Park Right Up – A LitRPG Magic Theme Park Adventure

Chapter 2: 2. Mr. Bearington Atlas – Mana Storage Device

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2. Mr. Bearington Atlas - Mana Storage Device


With an equally brilliant flash of light, Silas appeared on a cloud of cotton candy. He stood up and looked around in utter shock and confusion. He was… He was standing on a cloud of cotton candy! He looked around and realized that wasn’t quite it. No… He was in a small pavilion, almost like the gate of an amusement park, and it was that which seemed to float on a cloud of cotton candy. Great mounds of the stuff floated up all around him, and he sat down in visible confusion.

“Oh, don’t be like that!” The girl knelt down next to him and pulled him to his feet. “Let me see… I want this to be just like Earth. Where you humans live.”

With a flash of light, cobblestones formed out of the cotton candy clouds. Well, cobblestones that appeared to be made out of gumdrops. A small, rather whimsical house appeared adjacent to the gates, and just beyond, where the logo of an amusement park might be located, an enormous chibi-style teddy bear appeared. It was stooped, just like the statue Silas had seen of Atlas, and held an immense glass sphere upon its back. The sphere was nearly empty, though it did hold a few dregs of a glowing blue and green liquid in the bottom of the bowl.

“Is this like Earth?” The girl asked. “I’ve only seen a little bit of it, you know, but I think this should be just about right. You can add your own flairs and make it more Earth-like.”

“Right.” Silas nodded slowly. “And… Just what parts of Earth did you see?”

“I visited your building, and the building right next door. I found many things that were…” Her voice trailed off and she scrunched up her face looking for a word and broke out in a smile. “Delicious!”

At that, things began to make a bit more sense. The store just next to the bakery was a candy shop, selling anything and everything candy related…

“Mmk, this is going to take a bit of work to get my mind wrapped around.” Silas rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath. “First, though, why don’t we start with… What in the world, or more importantly, what out of the world are you, and what am I doing here?”

The girl blinked, then smiled. “My name is Billie. Billie Madds. At least, that’s the closest human approximation I can make.”

“And you are?” Silas asked

“A spirit!” Billie responded with a playful grin.

She vanished a moment later. Silas stood there, whistling softly, until she reformed just in front of him.

“Hmm. You can’t see spirits, can you?” She asked seriously.

“Apparently not.” Silas replied.

“That’ll be a problem. Oh, well!” She tossed up her hands. “We can… How do they say? Cross that bridge when we burn it?”

“Not exactly, but close enough.” Silas held back a smile and started walking across the gumdrop cobbles toward the chibi Atlas the bear. “What’s this?”

“That’s your mana! Well, my mana. Basically, the same thing at this point.” She waved her hands around and motioned everywhere as if that explained anything. “You can use it to build things! Just don’t let it hit zero.”

“What’s it at right now?” Silas asked looking at the small bit of liquid at the bottom.

“Oh, it’s a bit low. One.” She replied with a glum expression.

“Well, that doesn’t great, that’s bad right?.” Silas crossed his arms. “How do we get more?”

“You have to have fun!” Billie began to laugh and skipped across the cobbles. “Come on! Laugh and run with me, and we’ll get some more! I can’t do it without you, you know.”

Silas hung his head and started after her. He found his limbs dragging, though, and glanced at her in annoyance.

Silas interrupted. “What about what I want? What about going home? I have a life you know?”

Billie froze, then shook her head. “Sorry. I can’t do that. Not possible. Once you’re here, you’re here. At least for now. I can’t. If the mana goes to zero…. I … I… ”

Silas sighed and sat down on the road. “Its .”

Billie walked over and sat down next to him. “You don’t like it here?”

“I don’t even know where here is!” Silas responded as he pointed at a nearby cloud of cotton candy. “I’m not going to say that I had the greatest life in the world, but I did have a life, and I don’t appreciate being taken away from it!”

“You said you wanted the job!” She responded.

“Yeah, I did but…” His voice trailed off as he caught sight of Billie. She had closed her eyes closed tightly. He frowned and crossed his arms.

“What are you doing? Are you ok?” He asked.

“Trying to come up with a way to make you happy, so we can get more mana and I can show you how all of this works.” Billie suddenly lit up. “I got it! I have an idea. I saw this in the human world.”

Before Silas could ask her what she had thought up, she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His eyes shot wide open, and his heart gave more than a few rather sudden beats. In response, the globe of mana lit up, and filled nearly to the halfway point.

“Wow! You humans really are something else.” Billie helped Silas to his feet, who was now looking at the situation in a whole new light. “Alright, look… That way.” She spun him to face away from the chibi statue. “Now think up something! Probably a road, though.”

Silas nodded slowly. He closed his eyes and pictured a road. To his great annoyance, the first thing that came to mind was a road made out of candy canes. When he opened his eyes, he found that it had formed exactly as he had imagined, and now the road stretched off into the distance and gave way to cotton-candy clouds.

“Perfect!” Billie grinned. “Now, we need something to ride! Let’s see… I’ll take this one, I saw something in that other store that I’ve been wanting to try out!”

Silas found himself growing a bit nervous. Suddenly, with a blast of light that drained the mana sphere slightly, a large wheel formed just next to the path. It had chairs shaped like yo-yos, chairs that were even connected to the central wheel with enormous loops of string.

“Come on!” Billie rushed forward and leapt into the closest chair. “It’s going to start soon!”

