
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: A Tiny But Feisty One.

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Trigger Warning: Intense Violence.

Even when you think you are safe Doug…the devil always comes to collect his dues.

“A core memory? I don’t understand, I was just gurgling my blood only a few moments ago and now I’m here? Aren’t core memories just stuff ingrained into our minds? How would that cause me to have that kind of reaction.” I said slowly getting up from what felt like a bed with Alice next to me.

“I…I’m not even sure myself. All I know is that ever since the scraper fell you were found alive and…well…besides your good looks, you developed a type of issue that when you remembered something so deep into your memory you would do that…do it too many times at once and you’d forget who you were…and do it too many times at once for long periods of time…you become catatonic for a while.” Said Alice shaking her head as she spoke as if she was remembering something that brought her great pain.

“And…how do you know this? Any of that?” I asked as she lifted her head and spoke with what looked like a look of exhaustion.

“I know ‘cause it happened…multiple times…I was there each time. Having to watch…you…*SNIFF*…FUCK!…I want you to remember everything. About me…about Daniel…about our lives…but if you know too much we*SNIFF*…I…Might lose you…and…*SNIFF* I can’t let that happen…I can’t lose you too.” Said Alice now wiping away her tears as she spoke only for more to come out at once.

All I could think to do was try to get up to hug her but the moment I did she turned her body away from me. She wasn’t in the right mindset to be hugged…but there was something deeper at play than just a hug.

For a moment all I could hear was Alice’s crying. And in the next, the sound of a door opening what caught my attention. While this was the infirmary there wasn’t anyone inside except me and Alice with me being on a bed. Yet as soon as I could hear the sound of a respirator my hands and body froze. 

I wasn’t in the mood for any of Daniela’s shit.

And she clearly wasn’t in the mood for mine 

“Well, well, well, Two lovebirds in a room together and one of them is crying. Damn Doug, I don’t even know how you even lasted with me and now you already made your little gal pal cry here.” Said Daniela crossing her robotic arms as she looked at me.

“What do you want?” I said looking directly at her fucked up face.

“Remember anything important. You did unlock a core memory after all and by the looks of things you remembered something substantial. So tell me Doug…what…did…you…remember?” Said Daniela grabbing the tip of my chin as she smiled.

I could feel my saliva being ready to spit…but…I had people to protect whether I fully remember them or not.

“Better tell me or Alice gets her teeth ripped out…again…and aga…” said Daniela before I interrupted her.

“I remembered how I got to Meta Corp. About Lance. About Tyrone…but not about the safe…or even you. Looks like that much may take some time.” I said with a hint of sarcasm.

“Well then. Looks like we’ll just have to wait and see what happens then. After all, we don’t want you going catatonic now do we…” said Daniela right before I interrupted her.

“How…How do you know about that?” I said looking at her with a look of bewilderment as my eyes blinked rapidly with my throat clenching as I spoke.

“Alice told me. We’ve been chatting for a bit and letting me on some…secrets…we’ve gotten really close…isn’t that right Alice” Said Daniela gripping her hands around her throat from behind lightly and then harsher the more she talked.

“You know…she likes to talk about your past a lot. Almost like gossip between friends, but then again that was before I made her precious little Daniel eat some razor blades. He’s fine now. Our healer can do anything and fix anyone. I wonder how she’d react to seeing you…the way you are.” said Daniela as her grip got tighter making Alice gasp for air but take it.

“Please…let her go…please…” I said begging her to stop strangling Alice but when she looked at my defeated and desperate face all she did was smile and grip tighter.

“You know, I really should have no known you never really loved me. After all Alice here seems like the full package… a tiny but feisty one. Makes sense why you had hard time being intimate with me…after all you wouldnt want to anger your wife by cheating on her. But you did. And don’t worry, your son Daniel doesnt know about his daddies little affair. I won’t tell him…for now…oops…Looks like I better stop strangling your wife. Heh Heh, My bad sweetheart.” said Daniela letting go of Alice.

“ACK! HUGH! AUGH! ACK!” Proclaimed Alice trying to catch her breath falling to the floor as her face were blue and purple as she tried to breathe.

“Alice…ALICE!” I said gettting off the bed heading straight down next to her as her face became less blue and her breath more rampant.

“Well, knowing how your brain works and how you can’t die keeping you in a cell for you to remember the past seems a bit impractical. And it’s best for you to remember your core memories when you’re here…Alice here can help with that. Honestly, it’s getting pretty boring just torturing your family so, we’ll be changing plans… let’s see…we have twenty rebel hideouts here in sector zero…hm…” said Daniela acting like she was thinking something but in reality was just messing with me.

“You, Alice, Tyrone, and Daniel will be sent out to take out these bases. Your reward will be food and water, two meals per day. Your punishment will be...ah you know what this is getting pretty boring just torturing people you care about. After all you can’t be killed…but you feel everything. If you or your family fails they’ll have to watch as we do unspeakable things to you…sounds good?” said Daniela with a perky smile on her disgusting face.

“NO! That doesn’t sound good! None of anything you say sounds good!” I proclaimed looking back at Daniela with eyes filled with tears and my nose squeezing out snot.

“Splendid. Now, Jack and Deniece here will take you to the armory to get your gear so you can go out and get started. Sounds great right gang?” said Daniela talking to the people next to her that I hadn’t noticed.

“Sounds great to me,” said Jack as he looked at me pompously.

Jack was a husky and well-built muscular twenty-something-year-old dark-skinned man with curly black hair and a robotic arm. His face however looked as if he hadn’t cleaned any grime off of it and had multiple bladed scars showing that he was in some kind of accident. Even though his face had grime on it his casual clothes were clean and looked to be freshly washed.

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He looked like a dickhead.

“I have no quells or qualms about it.” Said Deniece looking at Alice’s face which I could assume had bloodshot eyes.

Deniece was a tall and masculine light brown-skinned woman with glasses and dyed white hair. The only thing feminine about her were her hips and long hair. Even though she wore a suit you could tell her body type was muscular as her muscles protruded through her clothes.

She looked like an A Grade Cunt.

There on your kill list aren’t they?

You better believe it…Auugggghhhh…not now!

As I blinked my eyes their faces became demonic as they jittered quickly with rings of fire behind them. My schizophrenia was kicking as each of them faded in and out of looking like monsters. Looking at Daniela instead all I could see was a younger and more human version of her. One I had seen in my memories. Her smile however began running all the way up her to her forehead.

These hallucinations were the least of my problems right now.

All that mattered was what I did and what she said.

Even If I couldn’t trust my mind or myself.

I could trust Alice.

I could trust Tyrone.

I could trust Squirt.

I could feel my memories of them growing stronger. I could remember how I felt about them. Not fully but enough to not leave them for dead. 

I knew if I thought more about what Daniela said what happened before would happen again. 

I couldn’t let that happen.

I had to ignore it.

Shove it deep down until it didn’t even happen.

There was too much at stake.

I just had to forget for now.

I had a job to get all of us out here.

Alive and well.

Even if I had to be ripped apart and put back together it didn’t matter. Even if they put me through a meat grinder, spat me out, and put me back in.

Nothing else mattered.

You don’t matter.

I don’t matter…only they do.

Only they do.

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