Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 35: RWBY Arc: Strange Thoughts

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[Door-kun]: Mission complete. The bitch is secured, albeit barely alive.

[Budget Yoriichi]: I’ve defeated Emerald-san in my area.

[Lazy Heart]: The guy was a total chump!

[Singularity Found at the End]: Neo-san’s knocked out and carried off somewhere with Alyssa.

[Zero Sanity]: Well done, everyone. I’ll be waiting for you to drop them off in Kaito’s dorm room. See you soon.

The call finished, and I’m relieved and glad to see them all succeeding. I don’t know what Alyssa has in store for Neo-san, but I trust her reasons.

I was walking by my lonesomeness when two figures caught my eye.

“Ruby and Blake?” (Kaito)

It was the leader of RWBY and her friend in black. Hearing my voice turned them livelier as they walked more briskly up to me.

“Kaito! There you are. Why didn’t you show up to class?” (Ruby)

“You know Kaito’s a second-year student. I’m sure he’s really busy having to work on so many missions outside of Vale and getting ready for them.” (Blake)

I’m looked at by Ruby with a questioning gaze while Blake spoke in my defense.

“I didn’t see any reason to continue today. I’ve got a busy schedule too.” (Kaito)

“Oh... that’s a shame.” (Ruby)

A crestfallen expression formed on her face. I didn’t have the heart to see her like that, so I opted to do something about it.

“Here, I got you that autograph from Lilia-san I promised.” (Kaito)

I handed it over to her, and she brightened up immediately seeing the beautiful handwriting on it.

“Oh thank you so much, Kaito! This is one of the best gifts I’ve ever received!” (Ruby)

Watching Ruby geek out over something so simple caused a smile to emerge on my face. Thereupon, Blake got near me with a half-expectant look.

“Unfortunately, Yelena-san is somewhat shy about the attention she’s given. My bad, Blake.” (Kaito)

“No no, you've done nothing wrong. It’s rare for Ms. FrostNova to return people’s admiration for her with something direct like that.” (Blake)

Disappointment came to her at the thought of not having an autograph from her hero unlike Ruby who did receive one.

"I'm really sorry I couldn't convince Yelena-san to write you that autograph. If there's something I can do to make it up, I'll---" (Kaito)

I got interrupted mid-sentence when my scroll rang. I briefly read the message and turned back to Blake.

“Good news. Yelena-san just messaged me that she’s got a much more valuable present to show you. Follow me you two.” (Kaito)

What impeccable timing that was.

I guided the two whose excitement was bubbling over to a courtyard where a lonesome Yelena-san leaned against a tree.

Yelena-san opened her eyes due to the noise and noticed us.

“You came like I asked. Seems like the youngster is here too, and one extra.” (FrostNova)

Ruby stammered inarticulately when Yelena-san noticed her. Blake wasn’t that far off, choosing to remain silent with her head swimming for something to say.

“He-Hello! I’m Ruby Rose, I’m a b-big fan, not as much as Blake over here, but I think you’re really incredible!” (Ruby)

“Wha---!? Hey, quit it, Ruby! I’m so sorry for my friend’s impoliteness, Ms. FrostNova. She’s very hyper when it comes to celebrities. I hope you don’t take anything against her.” (Blake)

Blake shoved Ruby’s head down from behind and did a small bow of her own. Looking upon their obvious nervousness, an amused smile formed on Yelena-san’s face.

“It’s fine. This is hardly something to worry over. Tell me, do you like candy?” (Yelena-san)

“Do I!? Of course I do!” (Ruby)

“Good. Hold out your hands.” (FrostNova)

There she dropped a round piece of candy wrapped in red plastic and aluminum on to Ruby’s hands.

“I hand these out to everyone I know. Take your time to savor it later.” (FrostNova)

Ruby did a quiet squeal and hopped around in joy. Blake looked on in exasperation with some expectation to be treated with something just as good.

“I believe you’re Blake Belladonna. I heard that you wanted an autograph, is that true?” (FrostNova)

“Oh, um, yes! I-I’m not trying to force you or anything, just… if it’s possible?” (Blake)

Blake awkwardly spoke while rubbing her arm. Her fanboyism became an obstacle, having contracted the ailment of stuttering when in front of your heroes.

