Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 38: RWBY Arc: Kirschtaria Wodime

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[Door-kun]: That’s unexpected. We’ve got a new guy and yet the entire group is still stuck with the World Mission. What is going on inside that admin’s head?

[Budget Yoriichi]: Nice to meet you, Wodime-san! We are lucky enough to not be preoccupied with any tasks, so don’t be afraid to express yourself.

[Brodime]: Thank you for your kind words. I am deeply intrigued by the existence of worlds beyond the Root’s directory. To say that your existences fill me with fascination would undermine the full extent of my emotions.

[Lazy Heart]: Oh my, even though it’s in text, I can somehow tell the elegance of the person behind them. I’ll do my best to keep up!

[Zero Sanity]: Mr. Wodime, if it’s not a bother, we’d be glad to have you share your face and some words about who you are and your occupation. This can be done by uploading a photo of yourself. If you feel bold, try the livestream function.

[Brodime]: Your advice is greatly appreciated. But I am deeply troubled… How do I take a photo with a magic circle? Where is this livestream? I am ashamed, but there is no denying that I am clumsy with technological terminology.

We all pitched in to guide Wodime-san on how to navigate his version of the group chat through some trial and error. It’s not polite to say it out loud, but Tanjiro-kun was of no help in this area obviously.

So his group chat took the form of a magic circle he can activate, huh? Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but the forms Nepu-chan and Tanjiro-kun’s group chat took were also special.

Nepu-chan had a group chat installed in what she called her N-gear, a portable gaming device.

Tanjiro-kun’s is rather nonstandard like Wodime-san’s. His was a picture scroll with moving ink and constantly shifting images depicting us.

I was getting sidetracked and belatedly noticed a screen with his appearance propping up. Wodime-san had an incredibly handsome face that was chiseled and spotless. He had the impression of a nobleman from a foreign continent accentuated by his long yellow hair, blue eyes, and regal white clothes.

[Brodime]: Once again, I am Kirschtaria Wodime. You do not need to feel compelled to speak with me formally nor will I force you to. As you see, I am a human from another world and a magus practicing magecraft. I aspire to be accepted in your gathering of extraordinary individuals brought by equally extraordinary circumstances.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Then I’ll help by giving you the rundown of this place, Kirschtaria-san.

I explained to him the various functions including the missions and other fun gimmicks. Once he was brought up to speed, his friendly face grew thoughtful as he mused over my explanation.

[Brodime]: World Travel, Points… multiple multiverses. There are vast existences beyond my reality that I never knew about. The information is very overwhelming… and yet it’s so thrilling to learn.

[Budget Yoriichi]: I know, it’s a lot to take in. I still don’t fully understand everything that has happened or why I was chosen either.

[Lazy Heart]: You guys gotta relax. What’s the common saying… oh yeah, everyone’s a turtle in the mud. So don’t try to hurt your head by cramming all that useless junk and go with the flow.

[Zero Sanity]: It's a frog in the well.

[Door-kun]: Besides that, is there anything interesting you’d like to share to the classroom?

[Lazy Heart]: If this were a classroom, who’s the teacher?

[Zero Sanity]: Would that not be the admin?

[Budget Yoriichi]: I am concerned that we’re stuck with someone so unreliable.

[Singularity Found at the End:] Oh? Tanjiro-kun, you’ve grown bolder to say that in the open.

[Door-kun]: Another one is with me. Let’s curse our crummy admin together.

[Zero Sanity]: Guys, don’t take up Kirschtaria’s moment. It’s his time.

On the screen, Kirschtaria-san’s lips curled up into a smile.

[Brodime]: You all appear to be a close-knit circle of friends.

[Zero Sanity]: It does appear to be that way. We random people from different worlds coming together and fooling around with each other… it’s really unusual.

[Singularity Found at the End]: It’s not the weirdest thing I’ve experienced. Though I can say that all of you, with the exception of Tanjiro-kun, are really unique in your own ways.

