Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 28: RWBY Arc: How do you put down an immortal? (2)

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A/N: This novel is double posted on Webnovel.

I've created a glossary for the characters and future content if you're curious, so go check that out.

Shameless self-promotion, but I've also posted the R18 stuff for Yuusha Shoukan on the R18 side of Foxaholic, so I'll put down a link here if you want to check it out.

For this fanfic, I suppose the quality of future R18 stuff you can expect will be similar from what I've written over there?

“Listen, I know what you all want to say---” (Kaito)

“Why you son of a bitch, that last item there alone blows out the value of my attempt.” (Minato)

Minato-kun interrupted what I was about to say with a deadpan. He doesn’t seem to feel impressed by his own luck anymore looking at what I drew and contemplated on either laughing or crying to himself.

“I guess I should be saying, as expected of Kaito-san?” (Lilia)

“Very.” (Alyssa)

Lilia commented with a distant look and empty smile to which Alyssa echoed the same sentiment. Hey, what am I supposed to do about it?

“This could be very useful. Anytime we need something, we can just have Kaito use the gacha.” (Doctor)

“Since you can’t fulfill your gambling addiction yourself, you’re going to use someone else as a proxy? Doctor, control yourself.” (FrostNova)

Doctor recovered from his stupor and resumed being intrigued by this new strategy forming in his head. And although Yelena-san had an apologetic look on her face, she bought into the idea halfheartedly.

“Congratulations, Kaito-san! Your fortune is utterly enviable. It’s like your beloved by maneki-neko-san.” (Tanjiro)

“Beloved, more like he is the maneki-neko. Ah! Since Kay-chan’s got some new goodies, how about now? Do I get to receive a gift? Which one? Will it be the SSR one or one of those Gnosis or whatever?” (Neptune)

Tanjiro-kun clapped his hands to cheer for me while Nepu-chan’s spirit was riled up, pestering me for an answer. I tapped around on my scroll and laid it flat on the table. A holographic display appeared from the screen showing images of the valuable items.

“The Love Heart Meter thing is… it only has the function of evaluating the relationship status between two people.” (Kaito)

“Say what? How does something like that deserve to be called an SSR?” (Neptune)

“Your guess is as good as mine.” (Kaito)

Nepu-chan found it unbelievable, which I wholeheartedly agreed with, that something that can only be described as a joke item was deserving of its rarity. I guess the system thought it would be a nice joke to leave dud items in the higher rarities to catch people off guard and leave them in grief. I’m glad I set my expectations low, so I didn’t fall into such a trap.

“These Gnosis…their shapes are obviously meant to look like chess pieces.” (Doctor)

The elemental Gnosis caught Doctor’s eyes, and I tapped the screen so that the holographic display focused on them.

“Gnosis, or if you remove the purple prose, they are literally called Heart of God. Supposedly you’re meant to absorb them into you, and it will forcefully ascend your acumen and power towards a specific element as well as grant certain authorities provided by this place called Celestia. Though, I don’t think that part means anything to us now.” (Kaito)

I noticed Nepu-chan’s eyes light up whenever the words god or Celestia got mentioned. It seemed like she wanted to say something but chose to tuck it away at the moment. I might want to inquire about this later with her.

“Interesting. However, my concern now is that these things could end up changing a person when used. I suspect they will transform a person into a god-like existence to an unknown degree. Great power begets a heavy toll.” (Doctor)

Doctor remained ever insightful and pointed out the benefits and potential drawbacks to relying on these. Minato-kun shook his head and leaned back into his chair.

“Then these things don’t have any use for me. I’m in no need of heavily leaning my power to a specific element, especially since I already have my own path to power in mind.” (Minato)

“Same here. I’ve got my own potential path to follow growing in my head. I’m also not so certain about these ‘authorities’ provided by this ‘Celestia.’ There’s nothing more alarming than a free gift when it serves more as a chain unto you.” (Doctor)

“Do you really want to say that in front of Kaito who’s done so much for us without having asked anything in return?” (FrostNova)

Yelena-san remarked at Doctor who coughed in embarrassment. It’s not like I felt offended by him. And I do agree these things are a bit suspicious, but considering they’re provided by the system it shouldn’t be too bad? I caught Tanjiro-kun’s eye and wanted to hear what opinion.