“I unfortunately don’t have paper on me. Here, have this instead.” (FrostNova)

Outstretching her hand, Yelena-san offered one of her bayonet knives. Blake, being the recipient, accepted it with trembling hands.

“I even carved my codename on it. I hope this will be enough compensation?” (FrostNova)

“Th-This is far more valuable than what I asked for! You didn’t have to but thank you so much!” (Blake)

She must’ve been really happy with that knife since her eyes drooped a little and lips lifted into a dumb smile. Yelena-san nodded in return and then shifted her focus to me.

“Everything turned out well?” (FrostNova)

“More or less. Nothing too serious has happened. We’re moving on already, so if you want you can come along too.” (Kaito)

“Hmm… I’m not all too interested in that nor am I good at that kind of stuff. Ahhh, how disappointing. I came all this way only for there to be nothing left to do.” (FrostNova)

“There’ll be more opportunities for you in the near future.” (Kaito)

“Hopefully soon.” (FrostNova)

Every foe here has been detained by their respective captor, which meant FrostNova had no chances to fight. Thusly, she relegated to guard duty all by herself, a job that bored her since nothing exciting occurred.

“Why not have some practice matches with the students? I believe Ozpin-sensei gave you some clearance to do as you want in the school.” (Kaito)

“True enough... that guy even gave me and Doctor a presidential suite to live in near the school.” (FrostNova)

Yelena-san held her own chin and went into a contemplating mood, nodded a few times, and settled her eyes on Blake.

“Say, Blake. How about having a friendly bout with me?” (FrostNova)

“Do you really mean it!?” (Blake)

Eyes wide and mouth agape, Blake exclaimed from the invitation.

“I take it it’s no good?” (FrostNova)

“I will gladly take this opportunity to learn from you! Please let me have this moment!” (Blake)

Blake’s attitude shifted into one of determination as she resolutely replied in a hurry.

“Good. This courtyard is spacious enough for us. We don’t have to worry about taking it somewhere else.” (FrostNova)

“... Won’t Ozpin-sensei complain about the collateral damages to the school?” (Kaito)

“He gave the go ahead for us to do as we want for today. Any damages are already expected and covered by him.” (FrostNova)

“I pity that guy...” (Kaito)

I and Ruby went off to the side to make space for the two to duke it out. As the match was about to start, Ruby struck up a conversation to my side.

“Say, what were you and Ms. FrostNova talking about just now?” (Ruby)

“Nothing major.” (Kaito)

It really wasn’t. All that happened was me and the team bullying some of Salem’s goons. Oops, I shouldn’t call it bullying, that would harm their dignity.

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“Kaito, you’re being kinda off today. You didn’t come to class—okay, I’ll give you that. You rarely do, being a second-year student and all, but you were acting dodgy!” (Ruby)

“Was I?” (Kaito)

“Yes! Your face is telling me everything.” (Ruby)

Damn my talent for being too emotive. I rubbed the back of my neck while reorganizing my thoughts.

“It’s really suspicious. First, you and your team don’t appear at all, no one knows where Minato, Nep, or Tanjiro is. Then you and Ms. FrostNova are having this conversation I can’t follow. Something is definitely up and you’re not telling me.” (Ruby)

Ruby pressed me for answers, glaring at me inquisitively with her fists cutely raised above her chest.

“Did I make you worry? If so, then I’ll tell you that everything is okay. Really.” (Kaito)

Ruby stared at me for some time until she sighed.

“Okay… I’ll take your word for it. But strange have been occurring a lot lately. The break-in at the CCT, Dust smuggling, Roman collaborating with the White Fang… I can’t help but worry.” (Ruby)

“Those are some extreme events. I heard rumors you were up to some vigilante work. Have you been involving yourself into these matters?” (Kaito)

Her fidgeting and nervous emotions answered my question enough.

“Like, yeah, my team and I have been up to some crazy stuff like taking on missions reserved for second-years and above, but somebody had to take action!” (Ruby)

“I wasn’t saying that you did anything wrong.” (Kaito)

I placated Ruby who was beginning to grow a little bit agitated. She seemed to relax considerably with relief appearing on her face.

“Well that’s good. I don’t know what I’ll do if the trust between us went astray, since you and I are friends and accomplices.” (Ruby)

“Accomplices?” (Kaito)

I raised an eyebrow. Has my compromised history in this world mentioned something like that?

