Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 4: Diverted Future

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[Singularity Found at the End]: You online, Minato?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: What's up, you're kinda early in the morning.

[Singularity Found at the End]: So it's morning for you too. I was thinking since time flows differently between Trinia and the Earth I'm from, I assumed it would be the same case with your world.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: That's a nice theory to think about. It'd be mighty inconvenient if we're not communicating under the same flow of time to begin with. So I got my own neat theory to explain it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Shoot.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Just handwave it off to the group chat's inexplicable doing. That's how I'm going to treat every minor detail I find in here.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You've got a very laid-back personality, don't you.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: There's nothing much to do in here anyways other than looking forward to the daily missions. My schedule over here is tight enough what with school and dealing with the Dark Hour. Gotta make the most of my time, so what better way than to kick back and relax?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I can totally relate. This world is just so peaceful that I've become accustomed to the low tension of everyday life.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: I'm jealous. There's been some rough events lately. The supernatural is out to harm people and the public isn't even aware of it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: You mentioned the Dark Hour before. What is that? I'm assuming it's related to those 'shadows' you had to kill and the 'Personas' mentioned on your daily missions.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Since we got time to kill before the missions daily reset, I'll tell you about it. Strap in.

And thus, Minato told me about the Dark Hour, the 25th hour in his world. It occurs every midnight where people become coffins and don't remember of it existence like they're in a dream. There's these creatures called shadows that are active during the Dark Hour that can cause serious damage to normal reality if they continue to rampage without discrimination. That's where the Persona users come in. They are people who are aware of the Dark Hour and can be active during that time. To fight the shadows, they summon supernatural beings called Personas to combat the threat. Minato here is a part of a group called SEES with a mission to climb a huge tower called Tartarus and defeat twelve powerful shadows to put an end to the Dark Hour.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Wow, you've got one crazy high school life.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Tell me about it. I've been living the past eight years thinking I was the only one aware of an extra hour in the world. But it does have its convenience. Such as cramming the whole hour before a test the day after.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Ahaha, you're a really amusing kouhai, Minato. Be sure to watch your health so you don't fall asleep in class though.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Doesn't matter for me. I always end up acing every test even if I end up snoozing the entire time in class. ( ̄~ ̄)

[Singularity Found at the End]: I was thinking that today we should pick our cover photos soon. We can post other photos on the message board too.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Sounds like a plan. Sadly, I can't take the group chat with me since it only appears on my home computer.

[Singularity Found at the End]: That's a shame. What's a good time for us to talk about if you don't mind?

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: In the mornings like now and at night before the Dark Hour.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm thinking of starting a livestream tomorrow too to show you the world I live in.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Woohoo, look at you showing off your authority as an illegitimate child.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm telling you that's not true!

[Ding! Announcement to the group chat! We will now distribute daily missions for you to earn points! Daily Login bonus has been reset as well]

[<Singularity Found at the End>]

[100 points: Teach Blossom 10 new kanji]

[150 points: Do a kabedon on Lilia Albert]

[200 points: Learn Mirror-touch Synesthesia magic]

[<Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster>]

[100 points: Hang out with Yamagishi Fuuka]

[150 points: Fuse a Persona from the Hierophant Arcana]

[200 points: Convince Aigis to be your maid for the day]

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Looks like that's our cue to go for today. Classes are about to start for me.

[Singularity Found at the End]: See you next time.

[Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster]: Later.

I got off bed and put away the phone for now. I was already planning out how to spend the day with the missions in mind. Blossom can wait for now, and I'll ask my teacher, Lillie-san, to teach me magic when I come around her place. As for the second one...

"Good morning, Kaito-san." (Lilia)

"Good morning, Lilia-san" (Kaito)

I found my target today when we encountered each other in the corridor. Lilia Albert, a blonde woman living next door to my mansion. She's a duchess and the first person I've met since coming into this world. The corridor here is connected to her mansion via space manipulation, so we usually find ourselves here greeting in the morning and bidding each other goodnight.

"Lilia-san, can I have a moment of your time." (Kaito)

"Of course. I'll be happy to help you in any way." (Lilia)

"Excuse me then." (Kaito)

I walked right up to her, intruding on her personal space, causing her to take a step back flustered.

