Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 75: 73

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Chapter 73: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (2)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Two weeks after the mid-season game, LPL ushered into the transfer period before the summer game.


During this period, the personnel of the major teams will undergo a lot of adjustments and changes.


In the game forum, half of the people were discussing the transfer period, and the other half were still reminiscing about BU's mid-season championship.


As a veteran giant like BU, naturally, there is no need to worry about the team changing too much.


"The strongest person is already in the formation."


This sentence can be used to describe the current BU team that is in full swing.


Lin Nan's ex-boyfriend "Yang", with the support of winning the championship and the promotion of the club, has become the youngest and most potential genius jungler in the Hu country. Coupled with the popularity of his love affair, his status has risen.


The e-sports world is so real, with a champion, you can have everything in an instant.


Therefore, Bi Ming, who is related to him, just posted a Weibo in the morning, and it was quickly moved to the forum, which attracted a lot of attention.


The content of this Weibo is very simple, that is, Bi Ming shared a screenshot of the segment she just played:


"Climbing to the top of the canyon [Drinking tea] continue to rush~"

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The top of the canyon, as the name suggests, is the strongest game area at the top of the League of Legends. To enter that area, you need to submit an application and you are only eligible to enter if you reach a certain rank.


On weekdays, the top ten on the list are basically famous anchors or passers-by kings.


But now, for the first time, a girl has appeared at the top of the national server. This is a huge gimmick in itself. Coupled with the emotional experience of Bi Ming's e-sport hostess fame and the genius jungler Yang scandal, it instantly set off a bloody storm on the forum.


The unanimous reaction of the players is to doubt:


"Is this really her ID? Did she hire a power trainer?"


"You can play and get the first place by being boosted, so what are you doing with a booster? Isn't it nice to go directly and become a professional and sign up for a million-dollar contract?"


On Weibo, the group of people who mocked Bi Ming every day—including Chen Zeyang fans and BU team fans, couldn’t accept that this “Bad woman” would actually become the first woman to climb to the top of the canyon:


The first hot comment: "You really did it yourself?"


The following one is more "reasonable": "Explain, you have only started to go online frequently in the last month. You have never been a master in the past few seasons, and you have drilled two times at most. How did you become the king of wild passers-by so quickly?"


Soon, this comment was pinned to the top.


The players were outraged, and they all said that they must report Bi Ming to the official and ask them to fight on their behalf.


"You, an e-sport host, dare to cheat openly?"


In this regard, the forum has also discussed a lot, and the fans do not believe it is normal.


First of all, Bi Ming is a girl. You must know that in the game of LOL, there are very few girls who can reach the master or grandmaster rank in a single row, let alone the King. Moreover, Bi Ming's climb to the top this time to the level of the King, is at the speed of national professional player level. This is the top of the canyon, the top of the pyramid where all the high-ranking players compete.


Secondly, players generally look at the opponent's common heroes to judge the opponent's main position. Before Bi Ming came, the original body had been involved in various positions, probably because of the professional habit of observing the changes and playing different styles of heroes in different positions.


After Bi Ming came, this account was basically dominated by strong jungler heroes.


It's hard not to think that she is being boosted.


"Sister Nan, which brother helped you in this fight, can you give me the contact information?" Some extreme remarks also appeared in the comment area.


When everyone believed in their own judgment, Bi Ming finally appeared and picked this reply:


[The first Lilia in the national service with a 75% win rate. Do you want to make an appointment? Wait until I finish the hanbok. ]


Under that comment:"???" 


"Is this a post that you are looking for a substitute? Let's report it!"


"Idiot upstairs, can't even see that Lin Nan is being sarcastic?"


"I'm going, it's crazy, Lilia, is now the number one national hero of LOL, I can believe it—"


Tl note: Lilia is a hero in the LOL game who is regarded as a bit weak.


Soon, this reply and Weibo post quickly became popular in the game event forum. Most of the players were male, and they quickly went to the Hanbok account.


"Damn, it's not like she is the wild passer-by king who has more than 1,000 points in the Hanbok, right? The ID is exactly the same!"


"[Thriller][Thriller][Thriller] I said why the nickname in this screenshot is so familiar, jugginglin, the passer-by jungler that pro players often encounter when playing Hanbok recently."


"Damn it, this jungler is awesome, are you sure it's Lin Nan?"