“I have no talent or experience in using magic, so there’s no need to give me one.” (Tanjiro)

“Really? I think one would work well for you. You won’t know until you try. I don’t have many uses for these in my hands, so please, take one.” (Kaito)

“No no no, I can’t impose on you for something like this. The Stand Arrow was already too much.” (Tanjiro)

"There isn't enough room in my hands to carry these. I insist.” (Kaito)

“Ehhh? But weren’t we given something to hold our stuff from the system? So, there’s no problem?” (Tanjiro)

Me and Tanjiro-kun did this back and forth with me trying to pawn off one of these Gnosis to him, who adamantly refused because he felt like he was taking advantage of my generosity. I didn’t agree with that because it was something I wanted to do rather than an obligation, so I continued pressing him to accept one.

“Tanjiro-kun, when a friend offers you something, they do it because they like you. Instead of worrying about how you’re inconveniencing them, just accept their kindness.” (Kaito)

“You may have a point, even so this is……” (Tanjiro)

“These things are going to pick up dirt in my pockets.” (Kaito)

“But what if I lose this at some point……” (Tanjiro)

“It’s fine, I trust you.” (Kaito)

“……” (Tanjiro)

And after some more pushing, Tanjiro reluctantly accepted the Pyro Gnosis with a dismayed look on his face. I could sense that he was thinking over how to repay me for this at a later date, so I assured him he wasn’t in any obligation to do so. But that only seemed to increase his troubles I’m afraid.

“Ah, there’s the overbearing Kaito-san I know.” (Lilia)

“Poor Tanjiro-kun. Looks like he couldn’t withstand how stubborn Kaito-san is.” (Alyssa)

Lilia-san and Alyssa held wry smiles on their faces at the scene and cast brief glances of pity to Tanjiro-kun.

“Note to self, don’t bother trying to argue with Kaito when he insists on spoiling people.” (Minato)

“Kay-chan handed out another present for TanTan and not me!” (Neptune)

Minato-kun typed something into his scroll while Nepu-chan felt left out and fumed over my action of giving Tanjiro-kun the Gnosis. I tapped away on my scroll and pulled out something.

“Here, take this sword.” (Kaito)

I outstretched the Toyako Bokuto to Nepu-chan who gleefully snatched it, only to turn to dubiety when she inspected it closer.

“Isn’t this just another wooden sword? What's got going for it other than the ‘Lake Toya’ inscribed over here?” (Neptune)

“It’s made from the materials of a 10,000-year-old tree from another planet and is actually a ‘star smasher,’ holding vast amounts of power. It even once deflected the beam from a space-faring empire’s battlecruiser.” (Kaito)

Nepu-chan was starstruck by the description I provided and waved the sword around above her, playing with it. In truth, I withheld the disclaimer at the end of the weapon’s description that said it might be bullshit embellished by a con artist, but Nepu-chan didn’t need to know that. I turned my attention back to Tanjiro who was trying to configure the Gnosis in his hands.

“Any luck getting that thing to work on you?” (Kaito)

“Sadly not. Perhaps there are a few conditions that need to be made before this is usable?” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun shook his head and returned the Pyro Gnosis to me. It doesn’t seem like it holds much value to normal people I suppose.

Shiro, do you know what I am supposed to do with these?

(Check with the lilac-haired goddess sitting over there.) (Shiro)

…Goddess? The only lilac-haired girl among us is Nepu-chan…Huh?

“What’s the matter, Kaito-san? Is the Gnosis thing bothering you that much?” (Alyssa)

“N-No, it’s nothing too serious.” (Kaito)

Alyssa didn’t pry any further but remained doubtful. Forget the Gnosis, there’s an actual goddess sitting among us, and she doesn’t even remember. I’ll shelve this later when I get to talk with Nepu-chan alone considering this will definitely be a crucial matter to her life.

“Minato-kun, catch.” (Kaito)

I threw the Megidolaon skill card over to him who caught it without a word. That wraps up the topic concerning the items.

“Even with Kaito-san’s luck, we still didn’t land upon an immortal-killing item.” (Alyssa)

Just as Alyssa said, none of them had the qualities we were looking for, and grimaces formed on some of our faces at the matter of facing an immortal foe without an effective counter among our cards.

“This sucks. Now we’re back to square one.” (Neptune)

“It’s not completely bad. We can change our approach to sealing away an immortal instead of killing them. This becomes far more feasible for us.” (Alyssa)

Alyssa’s suggestion roused our morale back with her logical thinking process. True, nobody said we needed to solely use killing to accomplish our mission.

“Well, even though we’ve discussed it for so long, it’s not like we’re ever going to encounter Salem during our time here.” (Doctor)

I think Doctor said something funny. Heads hastily snapped over to look at him in disbelief while he was sipping a latte languidly.

“Salem’s base of operations is in the Land of Darkness.” (Doctor)

That corny name got my lips curling a bit and several others to snicker.