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"Eh? Ummm, Kaito-san...?" (Lilia)

Lilia-san's eyes were wide-open from my sudden action. I wasn't gonna stop my charge though. Sorry about this in advance, Lilia-san. I kept approaching close to her, forcing her to step back even more. Finally cornering her to the wall, I vigorously slammed my arm on it to stun her, having her back to the wall and my body casting a shadow over hers.

"Fweeehh!? Uh, um..." (Lilia)

My eyes were near and above looking down intently into Lilia-san's. She was frozen all over with a crimson hue around her cheeks. Her lips were trembling, and I can see mist building up in the corners of her eyes.

"Lilia-san..." (Kaito)

"Y-Yes...?" (Lilia)

The voice in front of me dropped to that of a mosquito. She was clearly nervous, but I can feel the longing in her heart.

"I want to kiss you." (Kaito)

"O-Oh...okay...please be gentle..." (Lilia)

And I captured her lips into mine, rewarding me her sweet, muffled moans. My morning might take longer than I thought.




I was walking down Paulownia Mall in search for that familiar door leading to the Velvet Room. After classes ended, I went straight to here after asking Fuuka to hang out later at a location in advance. There had been some changes after talking with Kaito-san in the group chat, and I needed an expert to take a look.

I opened the door and was greeted with the same room having the appearance of an elevator ascending endlessly to who knows where. Maybe the moon apparently? I lost count of how many floors we passed in here. No...was something different about it?

"Welcome to the Velvet Room, master Minato." (Elizabeth)

"I'm glad to see you again, young man," (Igor)

"Glad to see you two as well." (Minato)

I was met with the two familiar residents of the room again. These two have been beside me during my journey after having arrived at Tatsumi Port Island. Elizabeth was the platinum blonde haired woman in a bob-cut style wearing blue elevator attendant clothes. The other was this hunching old man with the ridiculously long nose sitting down wearing a black suit.

"Is it just me or did it get brighter in here? A lot more lights keep popping up from behind the bars. Not that I mind the melancholic blue you had going on here before." (Minato)

"Have a seat and we shall discuss with you on the great change that has befallen you." (Igor)

I did what I was told and sat down facing Igor across the big blue table between us. I observed the two's facial expressions and raised an eyebrow seeing Igor lacking his signature smile while Elizabeth looked confused.

"Did something wrong happen?" (Minato)

"No, nothing of the sort." (Igor)

Igor gently shook his head to placate my growing unease. He then smiled his usual smile before briefly explaining to me on the situation.

"The Velvet Room changes depending on the guest's fate and the journey they embark. It would seem that something has occurred for your fate to have met a dramatic change in the future. This has given you new possibilities to walk and that is reflected by the changes in the Velvet Room. There is no telling what new roads and hurdles you will encounter in the future, and that will raise more concerns knowing something beyond your control has affected your future so greatly. However, this may also bring you blessings and unexpected rewards. You could even find yourself with a happier result." (Igor)

That's it? I was expecting something much crazier. I mean, yeah, the future being a total unknown is scary, but it's not like I knew what my old future was beforehand. If they're telling me I got a chance to grab a happier ending than what I was originally intended, then I'm all open arms.

So I relaxed my shoulders and leaned back on the chair. I cast a reassuring smile letting them know I got it all under control. They smiled in turn to me with clear warmth.

Oh right, I can't forget about my original purpose for coming here.

"So uhh, I've forged a new 'Social Link' recently and wanted you to take a closer look. I feel like this one is somehow different from the rest." (Minato)

"Oh? Intriguing. I was not aware of any new 'Social Links' you've built. However, I do feel that it is still a wonderful case for new bonds for you to connect with." (Igor)

Listening to Igor's blessing and seeing Elizabeth's inquisitive eyes, I pulled out a card from my pocket.

"Alright, you got any clues about this?" (Minato)

What I pulled out was a tarot card that appeared in my hands when a Social Link with Kaito-san was forged earlier today. Like every other tarot card that had a number, this one was XXI. And the name of this Arcana was the 'Universe Arcana.'

Igor: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Elizabeth: ???

Minato: ???





Serious-senpai: "That monster is already spreading his cheat-like influence in other worlds on the second day when he hasn't even visited them..."

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