[Door-kun]: I better not hear you say you’re exempt from being another weirdo among us.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I don’t recall calling myself normal.

[Door-kun]: Good, because you’re the weirdest out of all of us, Kaito-san.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I refute that by pointing to Doctor. He’s full of oddities and we’re not even sure if he’s human like us.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Umm, we really shouldn’t hold up Kirschtaria-san any longer.

[Budget Yoriichi]: Excuse Kaito-san and Minato-san. I find that the two of them like to chat with each other a lot the most here.

Kirschtaria-san did not seem bothered by the conversation being sidetracked. Rather, he still had a graceful smile while watching us.

[Brodime]: I am not upset. Watching is fun in its own right. To answer Minato’s previous question about myself, I like going on walks, practicing fencing, and in my spare time I bake bread and cake. It may not seem like it with my current attire, but I don’t like thick and heavy clothing. It’s much too uncomfortable for me, but I must keep this on for appearances.

[Lazy Heart]: The lifestyle of the elite has got to be a killer to maintain. I think Lili over here can relate.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Me? I don’t fully know Kirschtaria-san’s situation, but I have my fair share of headaches keeping up with my fellow nobles. It’s so taxing to be around their rude and sly personalities.

[Brodime]: I concur. Maintaining a magus’ temperament around others is nauseating. I implore you all to stay away from the magicians of my world. Nothing good will come of it.

[Door-kun]: Hoh? That’s strange, because you yourself are a magician, so should we keep an eye on you?

That made his smile go away and his face to become pensive.

[Brodime]: Arrogant as it may come across, I am not like most magicians. They are humans who regress and incline towards manipulation, backstabbing, blackmailing, and will do everything in their power for greater knowledge… every action they take is for their own benefit. For that is the common sense of the world of magic.

[Lazy Heart]: Yikes. Your world sounds hardcore.

[Zero Sanity]: Sounds rough.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Kaito-san, I forbid you from ever visiting Kirschtaria-san’s world.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Uwah, no hesitation…

But she does have a point. From the first time I’ve heard of it, that kind of world doesn’t sound like something I’d enjoy living in.

[Brodime]: I digress, but for now I truly do believe you will not find my world to be very hospitable if someone from the world of magic were to hear of you at the slightest instance. They will hunt you down and dissect you of everything they can learn because you are foreign existences outside my world and therefore hold otherworldly information. No one has ever heard of worlds outside the focal point of all creation that is the Root. That information is too irresistible for their perverted cravings.

The expression he had when speaking was grim and his voice heavy in tone. Although Kirschtaria-san was a magus, he appeared to be genuinely worried for our sakes and dissuaded us from ever visiting his world to avoid his kind.

[Lazy Heart]: We’d get dissected!? Nope, nuh uh, big no from me. I do not want to end up on the R-18G rating!

[Budget Yoriichi]: That’s disgusting…

[White Rose Valkyrie]: How horrible!

[Zero Sanity]: These people sound nasty. One misstep and it’s on the dissection table. And that’s just the humans in the world of magic, think of what other dangerous individuals are lying over there.

I could imagine a lot of us being aghast at the dangers that exist in that world. I know for certain that my interest at the prospect of visiting Kirschtaria-san’s world was plummeting down to the earth.

[Door-kun]: Why have you guys become a bunch of sissies out of nowhere?

And there’s Minato-kun being his usual self…

[Lazy Heart]: What does that mean, Minty!?

[Door-kun]: The issues in Kirschtaria-san’s world are not our problem currently. We live in the present and his world is neither here nor there. And if someday something does arise that would involve us, we have powers of our own to deal with it.

[Door-kun]: And most importantly? We have big brother Kaito-san over here. So long as we cling to him for protection, we will never be in any danger or lose against anyone.

[Zero Sanity]: Oh. That makes perfect sense.

