Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 27: RWBY Arc: How do you put down an immortal?

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"So does anyone wanna try some alcohol while we talk?" (Kaito)

I ask with a bottle of wine held in my grip, gesturing it to the others. The first of which was Minato-kun who held an impassive face.

"Hard pass. I'm not at the legal age to drink." (Minato)

The next person I sought was Tanjiro.

"It's the same for me." (Tanjiro)

I gave a glance over to Nepu-chan who made a cross sign with her hands.

"Nope. Nuh-uh." (Neptune)

I outstretched the bottle over to Doctor whose interest had been piqued.

"Well, maybe just a little bit." (Doctor)

His arm didn't go much further when a hand caught his wrist forcefully. He turned to FrostNova who wore a sweet smile with her eyes closed, and there was certainly none of the warmth you'd expect from that expression. Under that pressure, Doctor withdrew his hand meekly.

"No, never mind. I'm good too." (Doctor)

"Wise decision there, buddy. Wouldn't want Zero Sanity to start marching the streets in broad daylight here now do we?" (Minato)

"Zero Sanity?" (Kaito)

I tilted my head wondering why Minato-kun was referring to him with his nickname. Did that nickname had more meaning than just coming from someone's sense of humor?

"You see, when Doctor's mental strength has plummeted down to zero, he starts acting like a schizophrenic, speaking in an incomprehensible tongue and just loses all shame. There's been tight security to detain him from making a fool of himself on the Rhodes Island mobile ship in the event he has these episodes." (Minato)

Minato-kun handed an explanation with a distant look. Huh, I'm curious to see what kind of appearance Doctor would have having lost all his sanity.

"How about you, Alyssa, Lilia-san?" (Kaito)

"Don't mind if I do!" (Alyssa)

My sunglass-wearing lover took the bottle and poured herself a cup while Lilia-san refused it and stared nervously.

"Kaito-san…just to be sure, what's in there?" (Lilia)

"Sacred Wine given to me by Megiddo-san of course." (Kaito)

"From Megiddo-sama!? Why bring that out here!?" (Lilia)

"It's been collecting dust inside my magic box for some time. I thought now's a good time to take it out since I'm among new friends. Sadly, none of them seem to be inclined to give it a taste." (Kaito)

I shook my head in sadness as I took the bottle back and poured out some for me. Soon after, the conversation picked up from the urging of Doctor.

While me and Alyssa got comfortable downing the powerful alcohol down our throats, Doctor provided a lengthy explanation for everything he's learned from Ozpin. This included the immortal witch Salem to the four maidens who possess magic power.

"Are you for real!? The final boss is immortal. How is that fair!? We don't have anything to deal with someone like that." (Neptune)

Nepu-chan exclaimed in discouragement at the revelation. I'm of the same agreement. None of us are equipped to neutralize an immortal threat with my current knowledge of our group.

"How far does their immortality reach? If there's a flaw or an inherent weakness we can exploit, then maybe we might have a chance." (Tanjiro)

"You're taking this surprisingly well, Tanjiro." (Kaito)

I wasn't the only one to be impressed at how level-headed Tanjiro was in the prospect of fighting such a monster. Not a single bit of distraught emotion came from him, only seriousness sprung up after the fact.

"I'm a part of a secret organization fighting supposedly immortal enemies. The demons in my world could recover from any injury and regrow limbs and organs including their heads. But the price of that power meant they couldn't walk under the sun or fight the urge to eat other humans. Really, they're very pitiable creatures." (Tanjiro)

A look of sorrow crossed his eyes before refocusing on the current moment. From how he described these demons, they act like undead, the ghoul-like variety of haunting the living to keep themselves alive in the shadows where they are shunned by the sun.

"So how do you accomplish in killing these demons from your world, Tanjiro?" (Doctor)

"We mainly use Nichirin Swords made of metal bathed under sunlight for a long time and behead the demons, rendering their regenerative powers ineffective and killing them on the spot." (Tanjiro)

Listening to his explanation, I could feel us being uplifted by the idea of an exploitive weakness we could abuse against the final boss embedded in our heads.

"While I like the implementation of working around the weaknesses of our foes in our strategies, these aren't the demons of Tanjiro's world. We shouldn't assume they share the same properties, so don't give yourselves false hopes." (FrostNova)

Yelena-san interjected with some harsh reality to prevent us from falling into our speculations propped up from sitting around in our chairs. It isn't like we're going to assume everything will run smoothly since we don't have a confirmed weakness to pinpoint on Salem. For now, if we can find one then that works in our favor, but if not then we'll have to operate like we're facing an unstoppable foe.

"I might have a solution to our current predicament." (Minato)

"Minato-kun, you have a power to defeat an immortal?" (Lilia)

Lilia-san spoke in surprise of the young man's claim. Minato-kun is indeed a multi-talented individual with a versatility that I didn't fully know. I was hoping he might have a trick like he says he does to back up his words.

"I can't confidently confirm 100% that what I have could completely put down something like that. I hadn't practiced with it much nor have I tested it against something like this." (Minato)

Minato-kun dropped a card on the table and we all leaned forward to examine it. It was tarot card with the XXI designation, the Universe Arcana found in the Thoth deck.

