Pissed Off Loli

Chapter 5: Chapter 3: Future Goal Set!

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Darren woke up with a splitting headache and a dull pain on his left shoulder. He let out a groan and got up, nearly falling down from how weak his body is. He was vaguely aware that he sensed a ball of something flying over his head and, for some reason, he really wanted to grab it. The ball kinda felt like a fly.

So, after predicting where the ball would go next, Darren's hand shot up and grabbed the ball which felt extremely familiar.

"HEY! What's the big idea!?" A familiar voice yelled, definitely coming from the ball.

Memories of what had happened to Darren slowly filled Darren's mind and he let out a groan and brought the ball to his face, flinching from a sudden spike of pain in his left shoulder as he did so.

"You, Black. What happened? All I remember was lunging at something after your not-so-helpful advice," Darren asked flatly. 

"W-well...buddy. Y-you see, after you looked at your stats-" Black began but was cut off when Darren threw them into a wall, his eyes flashing red for a second.

"Ah yes, my lovely stats," Darren spat out, her voice gaining back its energy. 

Ignoring the cry of pain from his left shoulder, Darren stood up completely and walked over to Black and knelt down. While he was walking, he noticed that he was in a different part of whatever ruined temple he was in. Yes, temple. He came to the conclusion that this place had to be a temple of some kind. There was no other possible explanation.

"So, Black. I'm going to assume that the Gods made you as some kind of guide, right?" Darren asked, trying his best to sound friendly.

"Um, no. They did make me but they just gave me some of your memories before throwing me down with you," Black explained, shaking its...head?....entire body before floating up in the air.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Darren asked, doing a slight growl unconsciously.

"I'm stuck in the same boat as you, buddy," Black said with some slight sass, "so why would I lie about that?"

Darren stared at the ball of something for a couple seconds before nodding and turning away to fully examine his surroundings. Compared to the room he woke up in, this room was decorated with jewels and, even though it still looked like it was falling apart, the room looked fancy. Darren somehow felt annoyed at that.

That annoyance grew when he realized that this room was a storage room and was really just a room between two hallways, meaning this room has no importance. 

'What did I wake up in, a random coffin!? I guess this culture doesn't praise the dead.'

Black studied the room and quickly saw a picture of a mummy-like figure raining jewels on a coffin. Realizing what Darren was unhappy about, Black quickly went in front of the picture before Darren could find it, knowing that they will be affected by her temper if it grows any worse.

Luckily, Darren only spared Black's new spot a glance before he focused on a bigger concern. Like, I don't know, the bad-looking gash on his left shoulder.

"...Care to explain?" Darren asked, surprising her-himself with out calm he felt.

"Well, I figured out that, while you may be OP, you're not terribly so. You're more like one of those hard-to-kill enemies that are usually tougher than the mid-boss," Black explained with a slight nervous chuckle afterward.

"...I get what you're saying but at the same time, can you explain?"

Black let out a sigh and quickly hovered closer to Darren, going to the left of him so he wouldn't notice the painting.

"You went berserk pretty much and started killing a bunch of things, really goblins. Then, the goblins got smart and laid out a trap for you. You killed like, twenty of them before the trap could be successfully sprung but, in the end, one of them managed to get your shoulder with an enchanted weapon before running away. After they escaped you, you walked into a random room, found a pile of...wheat or hay or whatever that is, and then fell asleep."

Darren turned to look where he woke up and realized that he had indeed fell asleep in some kind of makeshift bed like a bird's nest made up of something that looked like hay.

"Well, I should probably find something to cover the wound with. It stopped bleeding but that doesn't mean it is fine. It'll probably get infected," Darren explained his plan to Black with a sigh. 

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Not knowing where he'll find any kind of cloth, Darren looked down at his tattered outfit. He reached down to tear some off but, the moment he thought of it, he shuddered out of disgust and threw the idea away without a second thought. Then, he realized what just happened and reached down again only for the same thing to happen again.

Black watched Darren with a look of confusion, glad that they had no face otherwise Darren would probably be punching them with the look Black was giving her.

'What is wrong with her this time?' Black thought, trying to piece why Darren had, for the fourth time now, reached down towards her tattered garbs only to stop herself with a disgusted look on her face and pull away.

"What are you doing?" Black asked before Darren could reach for her garbs a fifth time.

"I can't bring myself to tear up my clothes for a band aid," Darren explained, his voice a mix of anger and panic.

"Then use a goblin's cloth. While most wore armor, they still had cloth on them," Black suggested, not understanding the situation.

Darren gave Black a look of disgust and disbelief.

"I don't care if I'm stereotyping, I'm not touching any cloth that comes from goblins," Darren hissed, utterly horrified by what Black had just suggested.

"Of course!" Black quickly agreed, not risking angering the loli they are attached to, "But, do you have a better idea?"

Black quickly cursed themselves for asking and watched Darren fearfully. Darren had a completely neutral face, though her blue eyes were slowly turning red, which meant she was getting angry.

"Well, for now I'll guess we start searching," Darren said, breaking the tension he wasn't aware was in the air, his eyes returning to their nice light blue color.

"Before that, I should see how much health I have. If this is anything like a videogame or isekai novel, I should be able to see how much health I have."

Upon Darren saying that, both Darren and Black felt a piece of their soul die from the cringe they just spat out.

"Never say anything like that again," Black demanded in a weak voice, not caring if they sounded rude.

"Agreed," Darren said, feeling like his open is the least of his worries.



Auola Zloy Loli

Race: Pharrator/Undead Mummy Loli

Stats: Health: 4,240/4,280     Mana: N/A     Stamina: 2,800/8,600     Def: 80/120     Needs: H - 300/300, W - 2,200/2,200

Skills: Error


The Insane Loli, The Crazy Loli, The Gods Of The Council's Plaything, The Pissed Off Loli, The Last Pharrator, The Undead Mummy Loli, Undead Leader Of Pharrintor

Traits: Insane(You're constantly insane. Nothing can change that) Insanity(You see things differently, are a danger to everyone, including yourself, and have too much of a vivid imagination) Angry Loli(You get pissed off seemingly out of nowhere and at the smallest of things...and you're pint-sized) Berserk Insane Super Predator(Congrats! You're insanely overpowered! You get angry over little things while in battle and, the more you get hurt, the more you deal damage and adapt to attacks and your situation, get more powerful, regen, etc. You are also a danger to everyone else besides yourself when angry...which you get while out of battle almost constantly due to your anger issues. Good luck ever living a normal life! - By all the Gods you saw that reincarnated you)

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