Percy jackson: into Tartarus

Chapter 4: I get two wife’s for the price of one

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(for this chapter i was going to ship the leto x percy x Artemis but then decided against it)


so I looked around to see all of the god's reactions, and to say they were pissed. Zeus was about to throw his master bolt, and apollo was probably going to pull out his bow to shoot me. Poseidon kept staring at me, most likely because I was familiar with him. Hera had a smirk on her face, aphrodite was squealing, and are had a lustful face on him.

I didn't like ares face so I threw my knife and it landed centimeters away from his manhood. everyone looked at me and ares and to the dagger.

"keep that look off your face." I said, "disgusting asshole."

I waved my hand and the dagger flew back to my hand. I spun it in my hand before putting it back in its sheath. I then looked up at the gods staring at me. I waved at Poseidon and Artemis. Poseidon gave a confused wave while Artemis gave me a death glare. I gave her a smirk, if she wanted me to come here then I'm going to make the most of it.

"who is this demigod that you have brought here, daughter, and why is he saying that you broke your oath," Zeus demanded.

"I didn't break my oath," Artemis yelled.

"alright I had enough playing around, Artemis didn't break her oath or anything of the sort. she was being a brat and wanted me to come here so I wanted to mess with her life for a bit," I said with a shrug.

"I didn't ask you, mortal I asked my daughter," Zeus said.

"okay o lord of douchebags and infidelity," I said with a bow.

Zeus had enough of my BS and took out his master bolt to smite me most likely but I wasn't having it. I controlled his blood and made him fall off of his throne. I started snickering when suddenly I felt a hit to my head. I turned around to be met with Hestia.

"enough or I'm going to ban you from eating blue food," she said.

I sat up immediately and was going to apologize to Zeus when I shut my mouth. I decided to pull off my hood and I was met with the whole council looking at me.

"as I was trying to say I apprehended percy Jackson," Artemis said smugly.

"I let you take me to Olympus after saving your hunters, actually," I said correcting her. that quickly deflated her ego.

"How did you get out of Tartarus," Athena said beyond shocked.

"eh, I do what I want when I want," I said.

"But how did you get out," she asked.

"eh, I don't know. but it's a shame too I mapped out all of Tartarus too," I said with a shrug.

"can I have it then?" Athena asked.

"Nah it's fine you can map it out when you get sent to Tartarus," I said, I stuck out my tongue at her. she should have known that I would say no. but she did vote to send me to Tartarus after all so I was going to drag this out to see how far she was willing to go.

"anyways now that I came here to let you all know that I'm back, I'm just going to go with zoe and do what we were doing before I came here," I said that and I pulled up my hood and headed to the entrance.

(pov zeus)

watching this arrogant demigod disrespect me in front of the council made me want to kill him and be done with him. I also knew that Poseidon would start a war with me if I do that. I needed a way to control and keep an eye on him.

I was thinking of ways to keep him contained when the answer presented itself to me. Artemis ran towards percy to grab him but he just kept dodging.

"Perseus Jackson" I yelled, I watched as he turned around. ' good at this arrogant demigod knows his place.'

"since you and Artemis already had intercourse you will be presented as her husband and her guardian. if she gets hurt this is on you, if I hear that you are not doing your job I shall cast you into Tartarus." I said.

"but we never-" Artemis began.

"eh, I have nothing better to do. I'm still going to continue my job though, Artemis will be second on my list," he said.

"What, what do you mean I'm not first," Artemis said as she glared at him.

"wife can you present the ring to the newly wedded couple," Zeus said.

Hera reluctantly snapped her fingers and two rings appeared on percy and Artemis's fingers. now that the rings were on they were officially married. I saw Perseus turn back to my wife.

"I'm sorry about your husband being unfaithful but please don't take it out on them. they shouldn't be blamed for your husband's infidelity," he said with a bow.

my face went pale when he mentioned my other daughters. no one should have found out for another six years.

(pov percy)

"raise your head son of Poseidon." with that I looked up at her, "tell me about this child."

"I got a message from my Patreon that there were two female six years old being sold on the black market, so I and the recently revived zoe went and raided it. we took the girls and other humans away from them, but we took the girls because they were the youngest and didn't want to be around others.

my partner and I were in the process of delivering Sophie and ashly to the hunt but the sound of fighting was heard so I left zoe to defend them while I went to help. they were attacked by Hyperion and the chimera. zoe quickly took care of the chimera and I took Hyperion and the monsters.

now they are currently with my partner and are safe, I just don't want you to blame innocent demigods. trust me betrayal is not a good feeling, after all, it is something I know all about." I said with another bow.