After Bi Ming resigned, almost every day except for sleeping and beauty routines, she spent all the time on gaming.


As a high-end green tea with countless men, she is a high-level player in her own world, especially LOL and Hanbok, the two most popular games with the largest player base, she has very good awareness.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Of course, there are also reasons why those top players "masters" thought her account was good.


And when she came to this body, she felt even more what talent was.


The instant reaction ability of the original body is unmatched by anyone whom Bi Ming has met.


A large amount of information enters the brain, but it does not appear to be blocked at all. Instead, it can find the most suitable processing method and feed it back to the body in an instant.


It can only be said that the original host is worthy of being the fastest-rising female host in LPL, and this responsiveness is of great help to both translation and hosting. But what makes Bi Ming deeply regretful, is the fact that the original owner did not realize how powerful her talent would be in the game.


She can play quite amazingly in the game League of Legends by playing whatever hero she wants.


This is an innate advantage that others cannot help but envy.


Bi Ming now has both a high sense of play and a strong reaction and operation ability. It's not too fun to play. Many operations that she could only dare to imagine before are now easily done. As for being often asked by teammates and professional players how she was so good at it. What could she say?


During this period, she also encountered many professional team youth training camp coaches asking her questions. When they heard Bi Ming saying that she was a woman, and she was 21 years old, they basically had nothing to say.


On one hand, the status of women makes them afraid to choose her easily. On the other hand, the youth training is generally cultivated from the age of 15 or 16, and gradually entered the LPL from the secondary league.


Bi Ming is still waiting patiently. She has studied the 16 existing LPL teams and their game videos from last season. She has a plan in her mind. Now she only needs to wait for the transfer market to heat up before she has a chance to join them.


At present, she is interested in three teams that are in desperate need of junglers.


One is currently the second-to-last team, which is made up of all newcomers promoted from the secondary league, and their potential is yet to be developed.


Another one is a popular mid-range team with many veterans, but the jungler is a rookie. Because of the poor performance last season, the fans of the team are clamoring to change the jungler.


The last team is the third runner-up in the Spring Split. The newly established team PG (Peak Glory). The team was made last year and got a lot of fame from the most popular video platform. The players conquered the entire LPL in just one season and quickly grabbed a huge amount of money and heat(fame).


It has also been called the "Beauty Team" and "Idol's Team" by the outside world. In the beginning, this was not a good word, but a mockery by the public.


In the competition circle, the number of fans of the old giants are stable, occupying most of the country, and the rest are basically swaying passers-by fans supporting whoever is stronger.


And the team PG(Peak Glory), with a heavy carrying capital, took the biggest fish in the transfer period, the former BU mid-laner and world champion Shi Zhong, got the highest transfer price in history as soon as he entered the team.


Shi Zhong, who was only 21 years old, had already stood on the stage of the World Championship when he made his debut at the age of 18, and won the global championship that countless players dream of.


Logically, he should be a successful young man with a smooth road from now on, but after the championship, it was a nightmare.


When he was 19 years old, the team's eldest brother and the top laner retired. The jungler began to indulge in arrogant peach colors because he was proud of the championship. He often hung out with female anchors and did not practice with the new hero characters. Other players appeared more or less the same. The slack mood and neglect of training led to a decline in the team's state.


Soon, in the new season of the following year, the results of this world championship team plummeted, and the whole team was sprayed from the sky to the bottom. After struggling for a while in the summer split, they recovered, but they fell in the last game while competing for tickets to the world championship.


As the only stable output point of the team at that time, Shi Zhong had basically been in the blood for a season. The team relied on him for more than a dozen game operations to make a thrilling comeback. At that time, the teenager gained four kills, five kills one after another. Kill, shouldering the hopes of all the fans of the team.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

But he still couldn't hold it anymore, because of his exhaustion, he looked at the computer that was close at hand helplessly and desperately, but his fingers and body couldn't move anymore.


On that day, the audience went silent.


Even the opponent's fans couldn't help sighing when they saw the handsome young man's face on the big screen, like a piece of plain paper, without any blood, and his chapped lips were even bitten with blood oozing out.


Immediately, the BU team played the substitute mid-laner, but it was useless.


Shi Zhong is the only one who carries the entire team forward. Without this pillar, the situation on the field was basically one-sided.


Fans who lost the chance to enter the World Championship and were extremely disappointed scolded under the club's official blog, and some even ran to Shizhong's Weibo to ask fiercely:


"Why can't you hold on any longer?"


