Percy jackson: into Tartarus

Chapter 7: chapter 7: getting ready to say goodbye

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"don't they dislike males though," she asked curiously.

"pshhh, I'm the only exception to the rule. I'm like the big brother of the group," I said as I lead her away from the amphitheater.

"are you going to be there?" she asked with adoring eyes.

"Not for a while, I have places to defend, but when I finish you will be the first to know," I told her.

"promise," she said holding her pinky out.

"promise," I said fulfilling my side by Intertwining our pinkies.

"Now come on it's getting late, and it's bedtime," I said as we headed towards the Poseidon cabin.

I took her there and summoned some food for us and sat on my bed along with leto.

after she finished eating the plates that I summoned disappeared. I then wished her goodnight and leto and I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6:58 and got out of bed to stretch. walking up to the sleeping leto I planted a kiss on her forehead and went and I took a shower feeling refreshed.

I finished getting changed and I saw that they were still sleeping so I woke them up gently and we started getting ready for our day.

since I was the councilor of the Poseidon cabin, since I was the oldest I took Amy and leto to many camp activities. leto and Amy would stay on the side while I would attempt to do all the training.

I asked Amy what she wanted to see me do, to which she replied the climbing wall.

I started laughing and Amy asked me what was so funny.

"This is how I got out of Tartarus," I said as I began to line up with the other campers lined up. they gave me weird looks but once the person said go I was already gone.

I ran up the wall and used my momentum and jumped to the other side and began to scale the rest of the wall.

needless to say, I was the new record holder of 3 seconds. Amy was cheering for me while leto rubbed her head. we headed to the archery field and I was hit with nostalgia.

"the first time I was here I almost cut off Chiron's tail," I said to Amy who was giggling.

I then grabbed a bow and quiver and then lined myself and took a shot. I hit a bullseye, but I wasn't one to show off, however, I had a little sister to impress.

I then shoot the arrow one after another and they all got split in half.

"Wow," Amy said excitedly behind me.

"Now come on, it's time I teach you the power of what water can do," I said leading her into the lake.

I then started teaching her some of the ways to control it and I told her I'll come back when she's mastered the basics.

I took leto to the bridge and walked on the water and held out my hand.

"May I have a dance, my lady," I said with a little bow.

"of course," she said as she also grabbed my hand and walked on the water without any hesitation.

and although there wasn't any music we still danced to what we thought was a good one.

seconds... minutes... hours... we lost track of time dancing with each other. we stopped dancing when I heard Amy yelling "I did it".

I smiled and lead leto towards where I left Amy. I watched as Amy was controlling a whole ball of water and made it into different shapes.

"good job Amy," I said as we walk inland.

"did you see it, big brother," Amy said excitedly as she ran up to me.

I felt tiny arrows, Peirce, my heart. this must be what it feels like to be a parent.

she jumped up on me and I twisted her around and cheered for her.

the rest of the afternoon was spent teaching Amy new tricks and about archery. I had to say she had a better talent for archery than I did when I was younger.

finally, the conch horn blew for dinner and we arrived at the dining pavilion. we arrived last and most of the kids looked at me with a bit of fear because of what I did yesterday.

I shrugged it off and walked over to the Hestia table. now I was getting more looks.

"I suppose I should welcome Perseus, and thank you for the excellent performance yesterday," I heard "Mr d," say.

"I know, it's almost as entertaining as when you made people go mad and kill their family members," I said with a blue coke in my hands.

almost immediately the hall went silent. I looked directly into his eyes and saw the fire pits in his eyes.

he still thinks he could threaten me, thinking about this makes me laugh out loud. I got up from my dinner table and walked up with my pen uncapped.

"I have seen the pits of Tartarus twice. I traversed the mansion of night with my eyes open and saw the horrors in there. I who befriended Nyx even when she wanted to kill me, and you think you could threaten ME. your courting death" I said before leto stopped me.

(he didn't say courting death. I just wanted to make that joke.)

"he still needs to be kept alive. if you were to kill him then the Olympians wouldn't take kindly to you," she said as she lead me back to my dinner table.

I waved my hand and allowed Amy to come over, alot of the younger kids at different tables looked like they wanted to come to ours, and I welcomed them, after all, Hestia was all about family.

soon my table was filled with many kids asking about the adventures of the famous Percy Jackson.

I told them most of them however I didn't go into the darker stuff, such as Tartarus or NYX mansion.

I had to dismiss the kids because it was already bedtime and Amy, leto, and I was leaving in the morning.

as we headed towards my cabin I told the two that we would be leaving for the hunters in the morning and they would have to stay there.

