Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 114: 110

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Chapter 110: When Miss Green Tea became the love group controller (4)


In the evening, the hut was brightly lit, and the golden device flying through the living room and kitchen and their high-frequency vibrating wings showed the popularity of this romantic variety show.


The Sentinels are handsome and strong, civilized and respectful, and they are not as easy to "get in heat" as the public stereotype when they treat female guides. Except for Sean's controversial behavior, others have received a lot of praise.


[It is said that the sentinels are barbarians, but I think this guy who manipulates the phoenix is quite graceful.]


[That scorpion man is simply the type I hate the most, actually bullying the guide, I can't bear it!]


[Do you still need to guess the identity of the third male? Can't believe the science department would put their best scientists on a - love show?]


[Is it Arnold? I also found it scary, when he first came on stage, everyone thought he was a lookalike.]


[How many sentinels do you think the Federation has of S-rank and above? It is also very difficult for the government to find people, and it is not surprising that the Ministry of Science has scouted ready-made candidates.]


[Agreed, and the government has recently tried to save the sentinel’s union rate at all costs, plus there are only a handful of sentinels above the S-rank, making Arnold, who is admired by the public, also included in the show. This is more out of political considerations.]


The program team responsible for the background data looked at the comment area and shook their heads with a smile.


"They guessed part of the truth."


"But the public certainly doesn't know how much effort the government has put into our programs," the director who knew the most insides sighed, feeling even more pressured, "After all, if we continue to let the people discriminate and fear the sentinel, the future of the federation will be worrying."


According to the federal survey data, the "Sentry threat theory" among the people has become more and more intense. Coupled with the reduction in the awakening rate of guides, the price of [Guide] has continued to rise, and there have been several small-scale battles among sentinels at the grassroots level.


In the remote galaxies of the Federation, there have even been many incidents of sentinels looting untrained rookie guides, and the scandal soon spread, causing a large number of guides to petition on the star network, demanding the execution of the sentinels who committed crimes.


However, since the sentinel and the guide they captured have completed the spiritual link through physical union, if the sentry is executed, the guide as the victim will also fall into a mental breakdown.


In the end, the federal government could only put the perpetrators in jail, sentence them to permanent imprisonment, and give the violated guides psychological treatment.


"Sentinels are rude, and they will become boar scum when they enter estrus!" The extremists cursed hard, but the normal sentinels were naturally dissatisfied—


[It's not what Sentinels do, let alone in the special period of the combination fever, do you want to force the sentries who can't afford the guide element to die?]


Conjugation fever, also known as "estrus," is a specific symptom that both sentinels and guides without a matching partner flare up around adulthood. Both men and women will be dominated by desire during this period, and reason will evaporate.


"So in the past, sentinels and guides were forcibly matched, and everyone would stay in the 'Tower', and arrange a bonding ceremony as soon as they got old to avoid the loss of control of the two sides. Later, they got inhibitors, which are also contrary to human nature in concentration camps, it will naturally be overthrown.”


Sitting on the sofa cushion, Bi Ming listened to the innocent and lovely pink-haired girl chatting with her about the history of the "Sentry Guide".


Lilith also happily handed Bi Ming's favorite cartoon: "This "Bride in the Tower" tells the story of a pair of men and women who were forcibly matched in ancient times against the will of the 'Tower' and freely combined. The painting is very touching. It is still the number one sales of Xingwang in the year.”


"You actually bought the physical version?" Bi Ming took it over and flipped it over, she liked the appearance more than the content inside, "It feels very high-end to the touch, and it uses birch paper and retro color ink craftsmanship, which is very collectible. value."


"...That's not the point, right?" Lilith was stunned, she didn't expect any girls to be uninterested in such a romantic love, "Tesla, the real value of this comic is the story in it, it tells us to be brave pursue your own happiness-"


"You're right, Lilith." Bi Ming raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes seemed to have a quiet ocean, "But aren't we just choosing our own happiness?"