"You play one more game, and we would have entered the World Championships. Why did it take so long to be not fine, and something happened today?"


Shi Zhong's fans are so hated this and their eyes bleed-


"Are you fans inhumane?"


"Brother Shi stayed up late to train every day during this period and was asked to save the crazy team by himself. Who wouldn't have a nervous breakdown?"


"He's a human, not a god. The schedule is so dense that the Sima Club didn't even get to bring a team doctor. See each of his teammates and scold them!!"


At that time, an earth-shattering war broke out in the BU Chaohua platform, which was torn into a ball.


In the second year, Shi Zhong's contract expired and he left.


The BU manager posted a message suggesting that they could not keep the champion mid-laner because the price agreement could not be reached, which immediately caused a sensation in major forums.


Fans of the BU team fought passionately, thinking that Shi Zhong had been recovering from illness all season and wanted a high salary, which was shameless.

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"Ingratis traitor!" was the most vicious curse they gave to the mid-laner who once led the team to the championship after championship.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

At the same time, the new team PG(Peak Glory) who bought the LPL quota officially debuted and signed Shi Zhong with the highest annual salary as soon as he was released.


Immediately, this local tyrant club signed two more popular twin gamers from abroad, as well as an "older" top laner king, and finally dug a well-reputed junior jungler from another team.


The unifying characteristics of these players are-


The appearance is very high quality, let alone in the e-sport circle, they can even compete in the entertainment circle.


The men in the competition circle were watching jokes at the time. Except for the mid-laner, the others were all for fun, right?


The women in the competition circle were very excited and prayed: "As long as the results are not too bad, I will be a fan right away!"


Then, in the first season, the "Idol's team" brought a whole new storm.


It was really strong, not only could it make the playoffs, but it also took third place.


If it weren't for the lack of running-in, and the jungler pulling his hips too much, they could have achieved more than that.


However, in the current transfer period, the atmosphere of the PG base was a bit different.


The hall that has been transformed into a training base is very spacious. The metal design with a sense of technology and the intelligent lighting system looks like a spaceship cabin.


"Ahem, listen to me first," Guo Xiong, the club manager standing in the center of the cabin, asked the players very seriously, "Today there will be a few junglers coming for trial training. All the junglers you think are suitable send me their WeChat, and I will refer to everyone's opinions to decide on the final candidate."


"They're all weak—" A boy with his back to the manager turned his head, his delicate white face had shallow dimples, and he looked a little naughty, "Not as good as the guy from the second team."


This boy with an angelic appearance is Meng Dongliu, the assistant of PG.


At this time, the boy with a similar face but a more indifferent temperament also let out a light snort.


"There's been too much bullshit in the trial training in the past few days. I think you should stop engaging in the All-China class. Go and buy a player from the North American division. I can give you some recommendations."


The manager smiled awkwardly and looked helplessly at the twin brothers—


"Dongliu, Xishang, please spare me, the only requirement of the headquarters sponsor is that the team only needs Chinese people."


Now the LPL has won the World Championship, but none of the All-China class (all Chinese in the team) have won it. This is why each major team prefers to choose weaker domestic players rather than better players from other regions.


The young and handsome twins shrugged their shoulders and hooked their lips. The two looked at each other and stopped talking.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

They are the half-brothers dug up by the manager from North America, one was playing support and the other was playing AD.


Tl note: AD is Attack Damage


Guo Xiong still remembers the battle of robbing people at that time. The North American division offered a high price of 40 million annual salary for these two high-value 18-year-old stars, which was almost equal to the domestic big-name players. As a result, these two guys still chose PG.


The reason was simple:


"I like challenges. North America hasn't touched the World Championship for five years. There's no point in staying here." This was Meng Xishang who plays ADC.


"I'm not short of money, I just want to go to a more fun place." This was Meng Dongliu, who plays support.


Although they are mixed blood, the twins were brought back by their mothers to register when they were children, so they have a very strong sense of belonging to China.


"Dingbei, what do you think?" The manager felt that the picky twins would not be satisfied, so he turned his hopeful eyes to the honest man - the top laner of the single-row Hanbok king, Li Dingbei.


The boy whose name was called was exercising his hands with a grip ring in his seat. Hearing this, he tilted his head slightly, revealing a tough and serious face.