Silas frowned, but nodded and hopped into the chair just behind Billie. “What happens now? I don’t exactly seeing anattendant telling us to keep our hands and feet inside the ride?”

“Why would we want to do thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-”

Billie’s voice trailed off into a scream as the ride whirled up into the air. The wheel spun almost impossibly fast, so much so that Silas was certain that if he had still been on Earth, he would have been crushed by the force against him. Instead he screamed and smiled and enjoyed it.. As it was, they simply whirled around and around, with the chairs zinging out and back in just like a yo-yos, before it came back to the ground. More than a little dizzy, Silas stumbled out onto the candy cane road, and Billie jumped out to land next to him.

“Wasn’t that wonderful?” She grinned broadly. “And look! The mana sphere is full again!”

Silas glanced at the mana sphere, which, indeed, was full. He blinked in surprise, and Billie nodded at him.

“Alright! Your turn!”

“To make…”

“Anything you want!” She smiled. “Just pick something. What kind of fun ride would you like to make?”

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Silas thought for a moment, then chuckled. “Actually, what I’d like is something to look at other than these clouds.”

With a flash of light, a thick row of trees grew up along the path. They were enormous pines, some of Silas’s favorites from Earth. He sighed in contentment, and the mana orb refilled. After a moment of basking in the newfound power that he apparently had, he nodded to another open spot by the road.

“Ahh… Robots!”

In his mind, he had intended to recreate a small game that he had once played as a child. In it, two boxing robots could be controlled with small levers and buttons on the side of a tabletop arena. Now, though, a full-size arena with two fully-functional battle mechs appeared. His mind turned at the awesome possibilities, and Billie rushed forward and jumped into the red mech. Silas chose the blue one, and looked down at the vast array of weapons and items available to him.

“Is this… This says I have a rocket launcher?”





Before he could move, Billie’s mech launched itself through the air on rockets and slammed into his own mech. She drove an uppercut into his torso, flinging him high into the air. He might have gone flying out across the cotton-candy clouds, but hit an invisible wall on the side of the arena. Two small rockets rose up to meet him, and he gasped.

“This was supposed to be fun! I don’t want to d-”

Two enormous explosions went off, and he came crashing down to the ground as a heap of smoking metal.

//Health: 12%//

“What?” He murmured as he climbed back to his feet. “I’m still alive?”

“Of course you’re alive!” Billie landed just in front of him and activated a large flamethrower, which she held just above his head. “People don’t die here!”

“Then I hope you won’t take this personally.” Silas pressed a few buttons, and his mech raised a shaky arm. Bullets thundered from a hidden gun, nearly cutting Billie’s mech in half. She stumbled backward, and Silas climbed back to his feet. He armed his own missiles and fired them, but they sailed past her, turning harmlessly into cotton candy as they flew out of the arena’s boundaries.

“Oh, I don’t take it personal at all! Hi-ya!”

Billie’s mech drew a large sword and cleaved Silas’s mech in two. There was a burst of cotton candy, and Silas was teleported back onto the candy cane road. Billie appeared just next to him. Their mechs both healed themselves, and Silas shook his head in amazement.

“This is… I’ve never seen anything like this!”

Billie took his hand and led him back to the front of the park. Silas took a deep breath, then shrugged.

“So… How does this work?”

Billie turned to look at him, her eyes full of hope. “You mean… You want to come be the manager here?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Billie shrugged. “You could always go jump off into the clouds and become a wandering spirit.”

“I think I’ll pass.” Silas shrugged. “Which means, I guess… I may as well make the best of this.”

“I’m so glad you think so.” Billie leaned forward and gave him a hug. She pulled back after a moment, then sighed. “Your world… It will do well here in this world.”

Silas raised a hand. “Do you mind my asking, again, where exactly we are?”

“You’re in the spirit world!” Billie grinned, then paused. “Well… A spirit world. I mean, it’s connected to other spirit worlds, so I suppose you could sorta say that they’re all the same spirit world, but each one is also kinda separate, and-”

“I think I get the idea.” Silas nodded slowly, then turned back to business. “So, then, I’m managing a park in the spirit world. Where do people come from?”

Billie turned and gestured out the front gates. The clouds of cotton candy didn’t let him see very far, all things considered, though they sometimes parted to allow him a brief glimpse of more distant cotton-candy cloudscapes.

“They come from there, from wherever and whenever. Some of them will know where they’re going. Others are just passing through. While they’re here, though, they’re guests. At least…”

She paused for a moment, and Silas continued.

“What’s the compensation?”

“What?” She looked at him with a raised eyebrow

Silas groaned after a moment. “Right. You don’t understand the concept of money, and here, everything you could possibly want can be summoned with the snap of your fingers…” Even as he said it, he began to wonder why he would possibly want any other form of compensation at all. He chuckled softly, then turned to Billie once again.

“Alright, just one last question.” He took a deep breath. “What are the rules? Anything in particular I need to know?”

“Hmm.” She stroked her chin, adopting a posture that more or less resembled a human attitude of thinking. Silas couldn’t tell if she was actually thinking or just playing it up. “I have an idea! Here.”

She leaned forward and touched her right index finger to his forehead.

//Now Introducing: Manager System//

//Happy Happy Fun Land – Max Permanent Structures 3 of 3//

//Manager’s Quarters//

//Park Gate//

//Mr. Bearington Atlas – Mana Storage Device//

//Days Since Last Manager Change: 1//

Silas took a deep breath as he wrapped his head around his new life. It was strange, to be certain, but… Well… Maybe, just maybe, he could make it work.

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