Her eyes are so beautiful. Such a thought floated through Lilith's mind inexplicably, and then lowered her eyes a little enviously, and coughed twice: "Well, I hope we all get our wish, you know."


Bi Ming smiled.


"What's your wish?" Tang's voice suddenly came from behind the sofa, with a hint of banter.


Lilith turned her head back in panic: "Why, why are you? Are you eavesdropping on us?"


The boy's honey-colored pupils were curved, looking refreshing and clean: "I'm not that kind of person, don't wrong me." He said, and frowned at Bi Ming, his expression a bit funny.


"Then what's the matter with you standing behind us?" Bi Ming was not so easy to be deceive and looked at him coldly.


Tang didn't seem to mind the cold treatment of the eldest lady, and the baby still had dimples on her face: "Testai, you misunderstood, I'm here to find my partner."


Hearing the random words came out, Lilith pursed her lips nervously.


The boy did not live up to her expectations, he turned his head and asked briskly, "Lilith, before the day star falls, would you like to go with me and Phoenix to find food near the beach?"


The pink-haired girl finally couldn't help smiling, and nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"


But when she heard that Phoenix was still there, she took another look at the "ally" she had chosen. The other party's expression was as usual, and she didn't change color because Bamboo Horse was assigned to another group.


She took a deep breath, trying not to sound so cheerful: "See you tonight, Testai."


"Goodbye." Eldest miss nodded, turned and walked in the other direction.


A certain little chubby pigeon also politely bowed its wings towards its new friend, Lilith's rabbit, and then chased the back of its owner.


However, after Bi Ming left, Lilith couldn't help but think of Phoenix, the handsome red-haired man, who was as hot as fire, as if he could melt everything.


Lilith had a secret happiness in her heart, because the next time, whether it was Tang or Phoenix, belonged to her. Although a little immoral and sorry for her new friend, she still couldn't help but fantasize more.


Phoenix, do you also speak to yourself in that gentle voice? It's easy for something to happen on a desert island... But she couldn't bear to let go of Tang, this man was her first choice.


As a little girl full of fantasies, Lilith walked out of the hut shyly and expectantly.


On the other side, Bi Ming happened to meet Nina and Cecia who were talking.


"What's wrong?" Bi Ming walked over and asked.


"Testai," Nina shouted with some surprise, "It's like this, you and I, and Christian are a group, we have to prepare the dinner in the kitchen tonight."


"No, Nina, you just said you can change it with me." Cecia reminded the other party.


"Are you sure?" Nina was obviously puzzled. "It will be your turn anyway. Why do you have to cook tonight?"


Of course, it's because today is the launch day to establish popularity.


Cecia thought to herself, how can she ensure that she will leave a deep enough impression on the male guests and the audience if she doesn't come up with a big killer today?


"Today is the day we met, and I want to prepare a surprise for everyone. Believe in my cooking skills, you will like them." Cecia said this sentence with confidence, even though her skills were placed average in her original world. It's not outstanding, but Chinese cuisine is a lost treasure in this era.


Even Western food, desserts, drinks... these have become luxuries that can only be enjoyed by top nobles in the interstellar era. Ordinary people can only choose nutrient solutions with different flavors, not to mention Chinese dishes.


Seeing her confident appearance, Nina couldn't help but sigh: "Well, then I'll change it with you today."


Cecia was about to show a satisfied smile when she heard the eldest lady next to her also speak:


"Cecia, I'll change with you." Just like in the original work, Bi Ming said slowly, "You know, I hate to touch those weird leaves, raw meat, and smoke fumes with my hands."


"No." Cecia looked at the wings of the other party's golden device and squinted, "...Testai, I said I can teach you, but we can take it slow, but. We have to challenge ourselves with something we are not good at."


Just kidding, with such a good control group, how could she not make good use of Bi Ming to show herself how superior she is by stepping on her?


When she thought that Bi Ming was suffering from princess disease there, and that she herself could perform better under the background of this waste, Cecia couldn't help feeling happy.


