Overpowers: Life Is Magical

Chapter 15: Chapter 13: New Day, Same Problems (3)

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After school was over, Nozomi and Yoshino walked together like yesterday, but this time, with Seiza now walking by their side.

Nozomi, who was humming a familiar tune, realizing that there was no one nearby at the moment, she looked at Yoshino and Seiza's side and spoke. "Hey, I was thinking, would you guys know a place where I can learn how to use these powers ? I might not be the brightest, but even I know that I can't just do it at any place. Since there's the risk of people seeing me, you know, secret identity."

Seiza then turned to face Nozomi while continuing walking. "I might know a place, there's an abandoned building not too far from here and I guarantee that no one will bother us there."

Yoshino, who's been listening this entire time, looks at Seiza with a playful smile. "Oh, alrighty them, lead the way, Seiza !" She playfully waved for him to move ahead of them.

Seiza looked unamused at Yoshino for a few seconds, until eventually he just rolled his eyes and shook his head. 'Youngsters these days.' As he now started moving faster to lead the way to the two girls.

After walking for a couple of minutes, the three of them  were now standing in front of what could only be described as a death trap disguised as a building, for anyone dumb enough to enter, either that, or kids who would do anything to pass an arbitrary test of courage. Located away from the city. Vegetation clearly invades the building's walls, indicating that this building has been abandoned for many years.

A pair of rusted metal doors being in front of them, with a sign above it, that once could easily tell what was the purpose of this building, now was too old and rusted that deciphering it would be a fool's errand.

Both Nozomi and Yoshino were now looking down worriedly at Seiza who was now in front of them. Nozomi then broke the silence "Hum, I know that an abandoned building would most likely be rundown, but, are you sure this place is..." The old sign then falls flat on the ground with a loud sound. Making both girls recoil a little. "Safe ?"

Seiza just waved her off. "Relax, sure, admittedly, it might not be in the best shape on the outside. But, from the inside is way better, just give it a chance."

He then walked up close to the door, now on top of the sign that just fallen and closed his eyes. The rusted doors moved slowly, making unpleasant noises. Until they were finally open. He then opened his eyes. "There, now…" He then turned to face the two girls, slowly moving his hand in a way to welcome them. "Shall we go ?" He said as he took the lead, going inside of the unnamed building.

The two girls were now looking at each other, wondering if the other would do or say anything. After a few seconds, Nozomi decided to go ahead first, trusting Seiza's judgment. She then began to walk, following Seiza's lead.

Yoshino seeing her friend stepping forward. Tries to bury deep all the alerts in her head saying that this is a bad idea just enough to push through, walking a few feet behind her.

As they enter, what appears to be a cicada seems to watch them enter the building from a nearby tree, before flying away.

Inside, they see what appeared to be a rundown reception room. Small patches of grass could be seen here and over there on the old tile floors. The metal chairs in the room where once guests would sit and wait for their turn were now all rusted. In a wall to their side on the left corner they could even see what appeared to be small ants entering and exiting a hole, most likely being a hive. The reception counter seemingly being the only thing not in serious need of repair, behind being the remains of what once was a logo painted on the wall, but, because there's only the borders of it remaining, it's unrecognizable.

"Huh, this is sure something." Yoshino said, trying her best to not sound like she regretted coming inside. With Nozomi turning away bashfully from Yoshino and Seiza, choosing silence over saying anything that might hurt Seiza's feelings.

Seiza just rolled his eyes. "Hold that thought." He then walked up to behind the reception counter and after a few seconds, the girls heard what appeared to be the sound of something clicking from the counter. The counter then began making a loud sound of machinery. After a few seconds, the counter began to move, dividing itself by half, with one half moving to the right, while the other half started moving to the left.

When both sides stopped moving, they all could see what appeared to be a metal trapdoor on the floor, with what appeared to be an electronic keypad. Both girls stared at it for a couple of seconds. Seiza, who had a smug smile on his face, walked to the trapdoor and slowly pressed on the keypad, like it wanted to savor the moment.

