Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 113: 109

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Chapter 109: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller (3)


A terrifying-looking poisonous scorpion squatted on her shoulders, with its tail raised, as if it was about to stab her at any time.


The cold air spread from her shoulders to her whole body.


Bi Ming pursed her lips quickly, her blue eyes like translucent gems, filled with shock and anger.


"You are not afraid of being warned by the show team, you can continue." Her face was pale, but she was still calm, and it was difficult to detect her true emotions without looking at her trembling fingertips.


The bad boy could hardly find the flaws in her face, but it doesn't matter—


"This pigeon seems to be scared." He held up the little fluffy ball that was shivering in the air, and gave a big smile, "It's like I'm going to peel it off to the bone..."


"Cuckoo!" The fat pigeon seemed to understand the words of the person who was holding him, and quickly kicked his claws, spread his wings and played dead in the most familiar way.


Bi Ming hated the iron for not being steel and stared at the unsatisfactory white-haired ball.


The black-haired boy stared at her, showing a mocking smile: "As expected of you, coward Egbert." He said the last name by mouth, as the camera was dancing excitedly beside them.


Hearing that Bi Ming had been mocked by her surname, a name suddenly flashed in his mind - the second male guest, Sean Vernal.


This person is the youngest major general and publicity frontman in the history of the military and is also a child of the original owner's mortal enemy.


The energy mine dispute between the original owner's family and the Vernal family can be traced back to hundreds of years ago, and many side branches have died for this.


So the original owner was taught to hate the Vernal family as soon as she was born, and the same goes for Sean. Two years ago, this guy insisted on abandoning the business and joining the army, so he was abandoned by his family.


However, it can be seen that his hostility to her family has not diminished because of him leaving his family.


Bi Ming calmed down and chose to retort: "A person who has been removed from the family has the right to speak of me?"


"Getting my name removed is not a disgrace to me." The black-haired boy raised his eyebrows and smiled playfully, "After all, I can't be like you, having nothing but only rely on your family."


"You—" The always "proud" eldest lady was so angry that her chest rose and fell, her breathing was unsteady, and the anger in her eyes seemed to burn the person opposite her to ashes.


The two confronted each other with swords drawn, but from the perspective of others and the camera lens, it was "sparks".


The popularity of Bi Ming and Sean's live broadcast room continues to rise.


[What are they saying so close, the voice is too low!]


[I seem to hear some family or something... Can the program team strengthen the radio?]


[Sean is too good, the young lady seems to be annoyed by him.]


[No no no, the second male is definitely molesting the fourth female. Spiritual beasts are generally obsessed with cleanliness, and rarely stand on shoulders other than their masters.]


The flaxen-haired baby-faced boy coughed twice as if he wanted to interrupt Bi Ming's tit-for-tat: "That..."


Before he finished speaking, a long phoenix roar sounded from behind Sean, the crimson firebird flew over, the flame star splashed, and rushed straight towards the poisonous scorpion.


The scorpion jumped down from Bi Ming's shoulder decisively, avoiding the hot claws of the phoenix.


Sean turned around at the same time, just in time to meet the cold eyes of the red-haired man behind him.


"Phoenix, are you provoking me?" Sean sneered.


"Bullying the weak is not what a soldier should do." Phoenix said lightly.


Sean snorted lightly, his eyes full of disdain: "Why is she weak, she has sharp teeth and sharp mouths."


"That should not be the reason why you threatened her with a spirit beast." Phoenix's voice was even colder.


Probably because of the live broadcast, they were all very restrained, and the spirit beast tried back and forth for a while, then stopped fighting.


However, the venom spurted by the scorpion during the battle splashed against the wall, dissolving a deep hole in the wall.


Bi Ming's heart skipped a beat, if this dripped onto her shoulder just now, she would be dead.


This was not the case in the original book. She took another look at the black-haired boy who let the poisonous scorpion crawl on the back of his hand.


Bi Ming glanced back coldly, not to be outdone.


"Are you okay?" The red-haired man came over and helped her block Sean's mocking sight.


"Thank you, Phoenix." Bi Ming took a deep breath and showed a somewhat reluctant smile, "It's not a big problem, it's just that my pigeon was frightened by him."