Amy seem the most upset about me having to leave, but I told her that the people are nice and I will iris message her any chance I get.

that seemed to alleviate some of the burden, leto on the other hand knew that I would be back so she just nodded her head and we opened the door to our cabin and went to sleep.

the next morning we woke up and started packing up our bags, aka Amy. and I teleported us a distance away from the hunter's campsite.

it wasn't hard to find them this time due to the rain. I just used the rain and sensed where they were.

while I was carrying all the stuff we walked carefully towards the camp and I whistled to let them know somebody was coming.

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the bows I was met with made it seem very familiar to the first time I was here. once they saw it was me they reluctantly put down their bows and the kids rushed toward me and hugged me once more.

I put down Amy's stuff and patted their head before I looked up to see Artemis.

"nice to see you again Perseus, mother," she said with a bow of her head.

"lady Artemis, a pleasure as always," I said with a bow.

"so who's this you brought," she asked.

"Amy, daughter of Poseidon. brought her from camp because no offense but camp is not the same as it was," I said with a shrug.

"Are these the hunters you talked about," Amy said excitedly as she began looking around.

"yup go ahead and explore just make sure not to break anything," I said with a wave.

once she was out of earshot I turned to lady Artemis and said to her seriously.

"she will join the hunt because at camp they were out casting her, now I don't want any of that here," I said to her in a calm but dangerous tone.

"Don't worry Perseus, she will be well protected here," she said reassuringly.

"thank you. I will be gone for a couple of months so please be careful," I said.

"When will you be going," she asked curiously.

"Well, I'm going to be going to the Romans and then come back and say goodbye," I told her.

"and will you be back," she said as she raised an eyebrow.

"What, don't tell me the maiden of the moon is falling for a measly mortal like myself," I said jokingly.

she didn't respond but she looked away. she looked fidgety but she looked back into my eyes.

"I know eventually my father would have made me marry someone... knowing hera and all, but I'm glad that it was you and not someone else," she said like a great burden was released from her.

"i-," before I could say anything she turned around and quickly walked away.

I stood there stunned at what happened, however, I quickly shook it off and went to the girls that I saved that were around my sister.

"guys," I said as I got their attention, "I'll be back okay? I have to visit the Romans and make sure they are alright."

"Are you leaving me," Amy said as small tears began forming?

"no, I will come back. I just have to check in with the Romans, and then after that, I will be back," I said.

"promise," she said as she held out her pinky, to which I held out mine.

"promise," I said intertwining our pinkies.

now that I had told them I made my way to leto and sat next to her.

"I heard you're going to be going to the Romans soon," she said as she took a stick and began to draw in the dirt.

"yeah, I have to make sure they are okay, might stay for a bit and find out what's new and then come back before going with chaos," I told her my plan.

"sounds like you made up your mind," she said.

"yeah, I promise I will be back. so you don't have to worry," I said reassuringly.

"oh I'm not worried about you, I'm more worried about your enemies," she said with a laugh.

"yeah... well I best be going, don't want to waste any more time," I said as I got up and kissed her forehead. luckily the hunters weren't around or I'll have arrows shot at me.

with that finished I mist traveled a mile outside of

Caldecott Tunnel and began walking. while I was walking I couldn't help but think about the time I had to carry hera to camp Jupiter.

I saw the Caldecott Tunnel in view and noticed that two sentries were standing outside of the tunnel.

the closer I got the more I wanted to laugh. hazel and frank were standing guard if the entrance.

it seems they finally notice that I was coming and readied their weapons just in case.

when I arrived I didn't say anything and showed my wrist showing my Patreon mark and the seven years of service.

(can't find a proper mark, so just imagine a flame and water intertwining.)

"go ahead and take him while I guard," Frank said.

we entered the tunnel and then we walked towards the praetor's office to announce my return.

we walked and I was getting stared at again, because of either my white hair or because I was walking with hazel.

we finally arrived at the office and I was surprised to find that Reyna was still praetor. we walked forward and paid respect to the praetor.

"you went through the trouble to bring him to me,

Centurion hazel," she said.

"praetor, he was the fifth cohort with 7 stripes," she said, and Reyna took interest in this.

she turned towards me, "what's your name."

I stood in salute and said, "retired praetor Percy Jackson champion of Hestia, and member of the fifth cohort."


hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm going to update necromancer and the demon queen next so enjoy.

if you find any grammar mistakes I blame grammarly.

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