Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 36: RWBY Arc: Interrogations are going smoothly

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“Is this really true?” (Doctor)

“No doubt about it. The memory is still fresh in my head.” (Kaito)

We’re all back in the room with the addition of Doctor as well as CRME sitting listlessly in the corner and tied up. They weren’t awake but that won’t remain the same soon.

“So that explains why I felt that strange familiarity when I’m with Weiss. It was weird how I could act so naturally and be aware of the context behind our conversations.” (Minato)

“Huh… that’s been happening to us too, though not quite as big of a deal as you two are.” (Neptune)

Minato-kun nodded along in clear understanding. Meanwhile, Nepu-chan held her arms behind her head unperturbed by what I explained.

In short, because this world’s history was modified with our existences etched into it, we all may have memories of past events involving us before we actually came to this world.

“I’m worried… won’t this have considerable consequences for us? What if we unknowingly end up in a relationship with a stranger and we’re supposed to act like it’s normal for us and them!?” (Tanjiro)

“Ah!? You’re right, this is really scary! What if our personalities end up replaced by these memories invading us!?” (Lilia)

Tanjiro-kun and Lilia-san reasonably panicked at the dark implications of this. Grim faces formed on all of us. What are we supposed to do about this, how are we supposed to respond to something this heavy? I can’t help but worry as the sinking feeling is eating away at me.

[Ding! New information in regards to the hidden values of the preemptive Unique IDs have been updated in your database. Please take your time and look through it under the pinned messages. As to soothe your worries, please rest assured that the group chat holds no intentions of modifying your id, ego, superego, or any part of your personality for that matter in any fashion. This bears repeating, the group chat will not endanger the personalities you possess by any means in our power. If that comes to pass, we will do everything in our power to return you to normal and take responsibility by compensating you.]

… Is what I would be doing for a long while if the message didn’t arrive at the perfect timing. Not at all relieved yet, the tension that’s been building up has loosened considerably though.

“Quick, let's read what it has to say.” (Kaito)

[The preemptive Unique ID option available only right before the launch of the World Mission will modify the world history and interfere with casualty as a means to blend you in. To the world cognizance, your existence will no longer be recognized as a foreign element. This however does not prevent the divulgence of such information at any instance.

It can be a role of insignificance, or a famed being known worldwide. It is possible to end up in a position with incredible significance to people with unusual karma and fates. But there is no plausibility that you will end up in an unwanted relationship though. The you who has played out this role before the arrival of your true self are simulated based on your real personality and their actions are dictated in the same manner as to how the true self would’ve operated. Those events are received back as memories to reduce discrepancies. They however do not have power in dictating your movements nor are there any long-lasting effects that will bring discourse or deviate you from your true self.]

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Good, at least our concerns for the possibility of personality disorders and unreasonable entrapments are dispelled.

“It lightens my heart that there isn’t someone I will be forced to be with…” (Tanjiro)

I would hate for that to happen to any of us.

“I’m already suffering from amnesia, don’t confuse me further by giving me an extra set of backstories. Think about my sanity.” (Doctor)

“But… it’s really bad to just hold off on this kind of stuff until after we start questioning things. I’d like for there to be a manual to look over beforehand.” (Lilia)

Lilia-san’s words made sense. Why be this late in telling us this? Was there even a good reason for us to be in the dark?

“I am not a fan of the ‘you’ll know when you need to know’ kind of subplot… Although, being bombarded with exposition right from the beginning isn’t great either.” (Neptune)

“The admin either was waiting for us to come to our own conclusions and then step in, or they forgot.” (Minato)

“Heck, they’re always watching, and now they’re clearly intervening for our sakes. However…” (Kaito)

I stared at my scroll intently.

“If you’re so willing to answer our concerns, why don’t you give us the reason for being so late to explain as well?” (Kaito)


“You crummy admin! Do your job properly!” (Minato)

We were justifiably angry at this thing’s presumable mishandling. Doctor brought his hands up to calm us down and direct the conversation elsewhere.

