Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 16: The trick is to not care when pulling the gacha

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[Singularity Found at the End]: Good morning, everyone.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Good morning.

[Zero Sanity]: Good morning. Anything pleasant going on for you two?

[Singularity Found at the End]: More or less. Nebula was introducing me to a few magic tricks while my maids tended to us with tea.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: There he goes again living the dream life. Good grief, it's the weekend for me so there's no classes or time to explore Tartarus.

[Zero Sanity]: I wish I could have it as leisurely as you two do. I'm swarmed with paperwork not even 3 days after I'm rescued.

Indeed. It's been a week since I traveled to Terra. Between that time, I stayed in my world feeling obligated to be with my lovers for my stunt. It coincidentally paired well with my daily missions to earn points compromising mostly of dates, events, and increasing affection with others.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Then, who are the lucky girls you're spending the day with this time, Don Juan?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I have ballroom dancing practice with Lilia-san, walking through the rose garden with Illness-san, and fishing with Laguna-san.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Ahhh, listening to you list off the endless amount of women in your life grates me. Not that it matters much to me.

[Singularity Found at the End]: And who is it currently multi-tasking in being in two secret relationships with other women, hmm?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Shut up. My world isn't open enough to the prospect of polygamous relationships like your world is. It's hell for me and my schedule.

[Zero Sanity]: In other words, you two are building relationships with others. It's something I can relate to, seeing as I'm in a position of getting to know almost every operator on Rhodes Island.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I would know. Yesterday you had to review the resumes of those from Penguin Logistics and directly meeting with them. Strange bunch those guys were.

[Zero Sanity]: But the penguin in shades was a cool dude.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: True that.

I heard from Doctor that Minato has made time to appear in his world to help out. He's been accumulating accomplishments for himself over there quickly, whether it's repelling Reunion or doing rescue operations. He's been doing that so frequently that I'm questioning if he's got a messiah complex.

It hit us to question how time proceeded with these world jumps Minato-kun was doing. From the tests done, staying over in Terra for hours only lasts a few minutes in our world and returning home always proves that to be true. But when it's time for us to receive our daily missions, it's always at the same time congruent to all our respective clock time. And it didn't allow us to cheat the system thinking we can get more login bonuses and daily missions over the other by staying over at Terra with the accelerated time flow. Even more confusing are the livestreaming and how our messages are being sent within seconds of each other that gave us the idea of our three worlds moving in the same flow of time.

It was more convenient for us, and it wasn't like the system was malicious. For our general understanding currently, if one of us travels to another world, we return to 4-5 minutes having passed in our original world regardless of the period over there even if days pass. In that situation, the system will adjust the login bonus and daily missions to correspond with the other world and we would still come back 4-5 minutes from the original time we jumped. Just like how Minato-kun's daily missions changed to fit with the activities found in Terra. One theory was that the system followed 'our time' and not the time of the world. In other words, the time we experience cannot exceed the other too much for the benefits given by the system. If someone experiences time exceedingly surpassing the others by hundreds or thousands of years, the system will most likely adjust in how it distributes that person's points. But this can't be applied currently to world missions since we don't know what rules those operate under.

Well, I say all of this, but when it came down to it, the manipulation of time and calculation ability of the system is just ridiculous, so we decided not to think too hard about it.

[Zero Sanity]: I have to say, your presence has been a boon to Rhodes Island. Every operation has found zero casualties and Reunion activities have gradually start to diminish.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Don't sweat it. It's convenient for me to stick around in Terra. I can sleep for hours and not miss an important moment in my world.

[Singularity Found at the End]: And how about those fruit juice of the World Tree I've been giving you, Doctor?

[Zero Sanity]: For now, I've been carefully giving them to Rhodes Island's operators at the behest and supervision of Kal'tsit but have made no plans to publicize it. This goes the same for the cured people having signed a contract to not make any mention of this.

I've continued to supply Doctor Fruits of the World Tree so that he can use it to help people if he wants. Badly processing the fruits will weaken the healing effect, it will still retain the power to remove diseases and illnesses. This is to ensure Terra doesn't go to chaos if rumors about an all-curing medicine exists that can heal all wounds and regrow limbs were to break out.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I trust your decision. But this isn't sustainable in the long-term. Word WILL go out, and Rhodes Island monopolizing it won't be received very well to the whole world.

