
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: My Name Is Doug Tennamen.

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Trigger Warning: Torture, Intense Violence.

————————-(FLASHBACK CONTINUED)——————

“Tyrone…how badly do you want to get out of here?”

“More than anything. I want to see my little girl and not rot in prison. Why?” Said Tyrone getting up from the bed.

“I got us a ticket out of here. Just you and me. And they’re coming to get us soon.” I said looking at Tyrone as he stood before.

“How…how did you even get us out. Where in the pit? No one gets out of here unless they die…did you make a deal with the devil or something.” Said Tyrone Looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

Before I answered his question I looked at the room we were both stationed in. two beds, no window, padded walls, and a hole for the bathroom alongside a sink with lukewarm water. The people who built this place wanted you to suffer. Whether it was the room, the block of nutrients we got every day, or the torture they put us through to mess with us and then heal us right after…it made for one hell of a time that I never wanted to revisit.

So if the devil offered to take me out with a way to combat my schizophrenia in exchange for my soul…then I’d take that deal in a heartbeat.

And I’m sure he’d take that deal too.

“Hello, earth to Doug? Are you having a schizo episode now? Hellooooooo?!?” Said Tyrone snapping his fingers in my fingers.

“I made a deal…with Meta Corp.”


“You heard me. There was no other choice but to…” I said right before Tyrone grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up.

“What…did…you…DO!?!” said Tyrone looking at me more furiously than I had ever seen him.

“I got us out of here. There was no other way.” I said too ashamed to even look him in the eyes.

“Doug…I like you. You’re a good kid. But what was the deal?!?” said Tyrone slowly letting me go back onto the floor.

“We’re going to be heroes under their supervision…but we’re allowed to live our lives outside,” I said still not looking him in the face.

As he let me go I could hear his teeth gritting and his face clenching. He wanted to get angry, he wanted to break things, he wanted to get MAD.

But something was stopping him. Something deep inside of him was coming out. He was ready to let loose on an idea that was ruminating in his mind. After all, they didn’t call him “The Hero Butcher” for nothing.

“I can get closer to the heroes…and kill them all…every…last…one…of…them…I could almost laugh…no, I will…hehehe hahahahahahahaha…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

As Tyrone laughed maniacally he looked even more insane as his eyes flipped over and his hands went over his head as he swayed from side to side. He seemed overjoyed even when I told him. And knowing certain…conditions…he had his reaction was better than I thought. 

There was a reason people were thrown into the pit to never return to society ever again. 

For me…I killed everyone in another prison.

Tyrone was a superhero serial killer.

The only difference was I had a reason to kill.

He simply killed cause he liked it.

But no matter how you saw it in the eyes of the world we were truly monsters.

And maybe just maybe…they were right.


“Alright you crazies, we’re letting you out…you know the drill. Let’s make this nice and easy.” Said the person on the other end of the door right before it opened.

Out came three women and three men all revealing their intense powers with two of them holding huge needles and black bags and handcuffs.

“Tyrone, no point in fighting, just do what they…ARGH!” I said receiving a punch in the gut that felt like a bat hit me.

Yeah, that’s going to cause some issues down the line.

“Come here fucker!” Said one of the women stabbing me in the throat with the needle and ejecting me with what felt like a cold thick liquid.

“ARGH! Could have gone about it a lot NICER! ARGH!” I said receiving two punches to the head as the black bag went over my head.

I could hear an even bigger struggle with Tyrone as they placed the bag over his head and by the sounds of it beat the ever-loving shit out of him. The people here wanted to get one last beating out of us before we left. After all, it was superheroes that ran this prison…and they surely hated us for killing their friends and family.

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As I could feel my mind drifting away with whatever drug they gave me all I could think of was what was left for me after I woke up. What kind of nightmares awaited Tyrone and me in whatever program they had planned? I knew of the program but not enough to know what happened to you other than their regular human experimentations.

But then again…whatever they had planned for me was better than anything in here…or with my mind.

“Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey.” Said the voice of a mysterious man faintly familiar as he grabbed the black bag and took it off.

My eyes took some adjusting but I found myself looking at the face of a greasy-looking white man with long black hair, a suit, and tie, and a strange symbol tattooed over there face. And a large bladed scar on the left side of his neck. Whatever the case may be he looked important…and gave the aura of a sleazy bastard in the limousine we were in.

“The name is Lance and I will be watching over you two as part of your program. So I like to be friendly as possible with those I meet. What are your names?” Said Lance looking at me and then to the right of me.

Tyrone looked tired but when he saw the man he looked intrigued. Not in the “you’re are my next victim” kind of way but rather let this man talk kind of way.

Tyrone knew something he wasn’t telling me…or at least not telling me now.

“My name is Tyrone…Tyrone Williams,” said Tyrone as they looked back at the man with a neutral expressions.

“Nice to meet you, Tyrone. And what is your name youngin?” Said Lance looking back at me with a fake smile but a convincing one.

“You already know my name.” l said scoffing back at him.

“I may…but I want to hear you say it.” Said Lance looking back at me with a devilish grin.

“You ain’t going to hear me say SHHHHHIIIITTTTTT!” I said being electrocuted by what appeared to be a shock collar on my neck…and a nasty one at that.

“You have one too Tyrone, I suggest you cooperate unlike your little pal here,” said Lance looking pointing at me while looking at Tyrone.

I could feel my neck burn and feel it cold all at the same time. Even worse all I could think about was when this damn thing would shut off. I couldnt even touch my neck as the handcuffs from before were still on me. No matter how much I struggled all I could do was jitter and pray to any god out there to make it stop in my mind. Whether that was Yahweh, God, or Allah it didn’t matter…as long as this rising pain would FUCKING STOP! FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK!”


“Now, I’m going to ask you again…what…is…your…name!” Said Lance kicking me in the shin from afar.

“....pant….pant…Doug…my name is Doug Tennamen.” I said trying to get a deep breath in only to be met with a sharper pain in my neck as now it begAN TO BURN! ARGGHHHHHHHHHHH!

“Please…Stop it…He’s just a kidDDDDDDD! ARRRGHHHHHHHH!” Proclaimed Tyrone as he himself was being electrocuted at the same level as me.

For what felt like a full minute we endured the pain as each of us jittered and closed our eyes as having them open made things worse. 

And when it stopped each of us could see smoke coming from our necks.

“Doug, that is for the scar you gave me when you were a little shit. And Tyrone…that is for trying to kill me when I first joined.” Said Lance placing the remote on his lap.

“Who…the…fuck…are…you…” I said still trying to get my breath back from being electrocuted.

“You wouldn’t remember me…but I remember you. Doug Tennamen…son of the Nightstalker. Now. Our small trip has come to a halt. And we’ve made it to our destination…The Scraper. You will be under my supervision and…” Said Lance as I zoned out from what he was saying as a second man was in the limousine…my father.

He looked at me with his eyes wide open in his old villain gear intact but he looked at me with a death stare and a blank facial expression. His face looked like someone trying to imitate a human being and was failing. 

“Hey…hey are you listening to…pfft I thought you would have learned your lesson, too bad.” Said Lance grabbing the remote.

“Wait…I was listening. I just…zoned out a bit,” I said in a begging tone.

“What was I saying then?” He said with an eyebrow raised and his finger on the remote.

“We’re at the Scraper….wait…this isn’t the scraper…but you said…” I said looking outside at what looked like a different building.

“Hm, so you were paying attention. Yes well, there are multiple buildings we call the scraper. The one on the media is for show…this one is for heroes. Anyway, welcome to the first day of the rest of your lives…Doug…Doug…You with me…Doug? DOUG!”

————————-(FLASHBACK ENDED)——————

“Doug…you still in there.”

“Alice? What happened?” I said looking around only to find I was in an infirmary.

“You remembered…a core memory

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