Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 19: RWBY Arc: First Visit

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Blinking my eyes to recover from the shift in scenery, I came to my surroundings and noticed the others. Our location looks to be in a busy street somewhere in a city at twilight. I could hear the bustle of human activity around the center plaza where we stood.

"Yo, let's make this first mission a grand success for our debut." (Minato)

"Glad to see you again, Kaito." (Doctor)

"Hello, Minato-kun, Doctor." (Kaito)

The three of us addressed each other by shaking and clasping each other's hands. Our little reunion went short as we turned to the newcomers in our party.

"Let's do a head count to be certain we're not missing anybody. I'm Doctor, and yes, that is my real name. You all know me as Zero Sanity on the screen, so I'm honored to be acquainted with everyone." (Doctor)

"Arisato Minato. Over there is the illegitimate child of the group chat, Miyama Kaito." (Minato)

"Can you not!?" (Kaito)

Not only did you do my introduction for me, but you also even made everyone perplexed by your dishonest aspersions of me. The girl with lilac hair cleared her throat and smiled brightly, becoming the first to recover.

"Okaaay… everyone's lovable Neptune, Gamindustri's number one heroine is here!" (Neptune)

Nepu-chan cheered with infectious enthusiasm. Wait, Gamindustri? You mean like gaming industry? I was not the only one to have figured out the pun with Minato-kun snickering besides me.

"Kamado Tanjiro here. Erm…the codename I was given was Budget Yoroiichi. I don't really understand what it means, but I think it's something significant." (Tanjiro)

"The name is actually meant as an insult." (Minato)

"Really!?" (Tanjiro)

The preteen with black hair that faded into a charcoal red towards the tips expressed his shock at Minato-kun's comment. For him to be considered as the lesser version of someone else you know nothing about, yeah, it was obviously meant to be insulting.

Moving forward from the shellshocked Tanjiro-kun, it was finally Lilia-san's turn. She looked relieved that we weren't caught in a fight immediately and addressed to everyone with a relaxed face.

"Ahem. Lilia Albert, present. The one you know from behind the screen. I-If possible, please do forget about that embarrassing nickname…" (Lilia)

She upheld her disposition as a noble momentarily before faltering at the reminder of her black history. Un, I think the gap between her position as a duchess and tomboy personality is Lilia-san's cutest trait.

"Wonderful to hear we're not missing anyone from the main group. With that said, I'll introduce you to the personal aide I brought over." (Doctor)

Doctor gestured for a white-haired woman I've been noticing among us that wasn't a regular face in the group chat. She somehow seems familiar somewhere with those snow rabbit ears on her head.

"This is Yelena. Her codename is FrostNova. I hope you all can eventually trust her the same way I do." (Doctor)

Hmm…ah! I recall her now. She was that powerful ice user Minato-kun fought the first day we arrived on Terra. What was she doing with Doctor though? I was at a loss since I didn't hear most of the details on all the drama happening in Terra unlike Minato-kun who frequently stops by there.

She certainly had a glow up the last time I saw her. She looked much healthier with a livelier sheen to her skin that used to be so pale. That dirty cloak she used to wear was replaced with a more furnished one with a blue strip on her zipper with the Rhodes Island name in a white font at the end. Although, she still retained that torn up style approaching the ends of her coat. Some parts were less conservative before like the shorter inner shirt and white shorts that showed off her midriff. And I don't think she wore black pantyhose and a black scarf before in my memory.

"You really weren't lying about there being other worlds. No wonder we lost, you had powerful people to help you from outside Terra, Doctor." (FrostNova)

"If it weren't for their aid, I wouldn't so easily get my hands on the cure to Oripathy many so covet. C'mon, there's no need to feel so aggrieved, Yelena." (Doctor)

The white rabbit lady leveled an accusing blank stare at the squeamish Doctor. The next second, a smile graced her lips as she patted Doctor on the back.

