Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 9: Aiming your gun is ill-advised for first impressions

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The rescue squad I was a part of was met with another wave of Reunion members. We've managed to reach this far successfully, but there was just no end to them in our path. The area was rife with tension, especially with how most of our enemies had an utter disregard for their own lives making the fight a chore to our stamina.

"Chernobog bastards! It's because of you...all of you! We Infected became like this!" (Reunion Member)

"What was our crime for bearing your hate and disdain!? Just because we look like this?" (Reunion Member)

"Did we curse you!? We were that much of a nuisance!? Were the black crystals on our bodies that ugly?" (Reunion Member)

"No! We just existed! Is that our crime you sons of bitches!?" (Reunion Member)

"Die!" (Reunion Member)

"DIE!" (Reunion Member)

"JUST DIE!" (Reunion Member)

My ears are assaulted by their curses and resentment. The enemy numbers are too large that they enclosed us from our escape route. Operators around me fought bravely as we fend off fighter after fighter. The lack of space meant we've only got the option to push forward and clear a path ourselves.

"Get lost!" (Dobermann)

"These people act like they're searching for a reason to die!" (Nearl)

"Don't let up! We're coming home no matter what!" (Ace)

Dobermann was wielding her whip, throwing off their balance and striking their weak points, causing many to drop their weapons. Nearl was bracing her shield from the impact of their suicidal charges, crushing them with the head of her spear. Meanwhile, Ace's valiantly efforts brought us more room to breathe, motivating us as well as taking the brunt of their combined forces with his shield and hammer.

Everyone was gaining momentum the longer we fought. We made steady progress and advanced with our defensive line in the front parting the crowd. I was somewhere in the back being guarded by others while I gave commands to everyone using the PRTS interface connected to my mask, removing the need to give verbal commands.

That's when I took the time to notice something amiss. The air had been stagnant for a long time, but when did I start to feel there was a subtle movement to it? Are those rocks falling from the sky? And when everyone felt that same trepidation, the Reunion soldiers riled up in a look of ecstasy.

"Ahahahaha! It's here!" (Reunion Member)

"Our salvation! The time of judgement is upon us!" (Reunion Member)

"Aaaahhh...AAARRGH---" (Reunion Member)

Before my eyes could process what was in front of me, their bodies were buried under a wall of black.

"They were...crushed by something? Was it one of you...who attacked them?" (Dobermann)

Dobermann asked a reasonable question constituting our collective confusion from the spontaneous deaths of our enemies. Amiya perked up and gestured to everyone to look towards the sky.

"Everyone! The sky is darkening at a disconcerting rate!" (Amiya)

True to her words, a malevolent bloody crimson hue dyed the sky. Nobody could keep a cool face from the looming terror above us. Flames and smoke poisoned the air, titanic slabs of black rock struck the city, and billowing dark clouds turned the world into an ashen twilight.

My body felt a sense of danger and desperation to escape all over. We won't survive a second if we don't escape the growing touch of that thing!

"Even though I vaguely thought Reunion would be mad enough to use the catastrophe to take their use it for the destruction of Chernobog..." (Dobermann)

"Whoever conducted this is no longer an avenger, but sick people to the core." (Ace)

"How can they call this the rising era of the Infected? There's not a light shining for our future following them." (Nearl)

We were all in a mix of shock, disgust, and sorrow at the apocalyptic sight. I for one don't want to stick around longer, so I gestured to Amiya to get everyone on the move.

"All operators, stay alert! We prepare for the weather this catastrophe!" (Amiya)

Under her leadership, we reorganized ourselves for the long haul. No matter where we go, we had to avoid falling buildings and face an unending horror to the death cries of countless Reunion members. Do they no longer care about their own disorganized people!?

More clusters of rock from the sky kept burrowing the trembling earth. Too many close calls were made where we weaved and passed through narrow gaps under the storm. We were determined to survive.




"We made it...we survived the first impact." (Amiya)

"And the catastrophe is visibly weakening!" (Nearl)

"But we're not out of the thicket yet. Everyone, exercise caution. Who knows how many Reunion are left over." (Ace)

"Every street is buried beneath rubble, and the roads are no longer visible with these buildings in the way..." (Amiya)

"Don't tell me the originium is already metastasizing? We were so close to getting out, but..." (Dobermann)

While everyone is catching their breath, I turned inwards and accessed the group chat.

[Zero Sanity]: Kaito, where are you?

[Singularity Found at the End]: I'm still on my way to your location shortly.

[Zero Sanity]: And you avoided the catastrophe too?

[Singularity Found at the End]: And others with me. A guy named Scout encountered another rescue group and brought a whole bunch of surviving Rhodes Island members and others together. I created a path for them, so we're gonna regroup soon enough.

[Zero Sanity]: Excellent work, Kaito. We won't even need Minato with us at this rate.

