Overlord: The Supreme

Chapter 2: The world of Suzuki Satoru.

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I woke up in the body of a five year old child and looked around. Relatively large room with no windows, but even without them the room was cozy. A soft carpet, a few paintings, soft chairs, human-sized vases, and a few tables. Although the size of the room was not that big, it was filled with high-quality objects, and it was clear that rich people lived here. 

I myself was lying on the carpet, next to me was a tablet. I felt a headache, but there was also intense joy. 

This was not the world where Momonga would just go and where the events of Light Novel would unfold, it was the world of Suzuki Satoru, who had yet to start playing Yggdrasil. 

I was reborn not into anyone, but into the second son of the head of the Gentle Sakura family. 

To make it clear in how good conditions I found myself in, Japan in this world is controlled by eight companies. Of these, only three are fully owned by one person, the remaining five are managed by boards of directors and shareholders. 

So I belong to the Gentle Sakura family, and my father is the sole manager of the Sakura Group. My father's power in Japan is very great, and he is not the last person on the world stage. 

I also want to note that in the family of Gentle Sakura there is a very warm family atmosphere. The father sincerely cares about his children, and differs from the stereotypical rich fathers that they see only a tool in their descendants. 

I also now have a loving older brother who apparently has seen enough of Japanese TV shows, which is why he is hyper-responsible and hyper-protective. He is also the heir to his father, and therefore he will be tormented by the rules and knowledge of managing a giant corporation, and not me. 

In general, I chose the most suitable carcass to achieve a lot in Yggdrasil using family resources and the Skyway Library. 

Now I am five years old. The game will be released in 2126, eighteen years later, after which, twelve years later, in 2138, the servers will be closed. When my body is thirty-five years old, I will leave this world and go to Momonga World, where my real adventures will begin. 

Before the release of YGGDRASIL, I must prepare and form the maximum number of benefits. And after the release, use all your resources to the maximum. 


After I got up from the floor and picked up the tablet, I immediately sat down on the sofa with it. My head ached as I was getting the remnants of a five year old's memory. In fact, I only did this to learn Japanese, and to find out what my brother and father look like. 

When I learned the knowledge of this child, I immediately opened the Internet on my tablet and started looking for books on cyber and nano-technologies. They were the most advanced in this world, so I wanted to add them to my Skyway Library. After downloading one of the books, I tried tapping on its shortcut to get a duplicate. However, in the Skyway Library, a book was formed only about the tablet, and its shortcomings. So I started reading the text of the downloaded work, and the library, with a start, created the book. It only took a couple of sentences to read...

"Hehe… It works. There are many advanced technologies in this world, before I leave it, I must acquire all the knowledge of this world. Even if they don't come in handy, I have to get the maximum benefit!!!" - I thought, and continued to download books. 

However, without the Golden Page, I won't be able to absorb everything I read. And this means that I cannot operate with this knowledge freely. And yet, when I mentally enter the Skyway Library, I can read books anywhere, in which additional errors will be indicated that they are made, and in this mental dimension, time slows down in relation to the real world. For example, the GG of the Skyway Library - Zhang Xuan, while being hit by an opponent, managed to read a book compiled about him. I believe that in the mental dimension of the Skyway Library, time passes much, much faster than in real life. This cheat will help me in my life to become famous as a genius. 

My plan is to help my family make even more money and increase their influence inside Japan. I need that by the time of my twenty-five years (the release of Yggdrasil), they should be as influential as possible, and most importantly, they could allow me to spend fabulous money on the game. It is important that this does not cause them questions. I have to create for myself the image of a little crazy genius. 

In doing so, I must avoid affecting the gameplay, it is impossible for Yggdrasil to differ from what it should be. After all, who knows what will happen if the graphics there will be improved, and, for example, the facial expressions of the characters will appear, as well as other effects. If I interfere with the internal development of YGGDRASIL, I may lose my chance to enter Momonga's world. 

That is, I have to focus on such aspects of technology as the implant, pharmaceuticals, vehicles, etc.


At lunchtime I met my elder brother. He is twelve years old, his name is Yuichi, which in Japanese means something like the eldest son, or the word brave. Already now he travels to various business meetings, and behaves like a small adult. However, with me, he seems to relax and rest. I must admit that in the future he promises to grow up beautiful, however, everyone who has money in this world will be very beautiful, since plastic surgeries are very well developed here.

-Little brother! Did you have a good rest today? - Entering the dining room, where the girls serving our family were setting the table, he rushed to me and grabbed my cheeks. Smiling happily, he began to bombard me with questions. 

- Older brother, too caring. - I told him with tears in my eyes, massaging my cheeks. Of course, a caring brother is better than the one who would try to kill me, fearing for the inheritance, but my cheeks hurt a lot! I came into this world to punish and dominate! "How did things go for you, by the way, today?"

- There was a lot of work, but I went to my fiancee. He smiled. - She asked me to give you some souvenirs in the form of fruits, they will be served now with the rest of the dishes.

In this world, nature has been destroyed by greedy companies that only care about their own profit. That is why the local population eats multi-vitamin pills, disgusting jelly that tries to imitate the taste of natural meat, and debilitating drinks. All this food is naturally synthetic, it supports the life of hard workers, but its taste and true benefits for the human body are not comparable to natural food. Its only advantage over natural is the low cost of about 220 yen (156.67 rubles) for a full meal.

As for the rich, we eat natural food, and giving fruit to each other, especially children, is considered good form. 

- Big brother Yuichi is so cool! I said in a childish voice. These were the words that any older brother wants to hear. Who wouldn't want to be admired by a younger one? I don't mind playing this guy. I don't want him to create problems for me instead of helping me in the future. 