Oh, it can also prevent Bi Ming from deepening contact with the second male.


Cecia's intuition told her that although Sean looked bad for Bi Ming, he actually cared very much.


At this time, the barrage was also intensely discussing the performance of the guides:


[Cecia's cooking performance tonight is definitely going to be crazy again. I can't forget the last little fried pork.]


[Among the guides invited by the official this time, the one who surprised me the most was this female. I have been following her Xingwang account all the time.]


[To sum up the current character design: The first female is sharp and cute, the second female is sweet and simple, the third female is smart, and the fourth female is arrogant and arrogant?]


[Pfft, I originally wanted to refute it, but I thought back to when that fourth woman’s suitcases were all carried by someone, and the scorpion could bully her, afraid of the sun and the cooking... She seems really useless.]


[But her face is so beautiful, I was addicted to screenshots in the live broadcast room and couldn't extricate myself.]


[I think it's not only her face, but also her tone of voice and words, her arrogant aura, and that stupid and cute little pigeon... Combined, it's a perfect eldest lady just right.]


The audience gradually discovered that no matter how the topic in the live broadcast room went around, it would come back to Bi Ming.


Whether you like her or not, today's focus is on this squeamish and willful aristocratic daughter.


Just like at this moment, Bi Ming, who was brought in by Cecia to be the stepping stone, was frowning tightly, staring at the prawns that were alive and kicking in the basin.


"Amethyst Crystal Shrimp, a specialty of Vias Coast," Cecia, the 'Chef' wearing an apron, smiled and looked at Bi Ming with a sullen face, "It's very easy to peel off their shrimp threads, I just gave you the demonstration."


The blond man also rolled up his sleeves and looked at them calmly—to be exact, the stiff lady.


"Christian, can you help me cut the cyan melons and fruits into small pieces for later use?" Seeing the man's gaze, Cecia was uncomfortable, but she still raised a bright smile and asked.


The next second, the man's response made her smile freeze.


"Miss Cecia, maybe you enjoy being a chef very much," the man looked back lazily and gave a meaningful warning, "But sometimes you also have to consider the wishes of your companions, don't you?"


The eldest lady next to her who was originally afraid of touching the live shrimp seemed to have finally reacted. She raised her jaw and her blue eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had caught something.


"Yeah, why do I have to peel the shrimp?"


"Do it yourself if you need it, Cecia."


It seemed that she just realized that she didn't have to be controlled by others at all.


But all this has to be thanks to the man's reminder, Bi Ming turned her head and smiled condescendingly towards Christian: "Thank you."


Christian looked at her at the moment, and his heart moved slightly.


After a day of observation, he is familiar with people's hearts and has grasped the characters of all people.


The most interesting of them, naturally, belongs to this arrogant and bullying beauty in front of him.


To put it dangerously, she was too much for the Sentinel's taste. The nature of humanoid weapons is to plunder, conquer and possess, and her arrogance and arrogance, combined with a little cuteness and clumsiness as a seasoning, become a natural catalyst, making it easy for Sentinels to have a desire to conquer and abuse.


Therefore, both the cool phoenix and the stubborn scorpion follow their master's subconsciousness to get close to her, and even the cold-blooded giant anaconda of the scientist is very interested in her spirit beast...


Bi Ming noticed that the eyes on the other side were becoming more and more aggressive, so she lowered her eyes, breaking the subtle ambiguity between them: "I'll go to the storage room to look for other ingredients."


Cecia looked at the man and woman in front of her with disbelief, but she did feel the greatest threat in history.


From her previous life to the present, it was the first time that in the presence of her, the prey she was looking at had flirted with other women.


Well, maybe not "Flirting" - but this to much!


The great humiliation made her spiritual beast, the gray cat, also become aggressive, and the sharp claws made a "zillazla" sound on the kitchen door cabinet.


Seemingly aware of the danger in the air, the white dove, who was originally entertaining itself on the floor, quietly approached the man's vicinity, trying to "Protect" herself with the opponent's huge body.