[Budget Yoriichi]: I can’t argue with that.

[Lazy Heart]: Kay-chan, you’re the best!

[White Rose Valkyrie]: There you go again picking up more fans.

[Singularity of the End]: The conversation has taken a really strange turn towards me!?

I don’t have a more reasonable reaction other than to be flabbergasted.

[Zero Sanity]: You have enough power to wipe away a nation, a lover who can move faster than the speed of light, and another whose intelligence is superior to any supercomputer.

[Singularity Found at the End]: When you put it like that… yeah, err, you guys are free to count on me ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

While I was getting nervous at everyone flattering me, Kirschtaria-san chuckled at our antics across the screen.

[Brodime]: Oh, excuse me. I’m just amused by how you people recovered your optimism so quickly. Ah, maybe now is a good time for me to bring out my funny glasses to blend in!

Thereupon, he rummaged around his workspace for these glasses of his… just what am I looking at? His glasses were star-framed with a nose attached to it. It makes him look ridiculous with those on him while he’s got a pleased face in his regal clothes.

[Lazy Heart]: Pffftt, hahahaha!! You look hilarious with those on! You’ve completely destroyed that kingly image of yours!

[Budget Yoriichi]: I don’t know what to say… it’s a little charming?

[Door-kun]: Dude, they fit you to a T.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: I, well, I have no words?

[Zero Sanity]: Hey, if he’s going to do that, then I’ll come wearing my Ghostly Gibus hat too.

[Brodime]: Mmm. I feel myself becoming a better fit in here with these on. I will wear these from now on when I participate in the group chat.

[Singularity Found at the End]: If you think that will put everyone more at ease, then do keep wearing them?

[Door-kun]: Agreed

[Zero Sanity]: Agreed

[Lazy Heart]: Agreed

[Budget Yoriichi]: Agreed

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Agreed

Everyone surprisingly gave a unanimous vote. Kirschtaria’s goofy act warmed us up to him quite quickly. I can imagine us all stifling a giggle at his funny appearance.

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[Brodime]: As fun as this is, I still haven’t learned much from what kind of people you are. At the very least, you appear to be capable enough to conduct yourself with such confidence. What are your interests like?

I don’t know why or how since we didn’t communicate with each other ahead of time, but we all put on the livestream mode and showed our faces in real-time to him at the same time. We must have had the same thought to confront Kirschtaria-san with our real selves without any barriers between us from that point on.

[Door-kun]: Oooh, trying to measure us up? Okay. Arisato Minato, a human with the power to summon Personas. My favorite hobby is listening to music tracks on my mp3 player.

[Brodime]: Music from other worlds? What a treat! Please introduce me to some of them later. I am no music enthusiast, but I can learn.

[Door-kun]: Hehhh, then I’d like to see if you’ve got any fine taste in music like I do.

Minato-kun smirked, his interest rising and the suspicion he held waning.

[Lazy Heart]: Neptune over here! I already got a nickname for you and it’s Kishi! I have the power to transform into a stronger and older version of myself, but I encountered an error lately, so RIP. I’m also human and a gamer girl.

[Brodime]: It’s the first time anyone has called me by a nickname. I will treasure it. And games! I am sadly inexperienced with them as my lifestyle is too busy for me to have the downtime to enjoy such pleasures. Maybe if we are fortunate, you can show me the ropes sometime.

[Lazy Heart]: Okay! Just don’t be too disheartened from losing to me all the time!

Nepu-chan flashed him a thumbs-up at him on her screen.

[Budget Yoriichi]: Uh, Kamado Tanjiro here! I am human too. I don’t have any particular skills other than chopping wood and selling charcoal. I am the most ordinary out of the incredible people here. I’m sorry there’s nothing I have to offer you.

[Brodime]: That is nothing to be ashamed of nor a reason to feel inferior. I wish to be your equal, Tanjiro-kun. You don’t need to give me something to prove it, here we are merely individuals, or at least I hope we can be like that.