"I think the same." He was wearing a black T-shirt, with obvious arm muscles and well-developed chest muscles. With a height of 1.91 meters, he looked like a giant tower, full of oppression.


His figure was inherited from the family. This man who planned to be a physical education teacher after graduation from Beitian Sports did not expect that he would be attracted by the professional team and entered the professional circle since he played the Hanbok for a summer vacation.


He is 22 years old, and in this circle, basically, no youth training team dares to ask for him.


However, PG dared to use him and let him go to the team. This kind of trust moved Li Dingbei. Facts have proved that this passerby king who has not experienced professional training also quickly revealed his talent in the field of top orders.


"There are still a few people to try out today, so be prepared."


"Got it." Li Dingbei replied.


"Yes, sir~" Meng Dongliu waved his hand and then started to play with his brother the recently popular two-player trick game.


The manager's heart turned sad, everyone is so careless, do they intend to let the little jungler who has been sent to the second team come back?


He turned his head to look around and found that there was one less person in the hall: "By the way, what about Zhong?"


"Brother Zhong went downstairs to get takeout. It doesn't have your share, Big Bear—"


The manager nearly choked.


Looking at it again, it seems that it is almost time for the appointment, that person... will she come?


At the same time, downstairs.


The tall man picked up a large bag of high-calorie foods such as pizza and fried chicken from the front desk.


The greasy smell made him frown uncomfortably.


As he entered the elevator, a faint mint smell wafted beside him, dispelling his discomfort.


Turning his head, he was slightly taken aback.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The person came with short, fresh, and clean hair, tall and elegant, wearing a very simple white T-shirt, the hem was tied into a very playful knot, just to block the navel. The flat belly and the graceful waist down, are the blush peach hips and slender thighs, and the design of the ripped jeans reveals the porcelain white skin inside, which is tempting to daydream.


Shi Zhong couldn't describe the slight fluctuation in his heart.


He had never seen a woman like this—


No shyness, confident and high-spirited showing every inch of the body, full of coolness.


At this moment, the other party made a hoarse and charming voice: "Hey, Shi Zhong, which floor are you going to?"


It seems to have the meaning of teasing others, like a feather in the chest.


"You...recognize me?"


"I'm not an idiot that I don't even know your face."


"I-I'll press it myself." He turned his head away, trying to ignore the other person's bare waist and smiling red lips.


But in the next second, he found that the button to the floor where the training room was located had been lit by the other party.


He felt that the other party was a little familiar, and couldn't help frowning: "Are you... a new staff member?"


"No," she raised her eyebrows, leaned against the side of the elevator, and put one hand in her pocket, "I'm the new jungler on this team."


Shi Zhong looked down at her seriously: "A newcomer for trial training?"


The other party raised her eyebrows recklessly and proudly: "Yes, my name is Lin Nan, do you know me?"


A slender and white hand was put forward towards him.


Shi Zhong was startled at first, and finally matched the person in front of him with the hostess in his memory, and couldn't help but stare into her eyes: "I know you."


She interviewed him, but she wasn't like this then —




"Am I not the same from long ago?" Bi Ming read this meaning from his eyes.


There was a little more interest in the man's expression: "Lin Nan, you look very confident."

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Bi Ming tilted her head casually, and the arc of the red lips raised became deeper and deeper, "Correct, it's not what it looks like."




"People's self-confidence comes from strength. You should know this very well, right?" When she spoke, her eyelashes twitched, and there seemed to be infinite amorous feelings between her brows and eyes.


In the small elevator, the two looked at each other, as if the traction between planets was natural and extremely mysterious.


There is a subtle atmosphere that begins to ferment in the air.


The author has something to say: 


Korean server - Korean server area; national server - domestic area.


Why do you want to play Hanbok: Because there are many high-end games there, professional players are playing there; there are many domestic players and the atmosphere is less pressuring.


Transfer Period - The team has a staff adjustment at the end of each season, and can sell players or buy players.


The top of the canyon - the expert area of the League of Legends, which is full of great gods.


MVP - The best player in the game.


Passerby King - A non-professional team player who played super well.


Division: China Division LPL, South Korea Division LCK, remember these two are almost the same.


There are also top singles - mid singles - junglers - ad-support in MOBA games, so there should be no need for popular science (serious face, I believe everyone has played the games or watched brothers and sisters at home?)

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