The blond man was still calmly handling the prawns that Bi Ming didn't want to touch, while his white fox dexterously jumped off his shoulders, ran lightly on the ground, stretched out his claws, and held down the prey that was hopping on the floor. Fat pigeon.


The plump white dove widened its peas' eyes and looked at the white fox.


The pigeon probed in a low voice: "Cuckoo (let go of me)"


The fox smiled.


Seeing that the other party didn't mean to hurt it, the pigeon started to get louder: "Gugugugugu (What do you want)"


The fox didn't want to do anything, but just shook its tail and tossed and ravaged the white fluffy for a while before releasing its claws.


"Goo—" The pigeon, whose feathers were messed up, yelled angrily at the fox, and began to stagger in another direction.

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But soon, it stopped, because the gray cat's blue and yellow eyes were purring at it, as if to swallow it.


The little fat pigeon immediately fluttered its wings and flew back, and then bumped into the white fox chasing after it, and was pressed down by the opponent's claws in a protective posture.


The white fox and the manic cat faced each other, shaking their tail lightly, and a faint mist appeared in the air.


"Meow~" The gray cat who inhaled the mist started to stagger, and staggered to the ground, as if being hypnotized.


Cecia, who was still busy handling the man, didn't pay attention to the movement on the ground. She approached Christian while washing rice: "You peeled the shrimp for her, and remember to cut the vegetables for me, don't treat it differently."


She blinked her eyelashes lightly, and the black mascara and light pink eyeshadow made her cat eyes even more charming and charming.


However, the blond man did not give her the response she imagined, instead he was a little absent-minded.


This is not to blame Christian, he has been paying attention to the small movements of the spirit beasts just now, and his attention was inevitably distracted.


Once the white fox emits that kind of hypnotic mist that confuses the mind, it means that it has actively entered a fighting state, which makes the man a little surprised.


The snow-white fox grabbed the grief-stricken trophy—the fleshy white dove desperately scratching the air, and called out triumphantly.


"Oh, it turned out that you were saving your food reserve." Christian frowned and smiled.


"What reserves?" Cecia, who thought the man was talking to her, asked suspiciously.


"It's alright." Christian shook his head and unscrewed the shrimp head in his hand, still thinking—


Foxes are also carnivores. It's normal to want to find something to eat. The little girl shouldn't mind.


Maybe it's Murphy's Law, the man didn't expect this to happen after a few seconds.


"Christian!" A girl resisted her angry voice and suddenly sounded from the door, holding a few boxes of beef with sharp eyes that seemed to pierce him.


"What's wrong?" The man raised his eyebrows and smiled, graceful.


"What did you say..." Bi Ming's eyes moved to the ground, and her little pigeon was aggrievedly attached to her instep, crying about the "Misery" of being bullied by the stinky fox just now.


The man put down the kitchen knife, rubbed the ring on his finger, and gave her an innocent expression.


"You mean to thank me for helping you with the live shrimp? It's alright."


The eldest lady was really angry, she turned her head, took the beef slice, and hung the pigeon hanger on her feet, and walked in the other direction.


As a handsome guy who can do anything by relying on his face, Christian reminisced about this fresh feeling of being deflated, and finally he could only smile and shrug.


How can the matter between the spirit beasts be counted on his head?


According to Gu Lanxing's words, this is considered a continuous sitting, right?


At dinner time, the sumptuous Chinese delicacies were brought to the table one by one, in addition to the braised mullet, sweet and sour grilled steaks, cold melons and fruits from Cecia the "Chef", there was also a dish of boiled shrimp made by Bi Ming.


Before serving, Cecia stared at Bi Ming very complicatedly: "How did you think of homemade sauce?"


"The origin of family learning." Bi Ming replied, "As for the taste of the sauce, it is a secret legend of the Egbert family, you don't have to keep asking."


