
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Lance you FUCK!

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Trigger Warnings: Implication Of Cannibalism, Gore, Mutilation, and Intense Violence!

How many days has it been since you woke up in that bed, unable to breathe, unable to die, and with the taste of burnt flesh in your mouth?

And now look at you now, running through the streets of D city with no memory of your name, your life, or even how old you are. And even better…your body burnt to a crisp. It’s an act of god you can even stand let alone walk.

So what now? What’s your master plan? What do you plan to do with your life now? What is in on your list to do first mystery man?

What will you do?

I run.

“Lance You Fuck! Get back here!” I screamed running into the darkness of the alley.

“Leave me alone Doug! You’ve already done enough to all of our lives!” Screamed Lance back at me as he turned around for only a moment to look at me with my fear.

With Lance having reached the end of the alley there was no plea to spare his life. Instead, he unlocked the door next to him with a key I didn’t see. And where did that door lead to? 

It was time to find out.

Pulling out the gun on the back of their pants running into the room there was not a single light lit except for the door that led outside. The room felt big but not a single thing could be seen. With a quick movement of my lighter, the room lit up a small amount but yet all I could see was the ground.

“Where are you!?! Show yourself?!?” I proclaimed looking in every direction I could only to be met with silence.

“I know you’re in here, you can’t fool me. I can smell the greasy sweat your body emits. Anyone could recognize your smell you slimeball. So…you must be over here!” I said aiming my gun in a general direction and running forward.

“Got ya…wait…no…this…what is this…oh…dear god what the hell is this,” I said shedding light on the lump of mass in front of me.

With a quick upheaval of my lighter, the sight of a naked man missing his limbs with a hook through his mouth and his eyes gouged out stared me directly in the eye. He looked to have been dead for a while as his blood had all but dried out but his body looked as if it hadn’t decomposed, it looked like the man was still alive yet he clearly wasn’t.

Not even the smell of death was on him.

He had been preserved but by what?

“What are you doing in here Lance!?! I knew you were twisted but what the hell is this?!?” I said knocking over a small table with glasses of liquid.

“Behind you!” Said Lance with the sound of the blade being unsheathed.


“ARGH!” I said falling to the floor and dropping the lighter.

As I tried getting up from the floor the imminent pressure of someone’s arm pushing down on my neck kept me adjacent.

“ACK…you…ACK…GET OFF…ACK…Me!” I said trying to get him off but my eyes were occupied by a different sight.

A fire…a growing one. 

The lighter must have fallen onto whatever liquid I dropped, but what kind of liquid would be flammable in a place like this?

“And now you die Doug, we should have killed you when we had the chance. You tried killing me when you were a boy when your father was the Nightstalker. I hesitated and that left me nearly dead…but…NOW!” Said Lance slamming my neck even further down into the ground.

“ACK…ergh…fi….fi…re…” I said trying to motion to him about the imminent fire growing behind him.

With the fire came the sight of what this place actually was. It was a slaughterhouse and its meat…people. Their bodies were preserved by whatever liquid I dropped and are now set ablaze. One by one each of them burned to show their mutilated parts even further. Genitals missing, breasts sliced clean off, eyes gouged out, and missing limbs on each except a few of their bodies. The fire spread even more as the place was surrounded by wooden boxes that were now being lit. 

The room was now completely illuminated…but not in the way I hoped.

“You die by my hand like I should have done. But meta corp wanted you alive. They had big plans for you and now look at what has happened…no more interference *SLAM* …no more pretending to be a father figure to the damn schizophrenic…*SLAM*...the Son of the Nightstalker, the Child of the Slum, The Inhaler, The Prison Butcher, and now The Pacifist shall die by my hand…so long Doug TennamEN…AHHH….AHHH!” said Lance realizing the fire had gotten on his clothes and burned him.

As he let go of me I could feel myself being able to breathe. Slow deep breaths in and out were all I could get out before realizing the smoke was keeping me from breathing properly.

“ARGH…It burns! It burns! Wait…huh…no…NO…our food! How will we eat now! DOUG YOU DOOMED US ALL! ARHHHHHHH! AHHHHHH!” Lance screamed as the fire had fully erupted his body fully burning him alive practically leaving him dead in a matter of twenty seconds.

Grabbing the gun and lighter I had dropped quickly all I could think to do was leave this damn slaughterhouse if I wished to leave alive.

But something was behind me as I was limping. All those bodies with their limbs attached that were set ablaze removed themselves from their hook and started walking towards me chanting.

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“Shall Die! The Pacifist! Shall Die! The Pacifist! Shall Die!” They all said walking towards me right as I reached the door.

The closer and closer I got to the open door the closer they got to me.

“It’s not real! It’s not real! It’s just in your mind! IT’S NOT REAL!” I proclaimed nearly making it to the door as the area around me burned and fell apart.

“Shall Die! Doug Tennamen! Shall Die! Doug Tennamen! Shall Die!”


“Puff Huff ARGH! Gotta get out of here.” I said walking away from the closed door of the now-burning building.

Damn hallucinations, always appearing at the wrong times.

Ok, I was going to beat the answers out of Lance since that was the only person I remembered after a day but he left me with more information in his rambles than I could ever beat out of him.

My name is Doug Tennamen, Lance Was involved in my life somehow with this Meta Corp. But…who…who was this Nightstalker? And I’m his son? At least I know where to start but who do I ask?

The Girl…I can ask her…I don’t even know who she really is. She patched me up and kept me alive even though I look like this but…but…can I really trust her? When I spoke to her last I felt as if she was trying to keep something from me but what? 

“ERGH! I have no choice but to ask her?!? And Meta Corp! What the hell is a Metacorp!?! Not like the answer is just going to appear on a poster next to me or something…oh you got to be kidding me” I said as I leaned on the side of the wall feeling the crinkle of paper.

A poster. In big words stating “Meta Corp. Home of the superhero. Enlist in becoming a superhero and fight the dastardly forces of evil of D City. We want you to enlist today! Find us at the tallest building in D City The scraper!”. 

Superheroes? Like those in comic books? They’re real? But why would D City have superheroes? Then again what is D City? I just know the name but not what this city even is. And even worse the sky? There’s no sun, there’s no night or day. All there is just the color green, a bright green, and a dark green.

What is this world I’ve found myself in? And even worse what even am I?

“Superheroes? Superheroes?!? Just why are their superheroes here…”


“D City, home of the superhero. Where the forces of evil are battled with the might of Meta Corp superheroes, enlist today in…BUZZZZZZ!” Said the woman on tv right before daddy turned it off.

“Daddy? I was watching that, why did you turn it off?” I said, looking back at daddy as he held the remote in his hand.

“Because it’s bedtime mister, plus you know that sector seven has a curfew for kids your age, besides, mommy would be upset if you were upset by the time she came back.” Said daddy as he lifted me from the floor.



“When is mommy coming home? She would be back by now.” I said now nearly falling asleep on my father’s shoulder.

“Well, she’s busy working at the scraper for the terminator, she’s probably swamped with paperwork, she’ll be back home soon.” Said Daddy as he lowered me into my bed and tucked me in.

“Tell mommy I love her when she gets back,” I said closing my eyes.

“I will my son…I will.”

—---------------------------------(END OF FLASHBACK.)----------------------------------

“Dad…dad…” I said as a tear fell down my face.

I could feel something in my chest that told me…it…it told me that my father and mother might be…

It’s grief…its just grief…sigh.

Sector seven…what is sector seven? I have to ask the girl…her name is

“Alice…her name Is Alice.”

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