Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 14: I love having Amnesia

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"Please don't think too badly of him. Minato-kun is a good kid at heart." (Kaito)

"Hahhh...For your sake, Kaito, I will overlook it. I have had no small shortage of episodes with teenagers like him." (Kal'tsit)

The last thing I want is for bad blood to start brewing between us and Rhodes Island. Fortunately, Kal'tsit is a very experienced and mature adult who can sweep aside such rudeness. Thereupon, Kal'tsit moved on to Scout who has been keeping silent this entire time.

"I don't suppose you have something urgent to say, Scout?" (Kal'tsit)

"I do. And it very much is urgent significantly." (Scout)

The room perked up from the gravity in his voice. Scout made glances to me and Doctor until facing Kal'tsit again.

"Dr. Kal'tsit, will you please check my Originium levels in my body?" (Scout)

"Yes, of course. But you'll have to provide an explanation why this takes precedence over Doctor's condition." (Kal'tsit)

"Believe me when I say that what you'll see will be enough credence for later. Doctor is a tough person, I'm sure he can hold on for a little longer." (Scout)

That had Kal'tsit wrinkling her eyebrows. She let out a long sigh and held her palm out.

"Hand me your infection monitor. I will take a look and see for myself what has gotten you so worked up." (Kal'tsit)

Following her gesture, Scout took off a black ring with x-shaped highlights wrapped from his wrist. Taking that, Kal'tsit fiddled with the device and upon a few moments of inspections, her neutral face flickered. With her pupils shrunk, she walked up to a desk, connected that black ring to a terminal and started typing.

"Infection levels show signs of dramatic reduction. Deterioration have stopped growing. Presence of crystals…have also disappeared." (Kal'tsit)

"Eh? What was that…Dr. kal'tsit, it couldn't be!" (Amiya)

Amiya grew restless as shown from her rabbit ears being raised. Kal'tsit was in a similar state of nonbelief despite the data telling her otherwise.

"Scout…give me some of your blood. I'll have you take an x-ray to be sure." (Kal'tsit)

"Certainly." (Scout)

Scout complied with Kal'tsit and blood was drawn from him with a needle and walked over to have an x-ray. Running another test with the sample, Kal'tsit's hands trembled over the keyboard from the data she was returned with. Scout walked out and wore an expectant, hopeful face.

"Cell-Originium Assimilation…0%. Blood Originium-Crystal Density at 0.0001u/L. Scout, with these conditions, you are certainly cured of your Oripathy." (Kal'tsit)

Amiya clasped her mouth with both hands, Doctor was shocked, Minato-kun raised an eyebrow in interest, and Scout remained still, shivering in excitement and relief.

"I have no words…what kind of miracle did you find, Scout?" (Kal'tsit)

Should it be remarkable that Kal'tsit kept a calm face? I see it was my turn as Scout turned everyone's attention to me.

"Kaito…possesses a cure to Oripathy. I'm certain of it." (Scout)

"Truly!? Kaito, have you really done it? You've created the cure to save the Infected!?" (Amiya)

Amiya's tension was understandably at an all-time high. And I'm growing more nervous from the hopeful eyes of Scout and Kal'tsit added on top of it. Minato-kun looked on in amusement. The smart guy he is probably figured out the story already.

"I can't really say much about it. Please refer to Doctor if you want answers." (Kaito)

"Huh?" (Doctor)

Doctor looked like a deer caught in headlights. The girls were very surprised at the sudden shift in topic, but Scout was more subdued than them.

"You did mention Doctor was involved." (Scout)

"Naturally. He's been the one researching Oripathy in the past. If anybody's got a chance at producing a cure, it's gotta be him. The sample I used on Scout was given to me by him." (Kaito)

Doctor stared at me like he doesn't understand a word I said. Kal'tsit did her best to restrain herself from cornering him and just asked.

"Is it true? Did you really succeeded in finding the cure to Oripathy?" (Kal'tsit)

"Doctor, please say something." (Amiya)

Under the pressure of Kal'tsit and Amiya's insistence, Doctor became clueless on why he's become the center of attention.

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

About as much as I expected. He pulled the amnesia card. Happy how his prediction came true, Minato-kun snickered.

