Park Right Up – A LitRPG Magic Theme Park Adventure

Chapter 3: 3. Breakfast Champion

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3. Breakfast Champion


//Happy Happy Fun Land//

//Current Mana Load: 3 out of 30//

---//Manager’s Quarters//

---//Park Gate//

---//Mr. Bearington Atlas – Mana Storage Device//

//Days Since Last Manager Change: 2//

//Have a great day, Manager Graham!//

Silas woke up slowly and laid laziness on the bed in the manager’s quarters. His bed. It was a small house. It had… well, it was hard exactly to tell how many rooms the house held. On one hand, the building was hardly larger then his two-room apartment back on Earth. On the other hand, it was infinitely bigger and far bigger on the inside than out. Whatever room he wasn’t in had a tendency to transform into whatever room he needed to use at the time, and no matter what room he was standing in, the front door was always visible on at least one of the walls. Sometimes more than one walls. A quick test had shown him those doors all opened up to the exact same location.

At that particular moment, the room was arrayed just like his bedroom back at his apartment. His phone had a strange icon that had replaced the battery sign and it was sounding a continual beep that Silas assumed was an alarm. When he picked it up the phone only displayed a strange message that he was the recipient of the Manager System. Silas grabbed the button and canceled the alarm, it dissolved into a burst of cotton candy smoke floating through the air and soon faded away. He chuckled. “Of course, it would.”

“Did you sleep well last night?” Billie’s voice called out.

“What are you doing here?” Silas jumped rather sharply and scanned the room for the source of the voice, he caught sight of Billie sitting on a bean bag in the corner of his room. She waved at him.

“I’m sorry.” Billie dipped her head. “Did I scare you?”

“Something like that.” Silas sighed and swung his feet out of bed. “Have you been there all night?”

“Watching humans sleep is fascinating!” Billie answered after a moment. “You just breathe so hard. It must be exhausting! Sometimes you twitch and jerk around. And the mumbling! I mean, I’ve seen plenty of humans who’ve crossed over, but not like this, not like you lived in the human realm.”

Silas decided not to ask what she meant, and slowly rose. He was dressed in pajamas that looked like a satin suit with all the comfort of microfleece. Silas looked at her rather uncomfortably.

“Would you mind stepping outside for a minute while I change clothes?” Silas asked feeling suddenly self conscious.

Billie cocked her head sideways at him. “Why?”

“It’s… Polite.” Silas floundered. “Call it a human thing. But I need to get changed.”

“Then I will do so!” Billie smiled and stood up. A moment later she strode out the front door, which at the moment, which was at the moment caddy corner to the other door that led to the other room of the house. She stepped through and went into the park. Silas rubbed his face and pulled a change of clothes from a closest that appeared in the other room space and then headed back out the door.

To no great surprise, when Silas poked his head out the front door he found Billie standing there leaning against the wall of the house, eagerly waiting to come back inside. He nodded at her. “You can come back in,” and she bounded through the door. With that, he took two steps to the side and stepped through expecting to wind back up where he had just left.

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Instead, he found himself stepping into a large kitchen. Pots and pans covered the counter, while the pantry door quite literally fell open from all the food stored inside of it.

“What would you like for breakfast?” Silas asked and nodded at the table. “I prefer to start the day with eggs over easy and a bit of toast.”

“Humans are strange creatures. To become stronger, correct? I read that on a box when I was in the human realm. It’s how you become a champion!”” Billie walked over and sat down at the table, then brightened. “Not terribly unlike Therwalgans, though, in that respect!”

Silas laughed as he started looking through the pantry. “Do I want to ask what a Therwalgan is?”

“They’re so cute! They look almost like… Frogs! That’s the word you have for them. And every morning, they bob to the surface of their lakes and eat lots of bugs.” Billie explained as she moved her hands around dramatically. “Then, as they fill themselves up, they become heavier than the water and sink back down to the bottom, until they get empty again and float back up!”

“That sounds interesting.” Silas mumbled as he opened the fridge to look for eggs and toast and found only milk. He looked for something else after found the section of the pantry that held cereal, and was somehow unsurprised that every single box was filled with brilliant colors and loads of sugar. He selected on “Rainbow Flakes,” then grabbed a bowl for him and her, the jug of milk, and returned to sit down by Billie.

“Oh, no, they’re terribly disgusting!” Billie gagged. “Eating bugs! I would never! You humans, though, you come up with lots of tasty things to eat!”

“Call us inventive, I guess.” Silas poured them both some cereal, then started eating the small meal. It was perhaps the sweetest thing he had eaten in the better part of a decade, and he apologized to the roof of his mouth in advance. Billie’s face became a mask of pleasure and delight as she hunched over her bowl and a spoon became a shovel. When she finished, she turned to Silas and grinned.

“Do humans have any other early-morning routines?” She asked looking regretfully at the empty bowl.

“That depends on how long it is until I, or we have to report in to work.” Silas replied with a yawn.

“Oh, you can do that whenever.” Billie shrugged. “Just make sure not to wait too long. Our mana drains itself naturally as it sustains the park, so you have to make sure to open things before it hits zero and we both get sucked into oblivion. Well… I die, you get sucked into oblivion, and then I’m assuming you die as well.”

Silas’s eyes snapped open wide. “Uh. News to me. Is that likely?”

“Nope!” Billie grinned, then paused. “At least I hope not. It hasn’t happened to me yet! Still here”

“And how old are you?” Silas asked looking her over.

Billie frowned. “Time doesn’t work quite the same way here as it does on Earth, but… About two hundred years?”

“That’s comforting.” Silas sighed. “Will I live as long as you?”

Billie paused, and assumed a rather exaggerated thinking pose. “So long as nothing kills you! Your body won’t age here, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“It is.” Silas briefly wondered just what would be able to kill him in the strange world, but he didn’t really want to ask such questions, since he was sure that she would have an answer. “Well, then, let’s get to work. I can skip my morning shower for the day, and we’ll start this park right up for the day..”

With that, he strode through the front door, which had moved to rest between the refrigerator and the stove, and out into the small courtyard. Mr. Bearington Atlas stood looking down at them, but the mech ride, the yo-yo ride, the road, and the trees had all vanished. Only the gate and an endless sprawl of cotton candy clouds remained. Silas frowned as he looked back and forth around the area, trying to wrap his head around it all.

“Ahh… What exactly happened to-”

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