Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 11: I’m leaving it to you

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"So…that was an eventful evening." (Minato)

"No kidding…fighting in the middle of a crazed revolution wasn't the best way to spend the day." (Kaito)

I and Minato-kun have walked away from the battlefield as the victors when speaking from an objective point of view. The fight's finished and we've accomplished what we set out to do.

"But you were way more amazing than I thought, Minato-kun. That was the power of Personas? Summoning facets of your psyche in the form of creatures from mythology sounds so cool." (Kaito)

Some idle chit-chat would do to stave off the awkward mood as we walked on foot. My friend beside me followed after me as I tracked down Doctor's position with my search magic. And I've already sent him a message that we wrapped up everything too.

"The one who's amazing is you, Kaito-san. All I did was fight against the big boys, but you had to steal the show from my spotlight at the last minute." (Minato)

Minato-kun expressed his feigned grumpiness at my actions to mask his genuine disbelief at that monstrous power. Well…he's got a point. My excessive display of power was indeed too domineering. However, it wasn't like I had much of a choice considering the catastrophe would've outgrown its welcome and needed to be stopped. And he had some misconceptions about it.

"That wasn't exactly my power." (Kaito)

"Eh? Did someone else do that?" (Minato)

I shook my head in response and gestured to the necklace I'm wearing.

"In here is some of Kuro's magic power. I used that power by sending a command to sweep away the catastrophe." (Kaito)

"It was the loli's power?" (Minato)

I understood Minato's shocked reaction at hearing that. Normally you wouldn't associate a power large enough to erase a country and two from the map with someone so innocent like Kuro. Poor guy has a lot to learn concerning my social circle.

"That's right. I'm still someone on the weak side. The people around me are the ones who are abnormal." (Kaito)

"I smell bullshit a mile away. You're not fooling anyone, Kaito-san." (Minato)

Helplessly, I just smiled at Minato who remained unconvinced.

"Still, you're really strong. I was really worried you might've gotten seriously hurt back there." (Kaito)

"Understandably, that would've most likely have been the case." (Minato)

"Oh? It sounds like you had a problem during the fight." (Kaito)

That surprised me. For anyone who watched, it easily seemed like he was dominating the fight the whole time.

"Yeah, in fact, a lot of things could've gone wrong. It was me versus a group of thousands, so statistically I shouldn't've posed a threat to them. I can't eliminate all of them with my aoe spells immediately, so I used the terrain against them and their lack of knowledge on my power to throw them off." (Minato)

It made sense to me. Seeing me nod in understanding, Minato continued to review the areas he done right, and which ones were lacking.

"There were three people who were the most problematic." (Minato)

"The dragon lady, the white rabbit lady, and the big guy." (Kaito)

"Yeah. I believe I can take either of the women in a duel, but the last guy I actually lacked the power to contend with." (Minato)

"Eh? Really? You looked like you found enough strength to handle him at that point." (Kaito)

That walking mountain was intimidating, and he proved his abilities as a warrior. But so was Minato-kun, he was the one who toppled him. Was my impression of him being that guy's equal thrown off?

"Mhm. Normally for the current me, I would not win against him even if I went all out. You see, after I sent Cu Chulainn at him, I ate one of those starry fruits you gave me." (Minato)

"Aaahhh, I'm starting to see the picture." (Kaito)

"What was its effect again? Raises all of my abilities by 1.5 for an hour? Geez, that's including after I've applied buffs to myself. Even my Persona abilities rose." (Minato)

"Well duh, my Nebula is just that incredible." (Kaito)

"Is she the one who supplies them…? And why do you suddenly sound like a useless parent boasting about his kid?" (Minato)

Did I? It's only obvious I acknowledge her excellence. Minato-kun just doesn't get it yet.

"It'll take some time for you to learn. Just wait until I get back and give you some of her tea." (Kaito)

"Why are you giving me such a look of pity like I'm the stupid one? Can you spare me on that, please?" (Minato)

I patted him on the shoulder to reassure him of what he's missing out on despite his annoyance.

