Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 39: RWBY Arc: Let’s do some official work

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“Listen up team, we’re finally going on our first official mission as huntsmen.” (Kaito)

I declared to the room, and they perked their heads up away from what they were occupied with.

“It’s happening! But I already got comfortable here, so can we move it to tomorrow?” (Neptune)

Nep-chan declined from where she is, laying on top of Bell and playing videogames. ‘I’m not feeling it,’ was the obvious excuse she used.

“C’mon, it’s time to work our butts off. Alyssa is using her network to find every trace that leads to Salem’s subordinates and a way to remove the Maiden’s power from Cinder and return it to Amber-san. It was the day before yesterday that we caught her, and Beacon has become a secured place without any gaps in its defenses. There’s not much for us by staying here until the Vytal Festival arrives.” (Kaito)

“I’m in agreement with Kaito-san. Taking practice matches with the other students isn’t bad, but it wouldn’t hurt to be on the field to not lose my edge.” (Tanjiro)

Tanjiro-kun replied from the floor where he was maintaining his sword.

“Since it’s the leader making the call, I’ll support it.” (Minato)

I expected Minato-kun’s lackadaisical response. He was drinking boba tea he ordered from a café this morning and seemed to be hooked on it.

“Good. Then, moving on to the details—” (Kaito)

“You’re gonna ignore me!?” (Neptune)

“I reviewed the history logs, and we seem to tend towards doing Perimeter Defense missions. From what I learned, this kind of job focuses on monitoring the walls and established defenses around the border of Vale. We take a much more advanced job of venturing deep outside of the kingdom and expanding its territory by planting shield technology, forcing the Grimm back.” (Kaito)

After I made my explanation, things progressed smoothly as they got up to start prepping for it except for Nep-chan who reluctantly shut off her game console.

[Brodime]: Oh, so we’re heading off now? This should make for a good time.

“That’s right, Kirschtaria-san. Doctor and Alyssa know all about the details ahead of time and prepared the equipment we need.” (Kaito)

I spoke to the flying drone with Kirschtaria-san’s face projected on its screen. Alyssa’s expertise allowed her to create a drone and have one of our scrolls inserted into it while it was on livestream, enabling Kirschtaria-san to view and experience the adventure with us. The amazing part was that she figured out a few adjustments for him to control the drone over his side through the scroll to follow us manually.

Well, that goes to show how incredible Alyssa is.

“And one more thing. I have a gift that will be invaluable to all of you.” (Kaito)

“Another gift from Kai-chan? Is it going to be something nonsensical again? Please let it be so.” (Neptune)

I handed each one a bracelet that had a magic crystal embedded in them with high purity levels.

“These are state-of-the-art teleportation magic tools. You’ll be able to instantly teleport to locations you’ve visited before by using it. Just input the world coordinates and it will remember them. And you don’t have to worry about cost-efficiency, they recharge overtime.” (Kaito)

“Yup… another nonsensical item to the list of things Kaito just happens to carry around.” (Neptune)

Wondrous eyes inspected these bracelets attached to their wrists. I wonder… their reactions are more subdued than usual, like they’re telling themselves ‘Ah, this is definitely something Kaito would do.’

“I thought it would make sense to share these convenient items from my world. Well, with my connections, getting my hands on them wasn’t an issue. If you imprint your magic power onto them, it will register you as the owner and no one else can use them besides you.” (Kaito)

[Brodime:] Teleportation? That’s a lost magic from the Age of Gods in my world. This is a stark difference that exists between rules governing other worlds. And for it to be downscaled into a tool that’s accessible to everyone… any magus would go mad with desire from this.

Huh, I thought this kind of thing would be as common in Kirschtaria-san’s world as it is in mine, but his astonished face said otherwise.

“Teleportation magic tools are being circulated in the market, but it’s still expensive that middle class houses at least can’t afford one.” (Kaito)

[Brodime]: The scale is still baffling to me. It’s still not a tool reserved for the elites of society. I can only imagine the advanced civilization that must be exist in Trinia.

Well, Kirschtaria-san unreservedly praising Trinia is something I can understand.