"…" (Kal'tsit)

"I see..." (Amiya)

The two girls were disappointed and crestfallen. Their biggest hope was snuffed out like that while Doctor felt guilty even though he spoke the truth.

"Let's not get too hasty and calm down now? I'm sure Doctor still has a bit of the cure on him. Anything that's left will be invaluable." (Kaito)

Doctor glared at me thinking I had this all planned out back then. I'm guilty as charge and I don't really feel bad at shifting responsibility to him. We directed a message to each other from our gazes.

(You set me up!)

(This is your role, accept it!)

"Doctor, you have given us hope with your achievement. If you still have any left, not everything is lost!" (Amiya)

Begrudgingly, Doctor reached in his coat and showed the jar I gave him from earlier.

"...! Doctor, you still have some! This has to be it, right!?" (Amiya)

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

He gave the same, bland response to Amiya again.

"Does anything spark into your mind when thinking of Oripathy, the struggles you've done to accomplish this?" (Kal'tsit)

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

"What about the method in producing it? You must still have left behind a clue at least." (Kal'tsit)

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

You crush fruit into fruit juice.

Kal'tsit felt her hopes dash again. But not everything is lost so long as they still have that jar with its contents.

"Even still, this is our greatest lead in bringing a cure to this ravaged land. With that amount you have, it can be possible to research and reverse-engineer it." (Kal'tsit)

"But how difficult and complicated it must've been to create. I can't imagine what obstacles Doctor experienced to reach this." (Amiya)

"There is nothing to worry. This is Doctor we're talking about. He'll be sure to reproduce the cure if we give him enough time, right Doctor?" (Scout)

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

You crush fruit into fruit juice.

"Though I had my reservations, even I have to admit what was brought back made more than what we've sacrificed to rescue you, Doctor. Your medical breakthrough will save countless lives." (Kal'tsit)

Breaking fruit counts as a major medical breakthrough in this world.

"For now, keep that safe and never let anyone outside of this room know about it. I'll do your examination now and have you rest after. You are in no condition to go commanding field operations or getting back to your studies so soon." (Kal'tsit)

"Please trust Dr. Kal'tsit, she will definitely get you back to normal. Whatever it is you need to know, I'll be there to explain it to you after. I believe in you, Doctor!" (Amiya)

"Guess I'll see you around, Doctor." (Scout)

"…I forgot." (Doctor)

You don't really need to repeat yourself anymore. But he really does love having amnesia for that convenient excuse for everything.

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"Come on you two, I'll show you around." (Scout)

Complying with Scout, me and Minato-kun exited the room for our operator assessment test.




We were done with our tests fairly quickly since the instructors were very efficient and coordinated us well on the practice field. I had a bunch of awed stares when the instructor and onlookers saw me teleport around on and off the field.

But not as much as Minato-kun had received. He had no reservations flaunting his talent in wielding multitudes of weapons and summoning his personas, giving them commands, and breaking the practice field with spells flying everywhere.

When given feedback, I was assessed to be a specialist operator with the sub-class of executor. Not the most flattering class title for me. Minato-kun was assessed to be a supporter, with the sub-class of summoner.

We were led to another room for us to wait until further notice. With us alone, I struck a conversation with Minato-kun.

"What are your plans now, Minato-kun?" (Kaito)

"Getting back home and going to sleep. I've done all I need here." (Minato)

"We're of the same mind then." (Kaito)

"But was that really the right choice?" (Minato)

"Hmm?" (Kaito)

I don't know what he was referring to…ah, I get it.

"You're wondering why I gave the credit to Doctor about the cure, right?" (Kaito)

"That's right. You could've been in a position of power and awe by everyone. The reputation as the savior who presented the cure to Oripathy is just too enticing." (Minato)

"And that's exactly why I didn't take it." (Kaito)

My answer got Minato-kun thinking again and he comprehended the meaning behind it. His confusion has been resolved nicely.

"I'm not really comfortable having countless others look up to me like a god. Both the admiration and fear aren't to my liking. Like back then with Reunion when I used Kuro's magic power. I have plenty enough of that back in Trinia, I don't need another world to worship the feet I step on." (Kaito)

"That's very like you, huh. Not that attracted to power?" (Minato)

"No, even I can be tempted. I'm just very resistant to it. I don't even think of myself responsible enough for grand power. I can't be the hero." (Kaito)

Plus, I don't think my lovers will want me spending too much time in other worlds that could be spent in being with them.