"No hard feelings were taken. I don't care where your friends come from. I respect Minato's strength and lost honorably. Speaking of your friends." (FrostNova)

It was then that her attention turned to me.

"I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm FrostNova, but you can call me Yelena. Let's hope we get along, okay?" (FrostNova)

"I look forward to that happening too, Yelena-san." (Kaito)

She nodded to my words and greeted the others in the same fashion. The others responded positively to the inclusion of Yelena-san.

"I would've invited Elizabeth along with me, but her point value went over my budget." (Minato)

Minato-kun heaved a weary sigh. I could relate to his disappointment since every person I knew had crazy specs that accumulated too high of point values for me to invite them.

"I didn't feel like endangering my friends into other worlds with me. Me alone will be enough to accomplish this mission in a jiffy anyways!" (Neptune)

"So confident already? That's a death flag if I heard of any." (Minato)

"For now, I suggest we gather information about this place. Going in completely blind is never a valid approach in any field." (Doctor)

"Okay! Listen up, find yourself a buddy and stick close to them ---" (Neptune)

Suddenly, I felt chills down my spine. My detection skill in my sympathy magic warned me of incoming danger.

"Be careful everyone! Something's coming!" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun shouted out first before anyone did. The relaxing moment had faded away as we took up a guarded stance.

"Over in that direction!" (Kaito)

"I'll handle this." (FrostNova)

Taking my call in consideration, Yelena-san forged a blockade of thick ice in an instant towards the approaching enemy gone unseen.

"Kaito-san, there's people everywhere." (Lilia)

"Yeah, I'll do something about that." (Kaito)

I concentrated my magic power and refined it into my sympathy magic. Spreading out a pulsation carrying my intense emotions within a 5km radius. The people that were hit sensed my intentions washing over them.

<Run away>

Many were bewildered, froze in surprise, or took off after some consideration. Since my magic could emit my emotions and influence what kind of emotion they should feel, it isn't on the level where I had complete control over others. They've been warned, so I can only hope they take it to heart and do the smart thing and disperse from the area.

In one moment, I heard a loud crash of an explosive in front of us. If it weren't for the blockade of ice in front of us absorbing the impact, I'm afraid most of us would've been sent flying.

Dust filled the air and I saw chunks of pavement burst from the ground. Getting ourselves in order, I sensed the panic overwhelming the air, so I directed my sympathy magic again to get these people to lift their feet and run.

"Hah…not an hour has gone by and we have an audience eager to greet us." (Minato)

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That's when we saw the apparitions crawling out from the cracked earth. An assortment of bipeds and quadrupeds completely made of a black mass of malevolence. Their evil red eyes scorned those of the living and all that was good. Their bony masks adhered to their skin and some more bones protruded out their body.

I was instantly aware…that these things couldn't be considered as proper lifeforms that are fit to be naturally found in nature. They desired only the destruction and chaos of all intelligent life.

"Ugh, talk about ugly. Totally not cute even if they look like animals." (Neptune)

"Are these the demons of this world!?" (Tanjiro)

Nepu-chan expressed her clear disgust at the creatures at first sight. Tanjiro-kun was more animated as he gripped his katana tightly and snarled at the monsters.

"You shouldn't remain in the open like this, Doctor!" (FrostNova)

"Wait, Yelena!?" (Doctor)

Yelena-san scampered to her feet and grabbed the surprised Doctor, lifting him over her shoulder and dashing towards a building. A stairway made of ice was constructed and the two ascended up. Now they were located on the high ground away from the horde below.

"We really need to stop meeting like this, Kaito-san." (Minato)

"There's nothing I can do about that I'm afraid." (Kaito)

Minato-kun was still composed enough to send a joke my way. If I had any choice, I wouldn't want my first meeting with the others to be in the middle of a battlefield too. Turning our attention back to the front, Minato-kun wielded the Judgement of Shamash, twin pistols in his hands holding mastery over the element of fire.

"There's four others over there." (Kaito)

Beyond the thick dust clouds, my magic notified me of four others trapped in the crowd of black monsters.