“Forget it. It’s clear this thing doesn’t want to step in any further. We’ll have to account for this new variable behind the preemptive Unique ID cards in the future. Pragmatically speaking, this has many benefits like securing protection and unquestionable status in a foreign world. But…” (Doctor)

He paused, thinking not about the rational aspect to it, but the personal and emotional stances we all had viewing it.

“I don’t want to trick people into believing that we’re long-time buddies. From my perspective, it’s not mutual at all.” (Tanjiro)

“Not going to sugarcoat it, this doesn’t fit my style. I would rather make friends the normal way rather than skipping all these steps. It’s important to develop these relationships gradually.” (Neptune)

“Your words ring true. I understand how useful this can be, but I can’t accept it for myself. My stomach isn’t comfortable with being handed a position of excessive power straight off.” (Lilia)

“It’s not a bad feeling to have a sister I never had before. Except being thrusted into all these new interrelationships is a hassle to keep track of even with the provided hindsight.” (Minato)

Looks like most of us had similar opinions. I nodded along encouragingly.

“It was never something to be forced upon us. In the future, I at least won’t be using the Unique IDs again. As for what we’re handed in the present, that’s something else for us to figure out.” (Kaito)

That caused us to go into contemplation. How do we want to proceed with the status quo of our new friends being left in the dark…

“Let’s not rush this. There’s been no observable harm done so far. If you’re suggesting we tell people about our situation, we can bide our time until we know for sure we can trust someone to handle the truth.” (Doctor)

No one disagreed with Doctor’s suggestion, so we tucked that discussion away and moved on to more pressing matters.

“What are we gonna do about these three? I don’t see the one Kay-chan captured.” (Neptune)

“She’s in a separate room with Alyssa. Neo-san’s circumstances might make it possible to turn her to our side.” (Kaito)

Nobody protested the idea of having an enemy becoming an ally. Alyssa’s capabilities smoothened out the worries that might’ve arisen as they had a lot of trust in my lover’s power.

“Okay, but if she’s busy over there, should we wait for her before getting to question these ones here?” (Tanjiro)

“No need. We have our own method of extracting the information out of them.” (Doctor)

Oh? It seemed like Doctor was pretty confident with what he’s got planned. I’m morbidly curious to see what he’s got in store for us.

“Let’s get started. Who wants the honor of waking them up?” (Doctor)

“I’m, uh, gonna sit this one out.” (Neptune)

“Me too.” (Tanjiro)

“Same.” (Lilia)

That’s three out. They don’t appear to be able to handle the prospect of using unseemly methods for interrogation. Well… not like I was that far behind them from that sentiment.

Doctor proceeded onwards despite their reservations.

“Minato, if you will?” (Doctor)

The Persona-user strode forward casually and smacked Cinder upside the head with his pistol. The woman woke up with a pained start.

“What is this…? Where am I!?” (Cinder)

Her mind quickly adjusted upon waking up. She visibly shook from the sight of Minato and the others behind him. Anger and fear apparent in her eyes.

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“Hello there, Ms. Cinder. We’ve detained you somewhere out of the reaches of your allies, and we’re about to get started on asking you questions. We prefer if you were to be forthcoming when asked. Can we expect your smooth cooperation?” (Doctor)

Doctor made his approach by acting amicably as possible to loosen her guard. Cinder, however, was having none of it as she glared at him.

“Cooperation? What a funny joke. Nothing you do can make me talk.” (Cinder)

She snarled with conviction. I can tell she’s going to be a tough egg to crack, my Sympathy Magic giving me all that I need to know.

“Are you sure? This would be far less humiliating if you just accepted your situation.” (Doctor)

Doctor almost pleaded with her, like he was really sincere about not wanting to use his secret technique we’re all anxious to see.

Cinder responded by chuckling at him. That’s quite the bravado she’s got, but I can tell she was panicking nervously on the inside.