I waited for what seemed like an hour for her answer but what I didn't expect was for the council to be arguing with each other.

(pov Olympians mind)

"yeah leave them alone you already did enough when you cursed our mother." apollo said.

"ooooo, a lover quarrel. just so fascinating," aphrodite said.

"I say we fight it out and see who wins," ares said.

"I say we leave them alone. like percy said don't blame the children they are innocent." Poseidon said.

"then what do we do," Athena asked, "if we don't blame the children then what do we do."

"make him eat cereal," Demeter said.

"Perseus was the first to find them so that should be taken into consideration," apollo said.

"just don't harm the children," Hestia said.

(pov percy)

"raise your head demigod," Hera said. I raised my head only to see her calculating look. "the god has decided that you should make the punishment for him."

I thought about it for a while before I finally came up with something. "what about doing what he did to apollo. make him mortal for however long you like, and when you decide to make him a god and should he cheat again make the time he's a mortal longer."

"I'm the king of the gods this punishment wouldn't last," Zeus said.

"eh, it's better than Tartarus, at least I have a house down there-" I said before stopping abruptly.

"shit." I cursed. " hades open a portal to Tartarus now." he didn't say anything and waved his hand and a hole to Tartarus opened.

"if you hear a disturbance in Tartarus it's me so don't worry," I said before jumping into Tartarus.

after landing in Tartarus he immediately recognized where he was. he was at the mansion of Nyx. and he wasn't going to be bothered with them and turned around and headed to his hut.

percy didn't stop and killed anything in his path to get there. he sprinted until he finally got there. he set up a system so that if monsters set foot in the swamp they would automatically get attacked by the water until they disintegrated.

I knocked on the door and yelled, "open up it's me."

ten seconds later the opened revealing a beautiful woman with blonde hair. she had a confused expression on her face.

"Where have you been," she asked.

"sorry I went to the overworld to help my friend escape from here when lady Hestia gave me a job," I said before repeatedly bowing.

"ah yes, lady Hestia. she was one of my favorite goddesses," she said.

"yeah, I came back to get you out of here as I promised," I said.

"Indeed I'm glad you keep your promises percy," she said as she stroked a little of my hair out of my face. I blushed a little when she did that.

"I always have... leto," I said.

(flashback year 16 in Tartarus)

percy was walking around to find monsters to hunt for a new pair of boots. he went from hellhound den to hellhound den but couldn't find any. he traveled all-around Tartarus.

he continued to walk or run around when he felt like it. he was running when he saw a flash of blonde in his Peripheral vision. he immediately skids to a stop almost falling. he quickly turns around to be met by a blonde woman.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, but that wasn't what drew him in, no it was those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

"umm, I'm percy," I said speechless for a second.

"I've heard a lot about you," she said.

"I get that a lot," I said scratching my neck, "so what are you down here for."

"I just finished reforming here. What's a demigod such as yourself doing down here," she asked.

"technically I jumped down here, but the Olympian council wanted to sentence me for being a 'traitor' " I said as I air quoted the traider.

"how long have you been down here?" she asked.

percy thought for a while before saying, "I believe it's been about 15 or 16 years."

"is that why I haven't seen any monsters lately, I would have expected to find some hellhounds or some telkhines," she asked.

"yeah I kind of went on a spree with my grandpa's scythe and now most monsters won't spawn," I said.

"so you have my uncle's scythe," she said.

"why are you going to fight me for it," I asked as I slowly reached for my sword.

"no I dislike violence as much as Hestia," she said.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her one last time. "so what's your name, we have been talking all this time and haven't gotten to know it,"

"leto," she said.

"oh, that's a nice name," I said not registering what she had said. then I did,  I turned around and asked, "wait leto as in Artemis and apollo's mother."

"oh, so you know my children. do you know how are they or what they are doing?" she asked.

"no, Artemis isn't a fan of males and apollo is busy playing with women. Artemis started a group of hunters though, it's for females who dislike males, or had a traumatic past," I answered.

*sigh* "like father like son I suppose." she said.

I looked around before asking, "do you want to stay at my house, it would be better than having to walk around Tartarus."

"if you trust me enough to let me into your home then I won't break it," she said.

I nodded before I looked at the map that I had made. I then pointed to our west "it's that way, are we running or we walking."

"whichever is preferable for you," she said.