“Yeah, you and I are partners in bringing evildoers to justice. We promised to share any information related to the recent craziness from our side.” (Ruby)

Ruby balled her hand into a fist and spoke in a serious tone of voice. Not good, I wasn’t aware—

“Oh yeah, we did make a deal to do that.” (Kaito)

I spoke naturally while my unease dissipated instantly. I scratched my head in befuddlement after realizing what I had said. Now that’s strange...

“You doing alright? It felt like you forgot about it just now.” (Ruby)

Ruby looked at me with concern.

“No, I remember it. My thoughts were a bit scattered just now. You know how single-minded I can be.” (Kaito)

After I said that, Ruby scrutinized me with a thoughtful expression.

“... I just wanna make sure. When we made that promise, do you remember what my dream was that I told you about?” (Ruby)

Already going straight for it? I’d be sweating if the scene of that moment didn’t suddenly pop into mind.

“... I believe your dream is to become a hero.” (Kaito)

She happily nodded in response. Her cape mysteriously started to billow, probably from the fight that’s occurring next to us.

“I dream of becoming a hero, following in my late mother’s footsteps. That’s why if something underfoot were to occur, I’d do my best to uncover and put an end to it.” (Ruby)

I see... Ruby is most definitely ignorant of the undercurrents in relation to Ozpin and Salem, but she’s been nosing around the surface tip of it. I made a promise inadvertently when picking my unique ID, but how much did I want to involve her with something this dangerous?

“Quite the dream you have. And fitting for someone like you.” (Kaito)

“You mean it!?” (Ruby)

“Mm. I’ll trouble you if there’s something that requires a hero to step in.” (Kaito)

She laughed and jumped with a fist pump. I can’t help but smile at her jovial personality.

We heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Yelena-san carrying a Blake popsicle.

“Oh my gosh, we were talking so much I forgot to watch! Blake, are you okay!?” (Ruby)

Ruby rushed on over to Blake who’s been encased in ice with only her face not frozen. Her numb lips struggled to move and let out an audible sound.

“Best. Gift. Ever.” (Blake)

“Her aura will keep her body safe from the cold long enough for the ice to thaw out later. You’ve got some moves, Blake.” (FrostNova)

“Thank. You.” (Blake)

At least she was happy about it. Ruby took ahold of Blake, yelping from the biting cold digging into her skin. She waved her arm and bid us farewell with Blake in tow.

“They were fun people.” (Kaito)

“Indeed. I have a feeling we’ll cross paths again frequently. Children they may be, but keep in mind that they’re not cuddled people. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have taken the path of huntresses.” (FrostNova)

“Ahaha… so you were listening in. I’ll think it over if we’re in need of extra hands.” (Kaito)

I said goodbye to Yelena-san and removed myself from the area.

I’ve learned some important stuff that needs to be told to the others. All of us probably have memories injected into our heads that weren’t mentioned in our ID cards. The question is if they’re actual experiences that could dictate our unconscious movements or really are merely memories like from reading a book. And if it’s possible to recall them with some effort.

For now, let’s take the time to interrogate CRME in my dorm room.





Serious-senpai: “Deceased mom… has a bond with Kaito… Kaito’s Heart Tool and Semblance… This is such an obvious flag!”

Raven12345: “Huhu~, everyone is making such steady progress. I love watching them interact and grow so much.”

Serious-senpai: “Hold it, who are you!?”

Raven12345: “Arara~? No need to be concerned over me, I’m just a humble goddess and admin for this specific group chat room making an early appearance outside the main story to speak of group chat related matters. My only task here for now is to put out a list of potential members to include. Do note it’s nothing conclusive or done in order of appearance.”

[Autistic Painter]: Griseo

[Brodime]: Kirschtaria Wodime

[Walking Black History]: Hajime Nagumo

[Really feeling it]: Shulk

[GUTS]: Sogiita Gunha

[Min-Max DEFENSE]: Honjo Kaede

[Blank]: Sora and Shiro

[Neko Tamer]: Sayo

[Technical Devil]: Fumi Kanno

[One Piece is REAL]: Edward Newgate

[Chad Thundercock]: Narukami Yu

Raven12345: “The last two nicknames are admittedly a bit… too much.”

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