Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 13: Chapter 12: New Day, Same Problems (1)

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After night came and passed, a new day started. Nozomi wakes up to the sound of birds coming from her window. Blinking a few times at the roof above, her vision still hazy from waking up. 

She looks to the side, seeing Seiza who is laying on the room’s carpet sleeping. ‘Huh,I guess it really wasn't a dream…’ She stares at him for a few seconds, a small smile creeping up her face at his sleeping figure, finding it cute.

Nozomi then begins to feel like she’s forgetting something. Something VERY important, that she should remember.

She then catches a glance of her alarm clock and immediately jumps out of bed. “Ahh, dammit ! I forgot to set the alarm !”

Seiza then begins to wake up due to Nozomi’s voice. Blinking a few times. He then looks at Nozomi who could be seen hurriedly undressing from her pajamas and changing into her school uniform. ‘What the-, what’s with the hurry, kid ?’

Nozomi, too occupied changing herself to even look at Seiza, just replies with one word. “School !”

She then puts on the bronze pendant around her neck and grabs her school bag before getting out of her room. After exiting her home, with her food on one hand and her school bag on the other. Nozomi then began to run like she did yesterday, this time, Seiza running alongside her. ‘Urgh, that’s just what I needed, with all that happened yesterday I completely forgot to set the time on the clock to wake me up ! Hopefully I can make it in time !’

When near the school gate. Nozomi begins to realize something. Stopping in her tracks, with Seiza walking a few feet ahead of her before noticing that Nozomi has stopped running. Turning his vision behind him, where Nozomi is now looking at him.‘Huh, what’s wrong, kid ?’

Nozomi then begins to become apprehensive, not really sure on how to put it nicely. “Umm, well…” She then closes her eyes and resolves herself to just say it. “I don’t think I can bring you to school,Seiza.”

Seiza blinks a few times and then begins to chuckle, waving his paw dismissively at her. “Pfft, oh, don't worry about that, for a moment I thought it was something serious. Open your school bag, I’ll show you a neat trick”


At an undisclosed location, Kurai could be seen chanting a spell at the summoning circle. Staying like that for a while until she says out loud. “Now come back, monster that serves the great master !” 

A flash of dark light blinded the entire room, when the figure came to, there was only dark smoke around the summoning circle. “Ok, this time I am 100% sure I didn’t make a mistake on the ritual, so what’s going on ?!” She said with her voice getting frustrated by the second.

She raises one one of her hands to her chin in thought.“Did something happen to it ? No, unlikely, even if it was ambushed, its innate abilities would allow it to quickly run away from the fight, or at least, that’s what he said to me.”

She begins to walk back-and-forth around the room for a few seconds. Until she stops in her tracks when she hears someone knocking on the door. She then turns her attention to the room’s door scowling at it for interrupting her train of thought. " Who's there ?” She said, with her frustration barely concealed.

After a few seconds of silence. A voice then spoke from the other side of the door. " It's me.”

Kurai, upon recognizing the voice, sighed. “Oh, it’s you, yes, you can enter.”

When the door opened a figure wearing casual clothes, a black cap, the lower part of its face was covered with a face mask and its eyes were covered by a pair of black goggles. “I'm here to deliver the recipient.“ He then raised his left hand and shadows began to form around his palm, giving form to a cylindrical object that could be seen giving an ominous glow.

Kurai walked up to it, and picked up the cylindrical object from his hand and then raised it up close to her face for a few seconds, with her left eye giving a dark glow.

“Oh, yeah, he will surely be satisfied with this, for sure.”

After checking up on it she lowered the object away from her face, now satisfied. She then turns her attention to the figure in front of her, who hasn’t moved one millimeter or said anything, like it was frozen in time. “Ah, you’re still here, well…actually, I think I might have a different assignment for you this time. You see…I’ve been trying to figure out what happened with one of my summons.”

She then points at the summoning circle. “The monster I summoned yesterday hasn’t returned yet to give a daily report on the job I gave yesterday. At the time I didn’t think much of it, since I could always recall you guys, but when I actually tried to, and well…”

She faced the ground she was standing on and let out a heavy sigh before continuing. “It didn’t work, and before you say anything, YES, I did the ritual correctly, I’m sure of it, this time at least.”

Kurai then, after a few seconds, turned away from the ground, now looking at the figure in front of her. “In any case, I want you to find out what happened to it and if the one responsible for the disappearance is an individual, bring it here alive, but, if it ends up being too much for you to handle, you can go all-out, understood ?”

The figure gives a small nod at Kurai and without a single word, it exits the room, leaving Kurai to herself. After a few seconds, when she’s sure he isn’t nearby, she lets out a heavy breath.

She then moves her free hand slightly. For a split-second, one could see a small dark spark come out of her hand. And then, from her shadow, something seemed to come out of it, rising from her shadow and then taking form.