“It’s on another continent, and she hasn’t made a public appearance in hundreds of years. The likelihood of her personally coming to Vale to attack is close to zero, and there’s been no movements to suggest that will change any time soon. Isn’t that great? We weren’t in any kind of danger at all, banzai!” (Doctor)

Doctor, immersed in his personal enthusiasm, turned his eye away from the growing irritation at the table. I was furious at being duped and led around for nothing. And I wasn’t alone.

“Ziodyne!” (Minato)

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“Hraaahh!” (Neptune)

Minato-kun threw a clatter of electricity at him followed by a swing of a wooden sword from Nepu-chan.

Doctor stuttered from the electricity raking his body and his paralyzed body was blown away from his chair and face down on the ground. Yelena-san buried her face in her hand at the sheer stupidity of the man.

Well, you get what you deserve.

“Haha…let’s just ignore him for now. Kaito-san, can I have your attention?” (Alyssa)

“What’s the matter?” (Kaito)

Alyssa called out to me for something important I imagine.

“After I’m done with finding our little virus at Doctor’s request, I thought about trespassing around the city’s underworld and…persuade some unsavory people for your safety. Y’know, corrupt politicians, criminal gangs, the mafia, you name it. It doesn’t make me comfortable unless I got all of that messy stuff under my control.” (Alyssa)

Her suggestion took everyone but me and Lilia-san by surprise. Alyssa emphasized how serious she is by making a slicing gesture across her neck. Her next gesture was to wrap some rope, pull on it and do a snap by releasing her fingers.

“Whoa, slow down there, Ali-chan, that is way too hardcore. You look like you’ve never graduated from university, what makes you think you’re so capable?” (Neptune)

“Why? Because I’m the ultimate journalist!” (Alyssa)

Alyssa straightened her back and puffed her chest out in confidence. I understand the looks of skepticism everyone had, so I came in to explain.

“Alyssa here is competent in that area. She was a digital existence in a virtual world created by using data based on another person who controls and operates a shadow organization with the entire world in her grasp. Now she’s here in reality because of my power.” (Kaito)

That took their minds reeling at her true identity. Except for Tanjiro-kun who didn’t know what a virtual world is, but he understood how incredible she was.

“When you say the world, do you really mean that one person took control of it in the shadows?” (Minato)

“Yup. And since Alyssa here is another version of her, she possesses the same skills she has to accomplish the same thing here. How about it, she’s quite the amazing person I brought along, right?” (Kaito)

I boasted over my lover’s capability, feeling prideful and a bit mischievous in seeing her squirm from my honest praise.

“A-Ahem! What are you saying, Kaito-san!? Don’t put me on the spot like that!” (Alyssa)

Alyssa whined with her cheeks blushing. She shook her and went back to looking at me.

“Well, since I proposed it, I wanted to hear your approval. What will it be? Ahh, and don’t worry, I know. I’ll make sure not to kill people since you won’t like that.” (Alyssa)

Alyssa made sure to throw in a condition to get me to agree. Though I would prefer it, I wanted to clear up a misunderstanding for her. I hardened the features of my face before speaking to her.

“Alyssa, I do feel it would be better to leave the scum you find alive so that it doesn’t complicate things. However, if at any point this were to put you in danger, then forego everything I said and do what you must. After that, be sure to return to my side with you unharmed. None of those awful people will ever matter against how important you are to me.” (Kaito)

My words caused Alyssa to blush up a storm and drew back into her chair demurely. She just nodded to show she understood my intent.

“Waow…Kay-chan is intense.” (Neptune)

“Hmm…that’s a good attitude he’s got.” (FrostNova)

Nepu-chan was stunned while I gained Yelena-san’s approval.

“As for the matter of the maidens, the one who stole a part of that power is suspected to be in the school. Kaito-san found out since she was the only one with a magical signature and we narrowed down her identity as Cinder Fall.” Minato)

“Let’s leave her alone for a while. I’ll have to contact Ozpin first and create a plan to abduct her. We’ll have to act soon as Alyssa is finished with her job, seeing as this Cinder Fall is most likely connected to the CCTS break-in.” (Doctor)

Doctor got back to his chair as if he didn’t suffer from extreme electrocution and concussion-inducing impact.

“Just to give everyone some insurance, take these.” (Doctor)

Sounds of our scrolls pinging were raised and I saw that I received a ton amount of what was called Dust of various types in vials and Dust-based ammunition.