"Haahhh!" (Lilia)

Lilia-san howled and swung her greatsword, the force blowing a compressed gust of wind to disperse the dust and sending dozens of these creatures flying.

With that obstruction to our vision cleared, I saw that there were four girls with their backs against each other to face the monsters surrounding them.

A young girl with neck-length black hair and red at the tips that looked like she wore the concept of red riding hood. What an elaborate scythe she's wielding for someone her height.

A pale teenage girl of white hair tied in an off-centered ponytail with a scar running down her left eye. Perhaps due to her elegant stance and demeanor, a rapier she was holding fit her perfectly.

The third girl had wavy black hair and amber eyes. I was under the illusion that bow on top of her head was hiding something, otherwise my eyes must be playing tricks on me because I thought I saw slits in her eyes.

The last one was the most well-endowed of the group having thick, wavy blond hair and lilac eyes. The least conservative dressed one too with a lust for thrill behind her eyes.

"You girls, are you alright!?" (Kaito)

I shouted at them, to which I gathered the attention of not just them, but some of the monsters too. But I wasn't really concerned about the latter as I was confident in the fighting of my group. No, what I was really concerned about was the look of recognition on their faces when they saw me.

"Kaito's here! Aww yeah, this is gonna be a cakewalk now, I know it!"

"Hmph. I'm not inclined to leave everything to him and his team. Well, I'll at least accept this fortuitous encounter."

"I'm glad its him and his team that just happened to be where we crash landed to."

"Yo, Kaito! How about we hang out later after this mess?"

Kaito: ???

Forget the looks of awe and admiration I'm being given by these strangers, the questioning glances from my friends is making me sweat.

"You really took no time at all casting your charm on these impressionable girls. You're always impressing me, senpai." (Minato)

"This is no time for jokes at my expense." (Kaito)

"For the record, I predicted this before anyone else!" (Doctor)

Minato-kun wore a shit-eating grin from the unexpected turn of events. And while I was already feeling mortified, Doctor just had to scream from atop the building loudly and proudly for such nonsense.

But then something else hit me. The white girl shifted her eyes over to…Minato-kun?

"My brother is here too!"

Minato: ???

I did my best to hold back the chuckle caught in my throat. The expression on his face froze from garnering the attention of everyone for similar reasons like it did for me.

"You must feel so lucky to be at the right place at the right time, eh? Onii-chan." (Kaito)

Minato-kun did not dignify my comment with a verbal answer and just huffed air to blow his bang covering his right eye in an unimpressed mood.

The comedic atmosphere died down as the monsters grew restless now that they came to their new environment. With their howls and growls aimed for no one in particular, I stayed put as the combatants stepped forward and approached the swarm of enemies.

But I just had one last question…why was Nepu-chan's choice of weapon a wooden sword?





Serious-senpai: "Shit! He's already caught the flags of four heroines before he met them! T-This is! Pre-emptive flag capturing!?"

Lazy Heart: "My gosh, that's just on another level for a harem protagonist. I wonder if my flag is going to be ensnared soon? Hehe~, that sounds kinda exicting!"

Serious-senpai: "You too!?"

???: "Setting aside that, everyone there has bought a pre-emptive unique ID before jumping to Remnant, so they got integrated into Remnants natural history and have been inserted with identities that are not considered misplaced by the denizens. It would seem that the denizens there have also experienced a prior history with the group and shared fond memories for some of them. It makes you curious just what kind of identities the members are carrying."

Lazy Heart: "You're right about that. I should take this opportunity and mention that we came to Volume 2 episode 12 of RWBY. TanTan came from the time after defeating Rui, so during the Rehabilitation Training Arc and before Mugen Train begins. As for me, I came from the time of the first entry game of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, though which version the author has decided on isn't certain yet. Or maybe he'll integrate them together for an original plot? Hmm, that'll be tough, but I have confidence the author can work something up!"

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