Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 3: Completing Missions + Nebula

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After that wonderful time chatting with Minato, I'm brought back to face reality. Alice and Kuro looked confused, but Shiro and Eden-san were in great anticipation. I could only smile nervousness since the two of them can read my mind, so they're perfectly aware of everything that happened.

"Eden-san, can you come closer?" (Kaito)

"Aaaaahhh, my beloved child wishes to touch his mother. Don't worry, I will approve of all your requests to mother." (Eden)

Please don't say something so misleading, I feel Alice and Kuro looking at me like I've grown a second head.

Sure enough, the blond angel walked up to me and leaned her head forward. I placed my hand on her head like I wanted and rubbed the soft strands of hair. How do I say it...the texture and softness surprised me. I feel my hand being stimulated and involuntarily relax, indulging on this desire. This sounds crazy, but if I had to describe it accurately enough, Eden-san's hair felt like it was created for me to headpat it. Knowing that she told me this body she constructed was built around my preferences for my sake alone...I've already learned how true that was when she kissed me before...she really does terrify me the most.

For about a minute, I just sat there rubbing her head awkwardly. I'm just glad Eden-san wasn't growing restless and was uncharacteristically being demure. I got control of myself again and withdrew. I didn't see her expression since it was being shadowed by her bangs, so I planned on explaining to the two that were still confused.

"T-That was for completing the daily mission. I just wanted to confirm something." (Kaito)

The two made expressions of understanding after I told them everything.  I picked up the phone and knowingly saw a notice of my completed task.

[Daily mission completed! 150 points earned]

Kuro walked over and hanged over my shoulder while Alice went to my side.

"Hey, you're right, Kaito-kun. It sure is interesting, technology from other worlds I mean." (Kuro)

"What are the rest of the missions you've got, Kaito-san?" (Alice)

"One is to take Shiro out on a date, the winning a game of chess." (Kaito)

"Oh, uh, sorry, it turns out I'm a lot busier than I knew. You'll have to finish the second one without me." (Alice)

"I get it! I'm lousy at board games, no need to be so considerate of me." (Kaito)

"Hmph...just Shiro is unfair." (Kuro)

Before I knew it, my hand was held up by Shiro who instantly appeared close to me. Her eyes were glittering and she was shaking my hand up and down constantly like she wanted something from me. Knowing her habits well enough, I just resigned myself.

"Shiro, would you like to go on a date with me?" (Kaito)

"Since Kaito-san asked his girlfriend out, I will reluctantly, but very happily accept being escorted by you in secret." (Shiro)

"You're not hiding your emotions very well if you just say them out loud. But enough of that, let's get going, Shiro." (Kaito)

"Mmm, let's." (Shiro)

"Ahh, by the way. Leave the phone behind, Kaito-san. I still have some questions I want answered." (Alice)




Kaito and Shiro left the sanctuary, leaving three people behind. Alice picked up the phone and stared at it intently, trying to turn it on.

"Looks like it doesn't want people other than the intended users to catch their hands on it. It won't accept anyone but Kaito-san, and I'm not sure any of my ideas will get this thing to turn on for me." (Alice)

"The security is impressive. Even you're not confident enough to break this apart, Shalltear." (Kuro)

"I'm sure I can hack this thing to some degree, but for how long it'll take me I don't know." (Alice)

Alice tried a number of methods to create a reaction out of the phone, be it stepping on it, breaking it in half, or taking out the screen and back only to find its contents empty. Even when the screen is shattered or everything turns to dust, the phone will resemble itself back to pristine condition.

"It's no use. I didn't get any useful info out of it. There's only one option left." (Alice)

"What's that?" (Kuro)

"We take this to Nebula and see if she knows something about it." (Alice)

"Nebula-chan, huh? Alright, if you're confident that Nebula can pry something from this, then let's move on." (Kuro)

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"Okay...oi, you deranged god over there, why are you still here?" (Alice)

The deranged god being mentioned was Eden who quietly stood still having never left the spot where she was being pampered by Kaito.

