Pissed Off Loli

Chapter 4: Chapter 2: The Undead Loli Mummy

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Darren was having an existential crisis currently, and it doesn't take a genius to know why. In case you somehow don't know why, well, maybe the fact that a little girl is rambling inside a coffin on a table, cursing her mind out, and that little girl just so happens to be Darren should give you a pretty good hint.

Darren was curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth, mumbling to himself. He had a pretty good idea he knew who did this, and it was more than one person. 

His first thought was Past-Prime but, he somehow had a very strange feeling that most of the other Gods there were in behind it. How many or which God was involved, he didn't know. Still, that doesn't change the fact that, as of right now, he currently wants to smack every God he saw in their face.

'Calm down, Darren. Look at the bright side. You're human! They could have made you a monster.'

Darren has heard plenty of stories where the protagonist was reborn as a monster from his girlfriend, who was into those kinds of stories. Darren never believed those kind of stories could happen, especially considering that, if there was an all-important being known as God, they will never reincarnate someone because they made a mistake. Call Darren a heretic but no God is actually going to care for a mortal. At least, not without spending time with them first. And, no offense to the anime his girlfriend forced him to watch but why would God make them overpowered in the first place? Evil is suppose to be evil. That person being there is only messing up everything in the world.

'And that isn't even mentioning the harem trope.' Darren thought bitterly, recalling how his girlfriend had called him the only man who would hate to have a harem.

"Oh buddy, you don't have a clue."

Darren nodded before frowning upon realizing what the voice said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Darren asked, his...her? face turning red from the sound of...their voice.

'Wait! Why am I even considering thinking of calling me a she? I'd be sued if I do that or something considering the fact that I am in the body of a little kid.'

"This story reeks of a harem coming up."

Darren was about to say that his life isn't a story when he stopped himself, realizing that the Gods who did this to him were taking amusement out of his many problems. To them, his life is now a story.

It was then that Darren realized that another thing was wrong.

"Wait a second! Who is talking to me?" Darren asked, uncurling herself-Himself! Himself...


....uncurled himself and sitting on his knees, somehow not harming his knees despite them being bare and touching the coffin ground...though that is most likely due to the coffin being filled with sand. 

He looked around the room he was in, which resembled an egyptian tomb that was falling apart, but failed to see anyone. He did, however, spot an open doorway in the opposite side of the room towards the left. However, that was currently the least of his problems.

"Why I am Black, little cutie!" The voice answered.

Darren felt her-his left eye twitch in annoyance at being called a cutie by some unknown but jolly sounding could-be-a-sleaser voice. Luckily, he managed to pinpoint where the voice was coming from and, because he was still annoyed at being called a cutie, he didn't think twice nor hesitated about reaching up above his head and grabbing whatever was there and throwing it against the right wall of the room he was in.

The thing hit the wall and let out an "Ouch!" as it did so. Darren flexed his left hand which grabbed the thing. Whatever he had grabbed felt fuzzy yet not at the same time. It also felt like slime yet not as sticky. It was really hard to describe. However, when he looked at the thing he had grabbed, he had a feeling he knew why it felt so strange.

It was a floating ball of black light. Darren doesn't know how he came to the conclusion that a floating ball of black is light but, seeing as he already thought it, he now can't get viewing it as light out of his head.

"I touched a glowing ball of...something?" Darren said, her *Cough Cough* his expression one of disbelief and worry. Who wouldn't worry for their sanity when they grab a talking something that they have never seen before.

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"That ball of something is your best chance of hope, ya barbarian!" The ball shouted, floating around in what Darren could only assume to be an angry manner. He has no idea how a ball of darkness or whatever acts when angry.

"Well, I never expected that something like you felt like that," Darren said, her voice tired and her eyes looking down at her left hand. It was understandable that Darren was tired. He did, after all, have his gender changed and life ruined all in one day within a short amount of time.

It was also understandable that Darren never got a good look at himself...or now, herself. In his panic, all he noticed was that his body definitely had a lot of childish features a child would have. He also knows that he has long white hair. Besides that, he has no idea what his new body looks like. So, when he looked down at his left hand, instead of seeing his own hand or even a child's hand, he was long unproportional skeletal fingers warped at the end like claws.

Darren froze, his entire body going cold. He slowly raised his right hand and looked at it. It too was the same as his left hand. His hands were skeletal and dispaporional from the rest of his body, bloody like the flesh had just fallen off. Wrapped around his hands in a few places were bandages that looked like they belonged on a mummy. 

A slow feeling of dread began to spread down Darren's spine as he tested his new macab hands. They worked perfectly and, upon bringing his hands together, didn't feel like bone. However, when Darren brought his hands together, he also noticed that most of his arms, especially below the elbow and close to the wrists, was just bloody bone. 

Darren then proceeded to check his feet and, to his horror, his feet were skeletal too, deformed making his feet look like an alien, his toenails clearly being claws. His legs were at least normal but, not to Darren. To Darren, his legs were too short to be considered legs. 

Finally, Darren opened his mouth and ran his tongue between his teeth, and proceeded to shudder after doing so. His tongue was forked and much longer than before. It also was darker in color, like it had dried up or something. His teeth were also different too, having way more canines than normal and those canines being much larger and sharper too.

Darren didn't know why he did it...actually, he does know why he did it. He was stressed out and needed someone to talk to. So, he turned to the weird ball. There is no other reason, especially desperation, that caused him to do this. Definitely not that he felt like a little girl needing a parent. Yep. No reason like that at all.

"Blackey, what am I?" Darren asked, her voice small and her tone fitting what one would expect from a little girl in distress. To top it off, Darren's new form is very attractive in both the beauty department and the I want to protect department. Naturally, Black couldn't resist flying over and heating up its body so, when it snuggled against Darren, she would feel very comfortable.

As one can imagine, it worked quite well in the state Darren was currently in.

Now, one may be confused and questioning Darren's masculinity since currently she is purring, her purr sounding like a mix between a cat, a dog, and a little girl, but she is making this noise because, currently, her mind is shot and Blackey is making her feel very comfortable. Also, Darren is currently referring to herself as she because of her currently stressed out mind. Understand? Good. Darren thought that was pretty important for you to know.

"Now now, you are you. Not a monster nor some freak. You are you, and I love you for it." Black told Darren, who was on the verge of crying.Though Darren would never admit it at the time, Black was very good at consoling people. 

"A-are you sure?" Darren asked, her weird blue eyes matching the look of a puppy.

"If you really want to know, you can always check by saying status." Black said, before realizing its mistake. It had been to caught up in the moment.

"But you d-don't have to look-" Black started...but was too late as Darren whispered the word status and, like in manga and anime, a blue screen popped up right in front of her.

Auola Zloy Loli

Race: Pharrator/Undead Mummy Loli

Stats: Error

Skills: Error


The Insane Loli, The Crazy Loli, The Gods Of The Council's Plaything, The Pissed Off Loli, The Last Pharrator, The Undead Mummy Loli, Undead Leader Of Pharrintor

Traits: Insane(You're constantly insane. Nothing can change that) Insanity(You see things differently, are a danger to everyone, including yourself, and have too much of a vivid imagination) Angry Loli(You get pissed off seemingly out of nowhere and at the smallest of things...and you're pint-sized) Berserk Insane Super Predator(Congrats! You're insanely overpowered! You get angry over little things while in battle and, the more you get hurt, the more you deal damage and adapt to attacks and your situation, get more powerful, regen, etc. You are also a danger to everyone else besides yourself when angry...which you get while out of battle almost constantly due to your anger issues. Good luck ever living a normal life! - By all the Gods you saw that reincarnated you)

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