"Thinking about it, how are you supposed to return back to your world, Minato-kun?" (Kaito)

I held my phone and frowned at the return option. For me it was no problem since my access point was this indestructible phone. It wasn't the same with Minato-kun as I doubt his main computer would just follow with him when he jumps to another world.

"My description might be a bit off from yours but turns out that any computer will work as a gateway home for me. There's also the option to go back from another user's available access point like your phone." (Minato)

"Doesn't that sound irresponsible on the group chat? By virtue, you'd be stranded forever in a world that doesn't have the technology." (Kaito)

"Guess you'll have to come and pick me up when it happens." (Minato)

Minato-kun was entirely unbothered by his disadvantages, but my concern didn't wane on this point. Just what was the group chat playing at for giving him such a limit? Or maybe it comes back to how not everyone gets treated equally by it. I have almost complete authority over it while Doctor's group chat appeared in his head for example.

"I've still got your points you handed me. Want me to send them back after we're done?" (Minato)

"It's alright. I'm not exactly short on them. On that note…what was so urgent for you to buy that you had to run off immediately?" (Kaito)

"Remember how I use Personas to fight during the Dark Hour? Back in my world, I couldn't summon them outside of it. But the market had the <Unrestricted Summoning> skill for 5000 points that allows me to summon Personas in any reality. I had the 7700 points for the 2 weeks, so I ran to pray to the shrine and somehow get Mitsuru-senpai to eat a hamburger. It would not be pretty if my main power source wasn't accessible in this world, would it?" (Minato)

"You're right, that would be pretty dumb. But what's dumber is that you forgot I had points too." (Kaito)

"Ugh…yeah that's a blunder on me at that time." (Minato)

An hour of walking and traversing the ruined landscape and we can finally see Doctor's group, which conjoined together with Scout's, in the distance.

"Soooo…how do we divert the fact that we're from another world from them? Or do we not care and just let them have their own ideas?" (Minato)

"Don't worry, I came prepared for this." (Kaito)

I threw a card at Minato-kun which he caught. He inspected it, found it blank and gave me a curious look.

"It's an ID card from the market and something Alice advised me to buy when entering worlds. Just smear your fingerprint on it for it to activate. The group chat will influence reality to believe our existence has always belonged to this world with an identity and certain recognition by others. It will change our physical features somewhat depending on what identity you get." (Kaito)

The young man beside me shrugged in acceptance of my explanation and smeared his fingerprint on it like I instructed. And what a change came over him. He now sported a halo above his head and twelve wings shaped like glass shards behind him, giving off pale blue lights. He seemed pretty excited over it if his eyes brightening was any indication.

"Cool. Says here I'm part of the Sankta race, a race of people adept at handling firearms who have the appearance of angels." (Minato)

"Alright, now let me give it a shot." (Kaito)

I repeated the same action and felt the changes come over me. But mainly above my head where I felt new appendages attached to it. And…I felt Minato-kun confused by what he saw, not knowing how to react. That doesn't give me a good vibe, so I read the ID given to me.

"I'm part of the Zalak race, the ancient race of people with rodent-like features…specifically the capybara…" (Kaito)

You are reading story Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat at

"---Pffft!" (Minato)

My eye twitched. And I felt mortified by Minato lowering his mouth to his hand. Hello, I can see your shoulders quivering you know?

"Forget it, I'm not in any need of this anyways." (Kaito)

"I'm keeping mine. Angels wielding guns sounds rad as hell." (Minato)

I turned the ID card off and walked up to the enlarged rescue group. Seeing the two of us approaching, a crowd came forward with barely concealed excitement and admiration.

"Kaito, Minato, you guys came through!" (Doctor)

"Young man, it is fortuitous to see you again." (Nearl)

"We're all glad to be alive thanks to you two." (Ace)

Minato-kun soaked up all the attention given to him while I felt itchy seeing such unreserved admiration bordering on reverence towards me. Especially coming from Scout and the people with him.

"Doctor, I never knew you had incredible allies like them…!" (Amiya)

"Yes. We're lucky to have your friends appear with the same intentions as us. We weren't the only ones thinking about saving you." (Dobermann)

"No, I don't really…" (Doctor)

"Did you really forget about us? Buddy, we got so much to catch up on." (Minato)

Doctor clearly was confused by Minato's words. I didn't think much about it since there wasn't any harm in it. I knew it was for ensuring our positions as allies in their eyes and to have a convenient story to use.