“How regrettable. Truly. Minato, do it.” (Doctor)

Doctor dramatically sighed and directed his words to Minato-kun. He nodded and raised his finger at Cinder. Watching his movements made Cinder falter like a frightened animal backed up in a corner.

“Marin Karin.” (Minato)

He uttered a spell, and Cinder’s head was knocked back with her body leaning against the chair. She sluggishly lowered her head forward, and her face was obscured by shadows. The next moment, she vigorously raised her head and piercingly stared at Minato… w-with heart marks in her eyes?

“Master Minato, I swear to serve you with all my heart and soul! Please accept my humble self!!!” (Cinder)

Neptune: ???

Tanjiro: ???

Lilia: ???

Kaito: ???

We’re all gaping at her sudden change in attitude. That declaration held no falsehood in them, she was even blushing red just by being near him. Her heartfelt expression and emotions I’m reading are creeping me out.

“Minato-kun, what is that…?” (Kaito)

“Marin Karin. It’s a spell that renders the target in an exaggerated charmed state. I once used it back in Doctor’s world to stop some guy called Skullshatterer from killing himself.” (Minato)

So he said. A charm spell, was it? That’s one way to persuade someone into talking I guess...

“It’s really useful in situations like this.” (Doctor)

“I know, right? Why haven’t I used this more often…” (Minato)

“My master, order me as you will! I will gladly obey, offer you my body and heart, and endure any ordeal you wish to cast upon me!” (Cinder)

“Oh right… that’s why. I’m not fond of it unlike Mitsuru-senpai who likes to inappropriately use it a lot in spite of its abysmal track record of success.” (Minato)

I was disturbed by its effect. Meanwhile, the others held mixed reactions with expressions ranging from alarm and unease.

“Minty… you’re a villain.” (Neptune)

“That’s too nasty…” (Tanjiro)

“Minato-kun… I never thought you would be this kind of person.” (Lilia)

They all watched Minato-kun with anxious faces. Being the recipient of these accusatory stares, he became uncomfortable and defensive.

“I told you, I don’t like this any better than you guys!” (Minato)

They averted their eyes from him, furthering his embarrassment. He then turned to me for support.

“Kaito-san, help me out here!” (Minato)

“Even if you ask me…… I guess it’s really effective and harmless for the purpose of forcing out information from the victim?” (Kaito)

I hesitantly spoke, but that just caused Minato-kun to visibly deflated. He then spoke lethargically with his energy considerably spent.

“You’re right, in this way, we won’t have to resort to physically harming her or apply pressure to her mental state… Her dignity and mental anguish after the spell dissipates are a separate matter though.” (Minato)

“While that’s fine, Kaito, think your Sympathy Magic can work as a lie detector? You know, just to be extra sure of anything that she says in this state.” (Doctor)

Doctor asked, to which I replied cordially.

“For someone of Cinder’s caliber, there is no difficulty in finding out whether what she says is a lie or not.” (Kaito)

Minato’s Marin Karin, my Sympathy Magic, and if we factor in Alyssa if she were here with us, there was no way we wouldn’t be able to get everything we wanted to know from these criminals.

“Just to be sure, but do you need me to work on the other two? Using it on a guy isn’t something I’m too comfortable with.” (Minato)

“Oh, so using it on girls is totally okay with you!?” (Neptune)

“You know that’s not what I meant!” (Minato)

Minato furiously shouted back at Neptune’s comment.

“We only need to work with Cinder. Emerald is just her follower, and Mercury is a hired assassin. It’s highly unlikely for them to know any more than their boss.” (Doctor)

Now that that’s clear, there wasn’t anything left to obstruct us.

“First, let’s ask her who the rest of Salem’s agents are and their whereabouts…” (Doctor)





Serious-senpai: “Be honest, why did you delay that kind of important information?”

Raven12345: “Oh that? It slipped my mind.”

Serious-senpai: “This admin really is crummy…”

Crummy Admin: “It’s fiiine. No harm was done. Let’s just move on, okay?”

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