Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 15: Back home in Trinia

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Surrounded by my friends and lovers, I was pressed to speak of my whereabouts, leaving me no choice but to throw out my phone.

"This guy here is from outside of Trinia. They help me talk to and visit people from other worlds. I came back from another after being there for several hours, but I guess time was adjusted and only a few minutes have gone by here, huh?" (Kaito)

I hurriedly speak to not be under their collective scrutiny further. While I wasn't completely scot-free just yet, their crushing glares mellowed down somewhat.

"Kaito...I'm so're okay." (Isis)

"I-I'm sorry to have made you worry over me so much, Isis-san." (Kaito)

I sincerely apologized to another of my wives who had mist forming in the corner of her red eyes. Isis-san loves me dearly and the thought of me in any sort of danger would cause her to panic. Her white hair swayed uncontrollably as she held my hand tightly. But after touching my skin, her pale skin regained their fair hue and a happy smile blossomed on her face.

"That was no good, Kaito-san. You should've at least messaged everyone if you were going to depart for another world...I was so afraid that I might've lost you." (Lillywood)

"I'm really sorry, Lillywood-san. I will do my best next time to tell you all if I do something this rash again." (Kaito)

That was not fair. The usually calm Lillywood-san of the group had a downcast look. I didn't want to imagine how much worse it looked when I wasn't present. She held a hand to her chest in clear worry and the tips of the leaves comprising her hair wilted a bit.

"But what about Alice? Didn't she spread the word about my decision?" (Kaito)

"I held it back so you can be reminded how much everyone cares about you when you came back." (Alice)

"While I don't like how you allowed everybody to get worried sick for me, I guess I'll thank you for showing me what it's going to cost me for my recklessness." (Kaito)

"That's right. Reflect on your decision for making your lovers so sad, Kaito-san!" (Alice)

And though Alice spoke in an admonishing manner, I can tell she held herself back from rushing to me for a hug.

"Dear, may I know the reason you had to be there?" (Ein)

"I had to go rescue someone with another person who came with me." (Kaito)

Ein nodded in acceptance of my reason. She still retained her etiquette as a maid when her heart was swirling in a maelstrom of emotions.

"If that is what you wanted, then I won't say anything in regards. But in the chance that there was someone who desired to kill you over there…" (Ein)

"Uuuhhh..." (Kaito)

I dumbly uttered unresponsively. My lack of articulation caused another round of overreactions. It frightened me how much killing intent gathered from everybody, especially from Isis-san!

"Who it is…doesn't matter…I will kill them!" (Isis)

"I cannot allow this misdeed to go unpunished." (Ein)

All of them have the same idea, to go to that world and kill every last person that pointed a blade at me! This has gone way too crazy now!

"Okay everyone, now that Kaito-kun has returned home, I think we should give him some space and go back to our own business." (Kuro)

With Kuro taking the lead and persuading them, everybody dispersed, not without leaving a farewell to me or saying they will have a talk with me later. I breathed a sigh of relief believing that I'm off the hook.

"Kaito-kun…I'll be paying a visit to you later tonight." (Kuro)

"Y-Yeah! I'll be looking forward to that." (Kaito)

Though that thought was short-lived. After bidding Kuro farewell, I looked up to the sky to clear my head. I've only been gone for hours, but that amount of time was enough for me to feel melancholic in being back in Trinia again.

Shaking those thoughts away, I departed back to my home. The distance back was a few kilometers away, but I didn't use my teleportation tool to reach there and just enjoyed having this slow walk. When I got to the mansion, it became twilight in the sky and I greeted my followers when I passed by the gate and was stopped by Nebula appearing in front of me.

"Welcome back, Milord. I am hoping your journey to the other world was fruitful?" (Nebula)

"Hello, Nebula. And yes, things ended very well for me." (Kaito)

Nebula nodded to me, carefully observing every angle of my body, and dusting off any dirt she found. Always the attentive one she was.

"Milord, if I were to be presumptuous, your emotional state has yet to stabilize from returning so soon. Therefore, I shall stay by your side observing you." (Nebula)

"I see. Then come with me, Nebula." (Kaito)

Nebula's keen insight to my emotional state had me surprised for a moment. I was welcoming of her close presence since I indeed wanted company to help me cope with everything.

