
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: That Was A Stupid Idea!

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Trigger Warnings: Gore, Intense Violence.

Time ticks away and now we wait…we wait…to discover the identity of one Doug Tennamen. So, what is the master plan? What will you learn on this journey? 

Maybe it’ll be more than you bargained for.

I’ll just have to wait and see.

It was now daytime. The glowing green sky illuminated the various dirty streets of sector one. The buildings looked fancy as each of them was made of glass and had various structures to them that would require a lot of money. 

Sector one was for the rich…but there was more to that than just that.

The advertisements on the buses, the walls, and the billboards all led to one thing…

…Meta Corp.

Join today…Fight the forces of evil…become the superhero you always wanted to be…

Everywhere I go all I see is this same jargon of Meta Corp superheroes. It's pretty clear they’re not here to save anyone…they're here to make a profit.

But look where that money led to.

Complete chaos.

“Where are we going, Alice?” I said looking at the back of Alice as she held her son's hand.

“We’re going to try to make it to an old friend's place and stay there for the night. And in the morning we’ll make it to the border of sector one to cross to sector two.” 

“Okay.” I said looking back down at the floor.

Her answer was abrupt and straight to the point. I must have really pissed her off earlier cause a cold demeanor was all that I was left with. Her son on the other hand kept staring back at me and back onto the floor and then back to me.

Every time I did I just waved back at him lightly which got annoying really quickly.

I really should be kinder to the kid. He must have lost his father in the destruction of the city. Maybe he thinks I’m his father back from the grave or something. I certainly look like it all things considered. My face and hands covered by bandages. My flesh was a mix of burnt skin and protruding muscle, my lips even burnt off showing my grimy yellow teeth. No matter how much I tried to brush my teeth all I was left was the taste of death in my mouth.

Not like anyone was going to kiss me anytime soon…


“ERGH! FUCK!” I said falling to the floor after being shot from afar.

“Sniper! Shit! Daniel stay behind me! Come on Doug walk it off!” Said Alice grabbing my hand and lifting me up back onto my feet.

“Where the hell are they!?!” I said taking cover behind a wall with Alice and Squirt.

“Can’t tell, but we can’t take the streets right now unless we find the bastard and what direction they’re shooting from.” Said Alice checking if her son had been shot.

“You’re good, thank god.” Said Alice hugging her son as he hugged back.

“I’m okay Mom…I’m Okay…” said squirt as he hugged her back shaking, he was scared for sure.


A bullet squeezed out of my body. A large sniper caliber and the bullet just shot right out of me.

Guess it pays off to have healing powers.


“Alice, I just had an idea!” I said trying to get her attention.


“Whatever direction the bullet hits me, figure out where it’s coming from and take them out…” I said bolting it back into the street.

“Doug, what are you…DOUG!”



“It’s coming from the… it’s coming from that building over there!” Said Alice…or I presumed Alice since I couldn’t see anything and my hearing was muffled.

My head…swirling in pain…I could feel a massive chunk of my head missing. My breath coming back slowly. My eyes filled with the color red until the blistering green color of the sky filled my vision. Slowly getting back up I could feel…


“ERGH! My leg! ARGH!” I said falling back onto the floor but this time now being able to see.

As I crawled back to cover Alice’s hand raised onto the large glass building to the right of us.


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Guess she had the power of electricity but damn…that was a lot of damage.

For a moment nothing happened, no bullet fire, no screaming. Just the sound of glass falling and smashing onto the ground breaking it into little pieces.

That’s what happens when you shoot a bolt at a glass building.

“ERGH…FUCK…That was a stupid idea…” I said getting back out and ripping the sniper bullet out of my leg.

Looking back at Alice and Squirt they look terrified by what I could assume was my head regrowing and me ripping the bullets out. Alice knew of my healing ability but squirt surely didn’t. 

Then again when does a man simply get fatally wounded only to walk off a few seconds later?

That must be a sight for sore eyes.

“Mister you…you just…how?” Said squirt looking back at me with his eyes showing a mix of unsure relief and fear.

“I don’t even know myself kid…we need to get moving before anyone else shows up…here…SHIT!” I said, raising my hands as three cars pulled up in front and behind us.

Within a few seconds men and women each holding their hands up like they had powers of their own surrounded us. Their gear looked to be of good quality and their riot gear looked as if it was in pristine condition. None of them looked dirty and none of them looked hungry unlike some of the other people I saw walking around the city. 

One by one their hands lit up with fire, electricity, smoke, or other weird metahuman jargon that would make anyone fear for their lives. But yet the moment I saw them look threatening all I could do was look at them and laugh.

“Heh heh heh Ha Ha Ha Ha…what kind of utter fuckery is this? You just pull up to a bunch of random people as if were quote-on-quote dangerous…PFFTT HA HA HA HA HA! Come on let's hear it! What do you fuckers want?” I said crossing my arms and looking at them all with my good eye.

“You’ll be coming with us, we’ll either take you by force or you can come quietly. Your choice…Doug Tennamen…” said one of the women as she walked towards me.

“Mmmmm, and what are you going to do if I don't….ARGH!”


“We’ll simply just take you by force…sweet dreams asshole.” The woman said right as she kicked me in the head once I was down.


Good to see knocking out still works on me.

Can take a sniper bullet to the face but a smack from behind can knock me out.

How I love immortality.

Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.

“Wake up.” A robotic-sounding feminine voice said as water splashed on my face.

“GAH! I hate cold water to the face…ptooh! What do you want from me!” I said looking back up at who was talking to me.

A pale woman, but not just any kind of woman looked down at me but rather one with cyber limbs and half of her face from the eyes up covered in mechanical parts. She had no hair, instead, her head was nothing more than a metal plate with technological wires connecting to the rest of her head. Her arms and legs were all made of cybernetic material while her body itself was still intact. She wasn’t boney but skinny would be putting it too lightly. Her frame looked like someone who was left on life support but instead she was still walking.

“What kind of freak of nature are you?” I said chuckling as I talked.

“I could ask you the same thing Doug, but then again I know the answer to that…and you don’t.” she said now pacing around the room before she spoke.

“Now, you’re no good to me dead but as the sniper showed you can’t die. And you can’t remember who you are said your little gal pal which doesn’t help me either. So you can see why this is such a dilemma for me. We need your memory to get into the safe and you don’t remember anything. So, tell me, Doug, What can we do in this situation right now?” Said the woman pacing around the room counting her fingers as she spoke.

“Well, “sweetheart” can I at least know who I’m talking to?” I said trying to get out of the chair I was in only to be met with restraints.

“Pfft…it's Daniela.”

“Well Daniela, I don’t…

A memory perhaps will help…


“Wake up fuckface, we got training soon,” Said Daniela, dumping ice-cold water on my face.

“Argh! What the hell! Daniela, can’t you see I was sleeping!” I said getting up from bed.

“And can’t you look at the clock, it’s eight thirty. We have somewhere to be by nine-thirty. Now get up!” Said Daniela, going into the bathroom.

“Tick…It really is eight-thirty isn’t it.” I said looking outside at the view of the lively sector one from the scraper building.

I had always been the one looking at the scraper. Always looked at it from afar, from the streets of sector four, from the prison, from the city in sector three and now I was in it. I was training to become a superhero for D City. Something that I had dreamed of as a kid and now that I’ve gotten older and here now…

…I can’t wait to watch it burn to the fucking ground.

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