Please Have a Cup of Green Tea

Chapter 76: 74

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Chapter 74: Sister Tea relies on herself to kill the whole alliance (3)

#Original translations on —do not steal.

In the room where the tryouts were going on, there was no sound other than the rattling of the keyboard.


It's not that PG's players don't like to communicate, it's just that it's unnecessary.


With its own third-tier advantage and Dragon Soul in hand, what words do they need?


Wait for a wave of team battles, and directly crush and win.


Twenty minutes later, the opponent's second team was destroyed, and they simply surrendered.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The top, middle and bottom lines of PG are all operational monsters. With the dominant level and resources, no team in LPL can turn the tables in front of them.


There was a shortcoming in the jungler before, but now... that jungler has been assigned to their second team.


At this moment, the delegated little jungler teammates opened their eyes wide, and the fingers holding the mouse were trembling in disbelief.


"How, how is it possible..."


"How could she beat with a trash character like Lilia, like this?"


Sitting in the jungler seat, Bi Ming was looking at the victory icon lit up on the computer screen, and lightly hooked her lips.


The original hanging was really easy to use.


Teammates are also very strong.


She has never played such a good match.


Coincidentally, others thought the same.


They often collapsed because of jungler mistakes last season, and now they finally have a feeling that their shortcomings have been filled and become a boost.


On the settlement screen, Lilia of Bi Ming won the MVP with a sturdy record of 14/0/6 and a rating of 13.6.


14 kills, 6 assists, and 0 is showing the number of times she died. And no one has played better Lilia than her, even though this was her first tryout.


After everyone released their mouse, they all turned their attention to the newcomer.


The delicate and sharp lines, the black hair that fell to the ears, and the arrogantly raised eyebrows, all showed the strength and androgynous beauty of this woman.


You know, when Bi Ming entered the base, most people thought that the manager Guo Xiong was crazy.


No normal man can ignore a woman's fair and graceful waist and long legs wrapped in jeans, just like Megan Fox, who once fascinated men and women all over the world in "Transformers", leaned against the bend of a car. In the classic scene of the waist, she just stood there, and the temperature of the entire base began to rise.


For the club, it's a double-edged sword.


The good thing is that if she can really enter this team, even if she is just a substitute in the second team, it will be enough to drive the whole circle crazy.


More internet traffic, popularity, and commercial endorsements... will surely come to their team like a monstrous torrent.


The bad aspect is that her strength and physical strength, can it really support her to play professionally?


But PG's manager Guo Xiong is a very thoughtful organizer. Under the fierce competition, he can lead a newly created team to set off a hurricane and win four players who are excellent in both appearance and operation. It has been explained the precision with which he sees people.


At this time, he stared at Bi Ming's back, just like when he saw Shi Zhong and the BU team's cancellation of the contract, and even his blood began to boil.


Signing her, his team will definitely become a highlight in the entire LPL history, no matter whether it is successful or not.


PG(Peak Glory) will become the first team in the circle that dares to use a female player.


Of course, the most important thing is that he saw that Bi Ming's professional awareness and operation are not inferior to any male players.


This inexperienced piece of jade needs to be polished faster to catch up with the upcoming summer game.


At this moment, in the silent training room, someone finally remembered where he was and made the first sound.


It was Meng Dongliu, this young man with an angel-like face smiled softly, and looked sideways, his eyes fell on the woman's slightly raised red lips:


"It's amazing, as expected of a thousand-point jungler in Hanbok."


The way this woman brutally killed the other side, just now was really... too wild.


Coincidentally, Bi Ming turned her head to look at him at this moment, her long eyelashes trembled, like a smile but not a smile:


"Younger Brother's hook is also very fierce."


The sexy hoarse voice is like light smoke, gently touching everyone's heart.


With thresh's assistance, Meng Dongliu, who used a precise hook, helped Bi Ming to cut down three kills, couldn't help but bow his eyes proudly, then suddenly remembered something and shook his head.


"No, don't call me that." He coughed lightly, "I'm an adult."


Meng Xishang's dark eyes finally looked at Bi Ming who was sitting next to Shi Zhong and snorted.


He and Meng Dongliu had just turned eighteen, at the age when they hated being called "Younger brother" the most.