[Budget Yoriichi]: You think so? I’m hoping for the same then.

Tanjiro-kun modestly rubbed the back of his head with a smile.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Lilia Albert, a human and Kaito-san’s wife. I run a contract with someone to mine rare and beautiful jewelry in my world. I could gift you some as a present for your induction into the group.

[Brodime]: Your temperament is as noble as you are kind, Lilia-san. The man who is married to you is an extremely lucky man. I will not decline your gift, that would be so rude of me.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Thank you for your kind words.

Lilia-san returned his friendly gesture with an equally friendly smile.

[Zero Sanity]: I’m merely the Doctor. My race is a complete unknown even to myself. There isn’t anything cool about me other than my shapeshifting powers and that my job entails me to get along with a lot of people. I can teach you how to eat raw ramen while having it cooked in your mouth simultaneously.

[Brodime]: A man of mystery! And you possess such a unique talent that you would even teach it to me!? Please do so!

[Door-kun]: No, don’t do it.

[Lazy Heart]: No, don’t do it

[Budget Yoriichi]: No, don’t do it.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: No, don’t do it.

[Singularity Found at the End]: No, don’t do it.

We can’t have Kirschtaria-san fall here so early just while we’re getting to know him.

[Brodime]: That leaves only Kaito, right? You are the ‘big brother.’ The most reliable person.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Since everyone is saying it then I’ll accept it as it is… anyway, I’m a human from earth who got caught in a hero summoning from another world and has lived in it since. It’s the same peaceful world Lilia-san lives in. I like apple pie and caring for my pets. I have these Fruits of the World Tree that heals all wounds and diseases if you want some.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Kaito-san, why are you casually handing those out!?

[Singularity Found at the End]: Everyone is free to them? We’re a team so I see no issue so long as they remain responsible.

[Singularity Found at the End]: As for my power… Ah, this part reminded me of something at a good time, I think I’ll just explain everything to everyone by demonstration later. There’s a chance for that real soon. You guys have the right to know what my powers are really like.

And my personal combat capabilities measure up to the power of one slime. I mean, it’s improved to be more than a… wild dog’s at least?

[Brodime]: Indeed, there is a good reason for why everyone respects you so much. Selfish as it sounds, a miraculous item like that can be of very good use to me. You have my utmost gratitude, Kaito.

Kirschtaria-san nodded with a smile. I can’t tell what his emotions are across the screen, but I had this feeling that he’s not as interested in what our powers are like as he is in our characters. He inquisitively stared at each of our faces before speaking.

[Brodime]: Excuse my curiosity, it’s just… so unfathomable to me that most of you were normal humans. I did not predict there’d be any outside my world unless they were outliers… I was expecting beings beyond my understanding or have incompressible shapes I cannot perceive. I’m relieved that is not the case.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Just what were you expecting…

[Brodime]: Some kind of pink marshmallow or a mecha from space. Maybe… someone from a race of giant apes? Even an indestructible blue furball that can think faster than a supercomputer might’ve been possible.

[Lazy Heart]: (?o . o?)

[Budget Yoriichi]: (?o . o?)

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Areh? The pink marshmallow was something I thought of too…

[Door-kun]: Is your head screwed in right?

Minato-kun was bemused by his creative imagination. Kirschtaria-san went into sulking after his comment…

[Brodime]: Have I said something wrong? Does my sense of rationale not align with yours…

[Singularity Found at the End]: No, no. Don’t take Minato-kun’s bluntness to heart. It’s his way of showing how open he is to you.

[Brodime]: Oh good! I was getting a bit worried there.

[Brodime]: On to another thing, what I am most interested in is this World Travel function. If this really can take me to another world, then it would have far superior capabilities than the Second Magic. I would like to hear opinions on which world I should visit first.