[Singularity Found at the End]: I've read a notice earlier that Minato has jumped to this world too, so he must be nearby your location. If he's lucky.

[Zero Sanity]: ...I'll take back my last words. I pray Minato is close, because we're in a tight spot now.

I didn't wait for Kaito's message as reality gotten much harsher on me and my comrades.

We're surrounded. In the plaza, to the streets and buildings. Everywhere is filled with Reunion. Their numbers alone could kill all of us dozens of times over. And I thought we courted death enough times today, but Reunion had too much respect for us it seems.

"We're done for if we fight in a wide-open area! Our chances of survival are much higher at the plaza's exit!" (Nearl)

"Nearl..." (Amiya)

"There's no choice but to fight." (Ace)

"Break away from their encirclement, then it's our chance to slip out of the chaos." (Nearl)

"...I understand. Everyone, be ready. Stay strong and follow your defensive formations! Doctor...make sure not to stay out of sight. Your survival is our greatest priority and our victory." (Amiya)

I nodded to her, aware of our growing predicament. Chances are, not all of us will come out alive...I can't think like that. Push those thoughts to the back and focus.

Before we burst forward to begin the final hurdle, a clear and crisp sound of someone stepping out of the crowd appeared in front us. Was that an envoy...? No, the feeling she gives off is too eerie and filled with danger.

"That person...she's the ruler of Reunion...Talulah." (Amiya)

This woman...she was like the embodiment of fire and brimstone. The closer she came, the more suffocating the air became to breathe. The shadow which masked her appearance came undone. She had horns that felt like they belonged to a mythological creature. Smoky white hair and a black dress exuding the air of nobility. From her left arm was an armband with the familiar Reunion logo, and to her right side was an intimidating longsword.

"This woman...! Everyone, we must ensure Amiya, Doctor, and the medic teams all escape safely! Otherwise, we'll all be dead at the hands of that living monster!" (Nearl)

"No! If we stand together, we will win...!" (Amiya)

"Think this through, Amiya! Can you guarantee that Doctor will live?" (Nearl)

"Urgh..." (Amiya)

I clenched my fingers tightly. Nearl was right, it's impossible for us all to live facing that walking calamity. I desperately ran through a dozen plans in head trying to cut through this impasse.

"Me and my squad will handle this. The rest of you, find an opportunity to escape during the fight." (Ace)

What are you thinking!? That's just walking to your death! Sharing my sentimentality, Amiya resolutely refused him.

"Rhodes Island will not abandon anyone! I can't stand for anymore sacrifices." (Amiya)

"Then do you wish to die here together?" (Talulah)

My skin crawled from that cold voice. That woman...Talulah, she's concentrating heat around her hands? No, the air surrounding her is being superheated!

"Look out! She's planning on launching her Arts!" (Amiya)

Talulah, she's grasping fire in her hands. The air burst from that concentrated power. She released her palm in our direction, and a wall of smoldering flames flew to us. Are we going to die here?

"Nearl, don't! You can't survive from that, come back!" (Amiya)

I couldn't hear Amiya's distressed call as Nearl's knightly figure dashed towards that ghastly spear. I imagined Nearl's body melting in an instant under that pressure. I was ashamed of myself that I couldn't so much as call out to her to stop.

And just like that, Nearl disappeared, engulfed by in the flames. We all stared at that tragic sight, some of us were almost at the verge of breaking down.

As the flames died down, we only had that despairing expectation of seeing Nearl's charred corpse.

"...Hmm? Who..." (Talulah)

Speechless. That's what all of us were feeling. We didn't see a corpse, but the pristine figure of Nearl unharmed. And in front of her...was another figure of a teenager holding back the flames!? His blue hair wafted from the wind, and his arm outstretched in front of him. You're kidding...he blocked that monster's Art with his bare hand!?

"I barely made it." (???)

" did you manage to survive that?" (Talulah)

That once emotionless now tinged with irritation...and wariness. That distinct neutral face had changed with emotion.

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Other people from my group and Reunion expressed their shock in their own way at the unbelievable feet. Wait...I recognize him! His image popped up briefly from the group chat, but I know him! I moved forward and called out to him, wanting to verify my guess.

"Minato!" (Doctor)

"Ah? You are...Zero Sanity, right?" (Minato)

"Y-Yeah, but can you not refer to me with that username?" (Doctor)

I bit down a wry smile. There was an untold unhappiness I had. Sure, I was uncomfortable from everybody's eyes staring at me, but a new ally appeared at the perfect time, and so powerful too! So it doesn't matter!

"I'm asking you again, who are---" (Talulah)

"Arehh? Is that Minato-kun? Heeeyyy! Over here!" (???)

Another voice again? On top of an empty building was the lone figure of a man with light brown that one Kaito!?