“Are these the same ones you use, Kaito-san?” (Minato)

“Mine is unique. It allows me to do more advanced teleportation such as long-distance travel as far as my eyesight I can see. It’s also possible to use it consecutively in battles to avoid attacks.” (Kaito)

“Hmm, well, what you gave is already amazing enough, so I’m not going to ask for more.” (Minato)

That looked to be the last question and then they proceeded to imprint on the Teleportation magic tools.

“Now that you’re finished with everything, let’s move.” (Kaito)

“Time for a scene change. Go!” (Neptune)

What exactly are you even saying with such enthusiasm?

“I said go!” (Neptune)




The bullhead came into view where it was docked at the edge of the cliff in front of the academy. There was Doctor and the rest of the girls present.

“Hiya, Dokutah. You have what was promised?” (Neptune)

“Damn, you really did mispronounce my name in reality. Here, these are the goods you wanted, right?” (Doctor)

These two immediately went into a suspicious conversation I’m not privy to. What I saw was Doctor flicking his finger on his scroll and Nep-chan received something on hers.

Next thing that happened was pudding materializing in her hand and she promptly gobbled it up with a spoon.

“Mm~, so sweet. That mass-production power of yours is really convenient. Who needs to waste money buying pudding when there’s an endless pudding dispenser nearby.” (Neptune)

Oh so that’s what that was all about. If I considered Doctor’s power again, recreating the same food in the exact same quality it was preserved in was indeed possible.

“Doctor, I request the Vale lamb that was served yesterday. Be sure to include the barbeque sauce.” (FrostNova)

“Yes, yes. Will do, just not now.” (Doctor)

“Don’t forget the cake after.” (FrostNova)

“Now you’re just being greedy.” (Doctor)

Doctor shook his head at Yelena-san’s insistence to recreate food with his power. He then turned his head over to me.

“Hey Kaito, is it okay if I mass-produce these bracelets?” (Doctor)

“I don’t mind. That’s not something I own anymore.” (Kaito)

“Nice. Rhodes Island is going to love everything that I’ll bring back with me. Sorry about not being able to go with you, Ozpin still has stuff for me to do.” (Doctor)

“It’s not a problem. We still have Lilia-san to chaperone us. You just have to mass-produce the Hard Light shield generators and send them to us through the group chat. This way we can cover much more ground without having to take a return trip to resupply.” (Kaito)

He nodded in understanding and parted a few words to the others before leaving with Yelena-san. He didn’t have to, but he came personally to wish us well anyways.

“Hmm? Who would that be…” (Kaito)

Two figures caught my eye in the distance. They seem to be coming to this direction and became clearer the closer they came.

“Weiss and Yang?” (Kaito)

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The day before yesterday was red and black. Now it’s white and yellow.

“Sup, Kaito. I heard you’re going off to another of those long trips outside Vale. Just thought I’d come by to wish you good luck.” (Yang)

“Good afternoon, Kaito. I know you’ll be busy soon on your mission, but I can’t wait for another opportunity to come by.” (Weiss)

Weiss breathed in before continuing, looking at me with determined eyes. Is there something she needs from me?

“Well… I was thinking about inviting you and your friends to join us in a team collaboration after in the future. It would be an experience working and learning together.” (Weiss)

“Just say you wanted to scout him out so you can learn what his abilities are.” (Yang)

“That was not my intention, Yang!” (Weiss)

The blonde bombshell that was Yang cheekily grinned at the fuming Weiss. She cooled down by composing herself before resuming.

“The eight of us could make time to train together, share any important information, and… most importantly just hang out. There isn’t enough time to do that often.” (Weiss)

I paused to think for a bit and then nodded to her.

“Okay, I’m onboard with it. My team won’t take much to convince, so don’t worry.” (Kaito)

Weiss’s body tensed up with joy and her expression brightened up.

“Good to hear you say that. I don’t know why, but Vale feels… more peaceful? There was this tension in the air, but now there’s hardly anything to offset the mood. Even the White Fang has gone into low-profile.” (Weiss)

“That’s the magic of team MNTK at work here. They come back home for a short minute and nobody dares to break out into the open to cause trouble.” (Yang)

Hmm, I haven’t felt it much, but MNTK really is something like a celebrity group in this world to some extent.