"Cuckoo!" The white hairball was "escorted" by the phoenix and flew back to Bi Ming's arms, and called out twice with lingering fears.


The man's golden brown eyes looked at her steadily: "If you encounter an emergency next time, you can let it come to me and report to me."


The firebird on his shoulder also shook his head and seemed to agree with this suggestion.


"Then I'll trouble you." Bi Ming nodded lightly. After a while, she picked up the blond curls behind her ears with her fingers awkwardly, and whispered, "With your help... he shouldn't bother me again."


As a sentinel, Phoenix's dynamic vision is top-notch, and the thin redness of her face can't be concealed from him.


The man smiled happily, and the phoenix beside him let out a brisk cry, flying from his shoulder and landing on Bi Ming's shoulder where the scorpion had stopped. A burst of warmth drove away the remaining cold air in her body.


"It will remember your taste, and it won't take you in the wrong direction next time." Phoenix's tone was normal, as if he was taking care of a "little sister" whom he hadn't seen for a long time.


"Hmm..." The girl looked sideways at Phoenix's beautiful tail feathers, frowning slightly.


In this world, spirit beasts have the same consciousness as their masters, so unless they form a partner, they are generally not too close.


But her "Bamboo horse" obviously didn't care about her little entanglement, and instead focused on the white dove in her arms.


The chubby pigeon nestled in front of the owner's chest, as comfortable as in a sauna, and the black Peas eyes narrowed.


Obviously, the temperature the Phoenix brings makes it feel extra comfortable.


It's just that its overly honest response, paired with the lady's pretentious calm attitude, seemed interesting to Phoenix.


Their interaction was recorded by the golden camera ball, and the audience in the live broadcast room was already giggling:


[Is it okay for me to buy stocks right now?]


[The fourth male is a hero to save beauty and gentle comfort. If this is boring, I will remove Xingwang.]


[Spiritual beasts exposed everything~ Thanks again for the great invention of the Science Department for allowing us to see these creatures belonging to another dimension!]


[By the way, there are a little less people in the room, didn't you all notice?]


[The third male and the third female are not here, have they gone on a date?]


Bi Ming couldn't see the barrage, but she also noticed that there were two less guests in the room.


The girl's gaze roamed the whole room, past the person playing with scorpions in the distance, the person with the fox on the sofa, the flaxen-haired person who was winking at her, and the person who looked at her with goodwill while petting the rabbit with complex eyes. The pink-haired girl on the stairs finally asked out.


"Is there anyone who hasn't arrived yet?" she asked Phoenix beside her.


"Arnold and Nina are upstairs." Her Bamboo Horse explained briefly, "Both of them are from the Science Department and prefer quietness."


"Arnold?" Bi Ming was not surprised, but still showed a little surprise on his face, "Is that the chief expert of the Science Department, Arnold, the leader of the Human Genome Project?"


"Shh." Phoenix motioned her to whisper, "You can't reveal their occupation to the audience today, but I think some of them should have recognized it."


Bi Ming's mind quickly went through the list of sentries provided in the original work, and was sensitively aware of the greatness of the Federation this time.


The male No. 1 Tang, the Sunshine Harmless Three Good Youth, the super-excellent student of the Federal Superpower Academy, who won the overall championship of the Federal Mecha Contest individual competition.


Not to mention the male No. 2 Sean, this pervert has refreshed the military record, and is the most monstrous mobile force new star has got in recent years.


The third male is Arnold, the high-IQ boss of the Science Department.


Male No. 4, her own Bamboo Horse, the Great lord of distant galaxies without jurisdiction, according to the earth, is equivalent to the independent leader of splitting the earth.


The male No. 5 Christian, with a mysterious origin and an unpredictable origin, is suspected to be the descendant of the royal family of the ancient interstellar empire.


Not counting the first male, unless other people are willing, it is difficult for the federation to invite them.


So what price did the government pay? Bi Ming pondered for a moment, but was quickly interrupted by the communicator on her wrist.


The entire living room received a message from the program group at the same time:


[Dear guests, welcome to the sacred Garden of Eden, where love is born. I wish you a happy 30 days here, find a true partner, and obtain precious temple blessings and huge bounties.


Now post the first phase notes:


1. There are three days' worth of food in the storage room of the seaside hut, and the remaining seven days need to be solved by yourself. There are various ways to obtain ingredients on the island.