Especially hearing from Bi Ming's mouth, it gave them a subtle feeling of being underestimated.


"I heard that you are the No. 1 Lilia in the national server," Meng Xishang also said, with a hint of provocation in his handsome eyebrows, "Can I dare you to try another hero?"


There are many players in the trial training, all of who have a hero walls, that is, they are only good at one or two good heroes, and other heroes are smashed.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

Therefore, professional teams must select players based on the depth of the opponent's hero pool.


For example, if Bi Ming can only play Lilia, then as long as the opponent bans this hero in the game, the PG side will be finished.


"Okay, which one do you want me to play with?" Bi Ming turned her head to look at the other boy across from Shi Zhong, who raised his eyebrows lazily, and looked at each other, "You can choose whatever you want."


Meng Xishang felt burnt by the bright smile in her eyes, and subconsciously moved his eyes to his computer screen, his voice became colder:


"Panther girl."


This is a traditional strong jungler that tests the player's skill level.


Bi Ming sighed in her heart, this kid is really interesting, and he picked the best hero as soon as he picked it.



Soon, the next game ended in twenty-three minutes.


After drinking the water, Bi Ming has already started the massacre.


Final record: 21/11/2.


The Leopard Girl with 21 kills and 11 assists, 2 deaths, as players often say—


"Nine generations of ten leopard girls, and one generation in the middle."


The second team went silent, and a cold sweat broke out.


They are all professional players, and after one or two games, they can basically find out the level of the opponent.


And Bi Ming was undoubtedly the most breathtaking genius among all the junglers in the trial training.


Shi Zhong looked calm, but his fingers were still on the keyboard, and there was a slight excitement in his breath.


In the early stage of the game the linkage between the middle lane and the jungle, the middle road was directly cleared by his murder weapons which stacked kills within twenty-five minutes without worrying about the jungle, and the game was simply hearty.


Such a strong jungler is an irresistible temptation for any operational mid-laner.


"Big Bear, let's make an appointment with MLG for a training match later, let her try it out." Shi Zhong, the captain, made a final decision.


Replacing the opponent from the secondary second team to the LPL midstream team MLG is obviously a great affirmation of Bi Ming's ability.


And Bi Ming quickly repaid this trust—


A few hours later, a message from a well-known whistleblower appeared in the post bar:


[PG tried out a new jungler, and killed MLG in three rounds of the training game. It took an average of 21 minutes per round. It seems that they have dug a treasure. The other teams in the summer split should be careful.]


The following group of demons dances:


"No, it's just a training match."


"The opponent is MLG, and it's not a stinky fish or shrimp, it's quite powerful."


"Don't rush to a conclusion, the level of the rookie can only be seen in the official game."


The happiest are naturally the fans of the PG team. Although the team has not officially announced, they have long been eager for a reliable jungler to fill the last shortcoming of PG.


"Is this a rookie or a veteran? I heard that the three-way burst should be an experienced jungler?"


"Not necessarily, it may be a rookie jungler that our family dug in LDL. I pray that an 18-year-old junior jungler should have 'Nan' in his name so that we can get all the directions and lanes cleared haha."


Fans have been jokingly saying that their team is also called the "Direction Team". The names of the players coincidentally constitute the east, west, north, and the "Zhong" name of the mid-laner meant "South".


That's why they teased the junior jungler a lot last season.


But these are all off-court words. The most important thing is that they all know that League of Legends is a team game. When there is a breakthrough in the team, it will soon be developed by others in the team to target tactics.


For example, PG, who was very close to the championship last season, was helpless in the semifinals because of the gap between the junglers.

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So now, all PG fans are looking forward to this new jungler.


That night, Shi Zhong started the live broadcast to play the rankings. As a top player with the most popularity in the LPL and a lot of black fans, quickly opened his live broadcast room, and posted real-time recording posts at the post bar, forum, and in Chaohua simultaneously, and began to see people watch happily.


"Clock turned on the camera tonight, hehe, I seem to understand something..." Clock was Shi Zhong's game nickname.


“New jungler, new jungler, new jungler—I’m looking forward to—”


"Brother Zhong's song today is very light, which shows that today's training game was really cool [Dog head]"


"The idol team get out of LPL! Shi Zhong is the biggest cancer!"


