Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 18: RWBY Arc: Prelude

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[Ding! Announcement to the group chat. A world mission is about to be issued. Please remain heedful of our statement soon.]

[Singularity Found at the End]: It's time…

[Door-kun]: Finally, been waiting for how this will play out.

[Zero Sanity]: Strap in everyone. Because things are about to get real.

[Lazy Heart]: Whoooaaa! A new world! How can anyone not get their blood pumping for this!

[Budget Yoriichi]: What an unbelievable power…will that world be welcoming for us I wonder…

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Ugh, going to a different world gives me chills…and I worry for my stomach too.

It has been a few days since Lilia-san integrated to the group chat. During that time, she was having trouble following the flow of texts by the male members, but she came to warm up to Nepu-chan who share the same gender as her. Not that Nepu-chan's bombastic personality was simple for Lilia-san to adapt to with her more nobiliary upbringing.

The most of her time she spent in here was exchanging private messages with me. Something along the lines of possessing a channel of communication that was special to us. I question how special that is when we can already message each other using hummingbirds though.

[Lazy Heart]: What's the matter, Lia? Is having to leave your world that worrisome? Just think about how much fun it'll be seeing new sights and eating sweets you can't find in your world! I wonder if they got games too.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: I'm imagining all the kinds of crazy people I'll have to meet thanks to Kaito-san…

[Singularity Found at the End]: Lilia-san!?

She's already pinning the blame on me when we haven't started yet!? No, I can't find myself arguing with those thoughts she's having. Considering my tendencies to encounter just about any high-profile person, her words do have merit. But it still makes me uncomfortable…

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Like a super weapon conceived by a god, or a monster that can change entire ecosystems, or an overlord pirate with a white moustache, or an esper that controls vectors, or maybe a pink marshmallow alien…

What an outlandish imagination that's running in her head!

[Budget Yoriichi]: Don't worry, Lilia-san. I'm just as scared as you!

[White Rose Valkyrie]: something, Kaito-san.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You don't have to force yourself to go to another world, Lilia-san.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: I can't accept that if Kaito-san plans on going himself! I need to keep my eye on you so you don't wander off into any danger!

[Singularity Found at the End]: Un, my thoughts exactly. I'm counting on you, Lilia-san.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Please keep on relying on me. Who do you think has endured your nonsensical streak in Trinia the most?

The ludicrous amount of grievances I've given her aside, having someone I know going together with me makes my shoulder relax considerably.

[Door-kun]: For that matter, can you not flirt in the morning already?

[Lazy Heart]: Eh? Is Kay-chan and Lily's relationship on that level? What sickening sweetness, I'm in shock!

[Budget Yoriichi]: If I recall, Lilia-san is from Kaito's world and are acquaintances with each other already. Could it be that you two are together?

[Zero Sanity]: Oh boy. You two are in for a wakeup call.

[Debriefing World Mission details]

[Destination: Remnant]

[Staying time: 3 months. You will return to your respective worlds having a few minutes passed after this length of time]

[Mission: Participate in the Vytal Festival and prevent the fall of Beacon]

[Optional: You may invite others with you on World Missions. That will cost you points correlated to their relative power. You may purchase a unique ID in that world prior to entering for 500 points. Further optional features will be unlocked in future missions.]

[Time limited: 3 hours]

[Please cast your choice during that time]


[Door-kun]: I'm game. I've already had experience jumping to Doctor's world several times.

[Zero Sanity]: I don't mind going either. I need to carry my own weight at some point.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I don't know how much help I'll be over in that world, but I want to support everyone as much as I can.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: If Kaito-san is going, then so am I.

[Lazy Heart]: Wait for me my delectable goodies. No main protagonist shall falter at the face of the unknown.

[Budget Yoriichi]: I'm the same as Kaito-san. I only know how to fight using a katana. Even so, let me offer all that I can amount to!

I'm happy to see all of us eager to venture forth. Gathering myself together, I determinedly pressed [YES] and saw my profile icon lit up in green. My guess is that was the indication for my accepted choice for the others to see. In no time, everyone else likewise accepted the mission by the green light circling their icons.

[Detected all members have submitted their choice. Please make every preparation you can for the time available to you before the appointment]

[Zero Sanity]: Take all you can for where we're going. You don't know what to expect first thing you arrive. If you have anybody you can trust and want with you, I suggest you start searching and evaluating their value. This is no time to be conservative with your points.

Everyone gave their agreements before logging off. I went off to find someone who I can take that'll fit my budget for now. For the rest of the 3 hours, I had to make sure as many people were aware of my departure.

And…I wanted to find some kind of loophole for who I can take with me. There was never a rule where I had to rely on the system's dimensional teleportation to take others with me.




I went to the garden in the back and found the two I was looking for. A quadruped with a robust body, sleek purple and white fur that has been well-groomed, and black horns I knew that could crackle a mean thunderbolt but was inert during peaceful moments like now. Bellfreed's innocent eyes drifted to me from being aware of my presence to which she then rushed forward in excitement.

I then heard another voice besides Bell who exclaimed with equal vigor.


A girl of 145cm in all white hovered closer to me. Her blinking yellow eyes were youthful yet held deep affection. Her white hair flowed down her collarbone with some stray strands falling to her back. That purity was also exemplified by her white dress and white stockings. For such an unrealistic girl, she was indeed not of human origins as her black horns, dragon wings and tail were displayed so openly. Lynn the white dragon flapped her wings happily in my presence.

"Hey you two. I've been looking for you to show you something new." (Kaito)

"Oya, what could Master have brought for us?" (Lynn)

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"Gao?" (Bell)

The delighted faces turned to curiosity as they tilted their heads. I showed them two metallic spheres held in both of my hands. The top halves had red paint while the bottom half was white with a button between them in the center.

