Peaceful World Invited To The Group Chat

Chapter 8: Nice to make your acquaintance

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What hit me first was the stench of smoke and ashes in the air. The emotion of malice and desperation was abundant, like mud surrounding me. I grimaced and surveyed my surroundings. Fire was everywhere in the deserted streets and good thing was that I didn't sense any enemies nearby. I made my move and teleported on top of a skyscraper in my eyesight.

It seems I wasn't lucky enough to be teleported next to Doctor. I wasn't sure if I was even in the same city as him.

I wanted to find Doctor and his group fast, but I didn't have an image of what he looks like in my memory since his livestream was in first-person...wait, there was that rabbit girl named Amiya! Fiddling with the necklace on me, I used the search magic inscribed inside and felt the pulling direction to the person I'm looking for.

Before advancing, I should notify Doctor that I'm here and on my way. I still had the phone on me and it turned on. I typed a quick comment and left the top of the building.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Doctor, I'm here! I've pinpointed your spot so I'm heading on over.

[Zero Sanity]: Kaito!? What do you mean? What are you planning on doing?

[Singularity Found at the End]: No time, just tell me the situation and let me help bring you and your friends to safety.

[Zero Sanity]: Wait! I might be asking for too much, but we're worried about some of our members. If you spot any people with Rhodes Island clothing, such as having a line of neon blue on their coat and a chess piece embroidery on them, try and help if you can.

[Singularity Found at the End]: Got it.

"I can't forget about Minato, so I'll leave a few gifts for him to help when he comes over." (Kaito)

[<Singularity Found at the End> gifted <Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> - World Tree Fruit x 5]

[<Singularity Found at the End> gifted <Gekkoukan's One-Eyed Monster> - Starry World Tree Fruit x 5]

"That'll do for now. As for how we get back to our own world after this..." (Kaito)

I re-checked the description of the world travel function. It costs 3000 points to travel another world if you have a good enough anchor working as a bridge. Usually that be the other members of the group chat, so Doctor was the case here for Terra. As for going back, I can just do it from my phone, but in the case of Minato whose point of access was his main computer I was worried. Times like this I wished the group chat had a Q&A function.

"Everywhere on the ground is infested with these Reunion people." (Kaito)

I was neither interested in their reasons for doing this, their cause or their pasts. I can only judge what was happening in front of me, and my impressions of them were pretty low. They're just terrorizing everything and everyone be it young or old. I clicked my tongue quietly and quickly pulled out the toy hammer. Flickering my arm with the hammer in hand, one them screamed pitifully and dropped unconscious.

"Good, I can keep my distance and remove some of the problems. Time to pick up the pace." (Kaito)

I still didn't find any Rhodes Island people while in the midst of my excessive teleporting. The most I've done was keeping an eagle's eye and cleaning up any stragglers in the open, allowing for some civilians to escape.

"NHUOOOOHH!!??" (Reunion Member #1)

"GYAAAAAAHHH!!!" (Reunion Member #2)

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" (Reunion Member #3)

Loud screams kept echoing excessively, proof of my work. Dozens of bodies dropped cold on the ground. They still breathe and will live another day. I wasn't interested in the deaths of others nor did I have the heart to kill willingly if I can avoid it.

"UWAAAAAAHHHH!!!" (Reunion Member #267)

"GRUUUOOOHHH!!!" (Reunion Member #268)

"NUAAAAAHHH!!" (Reunion Member #269)

Still, nobody of high-profile was found in my path...wait, who's that over there?

"I think he's wearing a Rhodes Island coat like the rabbit girl. He looks short of breath and being chased by that woman." (Kaito)

A man came to view wearing a clothed mask with a rifle on his back. Near him was a horned woman in black. I teleported next to their spot and made my presence known, causing them to jump in surprise because of my sudden appearance.

"Who the hell are you?" (Woman)

"I'm only going to ask you to leave this man alone. He's important to someone I know." (Kaito)

"Where did this guy come from...?" (Rhodes Island member)

The woman was on the defensive having met a complete unknown like me appearing out of thin air. She pulled a knife out and put on a stance while I stood between them, forming a triangle with us.

"You're in bad shape. Don't worry, I'm here as an ally to provide aid." (Kaito)

"Ignoring me are you? Confident, or just extremely foolish? You've got zero blood from your scent, and your sense of presence is no different from a civilian. But...why the hell can I not sense your shadow?" (Woman)

The woman in black was clearly disturbed. I felt her using some kind of power to read me, looking for my 'shadow' I'm assuming. I can read her emotions distinctly with my sympathy magic no matter how well she hides them. She's nowhere near the level of the people I know that my magic won't work on.