Cecia's mentality was a little unstable. She didn't expect that the shrimp that she gave up was unexpectedly restored to the dish of "Boiled Shrimp" by Bi Ming, and the other party's sauce was actually the same as that of boiled shrimp. The taste is very good.


When the other six people who came back from the "exploration" outside sat down, they looked at Cecia in different ways.


"These are really ancient Lanxing's lost delicacies? You made them all?" Tang's voice sounded a little surprised.


"It's not all, both Testai and Christian have helped." Cecia smiled, "Hurry up and try it."


"I made the shrimp." Bi Ming nodded, "The sauce is on the side, it tastes better when dipped in it."


Christian beside her added in a low voice, "We did it."


Sean played with the tableware and let out a weird chuckle: "Egbert, wouldn't your food poison people?"


Bi Ming glanced at him lightly: "Then don't eat it."


The black-haired boy picked up the fork and stretched out to the plate of boiled shrimp: "Forget it, I'll try the poison myself."


Phoenix, who came back last, sat on the other side of Bi Ming, picked up the plate and started to enjoy dinner slowly.


Nina and Lilith shared outside intelligence:


"We didn't find the ruins. Our travel speed is already very fast, but the calculated position is wrong. Dr. Arnold said that we need to recalculate."


"We found three kinds of edible fish in the shallow sea, two kinds of crabs and scallops, and the purple moss on the reef can be used as vegetables. The woods are too far away from us, but Phoenix has checked the situation."


At this time, Phoenix was praising Bi Ming's ingenious idea of combining this homemade sauce and shrimp, and the two whispered, apparently undisturbed by anyone.


Lilith, who was waiting for the man to answer, twitched her lips awkwardly, realizing that her pause was meaningless.


Well, she tried to convince herself that she understood, but she was still vaguely uncomfortable.


This evening's experience was not very good for her. Tang and Phoenix traveled fast, she couldn't keep up at one point, and later expressed it countless times. 


This is a love variety show. Did they think they were filming "Survival on a Deserted Island"?


But fortunately, Tang was more attentive and brought a cooling spray with him. When she was tired, she recovered almost as soon as she used it, so she didn't get tired of it.


As for Phoenix, he had completely returned to the state he was in when they first met. He was aloof and inhumane, and it was difficult for her to even talk to him, let alone develop any secret thoughts.



After everyone's meal was over, the program team sent a new order tonight—


Hold a "Tea party", separate for men and women.


In the tea party, the guests need to sit around the tea table to discuss their views on all the guests of the opposite sex, and the whole process is to be broadcast live.


After the tea party, everyone has to send a "Favorable text message" in the communicator, and only one person of the opposite sex can be selected.


The increase in this link is obviously set up by the program team to make things happen, or to attract traffic.


At night, on the cool and private balcony, the four girls sat at the round table, looking at each other awkwardly or calmly.


"How do I say it..." The first person to speak was not the lively Lilith, but the calm Nina, "Let's not be so awkward, let's just talk casually?"


"Then you start first." Cecia smiled.


"Okay," Nina herself is not a coy, "First of all, I want to explain to you, don't always look at me and Dr. Arnold with that kind of eyes."


"Huh?" Lilith's sluggish mood was suddenly replaced by gossip. "Aren't you and Arnold a pair?"


"I can't announce my occupation today, but you should have guessed some information about me and the doctor." Nina bit her lip and said annoyed, "I didn't want to come at first, but they insisted..." As she said this, she saw the flying golden ball and stopped.


"If it's inconvenient to jump over, we won't force you." Bi Ming smiled at Nina, her face in the half-light and half-dark light, as beautiful as a spark in the night.


Nina responded with a grateful smile: "Anyway, I came here for very complicated reasons, but I will never sully Dr. Arnold, that feeling... It's like letting you fall in love with a famous person in a textbook, scary."


The other three nodded, expressing their understanding: too much admiration for a person makes them afraid to have other thoughts.


"Then who do you like better?" Lilith asked with concern.