"Yuki, you…" He smiled happily and declared proudly. - You're right! Your older brother is very cool! He will always help you!

The food was delicious, and during the meal, I unobtrusively approached him, and gave small hints of my incredibly developed intellect. When I finally reveal myself as a genius, thanks to the "breadcrumbs" I have left now, this will not arouse suspicion.


It's been 3 months since I entered the new world. During this time, I have scanned many books into the Skyway Library, and even compiled a few general works with its help. 

In the world of cultivators, by combining treatises, I would create the necessary cultivation technique, and in the world of science, I could create a book on the technology I needed, which would work with maximum efficiency, be created as simply as possible, and serve as long as possible.

With one of these developments, and also knowledge of some of the vulnerabilities in my father's corporation, I came to him.

- I am very pleased with your observations and developments, son. - My father praised me in confusion. 

Of course, he was terribly confused, because his five-year-old son turned out to be a GENIUS. Of course, in this world, thanks to the neural interface built right into the human brain and helping it work like an incredibly powerful computer, all the locals are much smarter than the inhabitants of my previous world, but I'm still five years old (in a couple of weeks it will be six)! I did what others could not do, and at the same time, with all my behavior, I demonstrated that I did not see anything unusual in what was created.

His father's eyes, looking up from his papers, suddenly flashed with understanding. He probably remembered the "breadcrumbs" that I threw in conversations with him and my brother, so that they would believe that I was a true genius. 

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Of course, some fathers in this world of technology could open their son's brains to understand why this child was born so smart, but mine was a very loving family man, so I had nothing to fear. 

"My little Yuuki, did you come up with all this yourself?" - The father, moving away from the shock, decided to focus on finding out all the details, and I competently gave him information, pretending to be a smart child, so that he would not suspect that I was an adult in the body of a child. 

We sat in our family garden, where the genetically modified Sakura was always in bloom, it was very beautiful. However, it contrasted amusingly with the near-destroyed outside world. 

- You helped me a lot. After the conversation, the father showed a gentle smile. He looked like a mature and handsome Japanese man in his forties with gray temples. He sat at a small wooden table, as if imitating anime characters. My father smiled happily at me.

You are too kind father. – I knew that it was customary for the Japanese to be polite to the point of self-abasement. If my family was Western culture, I would proudly puff out my chest, but in this culture, I had to be modest. 

Your name means happiness. I always thought I should be putting your brother to work, not you. But it seems I was wrong. He smiled like a cunning wolf that wants to eat a lamb. At that moment, I remembered that the staff had nicknamed him Yamato with an iron heart. My father secretly killed quite a few people, and also had a black market selling illegal implants. 

- Dad, I don't want to run a company. I made a frightened expression on my face, as if I had met a wolf, which probably already died out in this world.

-What do you want then? - His smile became kinder, it was clear that before that he was just trying to put pressure on me. Father measuredly took his cooled tea from the table, and drank it when I announced.

-I want lots and lots of women, a gaming device, and lots of money! 

He portrayed a whale, or rather spat out tea in a fountain from his mouth. And of course it all fell on me. The father himself laughed.

-Oh, I'm sorry! - All his majesty seemed to have flown away in an unknown direction. Now he has become just a father that ridiculed the dreams of his five-year-old son. "I didn't mean to laugh at you. 

-Actually, I was joking, so I don't mind laughing, but I think I should have timed it better. - I said, wiping my face from tea, then I got serious and said. "But I really thought a lot about my future. I approached this as scientifically as possible. By the age of twenty-four, I will enter my best years. But at the same time, I will have to start working, and this disappoints me. So I wanted to offer you this option, I will help you in creating new developments, and in other things that can bring profit, but only until the age of twenty-four, and then I will have fun until thirty-six, after which I will work again.

The expression on his father's face was indescribably bewildered.

- Do you want to work and then rest in the middle of your life?

-Yeah, but not just relax, but spend a lot of money on your vacation.

He laughed. 

- My son is not just a genius, he is a strange genius. But I can give you money anyway. You don't have to force yourself to work. 

-I want a lot of money for entertainment. – I smiled.

- Okay, but no addictive substances and some illegal drugs. He looked sternly at me. He didn't really seem to know how I was going to have fun. However, he could not disagree with my strange deal, because he wanted, like any businessman, to get more profit. 

-Agreed then?

-I'll ask your brother to help you with everything. And he will look after you. – quickly added father. He seems to be afraid that his smart kid will kill himself by mistake. 

"I'll be happy to help Yuichi." - I clenched my fist like a child, declaring. - Big brother is cool! 

At that moment, I myself imagined how much I would have to work in order to fulfill my cunning plans, but what would you not do in order to end up in the bedroom with Albedo naked? 


Author's note: This is the end of the first chapter. I want the hero to spend some time in the world of Suzuki Satoru. Usually, the authors of fanfiction paid attention only to Yggdrasil, and ignored the world itself (in which there is not a frail natural disaster), and which, it seems to me, is no less interesting. However, I will also focus on Yggdrasil in the coming chapters. This is important because GG will influence what he eventually gets into the world of Momonga. 

In this chapter, I wanted to show where GG will have so much money. He was born into a wealthy family and he has a Skyway Library, he also has a trading system, thanks to which he can buy, albeit for large amounts, very rare substances that are in the world, but they simply cannot be obtained for money. In general, I wanted to show that GG does not take money out of thin air. I don't like works where money just appears endlessly from an unknown space. Money is printed by the state (in this world of corporations), and it also monitors them, so gold can come from nowhere, but printed or electronic money does not.


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