Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 12: Are you sure this is a pharmaceutical company?

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Me, Minato-kun, and everyone finally arrived on the landship. It was a massive behemoth of metal that traverses the earth rather than the sea. Such a sight had me and my kouhai amazed. Boarding Rhodes Island, we followed an attendant assigned to us and made our way in the interior. Minato-kun moved close to my side wanting to speak without others listening.

"Before we get ourselves questioned, what's your take on this place?" (Minato)

"Mmm…the people here aren't too bad. My sympathy magic isn't giving me any unfriendly vibes, mostly curiosity. Although, since no one really knew what happened in Chernobog, most of their attention is on Doctor." (Kaito)

"Alright, I'll trust you on that." (Minato)

"Why'd you ask? Is it because you're worried we'd be interrogated unfairly?" (Kaito)

"By all accounts we are suspicious. Two random dudes drop from nowhere and clobbered an entire revolution movement." (Minato)

"You've got a point. Well, let's just trust these people are accommodating and aren't too antagonistic." (Kaito)

"What are you two whispering about?" (Doctor)

Doctor came up to us and stuck a conversation. Perhaps he's as worried as us walking on the unfamiliar ship.

"Minato-kun here isn't fully optimistic about how Rhodes Island's operators will view us." (Kaito)

"Really? Everyone here seems nice. And why wouldn't they appreciate rescuers like you?" (Doctor)

"They're nice to you because you have history with them. We don't have that benefit other than from our lie about having relations with you." (Minato)

Doctor appeared shocked by Minato-kun's words and looked pensive for a moment.

"I'll ask Amiya just in case you guys might face some difficulties. I don't know how much effect my words will give, but given that you saved our asses how could they mistreat you?" (Doctor)

"I'm happy you've got our backs, Doctor." (Kaito)

"Glad to see you returning the favor so soon." (Minato)

Doctor shook his head thinking that it wouldn't be enough to repay everything that's happened. It would be inconsiderate for me to tell him to forget about it, so I'll just accept whatever gratitude he has for us in the future. In the meantime, we resumed our chat.

"If you want to help out more, tell us about this world." (Minato)

"Are you sure you're asking the right guy for this? I do have amnesia." (Doctor)

"Someone must've filled you in at least a little bit of this world when you woke up. It's better than nothing. We're in need of as much information as we can so we can establish our identities in this world." (Minato)

"Good point. How will we answer our backgrounds when questions come?" (Kaito)

"Well alright, I'll tell you everything I've learned." (Doctor)

And so, we learned a little more about this world called Terra. Almost every major civilization in this world lives on nomadic cities that periodically move around due to the catastrophes brewing. Countries themselves have their own unique culture such as Laterano City, the haven of the sankta race, which Minato is impersonating right now.

Our mood turned dour when the topic reached on originium. It's a crystalline substance of unknown origin, mostly left behind by catastrophes or mined from beneath the earth. These stones have mysterious power in them and are used as an energy source on par or superior to that of electricity. It also seems to empower 'Arts' in this world, which I'm guessing is this world's equivalent to magic. But as seemingly wonderful this source of energy appears, it's a carrier for a lot of tragedy in this world. Direct contact or prolonged exposure without any protection can infect people's body with a terminal disease called Oripathy, for which a cure has not been created yet for a long time.

"The problems of this world are more severe than I imagined despite bearing so many similarities to our Earths." (Minato)

"I can only imagine how bad the problems of this world are if that thing is running rampant." (Kaito)

"Well…we've seen a taste of how Oripathy has plagued this world just earlier." (Doctor)

"You mean…those Reunion thugs or something?" (Minato)

Doctor nodded at Minato-kun's words. That militant organization is a gathering of Infected, people who contracted Oripathy, and follow the ideal of eliminating the discrimination against the Infected. The Infected are oppressed and shunned on Terra no matter where they are. That's why Reunion sprung up to declare that they will liberate their suffering. The Infected's suffering will be delivered by the hands of the Infected, or so it goes.

"To think their suffering has reached a point for them to break out a terrorist attack on an entire mobile city." (Kaito)

"Whatever their intentions were, I haven't excused them for that shit they pulled." (Minato)

I had a lot of sadness in hearing these people's misfortunate lives, but I still didn't see it fit to condone their extreme methods, an opinion mirrored by Minato-kun. Regardless, I didn't have much of a strong opinion because I've never felt their pain or saw much of this world to come to a conclusion so soon.

"Ah, but I'm sure things will look up again. Rhodes island has a mission to cure the Infected." (Doctor)

On the reverse side of Reunion, there exists Rhodes Island as one of the few, if not the only organization, aiming to develop a cure for Oripathy. Supposedly a pharmaceutical company providing care and treatment in the meantime as it strives to find a cure. It's got its own landship, sign contracts with others, and employ hired operators with combat skills to fend off skirmishes here and there.

"Do all pharmaceutical companies in this world carry a military division? Like, I haven't seen a single person who doesn't carry a firearm or a weapon on their person during this tour." (Minato)

"Don't look at me. I only woke up hours ago." (Doctor)

"I'm thinking that excuse will be used a lot by you. Either way, this Rhodes Island is more black than pharmaceutical." (Minato)

"B-But isn't that great, Doctor? You get to be a part of something much bigger than yourself." (Kaito)

I had to console Doctor who became awkward after verifying Minato-kun's observation as he did not see anyone who could be classified under the medical branch besides himself. Ah, come to think of it.

