Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: New Day, Same Problems (2)

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After a couple of classes, the school bell rang, signaling the start of recess, students began to exit the classroom going to eat lunch. With only a few remaining choose to stay in class instead of going outside.

Nozomi and Yoshino were now outside, sitting side by side on one of the school’s benches, where there was no one nearby, eating from their respective bento boxes. With said bench being in the shadow of a tree.

Yoshino being the first one to finish with a final sip from her thermos. Letting out a refreshed sigh. “Phew, I needed that, now that I don’t need to hurry about getting late to class, I can actually enjoy the food I am eating instead of just gulping it down.”

“Hm-hm.” Said Nozomi, whose voice was muffled due to all the food inside her mouth at the moment.

After finishing eating her bento. She then turned to face Yoshino with noticeable worry on her face. “I know it may sound annoying to ask this again but, are you okay ? Like, really okay ?”

Yoshino glances for a moment at Nozomi and then looks down at the thermos that she’s holding while being on top of her lap. After a couple of seconds of silence she finally answers. “Honestly, I don’t know, so much stuff just happened in less than a full day to the point that I couldn’t even sleep with all the stuff I had to process. I…think I need time.”

Nozomi, who was hearing all of this was about to say something, but stops, she then turns away from Yoshino, settling on a simpler answer. “I see.” 

“Wait a minute…” After a few seconds, realization begins to slowly dawn on Yoshino’s face. Turning to Nozomi she asks. “Nozomi, where's Seiza ?”

Nozomi perks up, clearly happy to be given a question she knows the answer to. “Oh, him ? He's inside the bag.”

Yoshino slowly raises an eyebrow at Nozomi. “What bag ?”

“My school bag, what else could it…oh” Nozomi upon realizing her mistake, is about to get up. But just as she was about to, she heard a familiar voice.

“There you guys are, I was looking for you, Nozomi.” Both Nozomi and Yoshino turn their heads at the same time in the direction of the owner’s voice.

There it was Seiza, who at the moment could be seen calmly walking in the direction of the two. While sporting a calm look on his face.

When Nozomi was about to excuse herself, Seiza just waves it off with one of his paws. “Save it, just…don’t do it again, I may not get as lucky as sneaking out of school if this happens again and no, I couldn’t just stay in your bag, that place is just too cramped, even when making myself smaller, understood ?”

“Um, yes, sure.” She responds shyly. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Yoshino breaks it. “So…about our conversation yesterday...”

“Oh, yeah, did you want to know anything else from me ?” Says Seiza who’s switched his attention from Nozomi, to Yoshino. Who now had an uneasy look on his face.

“Well, actually, I wanted to know something from Nozomi.” Nozomi, who was listening quietly to their conversation, perks up and raises a curious eyebrow at Yoshino.

“Me ?” She says while pointing at herself, wondering what her friend would want to know from her.

“It’s just something I pondered, Nozomi, are you gonna keep doing this ?” She asks,a worried tone clear in her voice.

Nozomi answers her question, with another question. “Huh ? Doing what ?” Says Nozomi who moves her head to the side, completely oblivious to what she’s referring to.

Yoshino then answered, her tone now having noticeably more annoyance than worry now. “This whole, magical warrior thing !” She points at Seiza.

Nozomi, then realizes what she meant. “Oh.” She looks away from Yoshino, now grabbing the pendant with her right hand, making it so she has a good look at the bull mark imprinted on it. She then looks back at Yoshino. “What about it ?”

Yoshino looks baffled at her friend’s nonchalant attitude for a couple of seconds before she sighed and continued. “You heard what Seiza said, those things, darkspawns, were made with magic done by someone. Meaning that not only you will probably have to fight more of those monsters, but, someone who if I had to bet, is arguably more powerful than them since they follow it’s command. Now I ask you, are you sure, and I mean, seriously sure, that you want to do this ? Even if it may cost your life ?”

“Well…” Nozomi turns away from Yoshino, now looking down on the floor in front of her. After a couple of seconds mulling over her words, she comes to a decision. While having a serious look on her face. “Back then, before I fought that…thing, I was sure that it was all a dream, I mean, can you blame me ? A talking dog, magical clothes and powers, fighting against monsters that wouldn’t normally exist in this world. Even when I saw you bleeding on the floor I still thought it was a dream thanks to seeing Seiza by your side.”  

“But, the moment that monster struck me, I quickly realized that it wasn’t a dream or a nightmare, but something worse.” She glances at her left shoulder. “Reality.”

She sighed before continuing. “I am not gonna lie, I felt scared, no, terrified. I wanted to run away from it, hoping that it wouldn’t follow me, but…”

“But ?” Yoshino asked while raising an eyebrow at her, intrigued with Nozomi’s perspective of yesterday's events. 

Nozomi then looked at Yoshino with a serious face. “I looked behind me, and realized something when I saw you, hurt on the floor. That I would be even more scared of losing someone I care about. So yes, If the people that I care about are in danger I am willing to risk my life.”