"Ooh, what's this fancy little thing?" (Neptune)

"This is a power given to me by Kaito-san." (Kaito)

"Eh? Me? I'm responsible?" (Kaito)

I know nothing about this, so can you put down those stares? Especially Lilia-san's maddeningly questioning one which approached into scary territory enough to drill holes into me.

"The Universe Arcana, said by an acquaintance of mine, is my ultimate power that I was supposed to acquire at the end of my journey, but I inadvertently unlocked this power shortly after I first interacted with Kaito-san in the group chat. Thanks, by the way." (Minato)

Minato-kun flashed a grateful grin and a thumbs-up my way, causing me to rub the back of my neck sheepishly. I got out of my stupor to see Nepu-chan pouting at me for some reason.

"Kay-chan, lately you've been handing out amazing gifts to everyone but me. You're the big brother of the group, you should be treating everyone equally, not exclude me." (Neptune)

"Since when did I become everyone's big brother!?" (Kaito)

I fired a tsukkomi feeling like I was forced to wear a title without my consent. Except I can't deny I've been leaving Nepu-chan out on some of my goodwill which is why I've been struggling to find something that would fit her for some time.

"You know, that about sums up your position in the group perfectly in my opinion." (Minato)

"Why are you nodding in agreement?" (Kaito)

"I never had an older brother before. I'm not against it and it's really enjoyable to have Kaito-san be one." (Tanjiro)

"You too?" (Kaito)

I sighed exasperatedly at the growing approval of my new title.

"I'm kinda growing fond of it too. Think about it, you helped Minato unlock his ultimate power, I was given immortality with the orb by you, and Tanjiro here received the Stand Arrow." (Doctor)

"See what I mean?" (Neptune)

Rounds of words of agreement were said in my expense. Okay, it's official, I'm everyone's big brother, I guess.

"Since it's come to that, Kaito, please give me something as well!" (Alyssa)

"Hey, no fair, Ali-chan!" (Neptune)

Alyssa bowed her head and pushed her hands forward for me to drop something in them. Instead of handing out something, I flicked a baby castella in the air and Alyssa jumped up to snatch it in her mouth like a dog.

"Mm~, delicious!" (Alyssa)

Nepu-chan grumbled under her breath and gave me a disgruntled look. I promise, I'll find you something good, just wait please. Putting her on hold for now, I turned to Tanjiro for a confirmation.

"Now that I'm reminded of it, Tanjiro, how did that Stand Arrow work out for you?" (Kaito)

"I followed the instructions and stabbed my hand with it. Out came a figure from my back who looked a lot like my father dressed in his Iwani Kagura outfit. I have trouble explaining what that thing's power is…it's like, everything but me is frozen, like the world became my field and I could go anywhere I want." (Tanjiro)

The world became frozen and only he could move around…doesn't that sound a lot like…

"Your stand ability is to stop time, I believe?" (Kaito)

"You really think so!? Well, it doesn't seem like much since I can only keep it up for one second. No, isn't it kinda strange for me to have that kind of power!?" (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro widened his eyes in utmost shock. It must've been incomprehensible for him who has never used supernatural powers before to suddenly wield power over time regardless of how bad its drawbacks are.

"Whaaat!? That's so friggin cool, I want something like that too!" (Neptune)

Nepu-chan got huffy again at the good fortune of Tanjiro's. I would've said she could have her chance at using a Stand, but the Stand Arrow unfortunately was a one-time deal that broke after Tanjiro used it.

Incidentally, the reason why I couldn't use it on myself was because Shiro's blessing gave me a lot of protection, so the Stand Arrow couldn't pierce through my skin with its weak materials.

"In any case, I should try out divination to figure out how we're supposed to work out this situation." (Minato)

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"You can do that?" (Kaito)

"No, it's my first time. But given that the Universe Arcana is a tarot card, I should try. From what Igor told me, and he's a very cryptic person, this power allows me to bring about the ultimate beginning or the ultimate end…which makes no sense to me, but whatever. My intuition tells me to just wing it and follow my emotions." (Minato)

The tarot card floated above his hand, and a pale blue glow overtook the scene and dissipated in a flash. Nothing else came after except for Minato's changing expressions, most of which in total perplexity as expressed by him raising an eyebrow, frowning, and getting lost in thought in intervals.

"So what did you see?" (Kaito)

"I'm asking myself the same question. Why the hell am I dancing with a cross scar-faced redheaded dude in the middle of the Dark Hour?" (Minato)

I have no idea what the hell he saw in his vision or what to make of it. Is it even relevant currently?

"I'll consider Minato's divination to be fruitless. If there are no further ideas on the table, how about we do my suggestion?" (Doctor)

And thus, our attention is captured by Doctor again who was doing a dramatic drum roll with a set he got from nowhere.

"We place our bet on the gacha!" (Doctor)

"You really don't have anything better to add, do you!?" (Kaito)

That's the big solution he was preparing? This gambling-addled man is hopeless as my feelings resonated with Yelena-san growing more vexed by the man next to her.