We came to my bedroom where I took a seat by the edge of the bed and Nebula next to my side.

"Worry not, Milord. You can leave everything to this Absolute me to dispel your stress." (Nebula)

"Ah, I look forward to it then." (Kaito)

To check on my mental state, Nebula floated up and pulled my head to touch her forehead. She kept her eyes open when examining me, mesmerizing me with her starry eyes.

"Hmm, so some disgust and feeling offput by the insurrection of an unstable mob ruining a city. Nothing too worrying as there is no shadow of carrying any traumas or PTSDs." (Nebula)

Nebula withdrew her forehead and gently hugged my face to her chest. She soothingly patted my head, giving words of comfort to me.

"You did wonderful, Milord. For a person who has lived an entirely peaceful life in peaceful times without any conflict, it would not be surprising for your mind to suddenly not be able to cope with being a witness to that disaster." (Nebula)

"I wonder about that…I feel like I should react to this a lot more." (Kaito)

"Hush now. You kept your composure and carried yourself excellently. You didn't burden yourself with the lives of others and stayed focus without losing sight of your goal. But above all, you returned home the same as before. I am so very happy to see that you are still the same." (Nebula)

"Mm…of course I'd come back." (Kaito)

I reciprocated her embrace with my own. This is just what I needed. I can finally feel my shoulders relax and my head getting absentminded from all that weight gone.

"Your mental strength is one of the strongest I've seen. Even so, you will feel the fatigue building up from the unknown experience." (Nebula)

We stayed there for the next few minutes like this. Her stroking my head and me receiving it without reservation. She let go and stayed floating in the air, making her way to the door.

"Milord, I suggest you lay down in bed for now. Reflecting for today is good, but so is resting too. Wait for a bit while I get tea ready, okay?" (Nebula)

"I got it. You've been a great help, Nebula." (Kaito)

"You can always leave it to me!" (Nebula)

Watching her go, I did like she said and laid down on the comforting mattress. It's been a long day and now that my mind is over with Terra, I needed something to distract me.

And luckily, my phone vibrated, so I opened up the group chat in there to find a private message for me.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Kaito-san, it's me. I need your help.

That had me perplexed and worried. There was never a case for Minato-kun to private message me before, but since Doctor is in here, he had something he needed only me to know. Come to think of it, the time here should be the same in Minato-kun's world, right? For now, I should just ask him what's the situation.

[Singularity Found at the End]: What's the matter? It's something urgent, isn't it?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Right now you are the only person who I can turn to. Considering the experience you have, it made sense to talk with you.

I'm the only one he can turn to? Reading behind the lines, I'm guessing it's because I'm the only other person in the group chat he has a good relationship with.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You needed to hear my opinion?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: That's right. It's an opinion only a mature adult would have. That's why, help me out please.

My thought process was turning to what my kouhai needs to hear from his senpai. Because I'm the only one he can turn to in the group chat, and because I have the experience…wait, doesn't that mean he's in the same predicament as I am? It did make sense. We both witnessed hell, but how we internally come to terms with that can be different.

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Ah, so I wasn't alone after coming out of that hell. How could I forget.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Minato-kun, just confirm with me, are you 'seeing red?'

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: !!! As expected of an adult, you hit the nail on the head.

Looks like I was correct. Now that I'm aware, it's up to me as his senpai to lift his burdens.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: So what do you recommend I do to clean up this mess?

[Singularity Found at the End]: For now, if you can afford it, you should go pay a visit to a therapist. Because the field of psychology isn't one I've studied in depth, so it's better to search for a professional.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Therapist? No, I can't imagine why you would for this, isn't it going too far? I mean, even if I did, I can't afford one and it will attract unnecessary attention. Plus, I don't think my partner would appreciate that.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You shouldn't worry about your partner's opinion on this. It's for both of your sakes that you seek counseling.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: No, this isn't really news I can break to total strangers. Don't you have any other ideas?

Minato-kun must be having it rougher than I thought! He's been suffering alone this whole time? Just how much worse did he have compared to me…

[Singularity Found at the End]: There's a difference between us as I wasn't too troubled over it, so my advice will sound a little insensitive.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Wow, bragging much?