Yoshino’s eyes widened in surprise, taken aback at how her friend just said that without hesitating. Closing her eyes after the surprise settled.  “Seriously…” She then sighed and looked at the clouds above. “Well, if it’s that way…”

She  then looks back down, now facing Seiza.“Hey, Seiza, can I get something from you ?”

You are reading story Overpowers: Life Is Magical at novel35.com

“Hum ? What do you want to get from me ?” Seiza asked, slightly intrigued at what she would even ask from him to begin with.

“Can you give me powers, just like Nozomi's ?” She says with a determined look on her face.

Both Nozomi and Seiza recoil in surprise. “Ehhh ?!” Both say at the same time. Baffled at what Yoshino just said.

“A-are you sure that you want to do this Yoshino ? Didn’t you just say that it could cost your life ?!” Nozomi says with an unease look, with a bead of sweat falling from her face.

“Yes,but…” She sighed before continuing. “As your friend I can’t just do nothing and let you go risking your life. Especially after you just saved my life, that would just leave a bad taste in my mouth. And besides…” She then gives Nozomi a teasing smile. “Knowing you, it will not be long before my help is needed.”

“Hey !” Nozomi fake punches Yoshino’s shoulder, and pouts. “Is that what you say to the one who just saved you ?” She continues to fake punch Yoshino’s shoulder while pouting.

“Heh, heh, okay, okay, sorry” Yoshino says while having a playful smile plastered on her face.

“Er,excuse me for interrupting this moment, but I’m afraid that's impossible.” Interrupted Seiza, who had an uneasy look on his face.

Both Nozomi and Yoshino turned to him, with the latter raising an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean by being impossible ?”

A bead of sweat falled from Seiza, he then sighed before continuing “What I mean is that you’re not compatible. You see, in order for you to use this power, you need to embody the sign that you were born with, for example, Nozomi has this power because she not only was born a taurus, but also embodies its qualities, like loyalty and bravery.”

Yoshino then raises her left hand to her chin in thought. “So, what you’re saying is that, because I don’t have these said qualities, I can’t have the power of the sign I was born with, but, how do you know which sign I am ? I don’t remember ever telling you.”

Nozomi then chimes in. “Oh yeah, I never told you I was a taurus either, how did you know ?”

Seiza then speaks with an nonchalant tone “Oh, I just looked at you guys.”

Both girls blinked a few times, taken aback by how quickly he answered, staying in silence for a couple of seconds. Yoshino then broke the silence. “Wait, so you’re saying that you can see our signs just by looking at us ?”

Seiza nods, but after a few seconds he corrects her. “Actually, not just you, everyone that has a sign really. And before you test me, your sign is capricorn. I can see it on top of your head.”

Yoshino, taken aback by how Seiza just predicted what she was about to ask, just gives a small. “Oh.” in response. “But still…” 

She then turned to face Nozomi, with a determined look on her face. “Even if I can’t help you with magical powers, that doesn’t mean that I can’t help you in other ways. I just need to find it first.”

Nozomi raised a hand to her chin in thought. “I guess…”

She then turned to face Seiza. “ And, considering what happened yesterday, I am willing to bet they would try to attack me again, thinking I have that crystal you mentioned back then. If I go along with you guys, there’s a higher chance that I will be safe.”

Seiza who’s been listening this whole time seems really apprehensive about the whole situation. But after a few seconds he relents. Looking at the girls with a serious face.“Okay, but, if things go too far, you’re out, no if’s or but’s AND I don’t think I need to say this, but you will also need to pull your weight when we go out there, understood ?”

Yoshino then gave Seiza a playful smile, while saluting. “Aye,aye, captain !”

Seiza just gave her an unamused look before sighing and shaking his head. ‘This is probably a REALLY bad idea, but, chances are that she wouldn’t take no for an answer, at least this way I can make sure that she stays in my line of sight and hopefully make her avoid doing something too reckless.’

The bell indicating the end of recess rang to everyone in the school to hear.

“Oh, is recess over already ? Urgh, and the next class is gonna be math !” Complained Nozomi who just made Yoshino, with a playful roll her eyes at her friend’s silly distaste over math.

“Come on, if you don’t get there on time, the teacher is gonna give you your second earful of this week !” Yoshino said as she got up from the bench. Beginning to walk in the direction of the school.

Nozomi just sighed, also getting up from the bench and following Yoshino to school with Seiza following behind her. While walking he was thinking about what he told Yoshino. ‘I mean, there’s another way, but…’ He shook his head. ‘No, they wouldn’t agree to it so there’s no point in mentioning it to then.’ He then keeps walking behind Nozomi.

From behind the trees that were behind the benches. Life came out from behind one of the trees. With a smile on his face and a canteen in hand, he took a sip from it, refreshing himself with the water from it. Raising it down when he finished. “Interesting, I may not have seen this coming, but, it doesn’t mean that’s unwelcome, in fact, it may provide some interesting possibilities, eh.”

He then begins to casually walk back to school, while whistling a tune that it was only familiar to him, and him only.

A.N: Good News, I have a discord channel now ! If you want to chat, here's the link: https://discord.gg/fD9RX5zjSt

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