Pitch-Black Paradise

Pitch-Black Paradise

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Pitch-Black Paradise

Review: 8.3/10 from 6 ratings

The Expanse, one of, if not the most important event in human history completely changed the planet itself. The planet increased heavily in size overnight, countries and borders were destroyed and recreated. Humanity faced extinction as the Drakker, nightmarish creatures that tore themselves out of the void between worlds, made themselves known slaughtering humanity all over the world in the chaos. All hope seemed to be lost...that was until the Framers made their power known.

Parth Hall is a young Framer two hundred years after the event. An evolution of humanity that came about after The Expanse. Granting them incredible powers and abilities a mundane human could never gain. Only one is ten thousand get to gain such power and they are tasked with protecting this world from the Drakker threat. Or at least that is what they are made to believe.

Parth would find himself in the Northern Federation's First Framer Institute as he trains and learns how to use his abilities and gain greater power to what end, he himself is unsure. But there is at least one person that appears to have a purpose for her efforts as she makes him an offer that seems a little troublesome but trivial. He finds that there is much more to what he so casually accepted.

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