
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: For The Love Of FUCK! STOP!

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Trigger Warnings: Torture, Gore, Intense Violence, Violence against Children, Mutilation.

—--------------------------(FLASHBACK CONTINUED)---------------------------

“Doug You almost ready in there?!?” Yelled Daniela knocking on the bathroom door furiously.

“One sec!...sigh…alright, I’m out now! JEEZ!” I said enduring a smack at the back of my head the moment I left.

“Now come on dipshit, We can still make it if we RUN NOW!” Said Daniela as she bolted out of the dorm into the hallway.

Following suit I could see that all the rooms were empty as everyone by now would be in the training room. Leaving me only to look at the back of Daniela as her hair blew through the air. Her red hair definitely matched her ferocious and bitchy personality while her olive skin completed her complexion in the light. She was definitely taller than your average girl and her body was perky but her toned muscles and glutes were those of a battle-hardened soldier. She may have been bitchy, stuck up, downright rude, and confrontational but…

..actually, that’s about it.

But something attracted me to her. I don’t know what…but something did.


“Hold the elevator!” Shouted Daniela running to catch the elevator as someone was in it.

And yet within a few seconds, both of us were in the elevator going up. The two of us waited to get to the training ground downstairs in silence. But in the elevator, the silence between us was growing. Not because any of us were mad at each other but rather because a short woman stood in between us. She looked to be minding her own business and didn’t bother moving to leave a strange tension in the air.

But for a moment as our eyes met both of us looked confused. She looked familiar as I did to her. But yet we couldn’t figure out from where. And as one of us tried to speak instead…


“Come on Dougy Dork, We need to go now!” Said Daniela grabbing my hand yanking me out of the elevator.

And as the elevator doors closed behind us for a moment and only for a moment I could hear her voice say my name.

And it sounded like…Alice…but that was impossible. 

I saw her die in the villain raid.

My Lover still alive?

I don’t know.

But that voice…made me…

…question that answer.

—--------------------------(END OF FLASHBACK)---------------------------

“Hello, Earth to Doug, you still there, hellllooooooooooooo?” said Daniela snapping her fingers in my face.

“I…remember…we were training to become…superheroes?” I said looking back up at her as a part of my memory had come back to me.

“So you do remember? Or do you remember only a part of it?” Said Daniela getting in front of my face more and more.

“Right now I can only remember you pouring ice-cold water in my face to wake me up. Us running towards the elevator and you grabbing my hand and called me Dougy Dork. What a stupid fucking name.” I said scoffing as she looked at me.

For a moment what was left of her face showed she was clearly hurt by what I said but only for a moment. And in the next, she smirked and then…


…Spit in my goddamn face.

The bitch.

“Well from what I can tell it looks like we can jog your memory which does help me a great amount but…I don’t know how to yet. But you do know what that means right?” 

“What?” I said smirking as I gritted my teeth.

“You will work for me now. You now belong to me. I own you and everything you do and that means that…” Said Alice right before I interrupted her.

“PFFFT hahahahahahahahahaha! You own me Tin Can? And what are you going to do that would…” 

“Mikey, Ashbrooke, BRING THEM IN!” Said Daniela with a smile.

At that moment the door opened revealing two people holding two other people. Squirt and Alice tied up and battered. Both of them had scuff marks, cuts, and bruises but Alice had a broken nose, and squirt had three broken fingers and a bloody nose. Both of them had their hands tied, a belt in their mouths, and looked like their bodies were beaten with blunt objects.

I couldn’t understand why…but something awakened in me when I saw them like that. I didn’t know them that well but seeing them like that made me…

“You Fucking CUNT! I’ll kill you! I’ll Fucking kill you!” I said jumping up and down trying to get out of the chair only to be met with the fact I couldn’t get out.

“Bring me the boy,” said Daniela motioning to one of the people who brought in Alice and Squirt.

“MPMH! MPH! MPMH!” is what came out of Alice’s mouth as she saw her son be taken into the arms of Daniela by a henchwoman.

The room may have been clean and there were multiple people in the room. But the only thing I could see was Daniela opening Squirt’s eyelid and with a knife start penetrating his eye.

“ARGH! AH! AHHH! DWAHD! DWAHD! HWHELP EEM! HWHELP EEM! AGHHHHHHHHH!” screamed squirt as blood splattered onto the floor.

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I couldn’t hear much after that. The only thing I could hear was my blood pumping in my ears as I watched the knife in Daniela’s hand penetrate the squirt’s eye. He screamed and begged for help even more but as Daniela’s smile grew even larger and Alice’s face showed more distress all I could do was watch.

And for a moment Daniela stopped leaving the knife in the squirt’s eye.

And with one glance at me, she said only one thing and one thing only…

“Want me to stop?”

“YES! Oh for the love of FUCK! YES! Stop hurting him…stop hurting the boy.” I pleaded as my eyes balled with waterworks.

“Then you belong to me…everything you do shall be at my beck and call and if you so much as say no once or defy me I won’t hurt you…It’ll hurt the boy, I’ll hurt his mother, heal them with a healer, and do the same thing over and over making you watch. Is that clear?” Said Daniela grabbing me by the cheeks.

“Yes, Daniela.”

“You call me ma’am, is that clear.”

“Yes ma’am,” I said barely being able to get a word out.

“Good. Mikey, Ashbrooke, take these idiots to the healers. Give them immediate treatment. Oh and Doug.” Said Daniela grabbing squirt by the throat.

“Wu…wut…what?” I said lightly trying to catch my breath.

“ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ARGHHHHHHH! ARGH!” Screamed Squirt as Daniela yanked the knife out of his eye and then motioned to her henchwoman to take squirt away.

“Don’t disappoint me.” 

“But why…why do this…they had nothing to do with…” I said right before being interrupted by a…


…slap to the face.

“Because you have an attachment to them. And if you have an attachment to them that means I can hurt them to hurt you. I can’t hurt you physically…but I can hurt you emotionally…and when I look at your face and see your pain…it makes me HAPPY!” Said Daniela grabbing my cheeks as she taunted me.

“But what did I ever do to you, we were friends once, right,” I said naively knowing full well the answer couldn’t be good.

“Because you destroyed D city, my home. You singlehandedly destroyed Meta Corp and blew the scraper to the ground. And worst of all…you left me a shell of a person…both in and out. So the next time you think our past of being quote-on-quote friends means anything now…remember me stabbing that child in the eye with you watching as you couldn’t do anything…and knowing I’ll do worse next time.” Said Daniela letting go of my face.

“I’ll be back in an hour and you’ll see what we have planned. Cya.” Said Daniela as she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.


Aren’t you going to say something?


She’s always been like this Doug. You just need to remember.


Do you need a hug?


You need a hug. Be right there.

As the door opened out came a woman. A woman in a blue suit and mixed skin tones. Her hair an afro alongside a burn scar across her hands and face. Her body was average but her most definable feminine trait was her hips. But more importantly, her face was made of multiple mouths, multiple eyes, and noses of different colors all jumbled together.

As she closed the door behind her she came up to me and held me tightly and squeezed.

“Feel better?” She said whispering in my ear.

“No,” I said back.

“And why not?” She asked back to me.

“Because you don’t exist. Nothing more than a figment of my schizophrenia,” I said now looking at her face and seeing all those eyes look at me.

“What is real Doug? What you had in the past? Or what’s in front of you?” 


“Answer the FUCKING question Doug. What is real?”


All her mouths smiled.

“Good answer.”

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