When it finished the end result was a…bean bag.

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She then immediately fell backwards on it, arms spread on it. Feeling all the soft comfort from the bean bag refreshing her body. She then groaned. “Urrrgghh, every time I need to talk with them for more than a couple of  seconds I feel like I am gonna have a heart attack.”

Kurai then lifted up her hand with the cylinder. Turning to face its side. Bathing her face in its dark glow. ‘You would think I would get used to this by now, but that’s assuming that I even supposed to !’

She then lowers her hand with the cylinder and looks up at the ceiling covered with cobwebs and cracks, sighing. ‘Please don’t actually be something. I really don’t know how I would even begin to deal with it. Even though I am always at my peak thanks to their magic, it still doesn’t take away the feeling that I am getting too old for this, but…’

She then got up from the bean bag, now feeling refreshed. The moment that she started to move away from the bean bag, the latter disappeared in an instant without any fanfare. Like it never existed. ‘It will be worth it…hopefully.’

She then walked out of the summoning room, closing the door behind her with a loud creak.


Inside the school, Nozomi could be seen on her chair, making quick glances around her while eating her breakfast. Clearly nervous about something. “Hey, keep it together. No one will notice if you just stop looking like you are hiding something.” Whispered Seiza whose voice could be heard from Nozomi’s school bag. 

Which was just barely close, just enough to not give away Seiza, while also being open enough for him to see and breathe. Luckily everybody else in the class was occupied with their own conversations to hear Seiza’s whispering.

Nozomi complies,and tries to enjoy her breakfast, and as she does, she catches a glimpse of Yoshino entering the class. Which it was a rarity, considering that most of the time To say she looked tired would be an understatement. Her once well-maintained hair from yesterday is now all messy.

She walked slowly to her chair that was located right by Nozomi’s side. With the way she walked looking like she was about to fall face first on the floor at any second. 

When she reached her chair, without saying a word to Nozomi, she immediately sat down and laid her face on top of the chair's desk, not taking long for her to fall asleep soon after.

Nozomi, with a worried look, was about to say something after swallowing the food that was in her mouth. When Seiza interjected.  “She probably couldn’t bring herself to sleep. Can’t really blame her after what happened yesterday. Better to let her rest.” Whispered Seiza from the bag.

Nozomi nods and focuses on finishing up the rest of her breakfast before class starts, while making sure to not eat so fast that she accidentally chokes on it, because this time Yoshino probably wouldn’t be able to help her like before, since she’s asleep.

The school bell then rings, and like clockwork Life in his teacher’s disguise, enters the class carrying his backpack. “Alright class, everyone on your seats”

Everybody else in class begins to settle down. Then, when Life was about to start class he spots Yoshino, clearly sleeping on her desk. He sighs internally. ‘Seriously ? I am the best teacher that this school could possibly have and you STILL decide to sleep in class ?’ He thinks while scowling at her.

He then notices something. ‘Wait, isn’t that the same girl that I saw Nozomi carrying out of that shadow barrier ? What was her name again ?’

He puts his hand inside of his backpack. Taking out that same sheet of paper where the student's names were written on it. ‘Now, let's see…’

When he laid his eyes on it, the first name that he saw was [Yoshino Kettei]. ‘There we go, this must be it, hum…’

He ponders for a while on what to do, meanwhile, Nozomi is giving nervous glances between Yoshino and her teacher. Starting to sweat bullets.

Life then gave a small, unnoticeable sigh.‘I suppose I can let this one pass, considering what happened to her yesterday, I am surprised that she even came to class to begin with. 

He then raised one of his hands to his chin in thought. ‘Hum, could it be that people from this world are really strong mentally ? Interesting…huh ?’

He then noticed Nozomi who was looking like she just finished a marathon with the amount of sweat falling from her head. Life, seeing this, recoils a little, but quickly recovers his composure. ’Ehhhh ?! Where did all this sweat come from ? First it was steam, now it’s sweat, is she really okay ?’

He then see, very briefly. That Nozomi is exchanging glances between him and Yoshino. An imaginary penny drops on his head in realization. ‘Ohh, okay, I get it now, she’s just worried that her friend will get in trouble, pfft, you had me there for a moment there, well...’

He then turned away from her. Now facing the class’s black board he started to clean it up. ‘It’s probably for the better if I just continue class as normal, this is just a disguise for my real job anyway, if a problem comes up I can just push the blame to someone else… ’ A small smile then creeped up on his face. ‘Like always’

After he wiped the black board clean, he finally started his class. “Alright everyone, open your book at page 5 !”

A.N: Im back ! sorry for the short break, I needed to deal with some things. At any case, thank you for supporting this novel of mine, I truly appreciate it.

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