
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Don’t Forget About Us!

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Trigger Warning: Mention of rape, mutilation, and gore. Gore. 

“I did this? What do you mean I did this? One man caused all this destruction? I wasn’t even born with any powers and I sure as shit don’t remember destroying a whole building or sealing some safe…And I sure as shit don’t remember you.” I said waving my finger in front of their face.

“Well Dickhead, it’s time you remember fast to figure a way out of here ‘cause if you’re the only one who knows the full floorplan of this building…”

“Floorplan? What fucking floorplan is this? I’ve never seen this building in my fucking life!” I said angrily making Squirt hide behind his mother which only made me madder.

“Sigh…where do you think we are right now?” Said Tyrone pinching his eyelids.


“We’re in the scraper building.” Said Tyrone with a breath.

“The Scraper fell. I’ve seen the posters of what they looked like that building can’t be that one.” I said so confused by what he meant.

“You IDIOT! That building was for guests, office workers, and the business side of Meta Corp. There was a second scraper building built for hero living quarters, training, and meta corp experiments…which…contains…THE SAFE! Now, do you remember. Think Doug Think!” Said Doug tapping the sides of his head with his fingers.

“Second…scraper…building…but thats…ARGH! ARGGHHHHH! MY HEAD! I CAN FEEL IT!” I proclaimed putting my ears over my head as a loud ringing came over me.

“D…Mister! No! No! NO! Mom do something!” said squirt as I fell onto my back swaying side to side as I could still hear the DAMN RINGING!

“ARGH! The ringing! Make it STOP! Make it fucking STOP!” I screamed as blood began squirting out of my nose, mouth, and ears.

It was like I was drowning in my own blood as I couldn’t die but I could still feel pain. And it hurt…it hurt so much. My body was on fire, my head ached like I was being shot multiple times and my ears heard nothing but a ringing noise that got louder every second.

“What the fuck is wrong with him!” Said Tyrone getting up from the floor to get closer to me only to be shoved by Alice.

“He’s going into shock…its the compound zap in his system. GODDAMNIT TYRONE this is why he shouldn’t remember so much about the past so much!” Said Alice taking off her leather jacket wrapping it around my head in a knot and squeezing them.

“Doug…I’m here…It’ll be over soon. You just have to remember…just remember and it won’t hurt so much after…you just have to remember.” Said Alice putting my head on her lap as I calmed down.


You were one fucked up son of a bitch I’d say that much.


“Well they don’t give anyone random the nickname “The Prison Butcher” now do they.” I said putting out the cigarette in the ashtray.

“They certainly don’t. Well, you went to work at the AEL Sector penitentiary. Killed all the inmates both meta and non-meta-human no matter the crime. Killed all the guards and heroes stationed to keep you in. And… Jesus christ…strangled someone with their own intestines…ripped out someone’s throat with your teeth…even…fucking hell…shoved a wooden spiked rod up someone’s ass and out their mouth. You really are a butcher ain’t ya kid.” said one of the two men in the room.

After that debacle, they’re talking about they sent me to the harbor sector Penitentiary, where they send the worst of the worst. No one leaves this place except for those with immense political power. So these people here must be of some great power in government. 

After all, a reserved interrogation room with no cameras recording was already suspicious as it was.

I don’t know what they want but it can’t be good.

“Why are you here?” I said breaking the silence between the two men.

“Well, you see kid. You’re one violent son of a bitch. You seem to be very bloodthirsty and even so you seem like you don’t care about killing. We could use someone like you for a type of well, program. One that offers many benefits.” said the gruff and greasy-looking man white man with orange hair.

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“You want to make me a weapon for Meta Corp. One of your weapons for your vault program to test out compound zap experiments to make your superheroes more…well…super.” I said yawning after finishing what I had to say.

“How…how do you know about that?” Said this time the man with green dyed hair with dark skin and a bow tie instead of the regular tie these fools usually wore.

“Like I’d tell you. I hate you guys more than I hate myself…and that’s saying a lot.” I said rubbing my fingers.

There was silence between us. They didn’t realize who I was when they came in here. There wasn’t much to research anyway. After all, I made sure any trace of me was gone right before I went to prison. I had no name, I was none other than just another john doe. But this John Doe knew many secrets about Meta Corp…and of the various human experimentations.

“Well, kid. You seem to be more interesting than we already thought. But it seems that you know more than you should know. So, we’re going to make you a better deal than what we already had planned.” said the orange-haired fuck putting the file back in his briefcase. 

“And what kind of deal would you give me that I would take? After all, I’m in prison because of you fucks.” I said staring at the orange-haired man with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, you work for us. You will become the first meta corp superhero to be under a new compound zap program to give you superpowers behind your wildest dreams. And to spice up the deal, you get two things that you’re sure not getting here.” said the orange-haired twiddling his fingers as he spoke.

“And those are?” 

“You get to take one person from prison to join in your journey. Anyone you want. And…well…you get free treatment for your schizophrenia. The people in any prison won’t give you any kind of treatment and now…you’ll get the treatment you need. All you have to do is become a meta corp superhero…for life.” Said the orange-haired man smiling with the most devilish smile I had ever seen.

This clearly was one big setup. Even though they didn’t know who I was they clearly had a plan for me that would most likely rip me apart, put me back together, and then repeat the process. This was Meta Corp. The devil himself would be an employee at Meta Corp. I spent my life fighting against these fuckers, killing as many as I could to destroy anyone and anything in their ranks. In every past moment of my life I’ve lived, they would tell me not to take the deal. Instead, kill these fuckers where they sit and rot away in prison. I should do that. I should just kill them. I’m so far down in the system that two more dead Meta Corp workers wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Do it…Kill them…kill them all…KILL THEM ALL!

Looking above I could see the ceiling turn to feracious red clouds with lighting striking the clouds. As the clouds got lower the more I could hear the voices of people I once knew…and all of them weres screaming.

Kill them, Doug…do it for mommy.

Rip out that orange hair fuck and drink his blood…do it for daddy.

Do it…do it…do it…DO IT YOU SACK OF SHIT!

No…call it selfish…but I can’t live like this.

What!?! What do you think you’re doing? Remember what they did to me! Remember how they raped me and made me try to kill you. Remember how they took your mother’s smile! REMEMBER YOU BRAT!

You’re not real…you don’t exist…you….aren’t…REAL!

Doug…remember what they did to me! Remember how they cut off my limbs and killed you right in front of me! Are you willing to kill me again for your selfish desires?!?

I could feel deep breaths coming from behind me. And with one look behind my shoulder, I could see both of them…both of them staring at me with a look of rage. My mother was naked and battered with her throat slit holding my father’s body burnt and mutilated. Both of them stared at me with bloodshot eyes ready to rip me apart. No longer were they a voice in my head but now…they were right behind me.

And they only had one thing to say.

“Don’t forget about us!”

So I did what anyone would do in this situation.

“I accept your offer.”

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