"Still, was it okay to have Doctor carry the burden of being his world's savior?" (Minato)

That was a good question. I have the means to save this world without much issue, but Doctor isn't the same like me.

"...You know what his position is. Without our interference, I'm sure he'll pick the choice filled with thorns. I judged him as a good person, so he will push forward to fighting the world's illnesses sooner or later. I only smoothened the road for him." (Kaito)

"If you say so. Does that mean you don't plan on interfering too much?" (Minato)

"I'll help as much as I can. I just don't fancy the spotlight. And well, my supply of World Tree Fruits is endless, so it's not a problem to give him as much as he needs. But he'll have to decide how he wants to distribute it." (Kaito)

Minato-kun nodded to that. He was well-aware of the effects of these fruits I carry. A miraculous item to this world that can end most of the suffering in the world or bring more conflict if the public became aware of it. It will change the world dramatically.

"For now, do you think this revolution group can be resolved quickly?" (Minato)

"Is Reunion still a problem?" (Kaito)

That honestly surprised me. With our show of crushing force, they still had the tenacity to continue with their revolution of bringing salvation to the Infected in their twisted fashion.

"Apparently, the mobile-city they took over is heading to another one in four days. The conflict is going to continue sadly. You think they'll hesitate and go back on their ideals with the existence of a cure?" (Minato)

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple." (Kaito)

I shook my head at Minato-kun's bewilderment.

"If their leader is still fighting, and the opinion of revolting hasn't manifested enough in their group, I fear they'll continue to waste their lives. And…that dragon lady has me most confused." (Kaito)

"That Talulah woman was it?" (Minato)

"That one. When I talked to her, it didn't feel like I was talking to the woman that body belonged to. There was a barrier, and the presence of another person in there." (Kaito)

"Whoa hold on, so the supposed leader is possessed, and that evil spirit is calling the shots for this meaningless violence? Man, how much more cliché can this get…" (Minato)

Minato-kun slumped his shoulders in disgust. I felt his sentiment on how troublesome and gullible these people are. An instructor knocked on the door and told us it's time to meet with Amiya and report from there.

"In any case, the time to go back home will be soon. Oh, and make sure you eat a World Tree Fruit before going back. Wouldn't want to spread another epidemic from another world on top of the Apathy Syndrome for being careless." (Kaito)

"Roger that." (Minato)

We met with Amiya one last time. Because there's an issue of us not being here at all possible times to be called upon, I expected to hit a wall with us getting our positions in Rhodes Island. I made the excuse that because I travel a lot using teleportation for other duties, I won't be on Rhodes Island most of the time, the same with Minato.

Fortunately, Rhodes Island was very accommodating as we will still have our jobs in Rhodes Islands considering the unique circumstances we had, and because they don't want to let go of rare talents like ours. Though Amiya was sad to hear that we can't be here regularly to make things easier, she didn't want to constrain our freedom. I cheered her up one last time and bid her farewell before leaving with Minato-kun.

"Ready Minato-kun?" (Kaito)

"Mm. Let's go back home." (Minato)

Tapping the screen of my phone, Minato-kun disappeared without much fanfare. No dissipating in lights felt somewhat disappointing. I then made my way following his disappearance.




"Hey everyone, I'm...back?" (Kaito)

"Where have you been!?"

"Kaito, you disappeared from the face of Trinia for a few minutes, what happened!?"

"Explain everything, now!"

"Are you okay!? Did someone do something to you!? I'll kill them if that's the case!"

Oh boy. I came back to a crowd of my distressed lovers. Did Alice or Kuro not explain anything when I was gone? Or did they refuse to and considered this my punishment? Whatever the case, I'm now cornered in every direction by a mob of concerned and angry people for my lack of prudence.

And here I assumed I'd be welcomed back smoothly.

(Kaito-san, you have the option now to rely on a beautiful world creator to rescue you out of this mess.)

That'll only fuel the carnage I'm afraid…





A/Legacy: "And that marks the end of Arknights world for now. Very short, but there wasn't much to do for the little time they needed to get things over with. As for returning there, that will come in another day. For future plans, we will be having our three do their first gacha pulls as well as the next two members joining us! The next world after this will be the world of Remnant!"

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