"Not yet," Nina sighed, "Tang looks cute, but not my type. Sean, I don't think it's necessary to mention it. I'm not going to think about scaring Testai today."


Lilith breathed a sigh of relief and her smile became more relaxed: "What do you think about Phoenix?"


Nina glanced at the pink-haired girl angrily, and then expressed her attitude towards Bi Ming: "Don't worry, that guy looks like black metal in my laboratory when you are not in front of him. He is hard and cold and emits negative radio waves."


Lilith stuck out her tongue: "Actually, I also found out, I can only say that Testai is so powerful that even this kind of man can be subdued."


Cecia rolled her eyes in the shadows.


But Bi Ming shook her head and her voice softened a little: "Don't say that, Lilith, he is the brother I grew up with, and I don't have that kind of relationship with him..."


It is not easy to evoke the softness in a man's heart and let his already cold heart recall those vague childhood days.


Bi Ming knew that the original owner had failed. She thought that Phoenix was still the pure white young master of the year, and she also thought that she had enough bargaining chips to let Phoenix choose her. Unfortunately, the more this is the case, the farther people will be pushed.


Because Phoenix needs to "re-recognize" his childhood sweetheart and "re-shape" his long-standing memories - counting on that little friendship in his childhood is tantamount to losing a gamble.


From the beginning of the encounter, the "Testai" in the eyes of man is the character that Bi Ming carefully prepared for him. Every detail of getting along is just her now, and Phoenix will beautify the past memory through the good impression of the present.


This is Bi Ming's game.


Others saw Bi Ming's serious rebuttal, but they didn't get to the bottom of it. Anyway, only the parties themselves knew about the relationship.


"So, Nina, what do you think of Christian?" Finally, Bi Ming brought the topic back.


The blue-haired girl showed a blank expression: "Christian, who is he?"


"Cough, male guest No. 5." Lilith almost choked out her tea.


"The one who looks a lot like Testai?" Nina shook her head. "Sorry, I may need more time to get to know him."


Cecia looked at Nina, who had no desires and no desires, and was extremely calm. She thought to herself that Nina had come to the show for a vacation.


"Okay, Lilith, how about you?"


"I think," Lilith smiled a little mischievously, "All five are handsome, Tang is clean and hearty, and his mouth is sweet, but I think he is the type who looks good, but is absolutely unruly in his bones..."


When the other three saw that she started talking about Tang with a blush on her face, they knew it all at once.


"As for Sean, it's hard for me to say," Lilith continued. "After all, his badness is only for Testai. I don't seem to have seen him as gentle. Then there's Arnold, if I have Cecia or Testai's face, I will challenge it. As for Phoenix, skip it for the same reason as Nina. Christian, the black-bellied old fox, I feel like I can't hold it at all."


"Okay, I know you are going to Tang." Nina patted Lilith on the shoulder, "He is also very good, the first place in the mecha competition, and he will definitely be a super genius in the military in the future."


"Mecha contest?" Lilith was confused.


"First place?" Cecia also widened her eyes.


Nina was shocked that she had lost her words, and quickly closed her mouth.


"It will be announced tomorrow anyways," Bi Ming said calmly, "Don't worry too much, you will know soon anyway."


"Yes, and it's not far from the next day now." Nina also glanced at the golden ball that was shooting and comforted herself in a low voice.


When it was Bi Ming's turn, her opinions were basically not different from those of Lilith and Nina, but she added a "Childhood sweetheart" when describing Phoenix, and when she talked about Christian, she brought a little arrogance unique to the eldest--


"He, he has a bit of excess."


Cecia silently agreed in her heart, but when asked how she felt about everyone, she gave her a sloppy look:


"Well... I think it's almost the same. I haven't met anyone who I like very much for the time being."


Nina nodded: "That's just like me."


Cecia twitched her lips, 'Just like a ghost.'


Compared to this kind of tea party where she exposes herself to a competitor, she just wants to hurry back to her room and see how many boys will text her tonight, okay?

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