After he pressed on the keypad for the fourth time the trapdoor made a clicking sound. He then closed his eyes and the trapdoor began to slowly open. After a few seconds, it was now wide open, revealing a path of stairs leading down below. He then looked at the awestruck girls, still with a smug smile. "Now, shall we go ?" He said as he presented the stairs like an announcer presenting a prize.

Nozomi's awestruck expression turned to excitement, with a huge smile beginning to form on her face, while making little jumps on the old floor. She then turned to face her best friend while pointing at the trapdoor's entrance. "Yoshino ! Do you see what I see ?"

You are reading story Overpowers: Life Is Magical at novel35.com

Yoshino, who had a worried expression on her face about the whole situation, doesn't turn to look at her friend, instead focusing on the fact that she could only see so much before there was only darkness. "Yep, and I don't know if I want to see it."

Nozomi, ignoring her friend's uneasy answer, began walking up close to it while giggling, and after looking at it for a couple of seconds she then turned to face Yoshino again, this time with a big childish smile on her face while pointing at it with both of her index fingers. " A secret passage, this is an actual secret passage, Yoshino !" She then turned to look at Seiza "This is so cool, Seiza !"

Seiza, who's been listening to Nozomi, just casually waves her off, while having the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. "Yeah, I know." He said, trying to play it off as cool, but Yoshino can clearly see his tail wagging behind him.

Yoshino, who was seeing all of this, rolled her eyes at this scene while trying to contain the small smile forming on her face."Alright, alright, this is cool we get it, can we get this show on the road ? We don't have all day."

Seiza just shrugged "Very well then, follow me." He then started taking the first few steps down the stairs, until he seemed to realize something. "Oh, before I forget, I'm fine on my own, but do you guys have a flashlight or anything that can help you guys see in the dark ?"

Yoshino opened her school bag and took out a smartphone that had a pink back cover, she then shook until light came out from its back. Seiza, seeing this nodded "Very well, we can go now" He said before going down below, with Yoshino going second and Nozomi third.

While walking down the stairs, Yoshino begins to notice that the walls are not only made out of metal, but are actually in pretty good shape, or at least, compared to the situation from above, she then turns to Seiza "What is this place exactly ?" She asked with a hint of both curiosity and worry in her tone.

"Oh, this is where I was born." He said casually while continuing to climb down the stairs.

Both girls who were holding hands, blinked a few times, baffled at the way he just said that. Nozomi, who was by Yoshino's side, then asked. "W-wait, by born you mean…"

"Yes, although, if I am gonna be honest, that's only an assumption of mine, besides a few [Echos] of memories here and there, I don't really have any actual memories BEFORE waking up where this stairs are leading to, so by all intents and purposes, I was born here, or at the very least, reborn" He said again casually, as if he's just been asked about the weather.

Nozomi gave Seiza a worried look that he could not see, not really sure on what to say about that, since he seems to really not care about the fact he lost his memories. Yoshino, noticing her friend's distress, decided to confront the talking dog in front of them. "You don't really seem to care about your past that much, would you enlighten us on why that is the case ?"

"I mean, it's not like I don't care about it, it's just, I've been like this for a really long time, to the point that I already am my own person, whoever that other Seiza was as an individual doesn't really interest me, it's actually quite recent that I actually started to remember stuff besides my name, the signs and you know…words."

He then glanced back at them while he kept climbing down. "The first time I actually remembered something meaningful was when I first got a glance out of a roaming darkspawn more or less a year ago. If I remember correctly it was my previous self's mission to find help from people like Nozomi to fight those things."

He then chuckled "You guys needed to see my face when I found out that I could fly, that's when I discovered that I could use magic."

"Oh." That was the only word Yoshino said. Not really sure on how to process all of this, is it good ? Is it bad ? She really couldn't tell.

"And…we are here, sorry that took a while." He said as they now find themselves at the entrance to a large room, big enough that the light from Yoshino's smartphone can't reach the end of it. "Oh, sorry, let me get the lights on."

'What is this place ?' She thought, looking around with a worried expression as she keeped holding Nozomi's hand. And then a sudden light blinded the two.

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