[Zero Sanity]: Don't worry, after some time searching in the market, I've stumbled upon the <Originium Archive> item. It carries all information related to Originium, from its origins, how to refine it, its intrinsic relationship with Arts, and how to cure the illnesses it carries. It's got a hefty price, but I plan on accumulating points to acquire it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I get it. You'll find an alternative cure you can actually manufacture with your abilities and sell the formula off to others.

[Zero Sanity]: But it's going to take a long time calculating the daily login bonus and missions.

[Singularity Found at the End]: True, not everything comes as a free lunch.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...

[Singularity Found at the End]: What, you have something to say?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: You really think you're in any position to say something like that, the illegitimate child of the group chat? If it's you, I'm sure you can bring out a Deux Ex Machina to solve any problem.

Don't jinx it, I'm afraid of asking someone who shares that name and the consequences for it.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Anyways, if you're worried about how long it'll take for you, Doctor, why not try your luck and gamble?

[Zero Sanity]: You mean…the gacha? I'm shivering at the thought of using it!

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Oh come on, it's only 450 points for a single attempt. 4500 for the guaranteed R rarity using the 10x.

[Zero Sanity]: Yeah, but still, something in my soul is screaming at me not to. I don't even have the points to try the 10x.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Then just ask Kaito-san. You don't mind lending us some points, right?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Are you really sure you're taking this seriously? On second thought, I'm in the mood for some entertainment, so sure, I'll give you some.

[<Singularity Found at the End > gifted < Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> - 350 points]

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Hell yeah, let's get this show on the road!

[Zero Sanity]: My heart is palpitating…

[<Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> has attempted the 10x gacha!]

[R < Skill Card (Megidola) >]

[N < Change Username (Random) >]

[N < Change Username (Random) >]

[N < Change Username (Random) >]

[N < Change Username (Random) >]

[N < Change Username (Random) >]

[N < Persona Titania >]

[N < Steel Pipe >]

[N < Bastard Sword >]

[N < Fists of Fury >]

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: ...

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...

[Zero Sanity]: ...

This result…I don't know if it's decent or disastrous. If it wasn't for the guaranteed R, I'm afraid Minato-kun's heart would be bleeding right now if it's not already.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Doctor...since it's come to this, you WILL follow me up, yeah?

[Zero Sanity]: EHHH!? But I never made an agreement to this!

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Do it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Minato-kun, are you doing okay?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Oh, I'm doing fine. I was just thinking of needing a change in my username for a long time.

I suspect he wasn't doing so hot in reality.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I won't force you into anything, Doctor. You're free to back out instead of going through with it.

[Zero Sanity]: ...No, the sooner I get that Originium Archive, the more lives that'll be saved in the process quicker.

[Singularity Found at the End]: But you don't have such a high chance of succeeding from Minato-kun's example.

[Zero Sanity]: No, I've decided to go through with it. Definitely not because I'm being allured by the adrenaline of the gacha.

Oi, you had something noble going for you, but you ruined it. You just have a hidden addiction for gambling.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Your loss.

[<Singularity Found at the End> gifted <Zero Sanity> - 1350 points]

[Zero Sanity]: Alright, I'm going to get myself psyched up before plunging in.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Ah, the ritualistic prep work before the gacha, I gotcha.

[Zero Sanity]: Wait for me, my fluffy tails! I'm in need of your luck!

[Singularity Found at the End]: Keep it together, okay?

I've heard rumors that Doctor has been harassing operators by frequently fluffing the tails of kemonomimis. This in the expense of their private space and dignity I'm afraid.

[<Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> has changed their name to <Shiomi Sakuya>]

[Shiomi Sakuya]: You give me a proper name, but it's not even my own!? Who the hell is Shiomi Sakuya!?

And then there's him desperately trying to regain his dignity.

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[<Shiomi Sakuya> has changed their name to <Hamuko>]

[Hamuko]: That's a girl's name! I don't recall being born with two x chromosomes!

[Singularity Found at the End]: You definitely didn't. But you never know, maybe in a different parallel universe, you were born as a girl.

[<Hamuko> has changed their name to <Yuki Makoto>]

[Yuki Makoto]: Wrong, that's still not my real name. Also, it's less cool than Arisato Minato.

[<Yuki Makoto> has changed their name to <Manslut>]

[Manslut]: ...

[Singularity Found at the End]: ...

[Zero Sanity]: ...