"If you've noticed something, can you kindly leave now? I'm not here to start a fight." (Kaito)

"Listen, brat. If you were smart, you wouldn't have stuck your nose somewhere you don't belong. You've obviously come to save him, but he's at death's door, so you've wasted both your life and time for someone who's dead." (Woman)

"No, I'm certain I've wasted nobody's life or time. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have the power to back it up." (Kaito)

That woman was certainly someone who faced war and horror, a world that I've never experienced in my entire peaceful lifetime. Her bloodlust and killer vibe was hitting me like static through my sympathy magic, but compared to all the other crazy people with their more horrific auras I've experienced firsthand, hers was more like a wild puppy in comparison in my eyes.

"If you're done, I'm going to save this man." (Kaito)

"Some nobody who's never killed a person in their life is telling me off? You're dead, kid." (Woman)

She brandished her knife while I held my hammer. The woman was more than stupefied at the toy hammer in my hands and was even more enraged, thinking I was humiliating her further. She rushed at me with an impressive speed, swinging her arm. The knife was closing in on my neck. That's when my auto-counter kicked in, moving my body to sharply avoid the direction of the blade and stepping behind her back. She couldn't register her surprise or react fast enough before I brought the hammer down directly on her head.

"GBFAHHHH!!??" (Woman)

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She coughed out spit and made a disgraceful sound. Her eyes rolled back to her sockets as she collapsed face and body on the asphalt intimately. It was lights out for her and the mad twitching of her fingers was the one thing indicating that she was still alive. Forgetting about her, I turned to the man who was in utter disbelief at what he witnessed.

"You alright? Can you still move?" (Kaito)

"...Just who on Terra are you?" (Rhodes Island member)

"Does the name Doctor remind you of anyone?" (Kaito)

The man was deadly quiet. He had full caution towards me regardless if I saved his life or not. From the emotions I'm picking up, the name alerted him and he was keen on staying silent for the purpose of protecting the person I mentioned.

"That answers my question. I'm a close acquaintance of his---" (Kaito)

I foregone finishing my sentence and just dashed towards him, shoving him away from an attack who's killing intent I detected the moment they revealed themselves. We landed on the ground, and I got up to see another enemy standing next to the prone figure of the woman.

"You managed to save him, huh." (Mysterious person.)

"And who are you?" (Kaito)

"Hoederer. I thought I could take out that man with your guard down. I admit, I underestimated you." (Hoederer)

The man had dusty red hair that reminded me of Ozma. His face was chiseled and sharpened from countless battles I could tell. He was heavily equipped all around with his gear and armor tucked in a dirty cloak.

"I'm hoping you're not thinking of fighting too." (Kaito)

"I don't know what the deal is with that toy of yours to knock out Ines in an instant. I don't fancy my chances against that, so I'm opting to retreat with her." (Hoederer)

"I like the sound of that." (Kaito)

"Then---" (Hoederer)

"But I don't trust you." (Kaito)

"GRRAAAAAAGHH!!???" (Hoederer)

And he fell like the rest. With a thud, his frame fell to his back and foam formed from his mouth. I could tell a mile away the ill intent all over him. You thought I could trust your word when you planned to kill this man under my watch?

"Sorry for the interruption. My name is Miyama Kaito, close acquaintance of Doctor's." (Kaito)

"...Scout." (Scout)

I held my hand out to him, but he shook his head gently and sat from where he is. Noticing my worry, he opened his mouth.

"I've lost too much blood and I can't so much as feel my limbs anymore. I'm sorry, Kaito, but I'm a doomed man."

That's right, he's injured all over. And life-threatening too. Thankfully I came prepared. I pulled out a bottle from my magic bag and showed it to him.

"Here, drink this." (Kaito)

"Please don't waste anything on me. I don't want your good intentions to---" (Scout)

"I said drink." (Kaito)

I'm not wasting anymore time listening to a man currently dying, so I pulled his mask down and shoved the bottle to his mouth. He resisted, but soon enough from my urging, I heard gulping sounds. He was filled with indignation while I withdrew the bottle and stored it away.

"Pffah! What are you doing!?" (Scout)

"Feel all better?" (Kaito)

"Hey, listen to me----!" (Scout)

Feeling something out of place, Scout looked over his body and found that his entire body was fixed and clean of any wounds. He gripped his fingers and flexed his arms to find that his body was full of energy again unlike his previous state at being at death's door.

But what I wasn't expecting was another reaction from his body. I saw black crystals falling off his body from where there were ugly scabs that healed into normal skin again. Scout looked utterly stunned in place from what he saw, feeling like he's witnessing a miracle firsthand.

"..." (Scout)

"...I think you're mostly fine now. Since you can move, you'll make it out of here alive again with your own power I feel. As for me, I'm going to continue to where Doctor is and help anybody on my way. You're free to follow me if you want." (Kaito)

With my last piece said, I teleported back up to a high building. I took one last look back at Scout and followed my search magic to where Doctor should be. The weather in the horizon looks grim and foreboding of something disastrous. Were those dark clouds the catastrophe Doctor briefly mentioned? I couldn't hear the last words by Scout as I was too far away.

"...Did I just get saved by a god?" (Scout)





Serious-senpai: "To the average person in Arknights, someone like Kaito would appear like an omnipotent god to them..."

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