two so you didn't set me up. May I have more wishes?

-Of course no.

In fact, trying to snatch at least something else will not be superfluous. Perhaps my number of desires is actually greater, but my rights here are birdlike. In general, it is better to resolve everything between me and her, but this does not mean that I will not try to get another wish. However, insisting on yourself is more expensive.

- It was worth a try ... - I muttered, looking at the lists on my sheet.

- Okay... - Lady Angel was still a bright being, and therefore she had mercy. - You can take a small bonus from me personally in the form of some kind of power, from those worlds that you can still get into.

"Since I could still get them with the Reincarnation System, it really does feel like a consolation bonus." However, I will not refuse. I want " The Skyway Library " from the work of the same name.

I chose an amazing power, and I chose it because I did not want to visit that world. The world of teachers was just terribly difficult and not fair, so I wanted to stay away from it, but the Skyway Library was the power that I always dreamed of.

-She's too powerful for a small bonus! - The girl was indignant, but after considering something she waved her hand. "Okay, last wish?"

- Servant and Harem System .

Lady Angel scanned the screen and grimaced as if I had fed her a lemon.

-You want to be able to summon members of your harem and slaves to any of the worlds, whom you will arrogantly call servants.

-Hey! They will be servants! I happily lied, without batting an eyelid.

-By agreeing to serve you, their mentality and personality will be distorted so that they are completely loyal to you. In addition, you also want them to be able to increase their statistics, and in particular, so that there is luck in the statistics. You plan to pump your luck to such a level that the blessings of all worlds and realities will begin to fall on you.

I coughed a little and she looked at me irritably.

From this look, I felt longing, she obviously will not say anything good to me.

-Not! You can summon servants and girls, but no more. No controlled statistics, no brainwashing. - Seeing my face and realizing that the next long philosophical reflections about the rights of poor souls, and the arbitrariness of higher beings are coming, she quickly suggested. "But development restrictions will be lifted from them. For example, if everything is limited to the hundredth level, they and you can always develop further. There will be no boundaries. And they will be able to master the power of other worlds. That is, in the world of Harry Potter, they will receive magic, and in the world of Naruto - Chakra.

-Em. What about luck?


- Well, then I should think about which world I should go to.

Week later.

- Please leave. - Lady Angel looked unhappy, she even had bruises under her eyes. And I nervously looked at the list of worlds.

-I cant! What if I get killed before I can evolve?!! At least reincarnate into the world of the Death Note, and live a simple life, holding the notebook itself under your pillow for a hundred years. - I couldn't help but groan. - In the world of Naruto, stronger ninjas will simply kill me, I don't understand those who chose this cruel world in fanfiction, where even children were sent to war ...

-You complain and complain... Are there really no options? – It seems she was desperate and decided to help me with the choice, if only I had already left.

- "Pokemon", a rather peaceful universe, but if you remember what these same Pokemon are capable of, I wonder how people did not die out there. Although maybe in the world of the "Legendary Lunar Sculptor"? It will be difficult to die playing MMORPG. But a falling icicle might well kill me, or a truck that decides to run me down, and the disease will most likely take my life before I turn a hundred.

- You know, even though I am a very kind creature, you got even me. - The girl noticed, playing solitaire on the computer. "Just choose a hero that is almost invincible, like Saitama from One Punch Man, but not so strong that you are allowed access to him.

-Good! Someone who will be strong immediately, or become strong quickly, and the world where I can use the knowledge of the plot is "Dimensional farm in another world" and "Overlord". But in the farm, the hero is initially not very strong, and initially there are not so many servants, and his body is initially weak, no magic, no martial arts. But Momonga, as he came to the new world, had many servants, and the Tomb of Nazarick filled with artifacts and treasures, he himself is an incredibly unbalanced character, which most of the inhabitants of that world could not even influence. – I smiled. – It seems I have finally chosen the world, I want to be the Lord! 

-And a year has not passed! - The angel was terribly glad that I was finally leaving.

At the same time, I finally finished my choice of who I want to move into, as well as the moment when I want to move into it. After which I disappeared.

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