Overseer and Board #1

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: They call themselves nobles?

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Once I arrived, a few fairies quickly knelt towards me, as that was the initial procedure towards royalty of the highest standard.

“Hello, you may rise. I’m here to make some friends.”

I smiled cutely, causing them to take a glance at my expression. Of the four of them, one of two boys took the initiative, gripping his fist, not in a harmful or ill way, but scared of speaking something he shouldn’t.

“You honor us, prince? Princess? I apologize... I...” 

The boy returned to prostrating himself towards me, feeling awkward and scared of disgracing himself, and his family, and even going as far as to have the king or the queen punish them.

To that, my calm tone soothed his mind, “either one is fine since I was born a bit special after all.”

“Y-you honor me, princess!”

To such feeble words, I didn’t mention anything, setting my sight on a girl who blushed nonstop.

“Prin-princess Flamerah, I, I’m no I mean my na-“

Finding her attitude silly enough, I placed my hand on top of the girl’s hair and patted in a failed attempt to relax the poor fairy. As a result, her face became extremely red, and she fainted, causing me to giggle, amused.

“Ah... that was quite unexpected,” I added softly and surprised, as the girl’s friends laughed lightly at such behavior, lightening up the mood and the tension. However, deep down I felt a tad frustrated from the entire situation.

‘If I can’t even talk to these nobles, the peasants which are even more obedient will be a lot nastier...’

Upon such a comedy scene playing in front of my eyes, I smiled faintly, the one and only sincere expression till this very point.

‘If the overseer happens to be watching this, I bet he must be laughing.’

As I wondered merrily, a different girl placed the head of the one who fainted on her own lap and spoke in an educated manner while feeling calm, unlike the rest, causing a great first impression.

“Hello prince Flamerah, I’m Endria. The one who fainted is my childhood friend, Malu.”

Not wanting to fall behind such a display of articulation, the one who spoke before to her relaxed his grip, took a deep breath, and conveyed his thoughts in words.

“Princess pardon for my lack of respect earlier, I’m Fenrir and this is my brother Eri. We’re grateful and blessed to be in your humble presence.”

To their answers, I placed my hand on my chest and responded whilst making a fake yet sad face, causing their hearts but most importantly stomachs to receive turmoils, “thank you all for introducing yourselves, it eases this honorable one as I was starting to feel like an outsider.”

Everyone instantly knelt all the way to the ground, and then they spoke in unison, regretting their lack of respect earlier deeply, “we apologize, please forgive us.”

Be they humans, be they fairies, guilt is an emotion that leaves a thorn inside those who feel it. And I knew about it well. With such a display, I now had them feeling the need to go out of their way to compensate me for the pain they supposedly caused me.

Endria, in order to repair the harm caused, swiftly added soothing words.

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“That was not the case at all. We’re very happy to be in your presence. We were just shy as it was a majestic sight like the burning suns.”

She then pinched Malu’s cheeks, which were already red waking her up.

“Ah, ah, ah, that hurts!”

I genuinely giggled from watching Malu’s behavior and then placed my knees on the fresh green grass, looking at her closely.

“You’re a funny one.”

They started laughing, relaxing a bit from the tension of talking to me.

“You all seem a bit younger compared to some others, especially in what comes to your faces, but I was born a little ago so I don’t know how old everyone could be, and if the appearances actually matter.”

To that, they looked at each other, trading glances and nods, and then upon taking some sort of order among them it began.

“Ah, I’m 3 years old, same as Malu.”

This time around the other boy opened his mouth, speaking on behalf of the male section, “I and my brother Fenrir are 4 years old.”

I mumbled a sound, satisfied with their answers, adding yet another doubt of mine for them to clarify.

“Earlier I heard someone shouting for me to marry someone. That made me wonder about the marriage age.”

I kept my gaze on the one in front of me, Malu, who became extremely red, entranced by the possibility of marrying me, fainting yet again, causing a faint smile to pass through my face. To this, the others started laughing, and then Endria proceeded with an explanation.

“It is usually at 10 years old, depending on the consent of the families, but can be a lot earlier or later since we’re born as adults pretty much.”

I remained with a serene expression, allowing my thoughts to sing and dance deeply in my mind, very much like the outrageously big leaves that went by the forest from time to time.

‘I need to have control of this forest way earlier than the special events, so I can’t use marriage to achieve it. I’ll have to find a different way, no matter what tricks I may have to pull,’ I schemed, attempting to fit the different pieces of the puzzle that was now my circumstances, looking for new ones, ones I could put my hands on, and use them freely.

Understanding that I was concerned about their feedback, they remained quiet, waiting for me to say something, but to no avail, as I was completely lost in my thoughts.

‘The more I look around, the simpler this place seems to be. It is filled with naked fairies, mostly. Only very few people have a hint of clothing, and these are nobles, which makes me believe that the peasants must have it a lot worse.’ 

From different observations earlier, since I would glance from time to time at the people around, a different belief went by.

‘Just from the raw food, I can already estimate that there must be very few doing farming or it must be the beginning of it.’ Throughout my walk, I watched everyone’s meals and there were a few different things than the ones they served me, which were either from a crop or possibly found in these forests. My gaze fell towards the fairies in front of me once more.

‘The poor clothes the few of us are wearing would easily indicate that whoever made them is unskilled and lacks knowledge on what I assume their job might be. Would this allow my skill to do something about it? I need to get a job fast, one that hopefully allows me to change the things around here, worst case one that can at the very least influence the food, cuz eating worms, seriously sucks,’ I scorned at the lingering taste in my mouth.

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