I nodded before we took off running west. here's a tip about titans, they are fast when they want to be. her blonde hair haired flowed behind her while she ran. she looked over when she saw me staring at her. she smirked and started to run faster, not one to lose easy I also took it up a notch and ran at her pace.

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that was the start of our friendship. she taught me how to do household items like sewing, planting, and other stuff. we would usually eat whatever she wanted chicken, beef, hamburger, or whatever.

that's what we usually did, sometimes we would talk about our lives and how the old and new days were. it was fun to talk to somebody after all these years of being alone. she made the years I spent there less lonely and boring, and I was constantly learning new skills from her.

"I promise when I get out of here I'm going to take you with me,leto," I said.

"hahaha, should you get out of her I wouldn't mind being with a demigod that could do the impossible," she said.

"you know I always manage to do the impossible right," I said.

"let's see how well you do" she challenged.

(time skip present)

"so guess who just found a way out of Tartarus," I said.

"did you now," she said.

"yeah so come on I can't just leave my partner down here no can I," I said.

"well if you say you did I guess ill take your word for it," she said as she came out of her chair.

"Alright follow me were going to be running for a while," I said.

"you're the boss," she said.

"I'm also technically your boyfriend," I said.

she rolled her eyes and we started running towards the same spot that I took zoe. we looked up at the waterfall of the Phlegethon river.

"your sure this is the spot..." she asked uncertainly.

"yup we just got to climb out of here and then we're in the underworld. of course, we're going to deal with my cousin though," I said as I bent down to carry her on my back.

"I can climb myself you know," she said.

"yeah, but I want to make an entrance to the underworld carrying a beautiful woman with me," I said.

"your thousands of years too young to be flirting with me little boy," she said with an eye roll.

"Yeah but it's worth a shot," I said but before I was going to get up I felt her climb on my back. she felt a little heavy but I wasn't going to say that.

"if you can climb to the top with me on your back I might consider your proposal," she said.

"don't get to tell me twice," I said.

with that began my second climb to the top of the hill. this time was harder because she weighs more than zoe. I played the song from Finding Nemo. to pass the time.

this time when I entered the underworld I was met with Nico sitting there waiting for me. I bent down and let leto get off my back.

"Nice to see you again percy," Nico said.

"yo, Nico it's been a while," I said.

"yes, it has, so you going to tell me who this lady is, or is it a secret," Nico asked.

"This is someone I met on my vacation in Tartarus. Nico meets leto, leto meet Nico son of hades," I said introducing the two.

"pleasure to meet you, son of hades," leto said.

"pleasure to meet you too lady leto," Nico said with a bow.

"Please don't bow to me. any friend of Percy is a friend of mine," she said.

"anyways Nico I'm going back with the hunt. if you want you can show up there just give me a five-minute warning," I said as I hugged him.

"I will percy be safe with them, I don't want to meet you down here anytime soon," Nico said.

"I will. stay positive Nico," I said before I grabbed Leto's arm and mist traveled back to the outside of the hunt.

I walked with leto towards the camp, disabling some of the traps, then reactivating them when we left. we finally made it to the center of the hunt, I looked around only to find everyone asleep. I got the idea and mist traveled to Walmart and took an air horn.

I mist traveled back and met Leto's gaze. I pointed at her ears signifying to cover them. she nodded and covered her ears, I raised the airhorn and press the button and the noise rang out.

the sounds of people waking up were kinda funny but weren't when I noticed that all of them are going for their bows. I quickly grabbed leto and mist traveled onto a branch.

less than ten seconds later the hunters were aiming their bows in every direction. I decided to troll a little more and mist traveled the air horn in the middle of the girls and blew it. they all jumped when all of a sudden a flash was seen, and Artemis looked around.

"you better have a good explanation as to what going on or you all going to be doing double the chores," she said. I quietly moved to the back of the hunters with my hood on.

"yes lady Artemis," we all said together, when they heard a more manly voice they looked around only to see me. they pulled out their bows to shoot me but six of the girls quickly made their way toward me.

I started to laugh at their antics, just like the last time they hugged me. I returned the favor and bent down to hug them.

"your back," Alyssa said.

"Yeah, I'm back and I brought food," I said and with a wave of my hand, all their favorite food appeared on the picnic table they had there.

"so now may I know what you did in Tartarus, Perseus," Artemis said.

"your mom," I said with a straight face.

"excuse me, what did you say," Artemis said.

I heard leto laugh in the forest, I signaled that it was okay for her to come. she walked out of the forest with a smile on her face.