[Singularity Found at the End]: For my next suggestion, I think you should find something to distract your mind from any screaming you're hearing. It's not real, they're just your imagination.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Well no, the screaming has already settled down after passing out. And did you have to put me down like that calling the screams my imagination?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I told you, our level of experience is different.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Tch, fucking riajuu.

[Singularity Found at the End]: What does me being a riajuu have to do with any of this?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Look, I can't exactly leave them alone. I have to deal with this fast before they get up, or else I'll have hell on my ass.

Minato-kun…so you were this desperate? Now I was gritting my teeth from how I didn't consider him earlier.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Even if it may seem like they're animated, it's only an illusion. You have to confront it. The heat, the screaming, it was just a corpse lying still.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Corpse lying still!? What the hell, I never thought you had such a way with your tongue but was I misjudging you the whole time!? I'm trying to care for them for your information!

Caring for the illusions? No, what he needs is to face reality and get rid of them.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Calm down, Minato-kun! You need to eliminate the ghosts quickly. Or do you need me to appear in-person to help?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Eliminate!? Ghosts!? Okay, leaving aside that I don't ever want you actually appearing for stuff like this, I don't believe we're talking about the same subject.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Eh? Then what were you talking about?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I was asking you on the matter between 'men and women.' I came back and just took an early step to adulthood and I don't know how to proceed.

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...


I'm such an idiot!!! That's what he was referring to this whole time!? Aaaarrggh!!! I loudly groaned into my arm and felt immense embarrassment. I just want to find a hole to hide in now!

Pushing my bashfulness aside, I quickly got back to being serious and answered Minato-kun. After we cleared that up and moved on to how to clean up afterwards from taking your partner's first time, I just told him the process step by step and finished my call there. He mentioned how suspiciously experienced I sounded from detailing the process to him, but I'll leave that for another day.

"I'm guessing you're done conversing with your friend?" (Kuro)

"Kuro!?" (Kaito)

Since when did she get here? I was expecting her to visit later tonight, but it was still a little earlier than from our regular appointments.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about Nebula-chan. I met her in the hallway and told her I'll keep you company. I even brought you the tea she prepared over there." (Kuro)

"Oh, if you say so. I'm happy to see you again, Kuro. Here let me---" (Kaito)

When I tried to get myself up from bed, Kuro came close and pushed me back down.

"Eh? Kuro, what are you---" (Kaito)

"I was really afraid." (Kuro)

She caught me by surprise when she got on top of me and buried her head on my chest, gripping my shirt tightly.

"Even though I knew you were going to go off to another world someday without me there to protect you, it was too soon for me." (Kuro)

I stroked the back of the shivering Kuro, looking to take away some of the fear in her heart.

"I didn't prepare myself enough. Those few minutes were so excruciating that my heart felt like it would burst. You give me so much to worry about, Kaito-kun." (Kuro)

And I feel even more guilty because of it.

"I'm really sorry, Kuro…" (Kaito)

"Kaito-kun…" (Kuro)

Her muffled whisper disappeared to my chest. She raised her face, and I can see her shaky eyes and sadness. It bleeds my heart to see that.

Kuro crawled closer to my face, and I held the back of her head for her warmth and to help her. As our distance closed, we overlapped our lips and kissed passionately and deeply.

"Mm…" (Kuro)

I felt her soft lips, her warm tongue, her love, her desperation, and her pleas. All of it transmitted to me from our passion. We broke our lips from each other, forming a silver string connecting our mouths.

"Kaito-kun…don't leave me…" (Kuro)

"Yeah…I won't, Kuro…" (Kaito)

My night ended like this, intermingling with Kuro close to me intimately to ensure that I am at her side and to carry away the regrets in her heart.





Serious-senpai: "GYAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Why did you have to turn that conversation with Minato to be so dirty!? You had such a great moment for seriousness! And what's with ending the chapter like that!? This fanfiction doesn't have the R18 tag goddamn it!"

A/Legacy: "What a nice suggestion. I should do that and give this fanfic that tag some time."

Serious-senpai: "I wasn't being serious!"

???: Why didn't I---ahem, I mean Alice get to have such a nice moment with Kaito-san!? Hello? She needs to be comforted too for waiting for her lover so faithfully!

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