You are reading story Please Have a Cup of Green Tea at


2. When leaving the cabin for field exploration, you must form a team of two or more, and the team should include a sentinel and a guide, otherwise the detector at the door will sound an alarm.


3. There is a ruin on the island's long coastline, where the key to the next stage is hidden.]


Everyone's focus was different.


Bi Ming frowned: "How come there is only three days of food? This is not a survival show."


Cecia glanced at her, then smiled at her camera flying ball: "Don't you think this is more exciting? I like challenging things."


In the original work, the contrast between the two affects the audience's impression of them.


As a pioneering interstellar person, people prefers a cool girl like Cecia who dares to challenge.


But at this time, Bi Ming didn't answer her at all, but turned to look at the bamboo horse beside her: "Do you really think the show crew will let us fend for ourselves?"


"Impossible," Phoenix shook his head. "I have seen this island when I came here. The climate is hot and humid, there are fishes and a variety of seafood in the offshore waters, and there are trees behind the reefs to collect rainwater..."


For the Sentinels, searching for food is more like a "Tea time program" specially set up for them by the program team to cultivate a relationship with the guide.


Not far away, the pink-haired girl Lilith was also biting her lips anxiously: "Three days managed meals, seven days ignored, it's only ten days in total, not even thirty days at all."


"Because ten days refers to the first stage, there must be the second and third stages behind." The flax-haired boy sitting on the armrest of the sofa with his legs crossed turned his head and smiled at Lilith, with a smile on the corner of his lips. With sultry little dimple, "After all, this time they borrowed the entire island, they won't let us stay in this area."


Lilith suddenly realized, and then smiled sweetly at the big boy who explained to her: "Tang, you are so attentive."


The handsome boy shrugged his shoulders, but the corner of his eyes stayed on the third point of the message - "The key to the next stage is hidden in the ruins..." This sentence was the focus of his attention.


Cecia stared at the two groups of men and women in the living room, her face turned a bit ugly.


Unlike her initial expectations, why are these sentinels not taking the initiative at all?


Let alone Phoenix, who seems to be related to the fourth female, what happened to the sweet and kind male first?


Why did he choose to talk to Lilith instead of chatting with the closer self?


And the fifth blond man who has been sitting quietly next to him, and the dangerous second man scorpion, are all straight men of steel, right? Didn't you see her being single?


[Host, what's going on? Why did the heroine who successfully attracted everyone in the original book become the object of being left out?] The green tea system was also puzzled in Bi Ming's mind.


[She has not shown value yet.] Bi Ming thought about it, the heroine in the original work did not fascinate all beings as soon as she appeared, but after talking with other female guests about the makeup of the ancient earth, cooking Chinese dishes, and showing her "Profound knowledge", only then she attracted the attention of the Sentinels.


Today's "accident" with Sean accidentally destroyed the communication between the heroine and Lilith about "Makeup skills", but the heroine's famous "Chinese Cuisine of Ancient Earth" should be on the stage tonight.


Bi Ming glanced at Cecia's expression at this time, and was more sure of this.


A woman who is used to being the focus of the world, how can she endure her prey not turning around her?


Soon, the other two guests also came downstairs.


The third male, Arnold, was very recognizable, with silver moonlight-like long hair tied by a hairband of the same color. His facial features are immortal like, awe-inspiring and inviolable, just like a flower on a high mountain.


He was wearing a lab coat, with a huge anaconda circling behind him, which scared Bi Ming's stupid pigeon into her clothes.


Cold, rational, mechanical, these three words are enough to sum up everything about this chief scientist.


The third female Nina is a tall girl with short blue hair, high cheekbones, sharp eyes, elegant and rational conversationalist, and a natural reverence for Arnold.


According to Lilith, the two of them definitely came out of the same unit.


"The science department's blind date has been included in the show." This is a sneer from the villain Sean.


The girls were busy discussing assignments—


"According to the requirements of the program team, we need to draw lots to decide the task." Cecia glanced at the communicator. "The combination cannot be fixed, so we must use a lottery to draw." Her voice carried a hint of imperceptible joy. The way of mixing different sentinels is very beneficial to herself, the self-proclaimed sea king.


