
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: I’ll Leave Nothing Behind.

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So you have some clue as to who you were…yet you have no guidance. Do you want to turn to that girl who took care of you and woke up in that apartment? 

Can you really trust her? After all, she did handcuff you to the bed before you woke up. Sure she removed it when you woke up but the fact that she did it in the first place should cause some alarm. And what about the numerous times you asked how she knew you? She would give vague answers. 

And her son? What is up with him looking at you with awe and trying to get your attention like you’re his father?

The whole situation is weird? Can you really trust her?



I’m trying to keep you alive! 


Shut up.


“Alice, you there? I found out who I am…or partially, I really need your help…Alice? Where are you?” I said looking everywhere through the apartment only to find her or her son nowhere.

The apartment compared to the outside was well kept with it always looking clean. Even the electricity was still working even though the entire building and the outside had no power. The walls looked like they weren’t moldy and the bathroom even had running water.

Strange…very strange.

“One moment, I’ll be out, I’m almost done showering,” Said Alice from behind the bathroom door.

‘Alright, I’ll just wait here then’ I thought to myself placing myself down on the couch.

“D…mister…are you back for good?” Said the voice of a boy from the left of me.

“Uh…sorta, I have some questions to ask your mom and I’ll be on my way.” I said scratching my burnt skin under my ripped bandages.

“Why do you wanna leave mister?” Said the boy as he plopped himself next to me.

Looking at the boy his bleached like blonde hair and light brown skin were what stood out to me as he wore a cheeseburger t-shirt and sweatpants. He looked like he couldn’t be a year over eight as he looked at me.

Squirt here tried to hug my arm but as soon as he touched me I just shoved him lightly off. Don’t want to accidentally hurt the son of the woman whos going to help me but damn kid I’m a stranger, not your father.

“Well for starters kid look outside, the entire city has fallen apart and for one, people are eating each other, figuratively and literally. So the sooner I find out the better. And once I do…I don’t know I haven’t figured that out yet.” I said wiping my face with my bare hands.

“And If you don’t find out who you are? What then?” said the little squirt as he kept looking at me like a puppy.

“Find a way to kill myself I guess…” 

“NO! DON’T EVER DO THAT!” said the little boy smacking my arm repeatedly with small concise strikes.

“HEY! Knock that off!” I screamed back at him.

Smack him.

No! I don’t like the little squirt but I ain’t going to hit him…


“NEVER DO THAT! NEVER…oh…” Said the squirt as my hand raised slowly.

But I couldn’t bare to hit the child…no matter what the voices told me.


Plopping my hand on his head and waving around his hair was what I did instead. He seemed to like it as it calmed him down. 

God, what the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m out, what’s going on between you two,” said Alice coming out in a towel and her hair wrapped in a towel.

“Nothing…” Said the little squirt as he walked out of the living room into his room with his door closing lightly behind him.

“So, what can I do you for this time?” Said Alice motioning me with her finger to follow her as she entered her room.

“I figured out who I am…slightly…my name is Doug Tennamen and I am the son of the Nightstalker and lived in sector seven. I know some other things but don’t know where to start looking. Do…do you know where sector Seven is?” I said looking at her back as she grabbed clothes for herself from her drawers not saying a word.

For a moment she just stood there and in the next took one large breath. And for a moment I could hear what sounded like a cry and in the next another deep breath.

“I can take you to Sector Seven but it’s a few hour trip by metro, and the metro has stopped working, and a week’s trip by foot.” She said now removing her towels as she placed a fresh pair of clothes on.

“UM…do I need to be in here when you’re doing that?” I said turning around as she changed.

“Not like you haven’t seen me naked before.”

“What?” I said in a confused tone.

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“You heard me.” She said in a heavier tone.

She knows something you don’t.

“Uhhhhhh okay, are you done dressing now?” I said slowly turning back around.

“Yeah…I’m done.” She said in a disappointed tone as she placed a leather jacket on herself.

“So, you want to get to sector seven when we are in sector one. There’s a large chance we’ll die out there with various gangs and demons lurking around since the scraper fell…”

“The Scraper fell? Since when?” I said stopping her as she spoke.

“Yep, outside you could see a large building that stretched all the way to the sky, and now…nothing there. Why? Do you care that the scraper fell?” She said getting up to my face with a glare at my eye.

You know for someone with a dark and brooding personality she sure was small. She had to have been five two yet had curves any man would fall for. Her skin a pale white with her hair cut boyishly short and brown. She really was a feisty one. Guess it’s true what they say about short girls…heh heh.

“I don’t…its just that isn’t that where I used to live?” I asked looking outside at D City.

“Y…possibly.” She said lowering her head as she spoke.

“You were going to say yes.”

“What?” She said with a scared tone, almost like she recognized what she just said.

“You heard me,” I said looking back at her with an angry stare.


She’s hiding something…

“You’re hiding something…”

“Well…I…” She said backing up as I approached her.

Something she won’t tell you…

“Something you won’t tell me…”

“Look I can try to explain but…”

Beat it out of her…

“Do I have to beat the SHIT out of you to find OUT! TELL ME ALICE…!” I said grabbing her wrist as she squealed.

Do you have to kill her to find out…

“Or should I kill you instead! Huh! HUH! Tell me, Alice! TELL ME! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING!” I said gripping her wrists even tighter as I stared down her face with the anger of the devil himself.

For a moment she wanted to cry and scream…but in the next, she looked back up at me with a look of anger of her own as her eyes glowed red.

“Because you can’t handle the truth! Your mind would break into multiple pieces leaving you catatonic! You don’t think I want you to know! You caused all of this and yet you can’t remember any of it! You can’t remember anyone who loved you! You couldn’t even your name till today! So tell me DOUG TENNAMEN, how much should I tell you without your brain Imploding!” Said Alice shoving me down to the floor harshly leaving me shocked.

“So we’re going to sector seven in an hour by foot. If we die it’s on YOU!” she said pointing at me as she walked out of the room.

“And don’t you fucking touch me like that ever again! YOU GOT THAT!” She said as her eyes were now back to their normal self filled with water and her teeth clenched.

“Yes…ma’am…” I said looking back at her with a look of fear.

“Good. Now pack your shit. We’re leaving.”

As she left the room the only thing I was left with was my actions. 

Such violent and barbaric actions.

Hurting others for the sake of your own personal gain.

What will you have if you kill everyone in your way.

What will you leave behind?

Answer the question.


I’ll leave nothing…I’ll leave nothing behind.

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