"Yo. You came right on time." (Minato)

"Yeah, my bad. I was busy helping out others." (Kaito)

"Nothing to be ashamed of. This would be our first time meeting in person, huh?" (Minato)

"Mhm. It's really awkward since it's in the middle of a burning city, but there's no fixing that." (Kaito)

Did...did he just teleported in front of Minato? I feel as if the tension from earlier was gone, and the two proceeded to chat like old friends in the middle of everyone's gazes.

"Ah! That one's Doctor I'm guessing? Hello!" (Kaito)

I dumbly waved at his call, further cementing my awkward position. I know unexpected meetings are nice, two, look out!

"Both of you, back away from that spot!" (Doctor)

I desperately called them. The ground beneath their feet was melting and changing into a bright yellow color. The plaza ignited with the two of them submerged under a giant pillar of magma.

"No way..." (Doctor)

The joy I had was chilled to nothing ironically from the extreme moment. But betraying my expectations a second time...the two of them just leisurely walked out of the pillars of magma!?

"Phew, that was hot in there." (Kaito)

"Now that's what I call rude." (Minato)

"You think that lady over there did it?" (Kaito)

Hey, you two, can't you read the air? Why do you look like you came out of a sauna instead of the mouth of a volcano? And oh no, Talulah's got an ugly grimace on her face.

"She's the only one who stepped forward. My intuition tells me that she's the leader of these rabble-rousers." (Minato)

"What should we do? I was hoping to talk things out, but her personality and aura isn't giving me any chances." (Kaito)

"What else? It comes down to us fighting her and the rest of her thugs." (Minato)

"I don't really like doing that. I only came here to get Doctor and everyone with him away to safety." (Kaito)

"Then stick to that plan. These people won't stop chasing them, so just leave me behind to distract them." (Minato)

"That's impossible for me to do. I've come this far without abandoning anyone." (Kaito)

"You're not a fighter, so stay to the side with them behind us. I told you, I'm something of a badass." (Minato)

"...Alright, if you're confident enough to handle ALL of them, be my guest. Just know I'll step in if things go wrong." (Kaito)

"I'll keep that in mind." (Minato)

You can't be serious! You're going to fight them ALONE!?

"So what do you think? Now is a good time to leave while Minato-kun keeps them busy." (Kaito)

And he just teleports to my for his question-

"I can't do that. He saved my life. I will not allow someone so young to throw away his life here." (Nearl)

Nearl was impressive as always having recovered the quickest. I heard concurring opinions resounding in the group, much to my agreement.

"It's unacceptable. We won't leave anyone behind." (Amiya)

"We're all of the same mind. Kid's too reckless for his own good, no matter how strong he may be." (Ace)

"We all agree. He's not going to survive." (Doctor)

Receiving our opinions, Kaito scratched his head with a helpless expression.

"Rationally, all of you are right, and I agree too...but, this is just a feeling of mine. Minato can act cocky and in over his head like the young man he is, but he's capable and fully understands his own strengths. He doesn't say things like that without a clear head." (Kaito)

"You're really going to accept his word just by a stray feeling!?" (Dobermann)

"Then why don't we watch for now? It'll be your choice to run up and help him at any point you feel is out of control." (Kaito)

Aargh! Fine! We'll play along with this madness for now.

"But the weather is indeed a bit...maybe I should just blow it all away...?" (Kaito)

Areh? What did you whisper just now? I must be hearing things. There's no way you're capable enough to do something so unrealistic, r-right?

"Hoh? I thought your other friend would join at your side. You dare stand before the Infected's noble cause?" (Talulah)

"Just me alone will be enough. I can't be the only one here who hasn't done anything." (Minato)

"What the hell is wrong with this guy!? Does he have a death wish!?" (Mephisto)

"..." (Faust)

"Tch..." (Crownslayer)

"What is he planning?" (Skullshatterer)

"What a stupid child." (FrostNova)

"..." (Patriot)

Minato stood his ground before all of Reunion. He pulled something from his pocket...a pistol? How is that tiny thing suppose to enough for that monstrous woman and her group behind her?

"Come to think of it...this would be the first time I get to see Minato fight..." (Kaito)

Oiiii!!! Your baseless confidence in him was even more ridiculous than I thought! You've never even seen him fight!?

My growing headache aside, we all stared at Minato's back as he lifted the arm carrying that pistol. He lowered it and aimed the the side of his head?

"Persona---!" (Minato)

...And then...pressed the trigger.

Doctor: ???

Amiya: ???

Nearl: ???

Ace: ???

Dobermann: ???

Talulah : ???

Mephisto : ???

Faust : ???

Skullshatterer : ???

FrostNova : ???

Patriot : ???

Kaito: ...





Serious-senpai: "...Kaito...I LOVE YOU! You can just sweep all of them away if you wanted, but you left some space for seriousness to happen! I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU!"

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