The clear-headed Nina quickly clarified her thoughts: "We have a total of nine people in groups of three, who are responsible for cooking, collecting ingredients and exploring the ruins. Although the program team said that the ingredients are enough for three days, we should still prepare and find out where to gather food in advance."


The salted fish's Bi Ming and the simple Lilith chose to applaud.


In order to restore the character, Bi Ming specially added: "I'm not very good at cooking, and I don't like going to the beach to expose myself to the sun. It's more suitable for me to collect ingredients."


A mocking humming sounded from behind her.


She doesn't have to look back to know that the laughter must have come from someone who hates pigeons.


Cecia also looked at Bi Ming with a bit of surprise. It was the first time she saw a princess disease in a variety show who exposed her own shortcomings and didn't care about the audience's opinions.


"You really don't touch the sun with your fingers." The woman thought for a while and felt that this was a good opportunity to step on Bi Ming, "What's so difficult about cooking, I can teach you if I have a chance. As for sunbathing, in the age of stars, people often said that proper sunlight is beneficial to the development of our bones, so don't be so squeamish..."


When Bi Ming heard her seemingly kind but high-level tone, she turned her eyes and pretended that she didn't hear it.


Ignoring is the best kind of contempt, and the eldest lady knows it well.


Just when the atmosphere was about to fall into embarrassment, Lilith also said, "Testai, I understand you." She glanced at Bi Ming's pair of tender and slender catkins and smiled sweetly.


"With such beautiful hands and skin, it would be hard to be exposed to the sun."


Bi Ming raised her eyes and seemed to be very puzzled by her gesture.


However, the other party leaned into her ear and whispered: "I'm still filming the show, bear with it, I will borrow the sunscreen and whitening device that I secretly brought over."


Lilith also knew that she was too abrupt, but ever since she was scratched by Cecia's cat, she has always looked down on Cecia - that woman didn't even apologize afterward, did she really think she was easy to bully?


Out of the principle of "The enemy of the enemy is the friend", Lilith decided to win over the "ally".


The eldest lady who is in close contact with Phoenix does not seem to be a threat, and her pigeons are also harmless, so she should be able to get along well with her rabbits... After weighing it again and again, Lilith decided to contact Bi Ming.


Bi Ming, who never refuses girls, naturally did not refuse this kindness.


Nina next to her was not a good communicator, but she was good at observation, and Cecia's self-righteous remarks were very low in her eyes, so she chose to join two other more "simple" girls.


Perhaps it was because she was also a rich girl, Nina was pleasantly surprised to find that she and Bi Ming had similar tastes.


"Is this ARINA's new top? The color is very good."


"Thank you, Nina, your emerald necklace is also beautiful and pure in color."


"This is the crystal extracted in the laboratory," Nina said with a smile of "You are very discerning." "The purity is 99.9%, the highest in the entire Federation."


The sentries sitting or standing in the back all have five senses that are far superior to ordinary people, so when they heard the girls suddenly switch from discussing tasks to the topic of costume jewelry, they all looked subtle.


"Girls... are they like this?" Tang's eyes twitched slightly.


"I don't know about the others," Sean beside him sneered, "But a woman like Egbert must be like this."


Arnold didn't speak, but the vertical pupils of the anaconda behind him stared at the sofa, lying on the rabbit, revealing a white dove with a fluffy belly.




Except for the great scientist himself, no one could understand the low voice of this giant anaconda.


Arnold was thinking about how to locate the ruins next, but he had to look in the direction of Bi Ming because of his own spirit beast.


Then he frowned slightly, and found that the other party's mental body was indeed very similar to the white bird, the simulated hunting target he usually gave to the anaconda in the laboratory.


"That one can't be eaten." His cold and deep voice sounded beside the giant anaconda.


The giant anaconda flicked its tail aggrievedly, wondering why the small snacks that he usually liked were forbidden to eat.


Obviously this little snack looks fatter than usual, and it must be very vigorous to bite.


The author has something to say: Big Anaconda Snake: Hungry hissing, want to eat… so extra hissing.


The fat pigeon with its belly exposed suddenly shivered.




Oh yes, in order to facilitate memory, the names and numbers of the male guests actually correspond to each other:


Male one Tang 


Male two Sean


Male third Arnold


Male four Phoenix


Male fifth Christian

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