"I lost to this idiot?" (FrostNova)

Yelena-san muttered under her breath filled with spite.

"Now hold on, I was getting to that. What I'm suggesting is that we're pretty underequipped. But take a good look at what fortune we could find inside there. The items we earned from it." (Doctor)

"You mean the items Kaito won and us who are leeching off of him." (Minato)

"Exactly! What I'm saying is that we should pool our current remaining points over to the person with the highest luck here and let them use the gacha! We might just win us an immortal-killing weapon on the off-chance." (Doctor)

"Off-chance he says…" (Lilia)

"You're not even confident we'll get that kind of weapon guaranteed." (FrostNova)

Everybody else was feeling more and more unconvinced at the masked man. Except for Nepu-chan, whose tension was growing and her eyes shining in excitement.

"If you're going to ask the luckiest person here to win you some big catches, look no further! I volunteer." (Neptune)

"Nepu-chan, you're not really so gullible to listen to Doctor's words, are you?" (Kaito)

"I don't care! We're not going to lose much out of it except for some points. I'm desperate for something cool for myself. The only thing I have going for me is a wooden sword, a gun, and my ability to transform. I'm really lackluster compared to everyone but Ali-chan." (Neptune)

"I disagree with that statement. No one but you has the power to do a magical girl transformation." (Kaito)

I tried to dissuade her from ruining herself by getting sucked into the endless hell of gacha. I think I'm having some success seeing as Nepu-chan was returning back to her seat, albeit dejectedly.

"By the way, I have a giant robot I can pilot courtesy of my boss!" (Alyssa)

"Can you shut your mouth for a moment, Alyssa!?" (Kaito)

"But she was dissing me in front of you!" (Alyssa)

"Even Ali-chan has something so awesome…" (Neptune)

Nepu-chan hung her head low after that idiot's unwarranted comment.

"Well…as sad as it is see Neptune like that, she wasn't my first pick. In fact, I was going to nominate Kaito to do the honors." (Doctor)

"Ah yeah, that makes the most sense." (Minato)

"I can really see Kaito-san succeeding so much it hurts." (Lilia)

Those two took no time to turn their attitudes around. The rest had bewildered expressions from watching.

"Um, is Kaito-san's luck really that amazing?" (Tanjiro)

"Hey yeah, I recall you two guys were venting out frustration at him when he won big." (Neptune)

"I see…the story makes sense for how you got your immortality. Kaito here won from this…gacha, and then gave you it. You better make sure you pay him back for something that priceless." (FrostNova)

Doctor nodded since he didn't have the words to fully express his gratitude towards me. And a moment after, everyone casted gazes of expectation at me.

"Guys, please. It was just a one-time moment of super luck. There isn't a significant statistical sample to say I can guarantee high rarity pulls every time I try my luck." (Kaito)

Only three people responded to me with blank stares, which I don't need to tell you who they were. Anyway, they all moved on without my input and sent all of their points to me.

I stared down at my scroll and at the 10 pull button of the group chat's gacha system. I can't honestly say what results I'm expecting or what I'm wishing for. Under the constant stares, I hurriedly press the button and waited for the items to pop up.

[<Singularity Found at the End> has attempted the 10x gacha!]

[SSR < Otome Mob's Love Heart Meter Gauge Device >]

[SR < Anemo Gnosis >]

[SR < Geo Gnosis >]

[SR < Electro Gnosis >]

[SR < Dendro Gnosis >]

[SR < Pyro Gnosis >]

[SR < Hydro Gnosis >]

[SR < Cryo Gnosis >]

[SR < Toyako Bokuto >]

[SR < Skill Card (Megidolaon) >]

Minato: →_→

Doctor: →_→

FrostNova: →_→

Neptune: →_→

Lilia: →_→

Alyssa: →_→

Kaito: ←_←

Tanjiro: I don't really understand, but I believe Kaito must've done something incredible!





[Kaito has won all the elemental Gnosis!]

Cryo Archon: What is this bullshit?

[Tanjiro's Stand: Guren ■■■■■■]

Effect: Has the power to stop time for one second(?)

The World: ???

Star Platinum: ???

Author: Hello, author here. So from what I'm planning to do is make an auxiliary chapter before the prologue later listing all the group chat members and every prominent character from the worlds they come from, and updating it over time. There'll be spoilers from it that go beyond the current chapters of the story so beware.

And lastly, and this is a suggestion, but I have done some writing on R18 content solely for the Yuusha Shoukan fandom and was wondering if it would be okay to post them in this fanfic. These don't have anything to do with the story this fanfic is doing and will be treated mostly as fun side-content that's canon to it. The idea is to create a volume solely for R18 content for easy navigation, and if an event occurs in the story that warrants an R18 event, that'll be posted over there with a chapter number attached.

As for the first R18 chapter in question, it's an Isis Remnant one I was hinting at from an earlier chapter. It's got 9900 words and will act as a precedence for future R18 content. Tell me know what you think.

Serious-senpai: "Have you no shame!? Cease and desist! CEASE AND DESIST!"

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