"Since your name is Doctor, what sort of degree do you study in?" (Kaito)

"Apparently, I have a doctorate in neurology and contributed to studying Oripathy in the past. Other than that, not much else I was told about." (Doctor)

"Aaahh, what a strange coincidence this has turned out to be." (Kaito)

"What is this B-rank plot? We got an amnesiac with a past for researching the disease plaguing the world and being a member of the one organization with the same goal. And conveniently there's an antagonistic force that appears the day he wakes up with opposing ideals standing in his way. Cliché much?" (Minato)

"…I have to nothing to say for that." (Doctor)

Damn, Minato-kun. Can't you mince your words a little? Poor Doctor is slumping his shoulders. Now I've got to pat his back for a bit.

"Still, I can see how much of a pain it is to get rid of Oripathy. Those black crystallized skin on these people must be that Oripathy you were talking about. I've seen it numerous times back at Chernobog." (Kaito)

"Well shit. I don't think that's something conventional modern medicine will do to cure that. If this world's medicine is only on par with my world, it's most likely hopeless." (Minato)

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Me and the other two shared the same grimaces as we passed by more operators. Although, I was more optimistic than these two since I've done something that will greatly impact the fate of this world whether I meant it or not.

"On this point, I'm a lot more fortunate seeing as I hadn't contracted the same disease when eating originium." (Doctor)

"" (Kaito)

"Run by me that one more time?" (Minato)

We simultaneously turned our heads to stare at Dcotor bewilderedly. Am I hearing that right? People are suffering from magic rock disease, and this guy ate one and not suffered the same fate.

"I mean, I was hungry after waking up." (Doctor)

"Who the fuck eats rocks, AIDS-ridden rocks no less, as their first supper having no memories waking up?" (Minato)

"But I couldn't resist!" (Doctor)

Why does this guy have so little care for himself to happily devour something like that? What a strange fellow. Our sense of rational was somehow off and he didn't find what he's done to be so reckless.

"My headache was unbearable at that time, so when I saw that clump of black crystal lying around my feet, it just…felt natural. When it entered my mouth and I digested it, my head felt much clearer, and I thought I was invincible. My consciousness wasn't disappearing on me anymore. Look, let me demonstrate." (Doctor)

Okay, this madman has gone too far now. I was internally debating whether to stop this man when he pulled out that black crystal with a white diamond symbol on it. Guy was absolutely confident of himself. He still has that jar I gave him if worse comes to worst.

And…I heard crunching noises. Eh? What just happened?

"Minato-kun…am I hallucinating?" (Kaito)

"How…did he eat that if his mask didn't come off?" (Minato)

We both were in a stupor. How did that get in his mouth through the mask? Like, it just disappeared when he held it in front of him.


"See? I also didn't contract Oripathy." (Doctor)

"Yeah, but, how…" (Minato)

"Er, let's not get into it too deeply. It's one of those things you're not supposed to ask questions about much like how nobody seems concerned about what Doctor's face looks like." (Kaito)

And so, Minato-kun promptly shut up in agreement and we continued on our merry way.

"Doctor, I'm so happy to see you getting along with your old friends." (Amiya)

"Hmm? Ah yeah, it feels…good to know I have such wonderful friends, Amiya." (Doctor)

That rabbit girl, Amiya, noticed us and walked forward. She had a happy expression on her watching Doctor enjoying his time with us. Ace and Scout were also close by and took their turn to talk with Doctor.

"Here we are, Doctor. Because you woke up from cryosleep for the past 3 years and had to go through the invasion of Chernobog, you're in need of a medical examination." (Amiya)

We were led to the entrance of an icu for Doctor's care.

"Mr.Kaito, and Mr.Minato, you are free to enter with us as well." (Amiya)

"Are you sure about that? This doesn't seem like something that's got to do with the two of us." (Kaito)

"Dr.Kal'tsit is on the other side. She's one of the leaders of Rhodes Island and will very much would like to hear about you two personally." (Amiya)

"I see. I got it." (Kaito)

I consented to her suggestion and gestured to Minato-kun to do the same. Scout also had something to say.

"I'll come along too. What I have to say has a lot of weight and secrecy is vital to protect it. I need to make sure less ears catch wind of this." (Scout)

"Scout…okay, you have my permission to join us too." (Amiya)

Amiya looked reluctant but accepted anyways seeing Scouts serious face. Once that's over, she turned to Doctor yet again.

"Dr.Kal'tsit will look after you, Doctor. And…please, put your trust in her when you meet each other." (Amiya)

I was confused by what she meant by that. Minato-kun and Doctor had similar reactions, but the latter was already on his feet and made his way to the door.

"I smell complicated history in the air." (Minato)

"You know what, Minato-kun? I feel much the same." (Kaito)





Author: "If you're wondering where I've been, I was busy writing smut for a request. Now if you want to read it, I posted it in a public place, so you'll have to do some searching on your own."

Serious-senpai: "EEEEHHH!? S-S-SMUT!? That's lewd! Lewd! You're so unbelievable to write something like that! Hurry up and get executed! Execution!"

Author: "Shut up. Or do you want me to drown you in sugar in the afterword when I write Isis' turn who, need I remind you, is coming up next on my bucket list of smut?"


Author: "Back to the fanfic, I've got a few comments to say. There have been a few changes on what I'm planning such as reworking future group chat members that I'm not going to say here yet. It's honestly fun writing Minato whose personality I've written to be the somewhat cocky and blunt kind of young man to contrast Kaito and the normal-ish but definite weirdo that is Doctor. Just thinking about how he'd react to someone like Kal'tsit has me running gears in my head."

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