"Um, Minato was it? I'm Amiya, the leader of Rhodes Island. I would like to extend my gratitude and everyone else's for your bravery and help in such a dire time." (Amiya)

"Too true. It's not every day you see a sankta mainly fight with hand weapons than firearms." (Ace)

Me and Minato-kun raised an eyebrow at the comment. It really does work like it said. Nobody is batting an eye or getting confused about their memories of him. They really do believe he was a sankta this whole time.

"Don't mention it. I was just fighting the good fight." (Minato)

"No, we can't! You were stunning, like a hero appearing from a fairytale!"

Someone from the back shouted. I believe that's one of the medics. And now he's keeping his head down? What, so you can keep a straight face when you're receiving praises but suddenly get bashful when called a hero? What a funny guy.

"On to more pressing matters. Did the two of you see anything out of the ordinary? Like what took out the catastrophe since you two were the closest to it." (Nearl)

"That's right! What of the source behind that phenomenon? Please, tell us anything you found. We were not near it, but we felt it the same." (Amiya)

The air became somber at change in subject. Everybody had either a frightened or subdued look recalling that scene from the distance. I looked at Minato-kun's eyes hoping to express my intent to him. He seemed like he got the short of it and proceeded to explain to them.

"No, sorry about that. Other than a giant hand, I didn't see anything that can be associated with it." (Minato)

"I see. That's too bad…" (Amiya)

"We can worry about that later on the landship." (Scout)

Scout finally seemed to make his presence known. And oh boy, he was looking at me, and I fully knew what he was intending to say next.

"Everyone, Kaito here is not just Doctor's friend, he's a savior. This man, he---" (Scout)

"Ahahaha, sorry, Scout. But this isn't really the best location to be talking about something as serious as that. Gotta keep things down, you know what I mean?" (Kait)

I cut off his words, adding to the confusion in the air. Minato-kun on the side crossed his arms and watched with clear interest. I on the other hand don't want to be the center of attention and would be more than willing to throw the responsibility to someone else. I felt a little bad since Scout was sporting an apologetic expression now.

"Yes, you are right. My bad, Kaito." (Scout)

"Yeah, it's no problem. We know that anything involving Doctor has to be kept in the dark." (Kaito)

"Ahh, I understand." (Scout)

"???" (Doctor)

"Savior?" (Amiya)

"Indeed. I and many others wouldn't have made it out alive and reach you guys without him." (Scout)

"Oh. Un. I got it. Thank you so very much, Kaito!" (Amiya)

Nice deflection, Scout. As for Amiya bowing her head, I accepted it naturally. When she got up and turned to her people again to get everyone moving, I texted with Doctor.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Doctor, I have something to show you. Think you can break away from everyone else to find somewhere we can be in private?

[Zero Sanity]: Kaito? Er, sure. I'll try.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Good.

That's right, I have a plan. From what I understood, these people have some kind of illness in their bodies from how a lot of them shared black marks of crystallization on their skins. Doctor was successful in persuading the others to give him some space where we can talk alone. Looks like everyone trusts me quite a lot from Scout's reassurance. We moved away from the group and found a spot where nobody can see us.

"Did you have something you want to say? And why did you mention me when you talked to Scout?" (Doctor)

I held a finger to my mouth in gesture. He nodded back and we continued to communicate through the group chat.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You still have that fruit I sent you?

[Zero Sanity]: You mean this? If you want it back, then here.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Thanks. Now watch carefully, okay?

I took the World Tree Fruit from his hand and brought out an empty jar. He watched my actions intently. I crushed the fruit with my hand, pouring the contents into the jar.

Doctor: ???

I cleaned myself with a handkerchief and gave Doctor the filled jar for him to keep, smiling brightly at him.

After that, we came back to the group and continued walking. Our destination, Rhodes Island.





Serious-senpai: "What was that all about? What is Kaito planning?"

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