"Quiet. Do not disturb my moment. I thought pampering and loving my child was the supreme form of happiness. Aaaaaahhhh, what is this gentle emotion? The warmth of his hand is still on my head. Oh no, being pampered by my beloved child will bring me to ruin. This bliss, oh this sinful bliss, it makes me want to embrace this new happiness! I will carve out this singularity and add it my collection." (Eden)

"This twisted guy is hopeless. Kuro-san, we oughta ditch her." (Alice)

Another two people left the sanctuary, abandoning the mad god still zealously muttering to herself on her new enlightenment.

Teleporting close to the entrance of Kaito's mansion, the two found Nebula behind the garden. A table and seats were already propped up noticing the two's presence beforehand.

Nebula was a spirit who had a body that can be described as small, with glossy black hair reaching her feet, having a bluish tinge the closer it came to the tips. The black dress twinkles like the starry sky and her golden eyes had black dot patterns.

"Kuro-san and Alice-san! To what do I owe the pleasure for your visit?" (Nebula)

"We're here to ask if you know anything about this? You used to reign as the top of several multiverses. You must have some idea." (Alice)

Alice slid the phone over the table to Nebula who had a look of comprehension. The starry spirit tapped the screen and it promptly came to life recognizing the signature of Nebula.

[Almightyslayer Nebula-sama!? ( ゚д゚)]

"It's been a long time, ####. Life has always been full of pleasant surprises." (Nebula)

[We never heard of you being resurrected! But you've degraded so much into a spirit! Regardless, we should let everyone know of this joyous event! Please, order me! (≧ロ≦)]

"I've been given new life as Milord's guard dog, so I would like it for you to hush on this and not tell anyone." (Nebula)

[??? Σ(゚Д゚)]

"Since you're so familiar with each other, tell us about them." (Alice)

"Because you two are not at a level of strength needed to hear the real name of this AI, consider them the admin for an entire system running across several multiverses. This was a project from my subordinates creating a convenient system that will serve inexperienced World Creators or those troubled on how to solve issues in their world without them interfering themselves. Sometimes they would come to worlds abandoned by their creators to lend a hand to ensure the survival of the people living there." (Nebula)

"I see...what about the criteria for who it chooses to use it? It's not gonna send someone with ill intentions to other places, will it?" (Kuro)

"I would've scrapped them a long time ago if that were the case. It's careful in its selection for people with peculiar fates or have incredible influence in the fate of other worlds as well as having a somewhat good heart." (Nebula)

"Somewhat you say..." (Alice)

"They can be mischievous sometimes, but they know better than to make me angry. I've watched over them for a long time, so their treatment towards me is close to that of piety and worship. You can trust its judgement seeing as I believe it chose Milord did it not?" (Nebula)

"You're right about that. Since we'll be close to Kaito-kun always, we can monitor them." (Kuro)

['Milord'...Miyama Kaito is Allmightslayer Nebula-sama's master... (@_@;)]

"So long as it doesn't put Kaito-san in any danger, I'll be a little nicer to them for your sake. I'm still not convinced however of the other users in there or will be in the future. If any of them so much as poses a threat, I'll eliminate them myself." (Alice)

The threatening tone under Alice's voice was subzero and chilled the room. The red glint in her eyes spoke of how serious she was, so Nebula had nothing more to say and brought them tea and snacks to lighten the mood.

In another universe where a blue star exists, a blue-haired high school boy felt a shudder crawling down his spine.

Kaito came home that day after spending time with Shiro at a cafe in the Demon World, causing everybody in there to faint. As for the last mission...a certain blue-haired maid from next door experienced the agonizing hell of playing against Kaito at chess.





Serious-Senpai: "As expected of Nebula, she still refused to return to her past position as the one at the top of multiple multiverses even when her old subordinates are aware of her new life."

Nebula: "This Absolute me will never leave behind Milord. I only live to serve him. Allmightyslayer Nebula? Never heard of that title! Do not contact me again in the future, I fear Milord will misunderstand."

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