"This might be a uncomfortable for a bit, but if you two allow yourselves to go inside these things, it might be possible for me to take you two to any world I go to." (Kaito)

"Really!? Yay! I get to be with Master and protect him everywhere he goes!" (Lynn)

"Gaooo!!" (Bell)

I smiled at the sight of them hopping in delight. I grabbed their attention again to the pokeballs and proceeded to explain.

"This is only a test to see if these work, and there is no guarantee if you'll follow with me either. Even still, you want to try it with me?" (Kaito)

"I do! I'll follow you no matter what, Master!" (Lynn)

"Gao!" (Bell)

Smiling broadly after that reconfirmation, I threw the pokeballs at them. From the contact, the pokeballs popped open and watched them disappear in a red light until they are sucked into the devices. With the spheric devices filled with the occupants, they fell to the ground and twitched around a single time. I heard a click, declaring the success of capturing them.

"Bell, Lynn. I'll be counting on you two for a long time." (Kaito)

After picking them up, I felt them hearing my words inside if the shaking of the pokeballs were any indication.

"Now then…" (Kaito)

I felt my smile cramp in foreboding hesitance. I slowly turned around and witnessed three others who magically appeared with varying degrees of absurd appearances.

The first on the right corner was Alice wearing a signboard and on it was written "Kaito's pet #3."

The one in the middle was Shiro wearing a smug smile, radiating a nonirritant light that screamed Doya.

And the left one was Eden heavily breathing in anticipation that I can see murky heart marks in her eyes.

The last one is just too freaky!

Whatever, I gave no resistance and just threw three other pokeballs at them. When landed, they got sucked in and dropped to the ground. I nervously watched as they shook once and a clicking sound followed. Should I rejoice in my success?

<Shallow Vernal has been caught!>

<Shallow Vernal has been added to Kaito's party!>

<A cursed pokeball! Kaito cannot release this pokemon! Because of that, Shallow Vernal is forever his pokemon!>

<Shallow Vernal is feeling incredibly smug!>

"Why do I have to witness these ridiculous notification messages popping up in front of me? This is your doing isn't it, Shiro? It obviously is you!" (Kaito)

The three filled pokeballs I picked up had a heavy weight to them. I wanted to make a joke that these three have now become my pocket lovers, but I held back for the sake of my mentality. I didn't have any plans to use these on them, but now I wait to test out if these three can be brought over.

Only one more person was left that I wanted to experiment with.

"Unbelievable…Kaito-san has unbelievably caught three of the biggest powerhouses in the world and you're carrying them around on your waist like that…" (Lilia)

"I know…even I'm not completely certain how viable this is." (Kaito)

Lilia-san walked up to me with distant eyes and a thin smile. There was nothing I could do to really undermine what has occurred to her, so I gave her my trademark helpless smile.

I reached for Lilia-san's hand and surprised her when I interlocked our fingers together.

"Kaito-san?" (Lilia)

"I'm really happy Lilia-san was chosen. I want to brag about my luck knowing that I have a stunning wife like you to protect me." (Kaito)

"O-Oh…yes, for sure. If it's for you, I can face my fears and stand before anything with courage in my heart. I'm so happy to be chosen. Because I know that I won't be separated from you again." (Lilia)

"Lilia-san…" (Kaito)

Lilia-san's eyes glistened with joy that was only enhanced by the beautiful smile on her face. I took my chance and got near her. It was a light peck on the lips, but we conveyed our honest feelings to each other in that moment better than any words we could express to each other.

I quietly embraced Lilia-san and the faint smell of hair touched my nose. We stood still, basking in each other's reassuring touch. I enjoyed the feeling of her fair breasts being cushioned on me as much as Lilia-san was charmed by the feeling of my sturdy chest.

[Warning: 5 minutes left before the world jump starts]

We paid little attention to the spoken notification coming from Lilia's phone. Our ephemeral moment together will take more than that to cut it off. I just want to enjoy this embrace in every second that turns.

Nearing the last minute, we withdraw from each other yet kept our hands locked tightly. A wave of light came over Lilia-san and she changed her clothes to those of when she used to work as a member of the Knights Order. It was clear to me that she was getting ready for combat, earnestly taking caution of the unknown of whatever it is that could jump on us the moment we arrive.

Time ticked away, and we both evaporated from Trinia as the system whisked us away in an instant.





Lazy Heart: "Yatta! It just wouldn't be right if I don't make an appearance here knowing my reputation. With that said, I look forward to being here with everyone as a regular of the afterword section!"

Serious-senpai: "Is this really okay? I don't know if I can accept a weirdo amongst our clique who embody seriousness."

???: "What is this imaginary clique you speak of? Nobody here embodies seriousness, in fact, everyone is a weirdo already so it's too late to change our image."

Serious-senpai: "No it can't be!?"

Lazy Heart: "Don't be such a downer, Seri-chan! The author would surely dispense some seriousness that you'll like in the next arc. Probably…"

Serious-senpai: "I'm begging you, please don't let Kaito cheat by having those caught in those pokeballs follow him to that world! At the very least don't let the three problematic ones with screws loose in their heads go!"

???: "Hoh…you've gotten arrogant again, senpai. Don't worry, I'll bring a trusty doctor to help fix that defective brain of yours."

Serious-senpai: "I'm sorry for being born, please, anybody but heeeeeerrrrr!!!!"

Lazy Heart: "Ehehe~, leaving those two off, you must be wondering who the last person Kaito wanted to experiment with to see if he can bring them along. I'll give you a few hints, they remind you of ??? over there. And to jog your memory, what was Kay-chan's Heart Tool again? Once again, I hope for a very long time that we will spend time together like this!"

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