"Seal the house, the sunspot is going crazy again."


The house management immediately began bubbling and quickly banned the sunspots from speaking indiscriminately.


The barrage was dense, and the gifts were bombed one after another. It only took a few hours to open the account and see, tens of thousands or even a dozen or two hundred thousand running water-like comments.


Last year, after the termination of the contract, Shi Zhong changed the live broadcast platform. The first night of the first broadcast received nearly one million rewards, which once broke the defense of many sour lemons on the forum.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

"Is this the star player with the most fans in the league?"


The reason why PG is so hated is because it is the first team to attract more than 4 million fans in a season with just their faces, dare to sell handsome characters, and attract countless new fans into the pit.


You must know that the veteran giants who have played for decades have only six or seven million fans.


As for Shi Zhong's teammates, the bot lane twins, as handsome mixed-race guys, won't say how many female fans who were not interested in e-sports at first, came climbing and became fans. Due to which many fans of the home team couldn't bear it. With regards to these two eighteen-year-old twins, who have a good heart for bot lane cooperation have a crazy fighting style, as their own little wall.


The top single, Li Dingbei, is very popular among male fans. When he wants to show, he shows unpredictable moves. When he wants to be stable, he is the unmoving boulder. Against the background of the tyranny of the top single in China, he has become the sustenance of countless fans who can be shameless.


The popularity ranking is even more intuitive. Now, except for the world champion team BU, which can barely beat PG, all other teams have to avoid them.


In this case, every detail of Shi Zhong's live broadcast is infinitely magnified, and a random signal can start a fan-black war on the forum.


For example, the e-sports team of a green forum caught a detail:


"Is there one more person in Shi Zhong's game friend list?"


Someone below replied: "I just recorded a video, look for playback..."


"The number of his friends in the last live broadcast was 240, and now it is 241. It should be their team's new jungler."


After a while, the careful fans saw a detail: "Fuck I seem to know who the jungler for the trial training is..."




"Look at Clock's dialog, although it only stopped for a second, but I took a screenshot-"


Fans with supernatural powers enlarged the game dialog box that was closed in seconds as soon as Shi Zhong went online, and found the Korean server account of Bi Ming with the ID named jugginglin in the chat history column on the left.


There is only one message in the dialog box, one doesn't know if it was sent to her by Shi Zhong or if she sent it to Shi Zhong:


"Happy cooperation in the future."


This post quickly built a building in the e-sports special group, and the number of replies soared.


Immediately, the content of the post was moved to Tieba and Somepu, PG's new jungler, is Lin Nan, the ex-girlfriend of BU jungler?


Public opinion about Lin Nan was very complicated now.


At first, many people thought that the female e-sports host was looking for a substitute to score points.


However, someone made a special call to ask the game's customer service, and the other party's reply was that after official testing, no violations of the account were found.


And the Hanbok account with the same ID climbed to the top of the King list with thousand points, which also completely coincided with the time after Bi Ming resigned.


Now the public opinion is polarized, and those who believe it feel that it is rare for a woman to play games so well, so they should stop spraying.


Most of the people who don't believe it are BU's team fans and Chen Zeyang's only fans, as well as fans of female anchor Mu Yu. They believe that it is the official cover-up, and their words were fierce.


And now the news that Bi Ming is suspected of becoming a new PG jungler came out, it was like an atomic bomb was put into the forum.


The whole LOL circle was in a sensation.


Seriously, looking for a woman to race?


This PG really dares to play, it's not enough to be a "Good-looking team", and now they want to add the first female player in the league?


And it is also crucial to play, field, and position!


While there were a lot of talks outside, Bi Ming had signed a one-year contract in the manager's office.


Of course, Guo Xiong didn't dare to sign someone for three to five years as soon as he came up, and there were many restrictions on the one-year contract. For example, Bi Ming the starter would be canceled after losing a few games in a row.


The basic salary is not high, 500,000 a year, which belongs to the lowest level in LPL.


But Bi Ming was not in a hurry, because the high bonuses and business endorsements are the big ones, as well as the share of the live broadcast, the club basically gave her the same treatment as the other team members.


In other words, as long as Bi Ming can achieve good results, the treatment is basically star-level.


After all, the league has developed for more than ten years, and there has not yet been a female player who can stand in the official arena.