"it has been a while hasn't it, arty," she said.

"mom," Artemis asked uncertainly.

"what are you not going to hug me or anything. that is what kids do right, percy?" leto asked me.

"yup, it was the first thing I did when I got out of Tartarus," I said.

"But how did you get out of Tartarus," Artemis asked.

"young Perseus got me out," she answered.

she looked over at me and I gave her a thumbs up. I was about to say 'i made a promise and I intended to keep it' when I felt Artemis hugging me. I felt her crying into my shoulder, I didn't know what to do, so I looked over at leto only for her to motion for me to hug her.

that's what I did, she cried and fell asleep in my lap. I leaned my back against the picnic table and stared at the sky.

"what are you thinking about," leto asked.

"I was just wondering what would have happened if I never went to Tartarus," I said.

leto sat behind me and started playing with my hair. she started to braid it and do multiple things with it. she placed my head on her lap and looked at me for a couple of seconds.

I felt my eyes drooping, making me aware of how tired I was. I looked one last time at her beautiful face before drifting into slumber.

I had a dream that I was fighting gaea again. I could see Octavian's shrimp body getting flung by the onager he tried to fire at Jason. I could help but smirk at his death. the smirk was off my face when I notice something that shocked me. I watched as annashit kissed her brother Malcolm.

if it was real life I probably would have thrown up. thankfully I was still asleep. I was awoken to feel my body being moved. I reacted on instinct and pulled out riptide and put it to the person's throat. I opened my eyes only to be met with thalia looking at me in shock.

"pinecone face," I asked groggily.

"dang what's got you in that kind of mood," thalia asked as I got off of her.

"Sorry, I just got a surprising dream is all," I said rubbing my eyes.

"want to talk about it," she asked uncertainly.

"yeah, I just had a dream wear annashi- I mean Annabeth kissed Malcolm," I said as I shook my head.

"About that..." she began.

"oh damn, that's true," I said.

"yeah, they currently have two kids," thalia explained.

I stood there in shock. they had kids together, I couldn't help but shudder. I looked around to find leto or Artemis.

"were is Artemis or leto," I asked.

"they are currently taking a bath, so you should stay here for now," thalia explained.

I nodded my head when I heard a bell ring. I saw the hunters heading to a tent and looked over at thalia asking a silent question.

"it's lunchtime," she said, "now come on, it's time to eat."

I walked with thalia to the tent and met with the other hunters, I sat by myself so they didn't feel uncomfortable. I looked over at their table and noticed they haven't had anything set so I summoned some turkey and other food.

I summoned two extra plates for Artemis and leto for when they came in. I summoned a hamburger and fries then I summoned everyone a cup of soda and water. I didn't eat yet as wanted to wait for leto and Artemis.

four minutes passed when they entered the tent, leto looked around before finding me in a corner, she made her way to me and sat next to me.

"so why aren't you joining them," she asked.

"I'm a male, didn't want them uncomfortable. besides I'm pretty sure my time in Tartarus has made me nervous in public places," I said truthfully.

"yeah I noticed you never ate in front of me for a while," I said.

"Yeah, I don-" I started to say before my danger senses kicked off, I grabbed leto and rolled out of the way. luckily I did because an arrow was embedded in the log I was sitting on. now everyone was on guard and pulled out their bows.

I pulled out riptide, and pushed leto behind me, making sure she was protected. I got in between the hunt and where the arrow came from.  many arrows came out of nowhere but I quickly cut them down. when they came out of the woods I finally got a lock on this position.

"Artemis protect them, "I yelled.

I didn't wait for her to respond and ran to where the arrows were shot. I used my time powers to make it so the arrows appeared in slow motion. the closer I got the more the arrows came, I finally got to him when I was met with my least favorite giant.

Orion. oh was I going to have fun with him. I appeared in front of him before jumping off his knee and yanking off his mechanical eye. I stabbed him repeatedly in the face over and over. I decided I never wanted to hear about this guy again.

for the first time in years, I took off the ring. out came Cronos (kronos) scythe. I swung it down and it was embedded in his head taking away his soul, killing him forever. I looked over and saw the hunt staring at me with fear and awe. (not thalia.)

"told you my time in Tartarus changes me leto," I said while putting the ring back on my finger.

"That was...that was..." thalia studdered.

"Cronos (Kronos) scythe" answered leto.


hope yall enjoyed it. I'm going to update my other percy Jackson then go to the naruto one. I am probably going to make the ship percy x leto or percy x Artemis. dunno yet though.

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