“I snatched some of these and used the power of replication to mass-produce them for us.” (Doctor)

“That’s a really convenient power.” (Kaito)

“Indeed. I’ve used it to produce firearms, bombs, ropes, chainsaws, food, medication, Originium, and many more when experimenting.” (Doctor)

“Chainsaw…Doctor, you didn’t cut yourself with Blaze’s chainsaw, did you?” (FrostNova)

“Oh you noticed. I discreetly did it away from her sight. I can’t wield it, but I can fire it like a projectile out of my body or use it as armor.” (Doctor)

Yelena-san’s worries were placated from his story. Doctor resumed debriefing his power.

“This is limited to how much of my mental strength is consumed when used. Simple things I can mass-produce, but with things of higher complexity it will cost a lot more. (Doctor)

“It’s why he abuses drinking Emergency Sanity Potions he creates, causing a loop of going into the brink of zero sanity and returning to normal. The effect loses its potency overtime so it’s not infinite.” (Minato)

“I remember when you forced me to replicate your Judgement of Shamash…I couldn't finish a fraction of it before I hit zero sanity.” (Doctor)

Doctor glared at the bluenette and he shrugged in return.

“You’ve faced a lot of hardship, huh.” (Kaito)

“This power has given me so many possibilities. But I’ve also suffered from too much success with it. God, just remembering how many pickaxes I had to create, and the extended time spent to mine those orirock cubes back at home gives me PTSD…” (Doctor)

I barely heard Minato-kun’s muttering ‘so many’ with a haunted face. I just stared back at Doctor with a thought tugging at my mind.

“But wait, why would you need to create pickaxes instead of the cubes? Couldn’t you just, I don’t know, produce a cart of them? You clearly can create that bowl of ramen you ate with no problem, and that’s got a lot more ingredients in there than simple noodles.” (Kaito)

In response, Doctor slammed his head face down on the table and Minato-kun’s eyes lost their highlights. How did you guys not come up with that idea? What the hell happened to you two!?

“Okaaay…If that’s everything, I believe we’re done here?” (Kaito)

I received nods as our discussion was coming to a close.

“What about everyone’s plans after this? Our upcoming combat class is soon, so I want to get some training in these three valuable months.” (Tanjiro)

“I’m going to the same place as you with Lilia-san working as the assistant combat instructor.” (Minato)

“I’m going with Doctor and FrostNova over to the CCTS.” (Alyssa)

Looks like everyone had a clear goal in mind. Except for me and Nepu-chan who had a lost look on her face.

“Hmm……I don’t think there’s anything really important right now that catches my interest. Maybe I’ll just relax and play games back at our dorm room.” (Neptune)

“I don’t have anything to do either, so why don’t I accompany you, Nepu-chan? We can play using my personal console loaded with every game in my world.” (Kaito)

“NEPU!? A console with every game from another world!? Is that real or are you pulling my leg!?” (Neptune)

Nepu-chan’s whole body was invigorated at the prospect with eyes full of bubbling anticipation.

“Yeah, it’s real. It was a birthday gift for me. But instead of talking about it, I can just show you later at our room.” (Kaito)

“Sweet! I get to play all new kinds of games from another world!” (Neptune)

Seeing Nepu-chan be so happy warmed my heart. I was about to get out of my seat before Alyssa held me down.

“You should wait before heading back into the dorm room. I’ll expand its size using spatial magic later to fit me and Lilia-san in there. Why not take this time to explore and shop for what you need?” (Alyssa)

“So you can do stuff like that too…Ali-chan has way too many specs in many areas I don't know about.” (Neptune)

Nepu-chan looked at Alyssa with dull eyes. She recovered her bright smile and excitement a moment after.

“Oh okay, since Ali-chan and Lia are officially sleeping over, that evens out the number of guys and girls. Makes it a whole lot less awkward. C’mon Kay-chan, let’s go buy a curtain for our new room!” (Neptune)

“Alright, I’m on my way, no rush.” (Kaito)

Nepu-chan strode over to pull me out of my seat by my arm. She doesn't appear to have any intent on letting go.

"Hey Kaito, next time you do the gacha, be sure to grab more of these Gnosis so we can have a complete set for a chessboard." (Doctor)

"Oh sure, and when I do, you'll have to take me on a game of chess before anyone else." (Kaito)

"Haha, you're on!" (Doctor)

Oh you poor guy who readily agreed to that too easily. Even Alyssa and Lilia-san casted looks of pity on him.

We bid each other farewell, finding our groups and going in different directions. I was helplessly dragged away by Nepu-chan as we walked down the streets of Vale.





Lazy Heart: “Hehe, I get to be alone with Kay-chan next time!”

Serious-senpai: “I’m sensing a lot of upcoming sweetness!”

???: “Alyssa-chan, I’m rooting for you! Show all those bad guys what happens if they cross with Kaito-san!”

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