[Budget Yoriichi]: My world known as Earth is mostly peaceful. There are demons though…

[Zero Sanity]: Mine’s not too pretty. We’re only just beginning to sign contracts with other cities to distribute a tonic to fix a prevalent disease.

[Lazy Heart]: Oh, maybe mine would be a good one. The cities are relatively safe since you can avoid the monsters by staying inside their barriers.

[Door-kun]: Why not try Kaito-san’s? His is the most peaceful world from the few times I’ve seen him livestream it.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: I think Kirschtaria-san will love it here. However, the world is rather strict on security if otherworlders were to appear there. I doubt the Unique IDs will be able to protect you from the God Realm if they think you pose even the slightest threat to the world’s integrity.

[Brodime]: So your world has defenses in place against invaders. And there exists Gods there too?

[Singularity Found at the End]: That’s right. Trinia has the Human Realm, Demon Realm, and the God Realm. All three realms have signed a Treaty of Friendship, treating each other as equals and have lived close together hand in hand for the last 1000 years without any wars or incidents since.

Kirschtaria, as well as everyone else, were shocked by the summary of the world I and Lilia-san live in.

[Brodime]: Interesting… this is most interesting! I want to see that world, a world where humans are living in peace with other races be it demons or gods!

The shoulders of Kirschtaria-san shook, and his eyes widened like an excited child learning of a fantasy world from a fairy tale book.

[Door-kun]: Oi, you don’t get to go ahead of me on that. I’ll be the first to visit Kaito-san’s world by seniority here.

[Lazy Heart]: Shut up, Minty! Don’t hog all the exciting stuff to yourself!

It wasn’t just Kirschtaria-san, everyone’s excitement had been riled up and wished to visit Trinia.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I don’t mind if you guys want to come over. But you’ll have to wait for me to speak to some people, so they’ll know who to expect and give you a clearance check to transport over.

[Zero Sanity]: As awesome as that sounds, we’re kinda busy with business over in this world. Let’s push that off into the future and consider the now. Kirschtaria, can you use the World Travel function to participate in the World Mission and come over here?

[Brodime]: I’m afraid not. I’ll be stuck over on this side and wait for you to finish.

[Zero Sanity]: I figured that would be the case.

He immediately became disheartened at the lost chance of being a part of the adventure. Seeing his sad expression brought my mood down.

[Singularity Found at the End]: But you can still be a part of it. We can go buy some head straps and leave our scrolls on livestream so that Kirschtaria-san can follow along.

Sounds of approval and cheers uplifted the group chat now that we don’t have to abandon a latecomer.

[Brodime]: I thank you all for your hospitality. I’ll sign off for now and be going to my own business. These ‘tasks’ and ‘points’ pique my interest. I think I’ll gather enough to try my hand on this ‘gacha.’

[Singularity Found at the End]: Don’t do that

[Door-kun]: Don’t do that.

[Lazy Heart]: Don’t do that.

[Budget Yoriichi]: Don’t do that.

[White Rose Valkyrie]: Don’t do that.

[Zero Sanity]: Please do it.





Serious-senpai: “This Kirschtaria guy is… kind of a dork? Not what I expected from someone with that kind of appearance and aura. Where is my seriousness…”

???: “Senpai, you’re crying now, but wait until the entire group comes to Trinia en masse for Kaito’s 30th birthday in the future.”

Serious-senpai: “The author wouldn’t!”

???: “Sorry, but you were never going to be that lucky to get away from the sweetness. Now for the next best thing, I’m announcing this fanfiction has reached the 100k word milestone! As for how we’ll celebrate it… the author will be open to answering questions about the fanfiction the readers would like to ask him in the comments! Please feel free to bombard him with as many as you have. He might not be able to answer all of them, but an opportunity is an opportunity. This event will continue until the next chapter is posted! After that, he’ll go back to interacting with the readers on rare occasions.”

Serious-senpai: “Won’t this guy just sneak away by posting the next chapter in a flash!?”

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