Was the group chat displeased by him discarding so many names? Is it really okay for a name like that to be an option? This will be his last chance, and I'm praying for him that he gets something decent.

[<Manslut> has changed their name to <Door-kun>]

Door-kun, eh? Thankfully it's much shorter and easier to understand than his first username. Quite catchy too.

[Door-kun]: Why!? What relations do I have with doors!?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Minato-kun…I never imagined you to be part door. Is your skin made of metal, or are your veins made of wood fibers?

[Door-kun]: Stop making fun of me.

[Zero Sanity]: Minato, I never imagined your ancestor to be one hell of an adventurer!

[Door-kun]: Shut the hell up! Are you done already or are you going for it!?

[Zero Sanity]: I'm all set, I've done my daily fluffing schedule with Nearl's tail. This is my draw!

[<Zero Sanity> has attempted the 10x gacha!]

[R <Bondrewd Voice Module>]

[R <Medic's Syringe Gun>]

[R <Medic's Medi Gun>]

[N <Ghastly Gibus hat>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[N <Shoulder bag (White)>]

[Zero Sanity]: Well…I guess I can only smile bitterly at my misfortune.

[Door-kun]: Misfortune my ass, you got two more rare items than I did.

[Zero Sanity]: I can only blame myself for satisfying my dopamine receptors for short gains. Truly, the arrogance of relying solely on luck to get what you want is indeed a deadly poison.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Say, who is Bondrewd anyways for that voice module?

[Zero Sanity]: Description here says he's a man of science and a father figure to many orphaned kids. A proud father who wishes to accompany his daughter and her friends on their adventures. What a nice person!

[Door-kun]: Sounds like a swell guy.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I feel something is off about that…

[Zero Sanity]: I guess that marks the end of our session? There's nothing more to speak about.

[Door-kun]: But aren't we forgetting one more person here? We still have one left who hasn't joined our side.

[Zero Sanity]: Indeed. I'm very curious on what Kaito will get.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You're seriously going to make me do the same? Thinking about it, it's not like I have anything I want with these points currently.

[Door-kun]: Do it, do it, do it!

[Zero Sanity]: Apologies for the insistence, Kaito. Seeing what you get is too tempting.

[Singularity Found at the End]: It doesn't matter to me. Whatever I get is whatever.

[Door-kun]: Being so high and mighty already?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm just preparing myself for the disappointment.

To be honest, I'm not really expecting anything from the gacha. I indifferently hit the button to the 10x gacha and waited for the results without any attachment.

[<Singularity Found at the End> has attempted the 10x gacha!]

[SSR <White Fatalis Egg>]

[SSR <Heart Tool Mutation Addendum>]

[SR <Immortal's Orb>]

[SR <Stand Arrow>]

[SR <Unlock User Code (Random)>]

[SR <Tenseiga>]

[SR <Judgement of Shamash>]

[R <Originium Archive>]

[R <Magic Word Sia>]

[N <Pokeball>]

[Singularity Found at the End]: ( ゚ Д゚)

[Door-kun]: ( ゚ Д゚)

[Zero Sanity]: ( ゚ Д゚)

I take it back, I was utterly flabbergasted at the results I came back with. All of these sound incredible, and I even got the Originium Archive Doctor wanted! What is a White Fatalis!? That sounds so freaking cool! There's even something for my Heart Tool!? Holy shit! And there's even an item for me to bring somebody from Trinia into the group chat.

But more than that, what am I supposed to say to the other two who are now eating dirt in front of my glorious set…

[Singularity Found at the End]: Listen guys, this was unexpected for me too.

[Door-kun]: Who was it that said they didn't care about what they got!?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm really sorry, I was too arrogant, I realize my mistake…

[Door-kun]: Are you a Saudi Arabian oil prince on Earth!?

[Zero Sanity]: Kaito, do you still deny that you are the illegitimate child of the group chat?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm telling you I didn't mean for this to happen!

[<Budget Yoriichi> has created an account and is now a member of the group chat.]

[<Lazy Heart> has created an account and is now a member of the group chat.]

Now what is it this time!?





Serious-senpai: "Can you please stop cheating the system with your immeasurable luck!? You jinxed it with your uncaring attitude and now you're supered up with those cheat items!"

???: "Will Alice-chan make her entrance into the group!? Oi, author, you better freaking make Alice-chan be chosen, capiche!?"

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