Yang winked at me for some reason.

“It’s cool to get everyone together, I’ve got no problem with that. But if we’re doing it let’s make it so the two of us can be alone for some time like how we used to before.” (Yang)

“Yang, what are you trying to pull!?” (Weiss)

“What? If you’re gonna take the initiative, be a little more honest with yourself at least.” (Yang)

She laughed when her attempt to rile up Weiss succeeded. Ignoring the outburst of the flustered girl behind her, Yang went up to my ear and whispered something.

“Think you can show off some of that magic to them like you did with me? You can trust them, I promise.” (Yang)

“Huh? What are you…” (Kaito)

I didn’t get the chance to finish asking when Yang was abruptly pulled away by Weiss.

“We’re leaving. Have a safe trip, Kaito.” (Weiss)

“Later~” (Yang)

Weiss walked away while dragging Yang who waved at us goodbye. I tried thinking of a response but couldn’t come up with anything, so I remained silent.

“Did they say something important?” (Alyssa)

Alyssa popped up to my side from nowhere and asked me in turn.

“They wanted to find an opportunity for the two teams to be together. There’s something else that you should know about.” (Kaito)

I proceeded to explain to Alyssa of what occurred.

“Eh… seriously, what has your simulated other been doing this whole time?” (Alyssa)

I made it certain that Alyssa was informed of the potential activities of what my other self formed from the Unique ID was up to. I don’t know the full picture yet, so only time can tell me when it’ll all come flooding in.

“I’ll keep a lookout for other effects you might have left behind… good grief, your simulated other definitely mimicked your propensity to get involved with the matters of the big guys no matter what. Think of poor Lilia-san over there.” (Alyssa)

I’m imagining Lilia-san in her shura mode gripping my collar in her hands…

“It can’t be helped. Whatever comes to pass, there’s nothing more I can do about it.” (Kaito)

“Yeah… this is you we’re talking about. Let’s hope you won’t give me too much of a headache trying to keep up with your nonsensical influence.” (Alyssa)

Alyssa wryly smiled with a pleading look. I’m sorry, but I need you to bear with me. She shook her head and became pensive with worry.

“You excited for the chance to go off to uncharted fields with a team?” (Alyssa)

“You mean going off on an adventure? True, compared to the other three I have no such experiences to relate with them. This is a rare opportunity, so I’ll make the most of it when I can.” (Kaito)

“Good… don’t hesitate to rely on your teammates. And don’t try to carry everything by yourself. I would know because I quickly learned how powerlessness I was alone when I departed for my first adventure.” (Alyssa)

“…?” (Kaito)

I gave a long, hard look on Alyssa’s face as if something was off that bothered me to no end. Being on the receiving end of my scrutiny forced a blush to creep up on her cheeks.

“Wh-What’s with that passionate gaze all of a sudden? Are you… perhaps desiring after my body since you haven’t gotten it in a long time!?” (Alyssa)

“Idiot, watch your mouth in public!” (Kaito)

“I’m sorry, it was just too embarrassing for me to silently endure your stern glare! Think about how I feel, I’m not brave enough to accept all of your demands with a composed face!” (Alyssa)

Good grief, I guess I thought wrong. For a moment, I thought I wasn’t talking to Alyssa, but rather Ali—

“Kaito-san, hurry and get on! The bullhead is about to depart soon.” (Tanjiro)

“I’m on my way! C’mon, let’s go together.” (Kaito)

“Okay, I’ll always be following you anyhow.” (Alyssa)

Alyssa cheerfully said. Then we boarded on the airship and left the ground. I still had my doubts, but it’s not something too concerning. I’ll humor her for a bit on her act.





Serious-senpai: “Hmm? No… no it can’t be. What are you doing over there!?”

???: “Senpai, I haven’t moved anywhere else from here, you know that.”

Serious-senpai: “Yeah right! Just now, you were in the body of Alyssa!”

???: “Ehhh? That’s impossible you know. She and I aren’t even related~”

Serious-senpai: “Don’t freaking bullshit me…!”

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