This shocking traffic and bonus depends on whether Bi Ming can seize it.


"Okay, then I'll let the team leader show you our base and get acquainted with the environment in which you will live next, how about it?" After putting away the contract, the manager smiled gently, "All rooms have bathrooms. You can tell the team leader or me what you lack, after all, there are also some female staff living on other floors of the club.”


PG's wealth is also reflected in the fact that they have contracted an entire building as a team base.


The bottom two floors are the e-sports trend hall for fans to visit and play, and they will also sell various souvenirs, hero figures, and team members' slogans and pass cards.

#Original translations on —do not steal.

The next two floors are the logistics of the team and the office area of the management staff.


Then, there are two floors of the base. The first floor is a training room equipped with a private network, and the first floor is the area where the team members live. The corridors are spacious, the cafeteria serves food all day, and there is a dedicated audio-visual entertainment room.


No staff members, male or female, have permission to enter the dormitory floors of the team members. Everyone's doors are equipped with expensive and sophisticated fingerprint locks. Hotel-style management provides the team members with the best accommodation conditions and private space.


This is why Guo Xiong dared to arrange for Bi Ming to live in. Each suite is independent, and there are no embarrassing situations such as public bathrooms and toilets.


It just so happened that it was past nine o'clock in the evening. After the training game, several people took the elevator upstairs one after another, preparing to go back to their room to rest.


When Bi Ming picked up the suitcase she had kept downstairs, the lady at the front desk looked at the woman with short black hair propped up on the marble round table, looking at her with a smile, she couldn't help blushing a little:


"Uh...that...if you need to pick up express delivery or takeaway...just tell me."


"Okay, can I add your WeChat?" Bi Ming shook her phone at her and smiled.


The lady at the front desk's heart was beating wildly.


Mommy, how can there be such a flirtatious woman in the world?


No, I obviously like Brother Shi and the others... But, this sister is really beautiful, how come her eyelashes are so long, and the shape of her lips makes her want to kiss...


What to do, it's over, for the first time she found out that she would be crazy about a same-sex—


The little sister handed over her WeChat in a daze, and after a long time, she still had a honeyed smile on her face.


On the other side, Bi Ming, who was holding a black suitcase in the elevator, boredly brushing the game forum, arrived at the team's dormitory.


As soon as the door opened, she found two tall figures in front of her.


It's the twins.


"Isn't this our new jungler?" Meng Dongliu has an outgoing personality, and his angelic smile makes people subconsciously relax their vigilance, "Why does the big bear let you carry your luggage alone, and he doesn't care about our newcomer so much?"


"The luggage is very light. You don't need to bother the manager about it. After all, I am taking the elevator." Bi Ming put one hand on the pole of the suitcase and raised the corner of her mouth, "Or do you want to help?"


The twins looked at each other, and then Meng Xishang, who had his hands in his pocket, took two steps forward and took the woman's box coolly:


"What's the number of your room?"


Meng Dongliu was stunned for a moment, and found that his brother, who was still complaining to him before, had snatched the other party's suitcase first, which was a bit incredible:


"Hey, brother, you're playing foul!"


He felt that he could no longer trust his brother, and in the training room, he still looked like a stinky face, and as a result, his face changed after the training match—


Obviously, he was the one who talked to her first, but Meng Xishang, this dead and arrogant stone, actually ended up stealing the show.


Bi Ming pressed her lips and couldn't help but chuckle: "Thank you, you really said the same as Manager Guo, everyone is very enthusiastic."


Meng Xishang looked back at her, only to see the woman's snow-white skin and pleasant smile dazzlingly bright under the light in the corridor.


Meng Dongliu followed closely, his eyes swept across Bi Ming's waist and buttocks admiringly, and then landed on her short and cool hair. Every strand of hair seemed to be dipped in light and swayed in the wind.


They are boys who grew up in North America, and their aesthetics are more inclined to such mature, sexy, confident, and sunny women.


But at the same time, their superior innate conditions make them extra picky.


And the girl who is so pretty and charming in character, appearance, and even the style of playing games in front of them, let the two big boys who uphold the idea of being in love experience for the first time, the so-called fate.


Her red lips are like fire, like a deadly poison, no one can resist.

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